Quoted By:
>Be Anon
>Be on the Friendship Express
>Specifically, the No. 6 from Sire’s Hollow to Ponyville.
>The clacking of the iron wheels on the tracks of Equestria’s premier railway system gives an oddly calming ambiance to the passenger cabin.
>You look out the window at the rolling hills surrounded by the low mountains that dominate Central Equestria.
>There’s a coziness to this little steam engine and its quaint, nineteenth century vibe.
>It definitely beats the hell out of Amtrak.
>You hope you get to go on these train trips more often. Where to doesn’t really matter. You just enjoy the ride.
>You turn to look at the passenger next to you.
>A purple Unicorn mare named Starlight Glimmer.
>Your wife.
>She looks like she’s had better days.
>A look of haggard relief is plastered on her face.
“You okay, Star?”
>She looks at you and sighs.
>”I will be when we get back home.”
“It’s only a two hour ride…”
>”It feels like a month.”
>You think you get it. Sort of.
“Being around your dad is definitely…”
“I was going to say ‘an experience.’ He’s not that bad.”
>”Let’s agree to disagree. Look, I love my dad. But he’s just so…”
>She twirls her hoof in the air.
“Oh, no. He’s nice. How terrible.”
>Starlight groans.
>”You’re right. I guess I’m being too hard on him. I mean he is a lot better than he used to be. You wouldn’t believe how hard it was getting him and Stellar Flare to ease up on me and Sunburst.”
”Oh, yeah. The helicopter parent thing.”
“It’s like Pinkie’s gyrocopter, but way louder.”
>“Oh, yeah. That definitely sounds like them.”
>You narrow your eyes at the small horse.
>”I get the feeling that’s not what’s really bothering you.”
>Starlight’s eyes go wide.
>”Bothering? Me? Pffft. Nothing’s bothering me. Why would anything be bothering me? That’s crazy. You’re crazy.”
”Be honest. You weren’t like this last time we saw your dad. Now spill.
>Your wife relents.
>”Well last time, he didn’t constantly ask about when we’d be having kids.”
>There it is.
>A touchy subject to be sure.
>Especially since you really, really wanted to have kids with her.
“You don’t like feeling pressure. I totally get it. But you don’t have to worry about your dad or anyone else’s timeframe.”
>Starlight lower’s her head and sighs.
>”That’s… not really the problem, Dear.”
“It’s not?”
>”No. The truth is I really, really want to have kids with you. You have no idea how badly I want to be a mom. But that’s the problem. I want it too much!”
>You pause.
>Brain not work.
>Your wife can see it in your face.
>”Thaaaaaaaat didn’t make much sense, did it?”
“Not really, no.”
>Starlight hesitates as she tries to think of the right words.