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Searching for posts with the image hash ‘mnAIeeRkYUwqSQnr1cx18Q==’. 9 results found.
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She needs love anyway.
Jeff Mango !!Ra5DA0b71+O
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>>28936621 >You bolt upright in bed, soaked in sweat >Vestiges of dreams slowly fade into the background of your consciousness, leaving you in a haze of lingering confusion >Looking around, you find yourself in an unfamiliar room >Barely bigger than a closet, it’s got only enough room for a narrow bed and a few stacks of comics >Glancing at them, you recognize Power Ponies along with hundreds of volumes of Japanese manga, some familiar and some not >Who’s room is this? >And why are you here? >The last thing you remember is the fight with Indigo, your sacrifice, and Sugarcoat’s kiss— >”Good morning, Twilight Sparkle.” “Gah!”
>You jump at the sound of Sugarcoat’s voice >”I am sorry to have startled you. Are you well?” >You turn your head, trying to find the source of Sugarcoat’s voice >”Look down.” >Peering over the edge of the bed, you see Sugarcoat lying on the floor, staring up at the ceiling >Her arms are crossed over her chest, and she has no pillow or blankets “Y-yeah. I’m alright.”
>You take a deep breath, trying to calm your hammering heart “W-w-where am I?”
>”That is a long story, I suppose.” >Sugarcoat sits up, brushing her pigtails back into their neat coils along either side of her head >Looking closer, you notice that her forehead is wrapped in clean linen bandages >”After the fight, and when I kissed you…” >Sugarcoat’s voice trails off for a moment, but she quickly forces herself back on topic >”Ahem. We were both in considerably shape. You passed into unconsciousness, but I was able to ascertain your condition was stable. As such, I attempted to carry you back to Canterlot. It proved incredibly difficult, due to my damaged body. I believe that, were it not for the arrival of a mysterious ally, we would have perished in the sunlight.”