Episode 504: Bloom & Gloom
Written by Josh Haber
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2n501qFiendship is Magic #4 (Nightmare Moon) is due tomorrow (Apr. 22); digital copy via iTunes should be available in around 11 hours.
Though strange and unique visions may be witnessed in dreams, especially Equestrian ones, they're still often composed of elements from memory of prior events and speculations. Had Apple Bloom completely made up the twitter mites from whole cloth, or had she perhaps read about them earlier? Maybe in class, or some pony discussing pest control? Such an insect would hardly be out of place in the world, especially with the always present Everfree Forest complicating matters of flora and fauna cataloging. Maybe it was even something mentioned by her family; with the Apples strewn all across the country, if any pony's had to deal with twitter mites, chances are an Apple has.
Could they be beneficial in certain ecosystems? Would they really be a bigger problem than parasprites? How do they compare to common fireflies? For that matter, are Equestrian fireflies capable of... perhaps more than simple bioluminescence?
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