>>33377850>be pony mare>Feeling a little frisky>Want something better than a hoof tonight>Go to a bar to get some action>See a human sitting all by himself staring at his drink>Perfect>Walk over and sway your hips a little."Hey there handsome, wanna go back to my place and have a little fun?~"
>He looks up from his drink and looks you over>"Oh, um, no thank you. I'm not interested.">Uh. Maybe he didn't get it"Er, what I mean is, maybe you'd like to try a little pony-on-human action?"
>"No, I said I'm not interested.">Holy shit this guy is retarded or something"Let me be blunt. I want YOU, to have SEX, with ME."
>"Lady, if you don't stop harassing me I'm going to call the police. I just got out of a bad breakup and I think I just gotta avoid any kind of relationships for a while. I don't want to have sex with you.">...>W-what"B-But you have a penis. And I have a vagina. A-And you can put that penis in my vagina and cum inside me. A-And I can cum! Many times! What part of this are you confused about??"
>"That's it. Bartender!" He raises his voice. "This mare won't stop harassing me!">"Oh god dammit, that's the 6th one this hour!" You hear from across the room>M-maybe he's one of those types you have to pay>In equestria, some stallions would hang out on street corners, and hold out on your advances until you paid them.”No wait! I have money, i-is that what you want??" You say, fumbling to get your purse out
>You're stopped by the feeling of someone picking you up by your haunches>"Alright lady, leave the nice man alone.">You flick your tail and flash him your privates"Do you want to fuck me??"
>People are staring but you don't care>All you care about is your NEED>You're thrown out onto the street and land with your butt up>WHAT THE BUCK IS GOING ON??>it was a sexually confusing (and very frustrating) day