Quoted By:
Bumpin' with Bon Bon.
>Day Night Owl in Equestria.
>It's 3 in the morning.
>You've been up for 2 day straight.
>Because of Fucking Fluttershy...and the rest of the mares in the town.
>You have your house on lock down.
>More specifically your bedroom.
>You got locks on your locks.
>Window sealed shut with magic glue and blessed by Celestia herself.
>She's still bootymad about you making her take time out of her busy schedule just to bless your house.
>Why? Oh yeah, it's the time of the year.
>The time of mares raping anyone in sight and can get away with it.
>You even had to keep Bon Bon out.
>She's just drenched in crazy along with Fluttershy.
>Currently, you're in the safest place you can be, upstairs your bedroom.
>Surrounded in pillows blessed by yo nigga, Sunny D Celly.
>Damn it that name is going to stick!
>Your dresser is blocking the path of your door.
>You have a weeks worth of food, a mini fridge AND a toaster.
>Because, a samich isn't a samich if the bread isn't toasted.
>You have 20 gallons of energy drinks made by Pinkie Pie herself.
>You've got energy for days on these bacon trays.
>Suddenly, Bon Bon flies into your window and smacks her dripping pussy against the window, humping it.
>Dafuq Celly? So much for blessing your house.
>"Anon! Let me in! Let me come inside!"
"Bonnie not right now, you're WAY too horny."
>"Please Anon? You can trust me babe."
"How did you fly into my window anyway?"
>"Anon now is not the time to question logic, come babe, please? Just a quick rut!"
>Against your better judgement, you walk over to the window.
>Out of nowhere, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash fly into your window as well, causing the window to crack a little bit.
>"HI ANON!!"
>You scream like a little bitch and jolt away from the window.