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Here's a thing I came up with. Enjoy it, or don't. Pic unrelated-ish..
>I am Sweetie Belle.
>Cutie Mark Crusaders Daredevils did not go as well as we had hoped.
>Who would have known the ramp wouldn't support us all three?
>We ended up crashing a some pony's cabbage stall.
>We're back at the clubhouse and I'm still finding splinters in my mane.
>I'm just glad we got away before they could see us, but the others look pretty upset.
>Scootaloo had spent days planning this one...
"This is your fault! I knew that ramp looked flimsy!"
"Don't try ta pin this on me! Ya were rushin me and breathin down mah neck!"
>They have arguing since we got back, and it's only been getting worse.
"Girls, please..."
"Shut up, Sweets!"
>You don't know what to do, this should have blown over by now..
"I rushed nothing! You just can't keep the time!"
>Apple Bloom is starting to look angry..
"Ah bet ya have never put nuthin together!"
>But Scoots doesn't seem to care
"Nuh uh! I put together a sick set of wheels together, that actually WORK!"
"Don't compare mah work to that stupid toy of yers!"
>Scootaloo is now looking angry too...
"Your bow is stupid!"
"Mah bows were made very perfectly by mah mum!"
>Scootaloo scoffs at her
"You're dead wrong! Like your parents!"
>Applebloom gasps, taken aback...
>What can I even do..?
"You only even know them from photos!"
>You don't think you've ever seen Scoots this angry..
"That does it!"
>Just like that Scoots pounces on Bloom, and they're fighting
>Scoots is on top of Bloom, biting and scratching away while the latter is trying to swat her off
>Bloom tries to kick her, but Scoots is just too fast
>Scootaloo then quickly steals Applebloom's bow
"Give it back!"
"Buck you."
>Scoots then tears the ribbon in half
>Applebloom just stares for a few seconds
>Scoots begins to speak again
>and suddenly Bloom is on top her, yelling and crying
>She's biting and hitting Scoots, who's trying to protect her face
>Bloom is having none of it and is hitting her through it all
"Get off me!"
>Scoots is trying to get away and pull herself out of Bloom's grasp, buzzing her wings loudly.
>Applebloom then bites down on the wings, hard.
>Scootaloo screams, but Bloom doesn't stop, and is violently plucking the feathers off.
>At some point, Scootaloo stopped moving, but Bloom didn't stop until every last feather was gone. She then cried.
>And all you could do is cry, yourself.
>Blood, spit and tears covered the floorboards, orange feathers strewn about everywhere.
>I just can't do this anymore.
>I don't even care, I just want to go home..
>I hope Rarity isn't home.
I will likely not continue this. Glad to get it out of me though.