>>13718621This might be a little long:
Introducing an intro and an outro means that you'll have to make a separate file that only has the intro and one that only has the outro. In the tracks menu, you can make the beginning of a track align to where you selected so you can move tracks around
Reducing feedback depends on the quality of the mic. Have a good mic, like the Blue Yeti would be beneficial. A way to get rid of background noise is a menu called Noise Removal. Select an area of just "noise" and go into the menu and press "Get Noise Profile", then select the whole track and just press okay.
To get rid of any unwanted audio, there's a button on the top that will flatline the audio. Or you can just go to the Amplify effect and just bring it down to as low as it can go.
Also there are compression techniques that you can use to normalize the highs and lows of your audio so you don't have any crazy spikes.
Hopefully that's a start. If you need more, maybe I can show you by a stream.