Quoted By:
"Just do what feels natural as soon as I say 'action.' Everything here is set upyours. We're going for a friendly feeling in this commercial. Say your lines like you were saying them to someone who you've known for years."
>"I think I can do that. Yeah. Yeah, I think I already have an idea! Does the stove in the kitchen work?"
"It doesn't have any gas connection, if that's what you mean. Use it if you want. We can dub in sounds later to make it sound like it has a gas leak or whatever you're going for."
>"Okay. I'm gonna go from the dining room to the kitchen and back like I'm making breakfast at the stove."
"Great. Pots and pans are in the upper drawer on the right and the fridge is full of fake food props.
>A few more minutes are spent discussing with the cameraman and crew what the plan is going to be
>Eventually, everything seems to be ready for a first take
"Okay. Ms. Hooves, take your place."
>She scurries into a chair in the mockup dining room
>The cameraman gets within about ten feet of Derpy for a good close-up
>Anon grabs a clapboard and slaps it shut in front of the camera
>He steps off of the set and calls out "Action!"
>Derpy looks into the camera and starts to get out of her chair
>"I can speak from experience when I say that accidents aren't cheap."
>The chair scrapes along the floor, leaving an improbably deep gouge
>She takes flight in a slow hover towards the kitchen like said she would, the cameraman staying right in front of her the whole time
>"They can cost you both the things that you want and the things you hold dear."
>A stray gust from her wings knocks a piece of wall art off its hanger, shattering as it hits the ground
>She hovers through the archway between the dining room and kitchen totally unfazed by the mess she just made
>Her flight halts in front of the drawer with pots and pans above the kitchen counter
>"I've been lucky so far. Nothing's gone so wrong that it couldn't be fixed with a bit of work."