>>16491687Oh, every writer have a 'dirty' side, don't worry.
Some ideas are better 'out' than left creeping 'in'.
>>16491132It was an unsatisfying conclusion.
Still, after that clarification, Anon and AJ managed to get work done a bit easily. Or at least, in a less conflicted way. There still was some tension, tho, between them. As a matter of fact, after their talk the mare seemed to get increasingly annoyed by things she usually overlooked, behaviours that would have gotten her to smirk, any other day.
Not that day, tho. And Anon was beginning to become more and more stressed by all her remarks. What did she know about "being mature"? He was older, with a bachelor, and coming from a big city. Then again, Anon knew this didn't actually mean anything. It wasn't the age, the education, or even the place of birth, that made the Pony. It was the attitude. And, for silly it might sound to his 'urban' ego, that country babe had lots more than he could have ever hoped for.
Anyway, the day went on smoothly, without any other accident, after that. Slightly after the sunset, Anon and Applejack got back home, sweaty, tired, and hungry. Anon had began to count her somewhat snide remarks: making a rough calculation on the first batch he had ignored, they were around 11.
In her eyes, he had been lazy, silly, distracted, egocentric, too skinny, unenthusiastic, coy, slow, immature, greedy and worst of all, unable to fully comprehend the essence of an apple, the last remark been done while pressing said fruit on his ear.
Anon was lying in the living room, sitting on a chair, catching his breath. Big Mac silently sat beside him, with his usual poker face, and said "...everything's good, now?"
"eh...kind of...we're...fixing some things...but...it's been kinda settled...."