>>41126662>The fic made me want to read the sequel though.Funny, because for me the fic did the opposite: it made me want to read something else by Jimmy, but definitely not the sequel to this. Which to me is a sign that it's not the story for me; the writing was really nice.
>>41126741>Well the first chapter was interesting and the joke about Twilight getting Fluttershy a pension made me kek, but then the entire rest of the story was just crack and it wasn't funny at all.I was willing to bet good money this would be exactly how you'd feel about the fic. I'm kind of there myself, although the last third of the fic resembles the beginning two chapters far more than the forest part -- you were almost out of it when you dropped it. Still, after finishing the fic I was sure you'd drop it, and I was wondering just how many anons would make it to the end of this fic. I guess I can respect and maybe admire some of what this does, but I don't like it much. I felt like I should've left a like, but ultimately I didn't.
>why not just shoot this retard in the back of the headI'm glad to report that Luna sees his head explode centimeters away from her face. But at that point it's kind of unnecessary death; it's not very funny despite Luna's best attempts at saving the scene. She tries really hard in the last third, and it mostly successful.
>the comedy has no basis because you can't say you know these charactersI mean, you CAN say this and you'd not be wrong, you know, but what I meant was more that the story does a TWOLOT and replaces the canon ponies with identically named replicas with different characters. This Luna, Rarity, and Fluttershy are acting consistently throughout the fic so you can tell how they're going to act next, but these personalities are not exactly their canon selves. The fic kind of sacrifices them on the altar of Comedy, which means that if the humor doesn't land (like it unfortunately did for several anons), then they just look OOC for no reason.