Nightly means nightly: extra nightly edition. Talk about your drink, your pone, or your day. The bar is open.
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>>14756201 My name is dick,
And I am alcohol
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>>14756201 My name is Rough,
Am I like it rough
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>>14756201 My name is moon.
And I am night.
>>14756201 My boy inspired me tonight
>>14756665 Also. Drinking campion pinot noir. 2007.
Not very spectacular
>>14756665 Your boy? You didn't tell anyone about your child, did ya?
>>14756718 I have before. You hadnt asked.
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>>14756782 I was also feeling cheeky today and did this
Why does every Lindemans bottle have to have a cork AND a bottle cap? Seriously.
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>>14756861 To make it doubly worth it when you get it open.
>>14756782 Damn, should have paid more attention to the NDT. Your kid really has his father's drawing skills.
>>14756715 If you think drinking that isn't spectacular, drink this Phillipine Whiskey.
>>14757013 I drew that.
About him.
Judging me
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>>14757097 well, you can't blame him. we all silently judge eachother.
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Newcastle. Spent the day with the family. Was nice to tune out the fandom drama for a while.
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A friend from out of state just popped in to hang for a bit. Hes friends with a guy who designs the toys for hasbro. Says he hates making the mlp toys. Im silenty laughing about it.
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Im here, going to nap for a bit, Ill be back for the late night west coast people if they are going to be around tonight
Top Shelf !VodkA1osyM
Vigorously looking for work again. I'm hoping I can get my own little place over here... other than that, just some old Coronas tonight and a polish cigarette. Been a while, guys, how the hell are you all?
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>>14757457 Your own place?
You and Barley having marital issues?
Arts and stuff from last night
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>>14757647 I would hit that mare so bad right now.
Blank Reg
Kraken rum and hot Apple cider.
>>14758046 stuff is popular. I havent had much of it myself, I usually buy it for other people
>>14758212 I usually get it in summer and mix it with lime nd ginger beer but there was a hot drink thread on /out/ that suggested cider.
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>>14758314 Sounds tasty. Im a fan of lime. I may try that in the spring.
Hey I can finally post in this thread. I'm just going through some Longboard beer right now. Haven't drank in a while due to work, school, and an internship killing all my free time. Might go walk to the store later and pick up some liquor since I don't go in for work until 5 tomorrow and my class and internship hours were cancelled due to the holidays. Might fap off to Applejack actually and then go get liquor now that I think about it...
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>>14758550 Sounds like a good time.
>>14758550 if you're an Applefag then I endorse concocting rum and cider. In fact I think I'll go make myself another.
Blank Reg
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>>14758653 hey where did my name go?
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Almost out of wine.. May be am early nightr for me. Thread is ded anyhow
>>14758849 I thought this was a depressing story?
How are you going to give out erections during a depressing story?
Drunk Ass Rarity
It's a red wine kind of night...
Got my proper juice so it's juice time hardcore tonight already started pretty good.
>>14759323 >>14759306 Well, the party is slowing coming up.
>>14759337 Tuesday night is a weird time to party.
>>14759306 You. You cheat a lot lately.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14759367 It's a holiday week, bite. me ^_^
>>14759336 >>14759337 And evening to you to.
>>14759337 Goddamn, forgot to swap What happened to Ms Rarity?
>>14759367 Yes, yes it is. Wednesday night is a kill night for me. Say the words "Wednesday night". Doesn't sound fancy/joyful.
>>14759383 New art in the thread. Give them a look
>>14759395 I fucked up in trotterrs thread, so you get a free pass.
This time
>>14759383 You got more excuses than Rarity pics, I swear.
>>14759395 Weekends I get to pretend I'm a classy partying gentlemen. Weeknights I pretty much admit to being a drunk.
>>14759396 Saw that pic last night, looks really nice colored. Didn't know you did vaguely lewd.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14759396 Not bad, I like the hair. Different from what you normally see.
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>>14759419 I dont actually. But I like tastefully suggestive, so I may do more.
>>14759425 That was Barley's idea. He wanted his pone to have messed up "bed hair" so I did my best to make it look rustled.
>>14759413 Nah, you didn't fuck up. Trotterr's thread is dead anyway. It may have some people reading it here and there but not often do you see people hating on namefags. Still...
I'll stay in this name.
>>14757647 I'd still hit that mare so hard.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14759458 Right it looks mussed up but not messy. Like a casual guy who's clean but just doesn't really care about appearance. Course maybe I'm looking too much into this.
>>14756201 Had a shit day, got my ass kicked by some gangbangers, got a good punch in on one of them at least. 3 on one from behind isn't fair. Probably should have went to get stitches but it's fine I'll live.
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>>14759462 >>14759474 Its only a matter of time before im a godless pornographer.
Another reason to keep the pony shit a secret irl.
My roommate spilled some spaghetti tonight to a long time friend of mine. Did bring up some I interesting stuff. A friends, friend works for hasbro making the pony toys......he hates it.
>>14759497 Damn. Rough day, we see. Would you like to talk about it or would you let it sink for now?
Any drinks you're having?
Drunk Ass Rarity
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>>14759497 Wow, and I was going to complain about my bad day at work. Kind of puts things in perspective.
Sucks man, hope you are actually ok.
>>14759497 I love fighting soooo much.
3 on 1?
Good odds for any greek..
>>14759474 "casual guy who's clean but doesn't really care about appearance" describes me to a T but my hair just falls straight boringly 99% of the time. The only time it looks interesting is when it *is* unwashed. Or gelled. But I fucking hate the feeling of hair gel.
>>14759497 "I'll live" can quickly turn to "I might live" if you need stitches and don't get them.
>>14759520 I am on my last beer and I have $3 to my name and on the verge of being homeless. Not trying to be edgy just having a shit time.
>>14759540 Youre alive.....thats a plus.
>>14759529 It stopped bleeding a while ago. but I easily could have gone and gotten 4 stitches in my lip from where they kicked me in the face
>>14759561 True I said that to myself earlier.
>>14759526 Leonidas please.
4v1 is man-levelled. Still...
>>14759540 I really wish I know that feeling of lost hope. Really do, we all just don't know life will kick us down to the gutter with the others.
It's okay mate. We all had it.
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>>14759540 Well, at least you still have the beer. Enjoy it while it lasts.
>>14759587 It's more than lost, I am going to be out on the streets If I don't make some money and soon. I'm also going to lose my job tomorrow because my car is totaled.
I'm really at my wits end guys. I need something and I need it quick.
>>14759583 There is always tomorrow.
So long as you breathe, there is hope.
My personal motto is to endure many troublesome days to earn one that is serene
Blank Reg
>>14759367 Tuesday smoozedy, it's my birthday and I'll booze if I want to.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14759659 As good a night as any to drink!
>>14759644 Welfare?
Job corps?
Fruit stand?
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>>14759644 Maybe have a friend help you out until you get back to your feet. That helps, gives you motivation.
Or maybe there's an extreme job you may use for last resort:
Assassination Anonymous
>>14759647 I like this.
>>14759667 Dude I'm going to go beg a job out of this appliance repair place down the road, the guy said he needed some help. Plus he hates all the gangs in this area, maybe he'll have some sympathy .
>>14759667 >fruit stand Even thought I feel extremely bad, I giggled.
>>14759659 Happy birthday!
>>14759647 Deep. Very deep
>>14759694 Gotta do what you gotta do guy. Hope it works out for you.
I've been there. I spend half a year living out of my car. Gained an admiration for Wal-mart as a result though.
>>14759659 Oh, awesome, happy birthday.
It's my birthday too this month, but I won't say when because they say that birthday and zip code is all that's needed to uniquely identify a majority of people.
>>14759694 Whatever you do, just survive. It doesnt matter if the sbirt on your back is a designer brand.
Survive. It builds character and stories people want to hear about. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, but you need to feel your way through the dark first.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14759734 And a vague part of the country that they're in.
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>>14759734 Youre pretty safe here....old man
>>14759728 They won't kick you out of the parking lot because most are 24 hours and the people work there for peanuts and are poor as hell.
>>14759755 I've said which city I live in. That narrows it down. Narrowing it down is how THEY get you.
>>14759746 This, though I suppose it's a bit obvious
>>14759778 Yup. The night manager used to give me stuff too, dented cans and such. That, with the occasional night in the shelter, kept me going.
I honestly think im a better person for that experience. It was rough at the time, you just cant lose sight of the light at the end.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14759798 Yup, only a matter of time till we find and have our way with you.
>>14759798 Ive given up WAY to much info here.
But im not worried about the gov'ment. They already know where to find me, im about as visible on the radar as a jumbo jet
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14759834 You've MET people from the internet. From here. You're a braver man than I.
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>>14759811 Hardship builds character and appreciation. If you can live with next to nothing, everything else is abundance.
>>14759811 Ponies are keeping me sane.
Hopefully the appliance store hires me.
>>14759834 Gotta learn to be incognito bro.
A hacker friend taught me about a month ago.
>>14759852 You have no idea how relieved the both of us were when neither one of us was a neckbeard or a raping axe murderer
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>>14759864 Here, I will hide.
In reference to the government, I dont hide from them. I want them to know.
But enough about the guvmnt
>>14759822 I... okay
>>14759880 I can't tell which of those I would be more terrified to meet
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14759896 You act like they can't be both.
>>14759870 Do you feel any different today?
I dont celebrate my own birthday (others do for me) but I am always looking for excuses to ill take a drink in your "name" now.
>>14759896 Im not afraid of raping axe murderers....I can do to them before they do to me...
Neckbeards? I shudder at the thought.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14759945 You'd probably feel bad about beating up a neckbeard.
>>14759912 But a hybrid of the two just seems too funny.
So any good torrents of the season opener, all I can find are the ones with shitty audio.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14759973 They've got it streaming on The Hub website.
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>>14759956 I would refuse. I wont raise my hand to someone who cant take it or do the same to me, there is no sport in it.
Where is Stouts!? I want to know if he got that package yet.
>>14759981 Sweet! You have made my night better.
At least one good thing came from today!
>>14759957 That is nightmare fuel. Imagine Jason from Friday the 13th combined with Gaben, Santa and a hipster.
>>14760014 Its pretty good. I just watched it yesterday. Feels good to have new material.
>>14759834 Im in the same boat. Considering my job requires fingerprints every year, im not hard to find.
>>14759852 I have met internet folk. It just requires a bit of research and verification (as well as common sense) beforehand.
>>14759864 You will get it. Just be confident in yourself. If you are willing to work, there are always jobs out there.
>>14759916 Not really into them either but i do feel a bit fuzzy today, and happy about the rum and scotch that miraculously appeared earlier.
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>>14760041 I know just sucks that I am going to lose the one I have. I got free food and free beer everyday it was heaven for a little while.
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>>14760041 Mang, the government already has cognitive profiles of us all based on our activities. That I'm not worried about.
By "THEY" I meant, well I was mostly joking, but I meant any malicious individual who would want to link my online persona to my real one for nefarious purposes.
>>14760018 Being grossed out is a far more terrifying concept to me than the prospect of being murdered. I can die like a man......
But goddamn if he is going to sweat cheetoh dust and greese on me, I will freak the fuck out.
Blank Reg
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>>14760062 damn tablet keeps stealing my name
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14760026 I know! The premiere was good and I'm excited for more!
Unrelated, but The Other just got home and I know own a Celestia plushie.
>>14760108 That looks weird
I don't think her neck is long or skinny enough
>>14760108 Can you fuck it?
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>>14760108 Im cracking another beer to that one.
She is truly majestic.
>>14760108 Its got a retarded expression. Kinda funny.
The other? Damn, I thought it was funny to call my ex "the woman". But hearing someone else say it, I realize how degrading it sounds.
She was over tonight to pick up our son.....she snuck a swig of my wine when I wasnt looking
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14760121 She's a little odd but looks better in person.
>>14760139 The horn probably >>14760158 I'm just trying to be ambiguous. No girls on the internet and all that.
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>>14760076 The Phillipines will be your worst nightmare. Not that I hate the country, very nice people here like Thais.
>>14760108 I gave the premiere 7.6/10. Really good but I expected better
And oh dear Celestia, what the fuck happened to her.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
What's good, NDT? Got some good beer tonight.
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>>14760168 We all know what you are.
Youre not using it to get attention. And anybody who has been around knows when and where to apply "togtfo"
Git at it gurl
Has anyone seen the con planned for NJ? That is not too far for me....I may think about it.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14760205 I hope you aren't implying Bud Light is good with that picture.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14760219 >>14760226 >>14760229 Batch 19 bock.
What do you take me for?
>>14760250 I'm nothing if not a skeptic.
For example, Batch 19 is made by Coors Brewing Company. Skeptical.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14760250 No offense intended. And I've had Batch 19, good stuff.
>>14760250 Batch 19 is ok. But I would call it good, just acceptable. Once you acquire a taste for better beers, its hard to go back to the gas station selection.
If its late and im lazy, its worth drinking. So I wont fault you for picking a decent beer
>>14760250 I got to try Batch 19 about a week before it was available anywhere else. It is delicious, it reminds me of how beer was always meant to taste. Batch 19 is a man's beer.
>>14760262 I was surprised to find that out. It was more a kudos to coors than a black mark on the batch 19
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14760262 A lot of breweries are owned by Coors and Miller and the like. Batch 19 is good.
>>14760267 >>14760291 Considering that I've had to subsist on Mickey's for months at a time, I'd consider this a healthy step up. I know good beer, my whole 21st year was spent buying fancy crafts and imports because I lived with my old man and didn't have any bills. I could buy all the expensive brews I wanted, and I got a good taste for what I like.
>>14760299 It's pretty good stuff. I prefer it on draft, but bottled is fine too. This is their bock, I think I like it more than the lager.
>>14760320 If you say so. If I ever wuss out like someone here I won't name and decide to drink a beer again, I'll give Batch 19 a shot.
>>14760219 I dont think so. Cheerilee doesn't look impressed with it.
Im stuck with Rolling Rock again.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14760351 Ugh, Mickey's. You have my condolences.
>>14760363 Ugh, Rolling Rock. You as well.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14760355 If youre going to make a decision about beer, go big or go home. Dont get something you can pick up in a gas station. Batch 19 is good if youre drinking baseline domestics. But it still doesnt hold a candle to some imports and good craft beers.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14760396 When you're scouring the couch cushions for booze change, you can't be picky. Mickey's is probably the best of the worst when it comes to malt liquor. Still tastes like yak piss, but it does its job without going down quite as much like saliva as other brands.
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>>14760410 I havent had a good beer in nearly a week. Too lazy to go to a good store, so ive settled for what has been available. That and wine. Friday im going to blow my booze budget on scotch and liqeuer though
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14760432 No joke. I'll still go for wine when cheap. The bottle I've got tonight was $3. So for the $6 I spent I can be fucked.
Good evening fellow drunk anons and not-so-drunk anons. I have some Single Barrel Jack in my hand, after having to drop 300 euro on a windshield replacement. Thankfully, Luna graces me with her presence and a beautiful moon rising.
>>14760432 I prefer OE800 over all liqour it is superior
>>14760432 If you look at her legs... that picture always scares me slightly.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14760451 If I'm REALLY strapped for cash I'll get a $7 bottle of Tvarscki vodka. Floor-shelf vodka can't be beat when it comes to getting shithammered on the cheap.
>>14760453 Old 8 is probably my least favorite, next to Cobra. If I'm poor enough to be drinking malt liquor it's either Mickey's or Coon .45.
On a whim, mixed equal parts applejack and tawny port. Ain't half bad. Anyone care to come up with a pony-themed name for it?
>>14760451 Damn. Ive got a ~30 $ bottle in my hand. I treated myself.
>>14760452 Noice, noice
>>14760486 I have $4 in pennies....
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14760486 Yup, vodka is the cheap cheap drink. But I actually like wine.
>>14760489 I love some good wine but I'm never opposed to a cheap one as well. I'd like to get some better but I'm poor until Friday.
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3/5 Kaluha milk 2/3 and a good splash of french vanilla. results, chocolate milk.
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>>14760489 Indeed. Though its a chilly night tonight. Gonna drop to about 25 and everything is starting to frost over. Gonna need more than just whiskey tonight
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14760506 I have a change jar that I rummage through whenever I need to get reamed on the cheap.
>>14760510 Yeah, I'm not a fan of wine. Cheap vodka actually isn't that bad, though, if you put it in soda or juice it's almost indistinguishable from other vodkas that cost 2/3 times as much.
>>14760470 Thanks. I wont ever look at it the same now. Im going to have to draw a not so weird version.
>>14760486 Are you and Shelf cool?
>>14760488 Classy apple?
Isle of apple?
Apple snooty?
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14760534 I've only had Popov once or twice, it's weirdly scarce around here.
When I've seen it, though, Tvarscki is cheaper.
>>14760536 All vodka tastes the same to me(tastes like communism)
The only differences are the quality of the hangovers
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14760539 Shelf's gone now.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14760536 I love that picture.
>>14760550 My standard vodka is New Amsterdam. About $13 for a 750ml and pretty good. I won't drink cheaper vodka than that.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14760561 MOST vodkas taste the same to me. Russian Standard is fairly distinct.
However, I think Grey Goose is absolute bullshit and I will drink McCormick's before it any day. Grey Goose tastes like gasoline.
>>14760562 He poked his head in earlier but didnt stay. Is it a sore subject?
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>>14760539 Hah, Apple Snooty! Love it!
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
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>>14760571 Svedka and Sobieski are what I get when I've got the money for half-decent vodka, they're both pretty alright.
>>14760536 No I have $4 in pennies to my name.
>>14760597 I hate goose, but russian standard used to be my go-to vodka. Before I acquired a taste for life. One day I burned it and never went back
Drunk Ass Rarity
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>>14760643 Yeah I don't LIKE vodka, it's a means to an end for me at most. I actually enjoy other liquors.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14760600 A bit of a sore subject, yes. She made a disrespectful, reckless ass of herself on multiple occasions, and she wasn't contributing to bills so my other roommate and I decided to give her the boot. After she left we found a bag of syringes under the couch.
So, yeah. She's gone.
>>14760550 Odd.... Though its usually that or Vladimirs finest. There is a local one for about $15 a bottle that isn't bad.
>>14760597 There's always the Brita. Its more expensive in the long run (unless your willing to do a little /diy/ filter), but it works immediately.
>>14760510 I can't do wine. Though I have done boxed stuff if im really desperate.
>>14760613 We don't have pennies up here anymore... but I don't have much more than that as nickles.
>>14760613 That can get you a weeks worth of ramen noodles. Or more importantly, a jug of vitamin water.
>>14760672 Where the fuck are you that there are no peniies?
>>14760680 >ramen noodles Stop that shit. Buy rice instead.
And vitamin water is sugar nonsense. Just buy vitamins.
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>>14760663 Did NOT see that coming.
Also did not know shelf was really a woman.....or that you had another roommate.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14760663 Wow, that sucks. I'll be sure to give her shit if she shows up here.
>>14760694 Canada has no pennies.
>>14760708 >heard one side of the story >ready to give her shit Kind of disappointed
>>14760694 Canadia
The friendliest state in the US
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>>14760708 Oh, pennies are worthless anyway.
Where I live syringes on the sidewalk and in the street are a common sight.
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>>14760663 Yikes... thats rough.
>>14760694 see
>>14760723 >>14760708 We no longer have the penny. Truth be told, I dont really miss it either.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14760719 Oh no! Someone on the internet is disappointed in me! What ever shall I do!
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>>14760708 Sympathy friend, we have to love our brethren even when they fall from the horse.
Never look down on someone unless you are helping them up.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
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>>14760708 I'd rather leave well enough alone, if you don't mind. She's gone and the situation is done with, so no sense stirring shit up again.
>>14760756 Well seeing as my opinion is turboimportant you might as well just commit ritual suicide.
seriously though passing such harsh judgement after only hearing one side of a story is kind of rash TrickyDick
>>14760698 Im talking out of my ass.
I have people who tell me what to eat so I cant really explain shit.
>>14760780 Did you say....ritual suicide?
Im getting more use from this image than I dreamed
>>14760756 Rarity is starting to look sexy. Maybe I should stop drinking.
>>14760810 That's a picture of sudoku. A Japanese number game.
The term is Suzuki you fucking racist.
>>14760826 You just means it's time to keep drinking more.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14760788 Ramen is just salt with no nutrition.
Rice is cheaper by volume and better for you, though obviously lacking in some areas.
>>14760826 I think more is in order.
>>14760841 >>14760840 Not only do I not think that way normally (seriously, I think im the only one left), Im a Dashfag till the end.
*cracks another beer* But i'll drink to Rarity, and to all of you. Cheers!
>>14760841 But it tastes soooo good. And a few of my friends are weaboo fucks who cook legit noodles all the time. I can never say no!
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>>14760862 >Dashfag That's cool and all
Just, you know. Leave
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14760880 Oh I buy cheap as shit ramen for the noodles and add actual sauces and shit to them. You CAN make them good if you try.
>>14760862 >Dashfag Well we all have our flaws.
>>14760880 It really doesn't even taste good. Maybe to someone who usually eats bland food. But it mostly just tastes like salt and crappy noodles.
You could get the same effect but healthier by just making some rice and dumping salt on it, really.
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>>14760840 Top kek
>>14760862 >cracks open a beer >not bear Come on man....
>>14760907 I do that too.
Like I said, flavor is the bane of a fit man.
>>14760905 So my version isnt as nicely drawn.....
Its funnier though
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14760932 >Like I said, flavor is the bane of a fit man. And that's why I'll never be as fit as I'd like. I've been raised and lived my whole life on indulgent food. It's too much a part of my life.
>>14760932 You'd better win a lot, because I couldn't imagine devoting myself to such a lifestyle without significant results.
>>14760955 I like it.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14760955 And I posted that because I KNEW you'd post that. :P
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>>14760958 >this >is >relevant >to >my >interests TrickyDick
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>>14760958 Im a sucker for punishment. I kind of have a thing for being miserable for no reason other than discipline.
But then I drink all the time and draw ponies instead of actual commisions I shoukd be doing...
>>14760967 Were you here last night?
Im adding more instructors. Im so fucking excited.
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>>14761030 I
Things have been odd for me lately
>>14760974 Im very predictable and all my friends know it. A buddy of mine made money on a bet at a larty that he could predict my reactions 6 steps dkwn the road
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14761054 Not always a bad thing.
So I guess Barley and everyone else just fucked off?
>>14761075 I get the impression the whole TopShelf thing is really a big issue for Barley. I think he's probably earned a bit of time to himself.
>>14761119 And then there's this asshole.
DJ Special K
>>14761119 OOH A BOX
I want it.
>>14761119 That looks familiar.
Looks like you could fit a snowglobe in there
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14761119 Oh god, it's the season 4 premiere again.
>>14761130 Yeah, they seemed to hang at first. Not so much now, but then again I'm just some dude in another state so what the fuck do I know.
Aww, it's filled with peanuts! And a lovely coaster with some heartwarming words written on it. I think I'll cherish it and put it on my front door for motivation.
>>14761148 >>14761149 >>14761151 Who knows what could possibly be within the sea of pink...
>>14761175 That's boring where's the bomb
DJ Special K
>>14761175 If it's not a dragon dildo, I will have nothing to do with you.
>tfw my friend owns several toys from bad dragon >tfw I have tried the dragon vag >tfw I came buckets MrBucket
>>14761208 The double standard in society between male and female sexual toys is truly ridiculous.
That said I'd never buy a fake vag myself because ew neckbears.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14761175 WHAT'S IN THE GOD DAMN BOX?!?
I know what's in the box Stouts
>>14761208 I've ridden some nice silicone toys, never fucked a flesh light/fake vag. Sounds awesome. What's dragon vag feel like?
>>14761235 >>14761194 Oh goodness, whatever it is in there pretty deep/
>>14761259 The fact that you are eating a sandwich while these guys are in the midst of suspense is hilarious
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14761259 After silicone toys I could never go back to hard rubber/plastic/ anything real solid. Even glass is no good.
DJ Special K
>>14761230 The way I see it, it's unfair to judge people based on their sexual preferences or kinks, save for a few extreme circumstances. If you want to fuck a piece of plastic, just go for it. It is pretty sad to do it by yourself though.
>>14761259 In all honesty it was too stiff for my liking. But I used it after a serious play session and it finished me off really well. Would definitely recommend, but I would go for a stage below the average firmness.
>>14761304 Why's it sad though? It'd ridiculous to pretend that anyone, let alone everyone, can get regular normal sex, yet everyone gets regular urges. Why is owning a sex toy any sadder than a person owning any other entertainment device?
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14761283 You told me what's in the box. I'm just playing along.
>>14761268 In good time faget
>>14761287 I think the tub was made to enjoy sex toys in.
>>14761283 Hey, I gatta get my post workout meal in.
>>14761304 >>firmness W-who wants to fuck a block of wood?
Oh fuck, it's heavy and in deep...bare with me guys
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>>14761283 Midst?
Maybe the grip of suspense? That sound right?
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>>14761340 >you will never be in the NDT loop F-fine, suspense is more fun anyway.
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>>14761340 Nope. Didnt send what I originally was going to.
>>14761348 It's Gentleman Jack
Could tell by the bottle.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14761348 >I think the tub was made to enjoy sex toys in. No joke. Who wants to clean stuff up?
DJ Special K
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>>14761339 I'm sorry if that sounded judgmental. I'm speaking from personal experience.
I own a really basic Tenga male masturbator but I haven't used it in ages. Don't get me wrong, it felt amazing, but I couldn't shake feeling a little shameful for doing it.
The cleaning, the lube application, the act of buying just felt bad to me. To each their own.
>>14761348 Slap enough makeup on that block of wood and somebody will fuck it...
I.... damn it.... why am I so confused.... Rarity is better and better... im drunker and drunker... Should I just give it up and give in??
>>14761422 How water soluble are lady juices?
>>14761409 Well you're no fun.
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>>14761449 Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
>>14761409 Yer a dick
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14761449 Give in...
>>14761455 Pretty soluble. Thankfully there's always a ready supply.
Lucky bastard on the booze. Good stuff.
>>14761455 It looks cold too!
And sorry I couldn't resist, I've drank a lot of booze.
Know my bottles pretty well. At least the common ones.
>>14761449 One of us....One of us....One of us!
DJ Special K
>>14761455 Is Gentleman Jack that much better than Jack Daniels? I haven't had a taste for the Daniels since college.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
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>>14761455 Oh boy. My old man drinks that shit like water.
>>14761449 You know what to do.
>>14761507 Its a step up from the no7. Single barrel is good but it doesnt have the broad character of the gent.
Was going to go with dalwhinnie, but that was based on MY taste. Figured a good whiskey was a safe bet
Well I'm off to bed gents, tomorrow will be a better day. Thanks for the encouragement.
>>14761506 Huh, yeah, isn't that strange?
>>One of us... >>14761507 It's a smaller batch whiskey. Twice Mellowed whatever that means.
>>14761489 Luck? I guess that has a bit to do with it.
Thanks to the generous anon for this very lovely gift.
Friend really is magic. Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14761507 Much smoother. I'd actually drink it straight, which I won't do with Jack.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14761568 >Daylight through the window Where the fuck do you live?
>>14761601 Its a doorway. Ive noticed it before.
>>14761568 FUCK!
Friendship* >>14761601 That's actually my kitchen light, it's midnight here. I live in SoCal.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14761620 Well aren't I just fucking retarded.
>>14761557 Night guys.
So... out of beer. My roommate has some scotch whisky on the shelf, how does it taste? It says its 18 years old, is that good? Does it mix well?
DJ Special K
>>14761568 >>14761580 >>14761553 Sounds good, I'll give it a shot.
Nice Majora's Mask poster btw, Stouts.
>>14761630 Get out while you can before that shit turns into Fallout for real.
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>>14761647 We're only human
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14761659 18 is very good for a scotch, though if you mix that I will invent a way to murder you over TCP/IP.
What brand?
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>>14761659 Brand name?
Is it glenmorangie?
18 is good.
I like mixing my scotch, but its a no-no to purists.
Tastes great with sweet liqeuers and dr pepper
>>14761662 Hey thanks, I got some of the limited edition posters too.
>>14761665 Nothing is ganna happen, and when the film industry moves so will I.
>>14761659 Dueces anon.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14761690 McAllan or rather "The McAllan". He has a similar one called "Chivas Regal" but there's less in it.
Its not bad with Coke.
>>14761744 Speak of the devil.
What's shaking duder.
>>14761775 Look at the lable again..
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14761777 Same shit, different shovel, brother. Yourself? Hope you enjoy that GJ, it's the only iteration of Jack Daniels' that I'll actually drink.
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>>14761802 Label.
Holy fuck.
Drunk Ass Rarity
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>>14761775 Good stuff. And I'm one of those asshole purists that The Dick mentioned. Drinking that any other way but neat at room temperature is heresy.
DJ Special K
>>14761733 I have a bunch of posters I would put up if I had the fucking space for them. But all I have is an Okami poster and two MLP ones(a mane 6 one, and a Vinyl Scratch woodblock print commission)
I can't wait to move out.
I may not be drunk, but the last time I was here, you guys were bretty gud to chat with.
>>14761832 I would love to put up posters like that. But they would clash with my interior. I have japanese paintings of cherry blossoms in my bedroom and fire dept shit all over my living room.
As well as a shrine to the fallen.
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>>14761858 Welcome.
Friendship IS magic...afterall.
>>14761832 When ya ganna move? Where?
>>14761808 I would enjoy this whiskey even if it was the worst swill I've ever had. Today was a chill day, woke up, lifted, chilled, tidied up apartment. Enjoying my long weekend.
anyone got a shortish greentext story I could read?
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14761869 >As well as a shrine to the fallen. Firemen. The Other always makes jokes about them. Course I'm out in the family room on the floor since he's watching his cop shows so we don't agree on plenty of things.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14761906 Sounds good to me. I won't have a chance to relax until Thanksgiving, but I'm going down south that day with my old man to spend the holiday with him, his girlfriend, and her stepdad; The stepdad in question is a stand-up motherfucker. Mid-50s, big and tall, copstache, always has a smile on his face. Every time I've been to his house the first thing he does is greet me with a glass of scotch and a cigar. Real man, right there.
DJ Special K
>>14761869 That's nice, you got a theme going, don't break that. My Okami and Vinyl Scratch posters match, and I'd probably get rid of the mane 6 one, but it's all framed and shit so I'm inclined to keep it up.
>>14761906 I don't know yet. I kind of want to go to the Pacific Northwest, but really I would be happy just being closer to Honolulu. I'm 30 minutes out of the city now and it sucks.
Plus I'm still staying with my parents and while it's super frugal and I have a lot of freedom here, it's just a tad repressing.
>>14761906 Thanks, it's my second time here! Last I recall I was joining someone in bitching about pencil-pushers, and encouraging someone else to buy Celebration. Not quite sure of everything else. Oh, and beards.
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The Chivas and Coke is a better drink. Like sweet cokey beer stuff.
>>14761957 Read trotterr's, its getting dirty.
>>14761960 I occasionally envy your family greatly.
>>14761961 Aye, I barely make rent where I am, but holy fuck I love being on my own.
>>14761963 >>Beards Oh we got those here, where do you hail from?
>>14761970 Link to the thread? Pastebin?
>>14761959 My fallen brother. Not fireman.
Think a shrine to a fallen warrior.
Or at least thats how we see it.
>>14761960 Damn straight up guy there.
>>14762006 The wastelands of Southern California.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14762013 Cool. If he lived a good life then he was.
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So, after taking a long long break from /mlp/, I have returned. I also drank some hydrocodone syrup a while ago and it felt pretty good until now, where it's an emotional rollercoaster with tons of anxiety (pretty much a period simulator). What do i do guys.
>>14762006 >>14757450 >beards Hell yeah, mine is not half bad
>>14762036 Sure did.
He lived while we tried to make a living.
Really changed things for me when he passed. Its the only reason im fighting now, otherwise I would remain a man of peace and study. His honor is my personal responsibility now
DJ Special K
>>14762006 I envy you. Fuck if I'll be able to find a job out of school though. We shall see.
>>14762045 I want to regrow my beard so bad. I just got a new girlfriend though and not sure about her feelings on beards.
>>14762079 Fighting?
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14762045 I never thought I'd say this, but I trimmed mine two days ago and I think it looks better.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>14762079 Nice. I wish I had things like that. You know, honor and morals and shit.
>>14762062 Nice, what town? I'm in the ever [not really] beautiful San Diego
>>14762094 I noticed.
>>14762090 Amateur mma. (For now)
Have every intention of being a great pro,or at least good enough to contend with a champ. Even if I dont win, a title bought is my goal
>>14762094 A little trim can go a very long way, such as trimming the mustache so you don't accidentally bite it with your meal... EXTREMELY annoying.
>>14762090 You can do it m8
>>New GF Ohoho look at this guy.
>>14762120 I'm a bit north of you friend, I'm in the pit of LA.
>>14762128 Boght? Bout?
>>14762108 If I have nothing else in this world, honor and pride I will have
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14762132 Dude, NOTHING fucking worse. My moustache was getting pretty impressive for a while there, but I absolutely despised having to pull it out of my mouth every time I took a bite of something.
I think I'm the kind of guy who looks better with a tighter beard, anyway.
Drunk Ass Rarity
Debating on sleep and saving the other bottle of wine for tomorrow or going all out...
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>>14762132 >>14762157 The walrus stache is a staple amkng fireman
DJ Special K
>>14762128 That's really cool. Keep on keepin' on, ponyfriend.
>>14762141 Not gonna lie, I'm super fucking hyped to be in a relationship again. She's super cute and funny and I'm really into her.
>>14762148 Bout.
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>>14762157 I hear you, I can't do sideburns worth shit, so the beard is just an overly long goatee.
>>14762178 There is always tomorrow.
I may actually go a nifht or two without drinking so I can get some work done
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>>14762193 Thanks. Spellcheck had failed me.
This Scotch stuff isn't bad mixed. I need to explore something that im not sure I want to.... brb, rule 34
Drunk Ass Rarity
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>>14762256 Fucking love mead
>>14762215 True, and I won't pst tomorrow without the liquor.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
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>>14762256 I make mead. Damn good stuff. (easy to make too)
>>14762240 Fapping whilst drunk is great, just make sure nobody else is near at hand
hah incase your addled mind fails to close the window of questionable material.
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Fuck. Now I want some mead.
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>>14762310 Damn son, a little modesty?
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>>14762310 \I find having sex while high is even more delightful.
Drunk Ass Rarity
Fine fuck it I'm going to sleep. Maybe tomorrow if I feel like it.
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>>14762362 Sweet dreams, puddin pop
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>>14762362 Rest well, sugarcube.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
Having a beer before bed.I'm not looking forward to this week. Fucking retail and thanksgiving
>>14762407 Already saw it.
I really liked it. TrickyDick
>>14762407 What is it?
>>14762421 Ill be working too. Luckily my building will be empty
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
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>>14762445 I'm 3/4 through, this is pretty damn good so far.
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>>14762407 ohohohoh babby.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
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>>14762487 I'll watch it tomorrow at my friend's place with him and his wife.
>>14762487 Awww shiiiit. I wont watch it yet.
Its about time for me to hit the dusty trail....
Night ya jackasses. Stouts, enjoy the booze brother.
>>14759139 Not all depressing, man.
Euphoria goes hand in hand with Hell.
>>14762527 Seriously.....I couldnt fight the erection.
I got into a shouting match with my cock.
>>14762527 Had you found a way not to use "vagina, vulva,shaft." It would have been 50 shades of grey level desperate housewife fuel.
>>14762546 I are a good clop writer.
It happens.
Seriously. I never need porn because muh brain is so damn sexually talentes.
>>14762587 Thats what a story should do; paint a vivid picture.
And boy was it vivid.
Now let me sleep, ya cunt!
>>14762586 There certainly is a fine line between boringly coy and just making people beg for a good animation of a scene.
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>>14762521 You know I will m8. Take care, and thanks again.
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>>14762609 Have fun. I'm just taking a break before writing the pic related party.
>tfw can't watch pone sober anymore.
>>14762618 I just shy away from dirty words because im a child and cant handle it.
Even though ive done unspeakable things in the bedroom. But that is intimate...
>>14762649 So uh... Where inside the girl do you have to pee in?
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
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>>14762638 >tfw never watched pone sober TrickyDick
>>14762665 The butt....
...always the butt
Be forewarned, they DO NOT appreciate it
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guys this conversation is starting to upset me
>>14762665 >>14762699 >>tfw all the girls I've been with fucking love it when you shoot one off in their ass Anonymous
Thats it for me guys, the booze has made me do something I swore i'd never do. I need to distance myself from ponies now.
if it's fapping to them then that's okay, basically all of us have done that.
>>14762750 >mfw you're at the verge of climax on her chest and decides "no please, not the chest"
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>>14762786 Oh just whip your dick out and shoot a load on Rarara's face already.
>>14762801 >>Not letting her know you're close and asking where she'd like it. Get with it anon.
>>14762786 Use it as an opportunity to get CLOSER to pone. Why look, there's one just waiting for some cuddles.
>>14762786 She needs your help anon.
>>14762834 Cuddling is good... what I did was not.
>>14762795 Fapping to ponies is a line I swore i'd never cross. And I have. It sickens me.
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>>14762859 dude come on, it is just some lines and colours on your screen, big deal. even the subject material it makes up isn't real.
You're just more firmly strapped to the ride now, is all.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14762859 Brother, I've beaten the bishop to FAR worse things than pones. You have nothing to fear. Trust me.
>not wanting to insert your main fuel line into A-10-chan's auxilary refueling aperture Anonymous
>>14762980 You got me beat...
>>14762834 >>14762857 I admit, she is so damn cute in those pictures, I can see why people see her that way.
Maybe I should go with it. After all, whats the worst that could happen.
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>>14762980 mmmffuck yeeaahhh...
tell me more about...nnnggghhhaa!...
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
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>>14762999 >implying A-10 doesn't have best butt Stouts
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>>14762999 >>14762980 >>not wanting to be treated like a literal piece of meat. None of my vore pics are sfw so just take comfort in that.
>>14762999 trips confirm naive new ponyfag.
Enjoy the big kids' ride, buddy. We have everclear jello shots and crushed tylenol if you need it.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
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>>14763068 >everclear jello shots and crushed tylenol Stouts
>>14763116 jesus man, wtf??
>>14763068 I know what im doing. I dont know why I want to do it.
>>14763160 Oh, don't get me started I'm almost drunk enough to post weird porn.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14763173 Heh.
Heh heh heh heh.
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love you guys slight homo
>>14763194 >>Xenomorphs I think that's on par with futanari as "almost a vanilla fetish"
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14763242 Well, my weird porn tends to be more focused on the parties involved, rather than what said parties are doing.
Vanilla as it may make me, I don't give fuck one.
>>14763283 that made my dick jump Stouts whate ar u doing Stouts stahp Stouts
>>14763276 I'm teasing. Love me some Xenos though.
>>14763316 >>prepare your dick anon. Anonymous
>>14763276 I agree. My fetishes are rather tame.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14763355 I like weird creatures.
And impregnation.
>>14763382 A fuckin great artist, and he uses his talents for THIS?!?
oh baby Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
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>>14763427 Is drink, tovarij.
Na zdarovye!
>>14763375 Impregnation is great. Hypnosis is good too.
I do have a minor incest fetish, but I think its growing.
>>14763467 >ponythroatclean4 My mind seemed to jump to slitting AJ's throat cleanly because of that image title What does this represent about my psyche? Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
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>>14763468 Oh yeah, incest too. Especially siblingcest.
I do so wish I had a twin sister.
I have to stay awake for the next ~30 hours for various reasons. Most importantly to pick my girlfriend up from the train station in a Japanese city I barely know how to drive around while running on no sleep. Any advice for going about this? It's been a while since I've had to stay up this long. Also, started with sake, now drinking a Bailey's milkshake because I was in the mood for something sweet.
>>14763499 >>staying up 30 hours >>driving Boy you're asking for it.
>>14763490 You're a rainbowfag
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>>14763490 It's not much about the actions it makes you want to carry out, but rather what emotions such actions would bring out
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14763499 Japan? Just say "herro" and "prease" a lot, and you'll be golden.
>>14763499 Fap to cartoon ponies all night always works for me Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
Thoughts of suicide be brewin, time to whiskey.
tell me guys how oftern do you all get pissed per week? Personally i never drink two nights in a row.
>>14763623 Anon dont kill yourself. I will genuinely be upset if you do. There's plenty in the world for you, im certain, and even if you dont think so, then know that there is someone out there who wants you alive.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14763623 Let the firewater burn away those thoughts, friend.
>>14763632 Sounds like you may be in the wrong place, brother.
I drink most every night, because I am a drunk.
>>14763644 We fuck now?
>>14763645 It hurts so good.
>>14763645 Don't get me wrong, when I drink I get fucking drunk. I mean, hardcore fucking off my face.
I just worry about my liver is all
Is there any real danger/ TheRough
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>>14763575 Damn... Just damn...
>>14763623 >Whiskey on a sad occassion. Well-played mate.
>>14763661 yes anon
now is the time for fucking
no homo though
Quoted By:
>>14763623 Someone's out there watching out for you Anon, someone who has a vested interest in your success.
>>14763632 I usually drink every night.
The ammount each night is proportional to how shit the day was.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14763664 Cirrhosis is a real thing, to be sure.
But given my family history and my unhealthy lifestyle, I will be dead either of a heart attack, lung cancer, or alcohol poisoning before I'm 50. What can I say? I like beer, barbecue, and cigarettes. I'd rather die with a beer in one hand, a burger in the other, a lungful of smoke, and a smile on my face than I'd like to die with chiseled calves and washboard abs and a life devoid of fun.
>>14763509 I'll only be driving there, and I'll have quite a bit of caffeine in me right before leaving.
Ah who am I kidding I'm fucked. >>14763529 That pretty much got me through my first year here.
>>14763543 I don't know how long I'd be able to go before my dick looked like I had been in the bathtub for half a day.
>>14763675 >No homo Why you got a problem with homos?
>>14763644 Count me in on the Suicide Hotline list. We need people alive, mate. Like what my dear mother said: "I'm not telling you it's easy, but I'm telling you it's worth it."
Kepp on living, Anon. Cheers.
>>14763688 Well you come to the right thread then.
>>14763690 >beer, BBQ Muh nigga. Anyway, I'd remember your death and I shall bring you up in the wall of fame, light shining upon new drinkers for such a prince came to our lives.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14763707 >no cigarettes Can't have two without the third, brother. Alcohol, grilled meat, and tobacco are the three main food groups.
>>14763707 Thanks Rough, it's rough sometimes, you know this.
Life, not the sex, unless it is the sex, which is a good thing. But not life, rough life kind of blows. Not in the sense of a blowjob because that's good, but not when life blows, that sucks. And not like getting your dick sucked, because that's good, but when life sucks, that's gay.
Nothing else to add, faggots are gay.
>>14763707 >Kepp on living, Anon. Cheers. And so I plan to mate. Even if life looks grim now, I just think that nothing stays the same forever, and the world is always in change. keep an eye on the horizon, I always say.
Funnily enough the drink actually makes me feel better despite being a depressant.
A box of Merlot and some Coffee. I'm in shitty ass Japan and it's miserable. Can anyone guess why?
>>14763730 Well, I'll let this one go.
Just come to my hotel room and I'll patch you up if you catch my drift. >>14763732 Does menthol count as smoking? I smoke catnip too if that counts. Massive headaches after catnipping but is healthy, I heard.
>>14763744 Point taken.
>faggots are gay Gotta admit, I can't say that anyway better.
>>14763773 That's the spirit, mate. Even though everything around you is changing, your dear pals aren't
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Holy shit I should not have eaten those nachos with all that hard cider.
SingaporeanShitposter !!CF5RAcbytUQ
>>14756201 Season 4 a shit.
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>>14763773 It's called a 'depressant' because it slows shit down man.
>>14763778 Tentacle Rape?
>>14763791 Oh look, it's the Singaporean Gangster. He just came to /mlp/ a few hours ago, starting off with a name and trip.
Tell me mate, are you planning to be as good as PennyWise?
>>14763778 Japan has some great beer man.
Quoted By:
>>14763778 The whole society is ran by old people?
>>14763791 So far it's pretty meh.
But we all have to stick with it until the end of time. Whether we want to or not.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
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>>14763787 I don't like menthol at all, but I suppose it counts. About as much as someone saying they have a tequila sunrise once a week makes them a drinker.
>>14763807 Haven't seen any yet, I'll keep my eyes peeled.
>>14763809 They literally have the worst beer, and the best beer. Weird shit.
The answer is, Because I sold my soul to Uncle Sam.
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>>14763809 Asahi
? is pretty fantastic.
>>14763813 To be honest, I liked S4E01. Expected better but what the hell. Discord is in it so why the fuck not?
>>14763817 I like you. Funny dude.
>>14763817 Better fuck up Uncle Sams shit and enjoy gay-ass Japan.
Go snowboarding or something, I dunno
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>>14763828 Discord was one of the very few good things about s4e01
>>14763828 Sweet, Tolerance and kindness and that jazz.
Probly one of the best reason to come to this thread and do more than lurk.
Gonna start watching S4 here soon. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I need something to be thankful for, or a reason to drink more. Either way, I'm hella down.
>>14763850 S4 E1 is great.
>>14763833 Scuba and surfing is the big thing here. I dabbled in Surfing but Skateboarding is my passion, too bad it's like a 63456534 yen ticket. Fuck me, right?
Nice dubs btw, Hella choice.
>>14763856 I downloaded it two nights ago. I was waiting for some off time to watch it in peace, preferably with an alcoholic beverage in arms reach.
Alright guys, bedtime for me. Stay drunk. Dueces.
Jack Daniels or Jim Beam?
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>>14763833 I could list a few good things to do:
>rape >manga-reading >anime conventions >ramen and sushi >Snowboarding >Jacuzzi and spa >Meet an old person in Japan and bow heads Take this and treat this like a bucket list.
>>14763873 You would laugh at some parts but you would facepalm due to peer stupidity of the episode. Proceed with caution mate. Maybe have Vodka.
>>14763877 Nite mate
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>>14763877 Goodnight friend!
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I just learned that spam can be eaten cold. Holy shit I'm lazy and hungry.
>>14763862 Skateboarding! What style are you into?
I'm into longboarding. Hell of a lotta awesome downhill runs in northern Sydney.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>tfw you're talking to a super-hot Portuguese lass who you're pretty sure is a skinwalker judging by how she talks and the weird questions she asks >tfw she offers to masturbate on video for you >tfw you're sexually attracted to a cryptozoological monster What do, boys?
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>>14763882 Jack. Jack all the way.
>>14763925 Light your hair on fire.
Captcha: appleuy become
>>14763922 Street, My girl just bought me an Enjoi and some thunders, I'll looking to put her gift to a good use.
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>>14763925 Get on that ASAP my friend.
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>>14763925 Rape Rape RAPE!
>>14763934 Ha, I'm sure you'll put them to good use!
How often do you skate?
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14763932 This is the lass in question.
>>14763979 How are you not already tapping that 24/7?
>>14763955 Before deployment, 3-5 times a week. Now? once a week. Horrid, I know.
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>>14763979 She's pretty, though my best hot story was with a gorgeous lady from Argentina while I worked up at a ski resort.
Post pics when she starts playing. And fucking watch her play.
I just heard a Chelsea Grin cover of a Korn song... Fuck yeah.
>>14764008 fuc king link it bro
fuck man
come on
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>>14764013 I just set my buddy's 360 on iHeartRadio and have left it on a Fit for an Autopsy channel all night.
btw, keep an eye on FfaA. They rip ass like most headcanon Big Macs in a CMCrusader.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>14764002 She lives in Portugal.
I'm in Freedomland.
Damn, I'm tired as hell but still got to writefag. I'll come back to the thread. Prepare me some coffee when I return? Thanks. See you mates later.
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>>14764045 cheer up.
this photo exists.
What is everyone doing besides drinking and posting here tonight? I'm now watching Japanese night time TV and everyone is going to sleep in the house, boredom will soon set in.
>>14764072 Just clop now and get it over with so you can just fall asleep so you aren't stuck bored.
>>14764048 I'm back. Where's my coffee?
>>14764072 Your name reminds me of the movie "Rocketman." I love that movie so much.
>>14764082 0341. Mortahhhs. God's side arm.
This might be the drink talking but I genuinely mean it:Love you guys, you are a vital factor in keeping me world turning and straighforrward. Not even joking i seriously love you guys.
>>14764125 Nice dude, 11B, Army. Not official but I can work 120's when I need to. I'm less gun bunny and more FDC interested though in the grand scheme of things.
Where'd you ship to, Afghaniland or the sandbox?
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>>14764089 I'm
>>14763695 and I'm super wired right now, jet lag and all. Won't be able to sleep for quite a while, even when I want to. ;_;
>>14764098 I think it's a double-whammy. Luna is my favrit pone and I'm in Moonland. I haven't seen that movie in like ten years but if I remember it's pretty fucking funny.
Also no I'm not avatarfagging I just want to post pictures of Moonbutt. Anonymous
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>>14764130 Anon we are meant to be.
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all my friends are offline exeptt you guys you guys are my friends arent you? not literally "i know you i n real life friends' but cool online friends who i can be meself with?
>>14764145 My deployments include: Nowhere, Middle of no where, just barely south of nowhere, still, nowhere important, and Okinawa. Pretty extensive list, if I do say so myself.
Btw, a big 'Rah to things that go boom.
>>14764196 Sounds about right brother, what size boom tube you rock? I hate 120 because working em pretty much requires mech, or stationary. Either way it scares me to sit in a moving foxhole or one place too long.
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i have one final drink infront of meself, a jack daniels honey imbued drink with some coca cola. should i pour it out? am I too drunk?
>>14764196 Sheeiiiit Okinawa was fun as shit for me, even if I was only in seventh grade at the time.
But fuck camp Hanson. That place had nothing to god damn do. Kadena and Foster are the shit, and Courtney had Lord of Tengin, Tingen, whatever, which made the best fucking omelettes ever.
>>14764234 Sorry for the late reply, I've been drinking since my first post. Umm 81's HE's gift to the world.
>>14764269 Hansen blows. A lot.
>>14764389 Good stuff, never used em before, seen em and they look righteous. High angle hell.
>>14764400 Yeah, hella choice. Nice dubs btw. You off any extra days for Thanks giving?
>>14764434 Yep, my weekend starts today, hence the heavy drinkin this morning. Course I picked up the slack a bit ago, so it's all a tradeoff I guess. How bout you?
>>14764468 It's 2200, we got off work like, 6 hours ago. Manditroy Football in the morning, bringing beer. Why not? Then I'm off until Monday.
>>14764478 Nice nice, solid chunk of time for everyone. Love the Holidays man, shit relaxes just a bit, find yourself with more time, use some of that leave you've accumulated.
>>14764495 Sorry dude, the replies are becoming in consistant, as is the nature of drinking. I'm a little upset that all these blood thirsty mother fuckers are in their beds sleeping while some of us Marines habve the decency to be drunk.
>mfw Thank you to the captcha gods for making that last post possible.
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i think i had too mucyh goodnight /mlp/
>>14764641 Wake them up, kick their bunks over boot style.
>>14764664 >inb4 Aye Sgt! Aye Sgt! Aye Sgt! Aye Sgt! Aye Sgt! Aye Sgt! Aye Sgt! Aye Sgt! Aye Sgt! Aye Sgt! Aye Sgt! Aye Sgt! Aye Sgt! Aye Sgt! To much drink for all the noise, haha, this weekend we will go hard and I will find myself here again.
Thank you Ctrl + V for making that one possible.
>>14764690 At least you're be drunk and it will sound like "Ice sir gent."
Pretend you're a knight and he's buying icecream from you.
>>14764713 REally dude? If this were a YLYL thread, I'd be dead. Only because I said it aloud.
>>14764745 Hahaha gotta love the little things in life. Warm showers, air conditioning, training in a hurricane. Fuckin with your superiors. Always funny when people compare the military to a prison. The military is just a prolonged exercise in deconstructing peoples minds is all.
I have no idea what the fuck I'm talkin about anymore dude haha, the whiskey is in my blood.
how do yuy guys drink eerrynight doesnt it reck your kidneys or livers or whatever the fuck it recks
>>14764767 And the Wine is putting up a fight as well my good man. I still haven't seen any of S4! Haha, I forgot..
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>>14764792 Kidnney shmidney.
>>14764795 I haven't either, I'm actually 100% newfag, haven't even started season 3, but completed season 2.
I should watch the rest, fun show, fun part of 4chan.
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>>14764792 >doesnt it reck your kidneys or livers or whatever the fuck it recks Made me lel