Quoted By:
>I just woke up from a pony dream where I was talking with rarity and twilight. In the dream I was looking around and messing with g3 pony toys while simultaneous talking to her and twilight sparkle. The g3 toys that were in my hands were familiar but the only ones I recognized were rainbow dash, and apple jack. They had these mouths that were able to grasp onto these little latches the other ponies had on them. I would continuously stick them together and unstick them.
>At one point I was playing with the applejack one constantly repeating "apples apples apples apples apples apples apples" like she was only capable of using the word apples like other words. Eventually getting bored of that I remember saying "oh looks like you've gotta get back to the farm" and then putting away the applejack toy, while I think leaving out the rainbow dash one.
>For some weird reason I finish playing with the toys and turn to rarity sitting on the couch beside me as she talks to twilight through a computer screen. I spoke to rarity about something and offended her. At this point rarity was now trying to shove the unicorn horn of one of the g3 toys up my butt saying something about me being a traitor. Whatever I said must've been stupid.
> I would keep removing the toy being pressed on my pants covered behind, but rarity kept pushing it in frustration. I would turn to the screen with twilight on it and say "twilight rarity is trying to shove these toys up my ass. Please stop her"
>Her only response was "sorry anon" and then she floated her webcam above her, and I noticed it because she was now looking up at her camera and the screen gave a full body shot of twilights body as she was laying down on her bed with red silky sheets.
And then I woke up. I don't remember what I said but I guess I won't say it again.