>>33259824>Write faster Ephemeral. What you have so far is pretty hot. Definitely want to see the next part sooner rather than later.Once a week updates is about what I can manage at the best of times sadly. I don't think I can crank it up faster than that without hurting quality significantly. My process has a lot of trial and error and usually I end up throwing out or redoing 25% to 30% of what I put down on paper. Sometimes ideas just don't work or something doesn't feel right, or I realize there's a big plot hole. It's more important to put out good work than have twice a week updates to me, but I'm trying hard to be faster.
>>33260631>It's too soon in this story for full on intercourse. This was perfect. Endearing actually.Awesome. That's what I was I had in mind when I wrote it. It felt too soon and this way I had something I could use later.
>I wouldn't be surprised if she's grooming him to be her perfect lover. Better yet, they eventually start a romantic relationship too.People keep asking for this. I think they did end up showing chemistry so it makes sense why people want it now, but what I've more or less been aiming for is this idea that you can fuck strangers in Casual sexquestria, but your friends share a particular sexual bond because they have genuine affection for you. Defining where sexual affection ends and romance begins is a hard question to answer in this setting. Rarity in my mind would be that one friend who you could come to for relationship or sexual advice, and in this setting, she'd help by showing you techniques or relieving the stress herself. But it's also easy to imagine her being interested in more than that and hoping Anon makes the first move, while also guiding him on how to be a good lover, dropping hints along the way. Maybe I'll put up a strawpoll after other characters get a chance to shine and see if people want a romantic end with X pony included. I never planned on a herding/romance end but I don't mind.