>>27998822We're around. We have a comfy thread about once a month but there's maybe twenty of us.
We are part of an old, dying breed. The other anon wasn't wring about us being oldfags, in more ways than one. Most of us applefags were already out of college, established or becoming established. I already have a wife and two little girls.
AJ is loved precisely because she doesn't have some major plot arc or big character flaw to overcome.
She is the only one of the group who is self-actualized. She knows her place in the world and leans towards a more level headed approach to problems.
She has responsibilities, avoids drama, and is focused on family and friends. She has always been a support character and I'm 100% okay with that.
If I ended up in Equestria I probably couldn't stand being around the other mane 6 for more than a hour or so, just like I can't handle college girls or worse yet teenagers.
She is the woman you go home to after a hard day of work, sit on the porch with a cold cider and a hand-rolled cigarette, and watch the sun set together without ever having to say a word.