>>31920078Holy fuck Friendship Games brethren. No one is on my side on this.
Also Cinch is lit imo. If she was too ham as a villain she would have been overshadowed way too much by Midnight Sparkle. Midnight Sparkle isn't just great by design, she's a great way to separate Scilight from Twilight. Character is different in fundamental ways whilst still being a reflection of her.
To explain Cinch though, I really like her attempts at manipulation, she's represents the mature institutional cunt archtype that we don't really get out of MLP. Her song is godlike.
Shadowbolts were a great way of adapting a bunch of other characters whilst also giving them a chance to create new ones. ACADECA is a really fun song and the friendship games range from like alright to good.
Sunset is phenomenal in friendship games because we get to see her go a bit too ham and show real flaws post reformation. Her temper. Moreover her ascension is fucking amazing and pivotal to her character completing her purpose of unifying the six of that world with her under one friendship.
I just realised that Sunset Shimmer's cutiemark is two sides of a sun because her destiny was to live between the two worlds.
Cadence is hot as fuck too.
The biggest issue is that the mechanics of the friendship games themselves don't make too much sense when you scrutinse and Scilight giving everyone the succ becomes really repetitive once you get to like AJ during the games and I think they could have done a better job at handling that.