>>39362739>Spring leads you into the large room where the rainbows are mixed. >Well, it's more like a large platform. There's no walls, just pillars holding up the ceiling.>The sight of the sky just out in the open is quite pretty.>"This is where all of Equestria's rainbows are created." >"It's very important to have a beautiful rainbow on display after a harsh storm.">"We obviously need rain, but the blistering winds and dark clouds can frighten ponies. Rainbows make sure they know everything's okay after the fact.""Weird question, but, are the rainbows edible?"
>Spring chuckles.>"Yeah, of course they are. They're not exactly tasty, though. Very spicy." >"I mentioned this earlier, but Rainbowshine makes hot sauce out of them. She's weird.""I like spicy stuff. May I?"
>"It's your funeral.">Spring gives you a small beaker in order to sample the rainbow.>You dip the glass into the pool, filling it with the tiniest amount.>Bottoms up.>The moment your tongue touches the colorful solution, the intense flavors hit you immediately.>Your face briefly flashes with every color of the rainbow, and the heat is nearly unbearable.>You're panting hard after that.>"Heh, you okay? How was it?""Hot...so hot..."
"Cayenne...habanero...jalapeno...horseradish...one after the other."
>"Told ya it's spicy.">Spring trots over to the water cooler and gets you a glass of water.>You quickly gulp down the whole glass."*pant* Thank you. My curiosity is satisfied."
>The two of you share a laugh. >You wipe the last bit of sweat off of your forehead after that experience.>As you do, Rainbowshine returns with a few jars of clouds and a bucket of rainbows.>"Sorry about ditching you two for a second, but this will be worth it!">"Take a seat on the edge over there, so you can watch the sunset.""Alright."
>You wonder what she's planning.>"Spring, spread these clouds around!">Rainbowshine hands her friends the jars.>"Oh, I think I know what you're going for. Got it.">Spring opens the jars and carefully spreads them around the sky, one by one.>There's now a thin mist in the sky, right in front of the sunset. >"Perfect!">Rainbowshine takes her bucket of rainbows and splashes it into the air, making sure not one part of the mist isn't colored.>You guess the rainbows are somehow binding themselves to the vapor, creating a beautiful prismatic display.>Combined with the sunset, it's a breathtaking sight. Such color...>After the bucket is completely empty, Rainbowshine sits right next to you.>"There! All done! Do you like it?""It's...beautiful, Rainbow."
"This is really all for me?"
>"Of course. I wanted to end the tour with a bang.">Spring quietly excuses herself, giving you two some space.>"You're a sweet guy, Anon. I had a lot of fun today.""So did I."