>>24351828> You are Anon"I'm sorry about that.." you and Shining break an awkward silent ice while you walk towards Cadence's room.
> "You know what Anon? I think that I don't even want to know." He said blandly facing foward while walking." Yeah... Sorry anyway..." you uncomfortably rub your neck walking by his side.
> Your little meltdown left you feeling humiliated.> Yet the idea of having Luna be there for you to support you through this seemed to put alot of nerves at ease.> You still don't mostly understand it, but with her helping you, you feel like you'll be alright.> But that didn't help with the nerves with the situation at hand.> You were about to be in a room with Twilight's sister-in-law and brother.> And now Twilight as well..> You had to be convincing enough to them to grant you a divorce..> No problem right?..> 'What could possibly go wrong. What havoc have you brought unto us now..' A quiet bass echos in your mind to accompany Shining's hoof clacks in the quiet hallway.> Your eyes lower and shoulders sag slightly.*****
> You are Celestia> " M..more cake Princess? " A nervous server asks standing a small distance away.> You only nod.> Cake is good..> Cake helps when you feel down.> It's always there for you.> Never putting you down.> Or calling you lonely.> Or running off with your star pupils husband.> It's just good.. icing covered cake.