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So... Do u guys remember back in Apple Family Reunion when Granny Smith said that each Apple Family Reunion is held every 8 years? I have seen some people complain that they don't know how long that is, so I have taken it upon myself to figure this out. I always thought that Granny Smith meant the lunar cycle, which takes 27.5 days to complete its phases. Therefore, using simple multiplication, that is 2,950 days or roughly 8 years. Therefore, each Apple Family Reunion may occur every 8 years. However, we run across a problem this way. In the pilot episode Applejack was having the Apple Family Reunion, and we know for a fact now that the first 3 seasons take the course of a year. Great. Now I'm stuck. Any ideas /mlp? The best I have been able to come up with is maybe the lunar cycle works differently in Equestria. Or, you know... It may just be bad writing.
Any ideas?