More fanart from I Am Nude, of dejected Luna with her stuffed toy.
>>27917795>"I promise, though. We really are trying. Really.">Celestia sounds like she's trying to convince herself as much as she is you"Yeah. I can tell."
>"Anonymous...">She sighs>"I'm sorry.""Why are you apologizing to me? She's probably the one who needs it more."
>"I tried, though! I really did! I want to see her happy.">She touches your shoulder, and for a moment the party seems to recede>"Please... even if it's just a favor to me. If you got through to her, can you promise you'll come back? She really needs a friend.""Why are you doing this?"
>You step away from her, suddenly feeling a lot less comforted by her presence than you were a few hours ago>"Doing what? I just want to help my sister.""Then why are you..."
>You look for a place to set the beer down, but you're left just awkwardly holding it"Why do you always try to push her onto other people? Why can't *you* be her friend?"
>"I trid! But, well, you know how she is.""You keep saying that, but I don't know what you're talking about."
>"How do you not? She's so...""So what?"
>"I don't know. So... strange. I try to talk to her, and I don't know what to say.">Celestia rubs her shoulder, staring at her sister's glum corner of 2002's family photo>"Everyone else I've ever met, I can talk to. It's easy! But not her. Maybe it's me, I don't know. But I just can't make it work. And I hate it.">She leans against the wall>"I'm really no good as a big sister, am I?"