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Searching for posts with the image hash ‘kggeh10FU47eANtuSahbMA==’. 2 results found.
Quoted By:
>>35963044 >You weren't surprised
>Not in the least >But the pressure wave and wet dock conspired to knock you to the floor all the same >You curl up while the monsterhorse basks in victory "Got you good, huh?"
>You don't move, slowing your breathing >Nobody could blame you for being uneasy around such an equine monstrosity >She calls again, quieter >Worried "Anon?"
>Dread starts to creep into her voice >”Are you okay?" >Your body remained on the floor >You could hear the water dripping as she leaned forward, rising out of the pool of water, a heated breath billowing across the ground "A-"
>A stray droplet hits your shoulder >You suddenly spring upright "Boogaboogabooga!"
>The huge beast shrieks “Eep!”
>A hoof stomps the floor of the pool with a heavy thud as her body lurches backwards >She disappeared into the water with a surge of activity and a startled >The the walls untangle themselves to reveal their constituent mane and tail hairs, all diving out of sight >Chamber water sloshes violently, casting glittering bioluminescence across the walls and ceiling >You carefully peer over still soaked side of the platform to see two bright eyes staring back up, wide and blinking from the deep darkness Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>35963044 >You weren't surprised >Not in the least >But the pressure wave and wet dock conspired to knock you to the floor all the same >You curl up while the monsterhorse basks in victory "Got you good, huh?"
>You don't move, slowing your breathing >Nobody could blame you for being uneasy around such an equine monstrosity >She calls again, quieter >Worried >"Anon?" >Dread starts to creep into her voice >”Are you okay?" >Your body remained on the floor >You could hear the water dripping as she leaned forward, rising out of the pool of water, a heated breath billowing across the ground >"A-" >A stray droplet hits your shoulder >You suddenly spring upright "Boogaboogabooga!"
>The huge beast shrieks “Eep!”
>A hoof stomps the floor of the pool with a heavy thud as her body lurches backwards >She disappeared into the water with a surge of activity and a startled >The the walls untangle themselves to reveal their constituent mane and tail hairs, all diving out of sight >Chamber water sloshes violently, casting glittering bioluminescence across the walls and ceiling >You carefully peer over still soaked side of the platform to see two bright eyes staring back up from the deep, wide and on edge