>>38300478>You’re not exactly sure why you keep overthinking things>You’re just hanging out with a co-worker/friend after work>…on Hearts and Hooves Day>Nothing to be worried about! Definitely!>You dust yourself off as you stand up>Reaching inside your sling bag, you grab the chore coat that you had Rarity make for you>You put it on to tactically cover the sweat stains that had formed around your chest and armpits>”Feeling a bit cold?”Yeah. It gets a bit drafty at night and I’m not exactly covered in fur like you ponies so I need a jacket to keep me warm.
>Her brows furrow and her nostrils flare up a bit>She always does that when she’s deep in thought>Huh >You realized you probably picked up on one of her weird little quirks like this by watching her all the time>Weird >You’re weirder for constantly watching her while you work, weirdo>”I’ve got an idea”>Her speaking broke your train of thought>”You should walk closer to me so that way I’ll take the brunt of the wind, at least in one direction”>WHAT>She’s pretty tiny so it won’t help much in the way of keeping your warm but you don’t fucking care>How could you say no to an offer like that?>”Oh your human hands get cold easily too, don’t they? You put one of your hands on my back as we walk since we’re already standing so close and all”>She chuckles after that final offer>What is this mare doing>’She’s doing this on purpose isn’t she?’ you think to yourselfO…kay…
>You stand next to her and assume her proposed position of locomotion>Placing your right hand on her withers, your palms feel the warmth of the mare>You shoot a glance at her to see her face to see how she’s reacting to your touch>She doesn’t seem to mind >The two of you begin walking towards townSo. Where are we headed for first?
> ”We’re going to be picking up new pillows and sheets for my room. I accidentally spilled some cranberry juice on my sheets while I was reading in bed.”>You guess being a powerful sorceress doesn’t really save you from fumbling from time to time>”Now, I want to know where we’ll be eating tonight”I’m not exactly sure. I had Spike do all the reservation stuff for us. What I do know is that it’s in the newer part of town and that it supposed to cater to all manner of creatures
>”I just hope they have something for a mare like me” >You failed to tell her that you and Spike were hoping to sate your carnivorous sides and feast on some meat