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MLP General

!!3gam3heWjui No.15618898 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
409: Pinkie Apple Pie

410: Rainbow Falls - Rainbow Dash and her Ponyville team arrive in Rainbow Falls to fly in the qualifying round of the Equestria Games when it becomes apparent that the competition definitely has a hoof up on them. Then, when the elite Cloudsdale team offers Rainbow Dash a spot on their top notch squad, she’s faced with making a tough decision about where her loyalties lie. (Corey Powell)

411: Three's a Crowd - As Twilight Sparkle eagerly anticipates the arrival of Princess Cadance, Discord dishes up quite the dreadful disruption when he arrives and begs the ponies to take care of him while he is sick. But when Discord's diva like demands get ridiculously out of hand, Twilight's generosity and friendship skills are put to the test during her special weekend. (Song) (Meghan McCarthy and Ed Valentine)

412: Pinkie Pride - Pinkie Pie finds her status as “super-duper party pony” in jeopardy when the mysterious Cheese Sandwich comes to town and offers to plan an epic party for Rainbow Dash. Guest voiceover by Weird Al Yankovic. (Musical episode!) (Probably Amy Keating Rogers?)

413: Simple Ways (has one of Meghan's favorite Rarity performances)
414: Filli Vanilli (Song)
415: Twilight Time
416: It Ain't Easy Being Breezies

Friendship is Magic #15 comes out next Wednesday, and Friends Forever #1 will probably be the week after.

Pinkie's an Apple. Forever.

And now Granny Smith can honestly say that she's been in the scariest cave in Equestria and made it out alive.

Previous thread.