>>28891367There's a good one. When horsepussy and teats didn't exist.
That counts as a meme now, right? When a thin red line is what passed for a vagina in this fandom. I don't even remember human pussies. I don't know how I ever got off to horse back then.
Thinking about it, I'm pretty sure the only pics I even fapped to were the ones where you could just see ponies having sex, not their genitals. And then Milky showed up as a sort of mockery of the crazy "crotchtits" of the era. That was like the transition to accurate junk though. It still amazes me how little anatomically correct shit is out there, but then I only have to think back to when there was none.
When was Milky first a thing anyway? I can't even put a date to these things, really. I think I first saw her in like Early 2012?
Oh, and lets not forget fluffies. Though I understand those are still a thing on /b/?