>>24442678"Okay, let's back up like ten steps. First of all, that kind of work is really expensive. You have to pay to have it done well, you have to pay to find the most beautiful skin from the purest, most innocent person you can find. That way, not only will your evilness increase, but the overall goodness of the galaxy will decrease! It's a win win!"
>"YES, OF COURSE. PERHAPS THE SKIN OF A JEDI, OR A DOZEN JEDI YOUNGLINGS.""Right, well, that might cross a few lines."
>"You think so?""Come on, dude, they're children. Don't you think that's a LITTLE overboard?"
>"Well-""Regardless, that brings me to my point. How exactly are you going to pay for it all?"
>"FOOL, I NEED NOT PAY FOR-""Look, I'm gonna stop you right there and hazard a guess that, as you are right now, you couldn't fight off a platoon of Jedi that would descend upon you as soon as you revealed yourself. Am I right, or am I right?"
>"...yeah, probably...""Okay, so instead of running headfirst into certain death, you gotta keep yourself on the D/L for now, y'know? Discretion is the better part of valor, and all that good stuff? What I'm saying is, you gots to pay someone to be discreeeeet. Someone who can help you out with this stuff and not tell a certain Council about your antics?"
>"...""And it's a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle conspicuous to pay in the blood of innocents. Now, unless you have a stack of hidden credits as deep as the oceans on Kamino..."
>"...no...""I thought not. You're going to need a way to gain those credits. Which brings me to my second point; these artifacts."
>"YOU FOOL!""Why am I a fool this time?"
>"...I don't know. I just felt like it was high time to say it.""Well, quit interrupting me. I'm trying to help you out."
>"Yes ma'am.""Right, as I was saying. These artifacts. They contain some knowledge, some power, some fancy pantsy mumbo jumbo force hella stuff, right?"