Told you fucks I'd make it. Talk about Ponies and Booze and Ponies drinking Booze.
Oh wow you did. I was literally about to. FIRST FOR BEST SHIP.
Ruby Rose
>>15723297 Damnit, you beat me to it. At least I'm directly beneath.
Drunk Ass Rarity
Quoted By:
>>15723297 I can't still argue for first?
Quoted By:
scribbling, psrking, drininking.
HomebrewPony !21WQyhrTqw
>>15723297 Lame, I had one too.
>>15723315 islandfag !!rsHW4nMpoCo
Quoted By:
this thread is new and uncomfortable
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723319 You've made a pretend thread. But enough talk, HAVE AT YOU!
>>15723297 >>15723319 Both of you in your right place.
>>15723336 Negative, you made a pretender. Deletion time~
>>15723281 I'm sitting on this box of mlp cards waiting on who should get them.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723352 The CCG? I am pro at that game.
>>15723250 I'm going to redo the same pic. Just better. Maybe change the pose or something.
Ruby Rose
>>15723343 I've done more than make one thread. But we can totally have at each other, wink wink nudge nudge.
>>15723351 B-but I'm a dominant personality type, Bucket. Even if I'm gentle.
>>15723352 Anybody in the thread.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723365 The concept was really good. Maybe the starting pose was just a little odd?
HomebrewPony !21WQyhrTqw
Quoted By:
>>15723363 Lets D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d do it.
Quoted By:
>>15723373 Yeah, I'm going to start from scratch. That one was doomed since I decided to color it. It was a cute sketch. It should have stayed that way.
>>15723365 I don't really see what was so wrong with it to begin with, but you're the artist. Whatever you want to draw.
>>15723369 >gentle >dominant This I'd have to see for myself.
>>15723363 I'm getting pretty good at it too. It actually plays really well.
So.. Between Magic and Vanguard, and attempting to jam pone decks in, the box is getting too small.
>>15723363 Wait.... is that Octavia in vinyl figure form???
Ruby Rose
>>15723394 Think a Catwoman-esque personality in the bedroom. A game of cat-and-mouse, that whole thing. But instead of whips I use knives. And I don't cut unless you royally fuck up.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723415 Octavia has existed in Funko form for a while now.
>>15723398 It's a good game. Rarara/Ponk seems like the broken combo.
Quoted By:
>>15723422 Alright stop this is more than I think I can take in one night. Fak.
>>15723437 I was unaware of this. I now must seek one out. It must go into my limited yet exclusive collection!
Oh, and I haven't tried that combo. I'm finding RariJack works rather well, I do have a TwiDash that is less so...
I'm drunk This is my first drunk mlp thread when can I go to sleep [spoilers]I have to work tomorrow[/spoilers]
Quoted By:
>>15723457 Fapping to girls elsewhere
God bless him
Quoted By:
>>15723456 >when can I go to sleep When you say goodbye you little, cunt.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723454 RariJack is only ok since Rarara doesn't rely on exhausting to much. Rarara is about controlling your side of the table and Ponka is about controlling THEIR side. It's a perfect combo.
>>15723457 Jacking off to thoughts of me.
HomebrewPony !21WQyhrTqw
A normally Girly cocktail counts as manly if you can taste the alcohol, right?
>>15723470 Normally nobody gives a shit of nobody is watching anyway. Whatever you like to drink, man.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723470 I'll allow it.
What's in it?
HomebrewPony !21WQyhrTqw
>>15723468 Haven't you complained about being ugly before?
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723487 I never said Barley had good taste...
Ruby Rose
>>15723468 I don't blame him. What's up with that weird-ass Dash figurine?
I don't get this. I drink hard liquor all the time, yet writing novels never gets easier. The hell am I doing wrong?
>>15723493 Post tits.
>>15723511 Stop writing novels and just start writing.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723501 Funko Mini Fig Blind Boxes. Black coat ones are rare, normal are common.
>>15723501 The black one? Isn't that from the blind boxes?
Only variation I have is the comic-con sparkling Dashie/Derpy myself, And I cant take them out of the box...
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723529 Those are common as shit. I've got two.
>Pic related, me after SDCC Friday MrBucket
Quoted By:
>>15723511 You're not emotionally troubled enough.
Ruby Rose
Quoted By:
>>15723529 Get a knife.
>>15723528 Oh. I got a glowy Carrot Top one, but I gave that to Christopher Rager for his daughter.
>>15723487 Short women with wide hips are freaky.
HomebrewPony !21WQyhrTqw
>>15723493 Does Barley even know what you look like?
And is it a "Oh no I am teh uggos ;-;" girl ugly or actually ugly?
>>15723478 >>15723482 Nothing I'm drinking right now. It's just I remember back in the /co/ days we occasionally had bartender visit who said he made all of his cocktails with more alcohol so you could actually taste it, as opposed to being covered like girly drinks are.
>>15723536 I've resisted merch, but my love of figurines has me buying more of it. Not much luck on the blind boxes, and they seem to have fixed the code flaw one could use to cheat on the blind bags....
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723552 He has no idea. He'll be ever so sad when we meet for real.
>>15723558 I have a lot of merch. This is fairly recent, just plushes.
Quoted By:
>>15723549 Don't bring her to mama.
HomebrewPony !21WQyhrTqw
>>15723569 That doesn't answer my question of "Girl Ugly" or real ugly.
Speaking of which there was a really cool girl who I went to high school with that was pretty ugly. I wish I could have gotten over my shallow self to actually get to know her. Last time as I saw her was at an anime convention with a fairly attractive dude, so, I hope she made out okay.
Quoted By:
>>15723569 Look at all that swag, I'm jelly.
Quoted By:
>>15723524 >Stop writing novels and just start writing. You presume that the only things I write are novel manuscripts. I shall now tip my $6.99 Walmart trilby and snort in derision.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723595 >That doesn't answer my question of "Girl Ugly" or real ugly. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
>>15723569 Your not kidding. Wow.
HomebrewPony !21WQyhrTqw
Quoted By:
>>15723511 You aren't doing it in a bar made from a fishing shack in France, debating whether to spend your last franc on booze or cigarettes.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723618 And I have probably a hundred blind bags and half again as many brushables.
>Pic not related, just one I took at a convention HomebrewPony !21WQyhrTqw
Quoted By:
>>15723612 Hmm. I'm leaning towards "girl ugly" now
Ruby Rose
>>15723612 Well, let us behold your speculative beauty, yeah? You can't complain about being ugly and not expect us to whiteknight/insist upon tits and such.
>>15723612 >He'll be ever so sad when we meet for real. That's what she said.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723638 >>15723642 >initiating exit protocols oldNo7
>>15723650 I can't wait to hang at ACen.
Ruby Rose
Quoted By:
>>15723660 I will go one year.
>>15723650 Stooooooooop
>>15723660 Boy that'll be interesting.
>>15723612 I have a few of those pops as well, I take it the shiny's are rare ones?
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723660 I'm... super excited. To meet you all. In real life...
HomebrewPony !21WQyhrTqw
>>15723650 No, pls don't go. We meed your particular brand of femininity, or other wise we are some sort of sausage fest that would summon the likes of WPAC to prey on our poor drunk and desperate straight boy souls.
Drunk Ass Rarity
Quoted By:
>>15723672 Relatively. The Twi Pinkie and RD were part of a set last year. The Derpy And Time Turner were an Amazon exlusive this year.
Ruby Rose
>>15723678 Speak for your own soul, Brewie, pal.
>>15723677 We're coming for you, Rararara.
>>15723677 WE WILL JUDGE THE SHIT OUT OF YOU No but really we'll all be judging each other. If it makes you feel better you'll be judging me more than anything.
Quoted By:
>>15723667 We're rooming together, that week is going to be wild.
>>15723677 Real life is a trip. Don't be scared if I hug you, and grope your ego.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723698 I'll judge the shit out of you, but I've seen Dick and Barley. Those guys are fucking HUGE. And they make me feel bad.
How old are all you name people anyway? I frequented these threads a lot before I had to quit drinking because rehab . I didn't know you were doing a meetup at a con.
Ruby Rose
Quoted By:
>>15723708 I'll just be happy and friendly and all that happy shit. So don't be surprised if I give no fucks about judgement.
>>15723708 I don't want to make you feel worse. Dick could crush me if he wanted to though. Technique.
HomebrewPony !21WQyhrTqw
>>15723697 Look, it's been 4 years since I'd even kissed someone. Sometimes I wish I had never had sex so I couldn't know the intimacy that I was missing.
Quoted By:
>>15723718 The con is meetup. Sorry about your rehab.
>>15723708 Well if it's going to be like that the fine, I'll judge the shit out of you too, Lollipop Guild.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723725 I've already accepted I'll be a chronic disappointment to everyone. At worst I'll find Dick and Co pussies ti bed at the con. I'm good at being the wingman.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723742 I always assumed you were a eunuch of some kind. Buckets have no gender
Ruby Rose
>>15723743 You're no disappointment, DARling.
>>15723733 I'm bordering on three, man. It all comes down to not making yourself out to be a total tool. Reveal only as much as they do, and take an interest in them.
Quoted By:
>>15723755 I want to yell at you but I can't argue with your logic.
>>15723718 O-old enough. T-to party.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723760 >3 years without Shit man, I turn sex down more than that on a DAILY basis.
>>15723743 Saved. We'll roll D. When I met Tricky I almost said, " Are you sly pussy?" We're cool kids.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723779 Dick is a cool guy and Barley is a fucking Adonis. They can fuck anyone they want at the con.
Ruby Rose
>>15723770 Imagine a high libido without an interest in sex with no chemistry. I also have crippling self-doubt because of my weight, but I try not to let that stop me from being kind and sweet.
>Teddy bear personality Scotchguy
>>15723718 That will remain a mystery. Too old to be here, lets leave it at that.
>>15723725 I'd have a go at Dick, just cause I love ta fight.
>>15723733 Been there...
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723794 Dick is a professional fighter, you should watch that.
Quoted By:
>>15723790 But I don't want sum fuck bby, I want sum friendship.
Rambo Dash
I've been told I was supposed to post here and do... something?
Ruby Rose
Quoted By:
>>15723815 drink heavily, post sexy pictures, and have fun.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723815 Crackle is best pony because he has scales and doesn't afraid of anything.
>>15723809 I know. Im not untrained, though im nowhere near his level.
I wouldn't fight out of malice, more just to strap the gloves on and go a few rounds.
I just realised that potato chips probably aren't the best thing to eat with whiskey. It's a good thing I know to drink water as well.
HomebrewPony !21WQyhrTqw
>>15723718 26.
>>15723760 >Implying I'm even trying Look, between social anxiety and my anti-depression meds killing my sex drive, I don't even try. The only reason I even revealed I like the last girl that I told was because she was leaving to go back to college. We talked about work, movies, and alcohol, and I think we flirted a bit but who fucking knows. I bought her a cider as a going away gift and she did a thing that I think means she likes me but what the fuck do I know?
>>15723770 I'm guessing butterface at minimum then.
Quoted By:
>>15723797 I have BAGS of potato chips nigger, my ribs aren't poking out.
>>15723794 >>15723809 Huehuehuehue.
amateur btw.
but I'm a nice guy. I don't like to hurt people. Sport is another story.
Bed now. Fuckin' stardust is a superhero now. Bit by spider
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723825 Even as a laywomen myself I can appreciate the glory of combat. It's not mean, it's competitive.
>>15723828 The Other has low standards.
Ruby Rose
>>15723828 What'd she do? And what sorta personality did she have?
Rambo Dash
Drunk Ass Rarity
Quoted By:
>>15723838 Good night, sweet prince. May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.
Quoted By:
>>15723826 >I just realised that potato chips probably aren't the best thing to eat with whiskey. Are you also smoking crack?
Ruby Rose
>>15723825 An admirable concept, Scotchguy, and I would gladly go a few rounds with you.
Doubly so if people don't mind LARP weapons.
>>15723838 You punched me so hard in the stomach I was like, no, I'm going to die. Lets just go drink some more ok?
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723857 >LARP You boffin fuckers, I thought you were made of sterner stuff.
HomebrewPony !21WQyhrTqw
>>15723839 Still can't tell if actually ugly or have problems accurately judging self.
>>15723840 She held the bottle to her chest, with her body doing a back and forth motion. And one of the other women (of similar age) kinda teased her about me bringing a bottle in a paper bag when I came up to give it to her.
And, honestly, we talked about how worked sucked and stuff, but really I would have liked a date where we could have chatted and gotten to know eachother a bit.
Ruby Rose
>>15723866 >Implying I don't use boffers as a safety precaution Believe it or not, they can still fuckin' hurt.
>>15723859 Oooopss.
I swear I was holding alot back.
I'll give you some more pointers and such at the con
Ruby Rose
>>15723872 It sounds like either you got a really good bottle of booze, or she really did like you. If the latter, I'm sorry you missed out, man.
Rambo Dash
Quoted By:
>>15723873 Keep swinging harder until people call their shots, imo
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723873 Believe it or not, pain is the proof of life.
>>15723882 HAH, It's fine. I knew you had me beat at that point. I didn't throw up after so it's fine, I just had to call it at that point. It was a good learning experience. Rest well bro.
Quoted By:
>>15723887 Pain is a sensation, and sensations are made to enjoy.
Don't read too far into that.
Ruby Rose
Quoted By:
>>15723887 True, but I'm not breaking bones for my own entertainment. If you wanna see me use a naked blade, you're gonna have to set me up with something to cut, and no risk of hurting anyone. I'm a sadist, but that has its' place and time.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723882 >>15723899 Sweaty men fighting
I can schlick to this.
>>15723887 Do you like my secluded orchard Rare?
surprise buttsecks Drunk Ass Rarity
Drunk Ass Rarity
What a bunch of fucking amatuers.
>>15723915 Tricky was like, Are you sure you want to do this? And I said I'm all for it brah. Then I punched him in the face. He shook it off. He punched me harder in the face and asked "Are you okay?" Then I tackled him and pinned him. I was on top and said "Now show me how you get out of this." and he put me in a position where he could have pulled apart my spine. I submitted.
>>15723948 Right the fuck here.
Goddamn Windows refused to let me postpone updates any longer.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723949 I feel like WPAC should be here to judge this.
>>15723954 Bucketo-San! Wakarimashta?
Rambo Dash
I feel as if I'm too sober for this, and yet close to 4 is probably too late to start...
>>15723954 I tell windows, maybe later.
>>15723967 I feel like the west coasters should pick up where we left off.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723975 Rambo Dash is a central fag like me.
Ruby Rose
I feel as though I've singlehandedly destroyed myself in front of you guys.
>>15723978 The she should show up to ACen and get the dick.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15723985 Until you meet one of us in real life our opinion of you is the TOPS
HomebrewPony !21WQyhrTqw
Quoted By:
>>15723883 It wasn't that good. I think she was just into me. But according to quantum laws of attraction by thinking she liked me she didn't, and thinking she didn't means she did.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, people. What an unpredictable bunch. We're organic computers built from 4 billion+ years of evolution. the fact we work at all is incredible, so expecting brains to work rationally... or even irrationally is amazing.
I don't know if I need another drink or need to sober up.
Ruby Rose
Quoted By:
>>15723989 That One Pony Slut? I don't know what you're meaning by tops, DARling.
>>15723962 >>15723968 I told Windows that all day but apparently it decided I wasn't allowed to do that anymore.
>>15723985 Come to ACen. We still love you, honest
I barely know you I just want more people at ACen. Drunk Ass Rarity
Quoted By:
>>15723988 Rambo is a he. And he'll fuck you up.
>>15723985 Not really, unless you decide to keep posting your avatar shit. I don't hate you in real life, yet.
Rambo Dash
>>15723988 Wait what who where wha?
Drunk Ass Rarity
Quoted By:
>>15724009 You're a girl now. Make yourself pretty for The Sacrifice.
Ruby Rose
Quoted By:
>>15724007 My avatar shit is here to stay until I amass a collection of reactions the likes of which I've never seen.
>>15724003 If I amass a small fortune and can travel there, with time off work, I might come. Also transportation.
Quoted By:
>>15724009 Get the dick gurl.
Twilight Trixie
>>15723988 Rambo has a dick, but I reckon I can share
Drunk Ass Rarity
STOP WAIT Bucket is a faggot Ruby is confused OldNo7 Is an Alpha and takes what he wants and All others are pretenders to thr Dick Throne!
>>15724036 Share your.. pussy?
>>15724044 I demand evidence of these claims lady.
Ruby Rose
>>15724051 I'm confused and paranoid. There's your proof.
Twilight Trixie
Quoted By:
>>15724045 Oh, sorry. Rambo's my special somepony, but maybe I could allow him to share his dick
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15724051 evidence you are a faggot? How about your predilection for men?
>>15724066 You are straight, though I trust you not.
Rambo Dash
>>15724072 Well shit I guess you got me there.
>>15724072 >>15724081 I will slap you straight, Sir Bucket.
>>15724078 one of the most internet photos I have ever seen
Ruby Rose
Quoted By:
>>15724072 I'm... Heteroflexible? Gynesexual? And I'm trustworthy. I'm a legitimately good friend.
and fond of foreplay but hush. Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15724078 I declare you Dick of the North!
Quoted By:
>>15724090 You're on motherfucker. Better have some real good tits.
Rambo Dash
Quoted By:
>>15724091 I aim to please or, failing that, for the eyes.
>>15724093 I want to be dick of the south as where it hangs.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15724112 You don't want to be Dick of the South when his Graces dick falls on your south.
Rambo Dash
>>15724093 Winter is cumming.
Quoted By:
>>15724078 Very disturbed.
Where the heck has this thread gone?
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15724135 You'll never rule fuck hit winterfeell equeatria don't care fuck shit
Rambo Dash
>>15724147 Use your words... :P
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15724155 You normally prefer I use other assets...
This thread is terribly inappropriate for children.
Quoted By:
>>15724164 J-just use the assets.
HomebrewPony !21WQyhrTqw
Hey, sorry. Kinda got angry there. 9 times out of 10 I'm a happy drunk, sometimes I get angry. Mostly at myself for being a loser. Anyways I think this is bed time for me. Some more water and some lemon cake before I hit the sack though, so I'll be around a few minutes.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15724165 It's not different at all, is it STEVE!
Quoted By:
>>15724179 No way, friendship is
benefits islandfag !!rsHW4nMpoCo
Rambo Dash
Quoted By:
>>15724185 Nobody is hatin'
Enjoy your cake and sleep.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15724193 Drunakards and assholes. Guess at which I am?
Quoted By:
>>15724188 Nope D
>>15724193 You're suppose to read between the lines. For context.
>>15724202 Ass HOLEEE
islandfag !!rsHW4nMpoCo
Rambo Dash
Ruby Rose
I've hit that time of the night where sanity drains away to crippling self-loathing and doubt, so I think I shall eat something, lurk, and then bed. I wish you well, horsefuckers, and sexy dreams and booze to all. I'll see you later tonight. Especially you, DAR. I'll see you in my dreams.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15724221 You wish you were me, which means you are a fool. No one could be better than you.
>>15724215 I. Am. OROKOSAKI!
>>15724221 >I've hit that time of the night where sanity drains away to crippling self-loathing Don't be an apple.
Rambo Dash
Anyone want something drawn?
>>15724246 Applejack with stardust.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
Drunk Ass Rarity
Quoted By:
>>15724246 Rarity dominating Twilight with a whip
>>15724252 Evening Barls. What are you drinking?
>>15724252 Way to show up faggot.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15724252 Hey! Look at me, I'm Barley! I tell others what to do then pussy out on it myself!
Rambo Dash
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>15724262 Water, now. I've had a bungload of beer and whiskey, and I have to work early tomorrow.
>>15724269 Let's send him to the burn center.
Rambo Dash
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>15724264 Shut up, buttlord.
>>15724269 Extra shut up, buttlord, I've been slopping beer down like the last brewery in America shut down.
Besides, it's Thursday, your traditional "I'm not drinking because I'm a responsible employee" day, so what the fuck are you doing here?
islandfag !!rsHW4nMpoCo
>>15724288 what's crackin' man?
>>15724274 Burning Skye. Scottish ale. Good shit.
>>15724274 >I've had a bungload of beer and whiskey >doesn't touch it because reasons I am disappoint nigga.
>>15724282 Wait, don't use it yet.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15724273 I'd like to see Rambo Dash.
>>15724288 "I'm barley and I'm a little ggirl who won't drink or draw because my little girl hands cant do it!"
Ruby Rose
Quoted By:
>>15724233 No. I just wish I had another living, sapient body to cuddle at night.
Yeah, I'm lonely. And that's what my self-worth and happiness are built on. Making others happy.
>>15724236 >Don't be an apple I'm not. I'm being a Fluttercry.
Quoted By:
>>15724288 She's hanging with me, nigga.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>15724295 Alcohol is crackin'. I'm actually considering cracking my last beer in defiance to the mutiny I'm seeing in an attempt to maintain my drunklord status.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15724310 Mutiny? You are a WHORE!
I declare sovereignty over these threads1
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>15724298 I warned you about Scottish ale, dude. I told you dog.
>>15724299 But I've been drinking it for six hours.
>>15724303 >I'm DAR and I only drink two days a week because I'm a responsible adult! You're asking for a healthy dish of my drunk flirting. It's okay to want a piece, love.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>15724322 You're a woman so you can't be captain by the law of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Also, I drink more than you so I win by default, heathen.
>>15724324 Mang u didn't need warn me shit. It's fitting in great with my nightly plan.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15724324 >>15724332 In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love me and despair!
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>15724339 Go to bed, DAR. You're clearly thow-up-y drunk.
>>15724324 Oh, I thought you were sober or something.
I'm going to sleep. Take over captain.
Rambo Dash
Drunk Ass Rarity
I have passed the test. I will diminish, and go into the NDT, and remain DAR.
>>15724343 Frisky dar is best dar.
HomebrewPony !21WQyhrTqw
Quoted By:
>>15724346 They flirt like people who would fuck, don't they?
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>15724333 Scottish ale is my jam. It's fucking tasty and it gives a relatively mild hangover, I'd drink it all day if it were readily available in CO.
>>15724345 >sober It's like you don't even know me. Sleep soberly, knave.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>15724353 Agreed. If she goes to bed right now, I will quit the drunk thread. I swear on my undying stiffy.
>>15724358 I am plaster.
>>15724368 She will kill it for you.
>>15724369 Oh shit, I need to weight.
Paragon !!8/8IaCqokmo
Guys still up? Hm, hard chargers.
>>15724358 Bro, I've been expanding my pallet. Although I'm limited to the shit down at the Exchange, my random drink of the night tonight is Henry Weinhards. Then the Guinness grew on me so I snagged some of that.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>15724376 You are lightweight. Shots fired. Also DAR has no power here.
>>15724382 >The Exchange What? Colorabro?
Drunk Ass Rarity
Final report of the commercial starship Nightly Drunk Thrread, third officer reporting. The other members of the crew — Barley, OldNo7, Paragon, HBP, RamboDash and RubyRose — are dead. Cargo and ship destroyed. I should reach the frontier in about six weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is DrunkAssRarity, last survivor of the Nightly Drunk Thread, signing off
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
Quoted By:
>>15724404 Stop going to bed and posting going-to-bed posts.
You are a vagina.
>>15724358 Mang Scottish ale seems alright, just a little strong.
>>15724404 Not even in the list. This I find insulting.
Paragon !!8/8IaCqokmo
Quoted By:
>>15724395 MCX, Marine Corps Exchange, our version of a corner store.
>>15724395 I've been going for hours and not on piss water son. DAR pulls hard, or had much pull, eh.
>>15724404 No, I need ass istance. stat.
Rambo Dash
Quoted By:
>>15724404 Quitting? It isn't even 5 yet...
Paragon !!8/8IaCqokmo
Quoted By:
>>15724412 >I'm on it >you're not >You've been here longer >mfw Drunk Ass Rarity
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>15724419 DAR drinks wine like any woman is wont to do. I have been drinking beer and whiskey on an empty stomach like a man, venturing into the zone of danger.
Quoted By:
>>15724412 Im not either... *cry*
Scotch is one thing, I really need to do the Scottish ale. Maybe for the weekend. That is, if I can get over my current vodka obsession.
islandfag !!rsHW4nMpoCo
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15724442 I'll shit on your grave outlander!
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>15724440 Because it's a bullshit exit utilized by a total wussy vagina.
Now you're a wussy vagina. How's it feel?
Quoted By:
>>15724440 The ride is still moving, have you not noticed?
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
Quoted By:
>>15724450 You'll pass out like a bitch, n'wah.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15724453 Uncomfortable and not happy.
I'm done.
Paragon !!8/8IaCqokmo
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>15724462 You have an opportunity to redeem your shame tomorrow.
Do not disappoint. Your rose shall never feel my thorn otherwise.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15724467 Fuck these threads. I'm out.
Drunk Ass Rarity
>>15724470 >Redeem yourself Fuck off.
Paragon !!8/8IaCqokmo
>>15724470 Omg, Barley does not give a shit. 10/10 would drink with.
Pic also related.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
Really can someone explain what just happened.
islandfag !!rsHW4nMpoCo
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>>15724486 it's a mystery to all
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>15724481 >anger >drunken bitterness 8/10 would furiously pour shots for
>>15724483 Am I seriously in the midst of a battle that I don't even realize is waging?
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>>15724481 Noo I need a nice goodbye.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>15724486 DAR is on her period or something, so I'm a dickhead again for making jokes.
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>>15724493 For the sake of drunkary barley, staph the madness!
Paragon !!8/8IaCqokmo
>>15724493 Dog, you're keeping it real. Don't even sweat it. These things happen. It's better than seeing everyone bend over backwards to have a conversation with her. Barley, if it means anything at all, you've earned my respect be speaking your mind and doesn't afraid of anything.
>>15724506 No but really I think you might've gone a bit far again tonight. I hate to be the white knight but seriously Barley sometimes it's too muchl.
Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>15724512 I seriously don't get what I said that was so out of left field.
>>15724518 Man, really? I was just making cracks at her tolerance, it's not like she doesn't do the same to me on a regular basis.
islandfag !!rsHW4nMpoCo
>>15724493 >>15724512 >inb4 I work for the enemy Barley Foam !!CXJ2Numrz9m
>>15724534 I swear to christ.
Paragon !!8/8IaCqokmo
>>15724523 >yfw that post >>15724527 Nothing, you did nothing wrong, infact, it was pretty civil for it being a drunk thread.
>>15724534 I'm lost, who's the enemy again and who do I work for and when do I get paid?
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It's time to go, later yah cunts.
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>>15724527 I'm possibly the asshole but maybe it's the constant making of her being the woman in the threads. I'm dumb but maybe this gets old sometimes I don't know I'm dumb.
islandfag !!rsHW4nMpoCo
>>15724542 bring the hate, you know I won't leave. I was just doing what I thought was best for the country of boozers. Hit me up on skype.
>>15724376 I am so sorry this is so shit to what I usually do but my hand feels really weird and I can't draw for a bit
islandfag !!rsHW4nMpoCo
>>15724545 >the enemy hate is the only enemy here bro
Paragon !!8/8IaCqokmo
>>15724556 Hey stranger, how's life?
Also, I think Mr. Bucket III Esq, left the building.
>>15724542 >>15724554 Is everything alright between you guys? I love you equally. Don't fight. Or else I'll complain...... A lot. I'LL FUCKING DO IT
>>15724579 Well, let's kick the fucking enemy out of our metaphorically humble abode.
>>15724556 Update: fixed wings
>>15724589 >No file Fuck meeeeee
>>15724588 yeeeeeeah. And hi! Pretty poopy right now. Yourself?
>>15724595 Brused my teeth, came back. I like it, thanks for drawing my request! Looks smexy.
Paragon !!8/8IaCqokmo
>>15724595 Drinking some Guinness. I'm going to attemp to be a beer coinessuer. I get to learn stuff and be drunk at the same time. so far, Stouts are hela better than ales, secondly I'm a god at typing with one hand while drinking, thirdly, I'm watching two of my fucking OG's fight, Then I got distracted. Sorry man.
islandfag !!rsHW4nMpoCo
>>15724542 you ain't seen nothing yet, don't even worry man.
>>15724545 don't worry about it
>>15724612 No problem! I'm glad you like it!
>>15724631 I'm just drinking one or two beers tonight. I've got job training at 11. Bahaha it's cool.
HomebrewPony !21WQyhrTqw
Night all. Have the day off tomorrow, hopefully I get the chance to just hang out without having to do something for my family.Also DAR sorry if I helped drive you off, pls don't leave forever cause you're one of us.
Paragon !!8/8IaCqokmo
>>15724660 Bro, this thread just got real heavy.
>>15724672 Sweet. Well, there might be a period of rambling. So, stand the fuck by for that. Question, have we ever had a conversation ever in the history of ever?
Paragon !!8/8IaCqokmo
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>>15724689 Eh, I'm contrary to popular opinion on this one but I still agree with
>one of us islandfag !!rsHW4nMpoCo
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yeah, I got bored of perpetuating this shit. anyways, you guys can go fuck yourselves. cheers, I'm sure your experiences sucked quite a bit without me propagating them.
>>15724692 You know, I don't think we have. Hm.
>>15724689 Niiiiiiiiiight
Paragon !!8/8IaCqokmo
>>15724728 When do you plan on punching out?
islandfag !!rsHW4nMpoCo
>>15724692 Bro, I'm too drunk to understand what I should be regretting enabling.
cheers you bastard
>>15724731 Whenever really.
Ruby Rose is Mobility
On the offchance of based drawfriend, I shall post OC, and wish you horsefuckers a merry almost Friday.
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>>15724765 What am I supposed to do with this
Paragon !!8/8IaCqokmo
>>15724759 FUCKING CHEERS! I still love you, I don't take any drunk incidences seriously
>>15724760 Give me a heads up, I'm going to be up for the next 3 or 4 hours. Once my buddy on skype goes away, I won't have anything to do.
>>15724765 Hey buddy, still up here.
>>15724781 kk. Do you have me on skype?
Ruby Rose is Mobility
Levitate a bouquet of roses? Have him drunk a glass of wine or champagne? Also hey Para. I should be asleep for work, but I got a case of the DARlove something fierce
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Not related to MLP; enjoy your ban.
Paragon !!8/8IaCqokmo
>>15724821 I don't. What's your, your thingy?
>>15724823 It happens man but dog, you have to join the resistance. I don't respect you any less, because I understand. You're still my fucking buddy.
>>15724545 Are you the guy that said
>now that the Tulpa threads are gone, FoE is the only reason I come to /mlp/ Ruby Rose is Mobility
>>15724848 You're awesome, Para, but I'm neutral in the apparent fight. They're both pals, and neither one shouldtake the other so seriously.
Paragon !!8/8IaCqokmo
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>>15724920 Nop, I'm the drunk terminal lance. sad truth, enjoy it.
>>15724932 You're right, It's shitty seeing them fight. Or anyone really. New rule, The Resistance cannot pick a side.
guys guys guysguys guys guys guysguysguysi want to cum inside discord
Paragon !!8/8IaCqokmo
This thread is the only interesting place to hang out when it gets late night/early morning like this. Most of the threads are shit post central or dead as fuck. So yeah, hope you guys don't mind me slipping in out of boredom. Haven't been around in a solid month at least though so I have no idea who half of you fucks are. (I never had a name so you wouldn't know me)
Paragon !!8/8IaCqokmo
>>15725026 I'm still here bro, A little drunk but because of timezone differences, I usually close up. Drinking at all?
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>>15725036 Nah not tonight. Haven't in a while, been so busy with work and taking care of my niece while her mother is in the hospital. Just the same old plus an energetic 8 year old who thankfully shares an interest in MLP and doesn't judge me for being more hyped by it then she is.
Ruby Rose is Mobility
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If I am kill, I humbly request my request gets saved by a lovely friend, and posted next time I'm in the NDT.