Elitist snob assholes who think they're better then everyone else and their shit don't stink. Troll tip: Mention how much of a cock hungry slut rarity is.
Ponk: Fetishist, all of them. Usually normal up untill someone mentions fucking, then they get really weird. Troll tip: Explain that Pinkie would never be fat because she moves too much, they lose their shit.
Flutter: ALSO fetishist, just not as extreme, usually self loathing, gravitate towards flutters because she's the only pony who could love them (like in a super platonic way, like how you love a lamp). Troll tips, none, they troll themselves.
Rainbow hurr: Thinskinned and stupid, probably undeRAGE. Troll tip: call them fags.
Twily: Tripfags.
Applejack: Cool motherfuckers, probably the coolest fucking cats on the board and fuck you if you think otherwise. Big dick, usually stronk as fuck, attractive and fucking your waifu all the time. Troll tips: Its impossible to troll a god.
SunnyC: ALSO fetishist, usually fat, loves asses. Troll tip: Tell them that Mommy celestia gets it every night from discord.
LunaLuna: CRAAAAWLING IN MY SKIIIIIIIIN -or- MEMES MEMES MEMES MEMES. Trolling tips: Standard procedure.
Muffins: These people exist? Where?