>>24941723"You're far, far too clever Twilight. I can't believe you actually stumbled upon this. Sigh. What I'm about to tell you is something no one else knows, not even Luna. I'd appreciate it if you kept it confidential?"
"All right."
"Thank you. After I banished Luna, naturally I was very sad. I threw myself into ruling Equestria. Every little problem in the country became my problem to solve. Eventually, the nobles got tired of my micromanagement and started to complain. I was indignant! Imagine the gall of these self-entitled louts, complaining about my trying to fix things. I began to see the court and ultimately the country as undeserving of my hard work. Sound familiar?"
"It's starting to."
"Well, unlike my sister I didn't go off the deep end. At least, not at first. I simply started taking more liberties with my position. I started to spend tax dollars on personal effects and beautification projects. Vanity projects really. And I started to take lovers. First one at a time and then several at a time. Within a generation I had become quite the libertine."
"You..? Wow. I thought maybe you just tried to conquer another country or something."
"Ha ha, why would I do that? I already had control of the most powerful nation in the world. No, I was more interested in hosting orgies and practicing Prima Noctis."
"You're joking?!"