>>23743277>Every single moment of it made me uncomfortable, and the ending was a happy resolution that would never happen to some lowlife jackoff like me.True, it will never happen. That's the one complaint I had with that episode. Realistically, even if you're the one that's been wronged, you can't expect a princess of friendship to fall out of the sky and fix your life for you.
This episode was REALLY good though and surprisingly accurately represented what people like Moondancer actually feel like. I forget the exact quote but it was something like "you hurt me once and I've never let my guard down ever since out of fear of it happening again"
That's the kind of shit little kids won't really understand. Teenagers maybe, adults yes. So much of the shit in this episode reminded me of what my life used to be like.
>I'm nothing more than a broken, hollow, shallow excuse for person that deserves nothing, least of all pityThat's exactly what Moondancer thought, Anon. Your own shortcomings are the result of you trying to keep people from getting close to you, subconsciously or not, out of the exact same fear Moondancer had.
This episode was good. It was real. (Except for the part about Moondancer having to do literally nothing herself to fix her social life.)
This episode reminded me why I liked pones.