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Quoted By:
>>16644478 I don't know how that link got in there, just ignore it
>"So, wait, you really...?" >"Eeyup. Every afternoon, right when she gets home from school." >"Oh, dear... not too hard, of course?" >"Only when she deserves it. Speakin' of which, she should be here soon." Fluttershy sat back down on the Apple family couch, placing a kettle of tea she had brewed for herself and Rarity. Applejack sat in her own chair, reclined and waiting for her younger sister's arrival.>"So, it's always from you? (sip) Not your brother, or your grandmother?" >"Ehh. Granny's got enough to deal with as is, and Mac's always busy with farmwork or bookkeepin' or whatever." Applejack gave a soft sigh.>"B'sides... someone has t' look after her, y'know? A bit of authority t' make sure she stays outta trouble an' such, 'specially since..." She trailed off; her two guests each gave a somber, understanding nod. The den was quiet for a minute or two, the silence finally broken when the young girl stepped through the door.>"Oh, good afternoon, Applebloom." >"Oh, hello, miss Fluttershy. And you too, miss Rarity." >"(sip) There's no need to be so formal, darling." Applebloom hung up her backpack and her coat, then popped off her shoes and socks in turn. She was about to head upstairs to her bedroom when her sister finally spoke up.>"Ah-ah-ah-- where do ya think you're goin'?" >"(sigh) Applejack..." >"Ah don' wanna hear it, young lady. C'mere." The child grumbled and returned to the den. Applejack patted her lap, inviting her little sister onto it.>"D-does it have to be in front of...?" >"Um... we can leave, Applejack. You know, if you want us to..." >"There's no need t' be so rude, Applebloom. They don't have t' go anywhere." >"But--" >"An' more importantly, ah'm your big sister, so it's my decision. If ah say Rarity and Fluttershy can watch ya get your lil' hiney spanked, then ya jus' hafta put up with it. Else, they'll get t' watch a lot more than that, understand?" >"(huff) Yes, ma'am."
>>16644560 Applebloom obediently climbed onto her sister's lap. Applejack pulled her into position; before the girl could react, she was staring down at the floor. She whined as Applejack lifted her skirt, exposing her pure-white underwear; their two guests couldn't help but giggle at the sight.
>"Bloomers? Seems... appropriate." >"You know, I think Sweetie Belle has a pair just like that." >"B-but, Applejaaack..." Applebloom blushed; her sister tugged at her bloomers in response.
>"No 'but's, little missy, or else your butt goes on display. Got it?" >"Nn... yes, Applejack." Rarity and Fluttershy observed the flustered expression on the girl's face, along with the anticipation and dread of what was to come. Sure enough, Applejack brought her hand down on Applebloom's posterior.
>"How was your day at school?" (SPANK) >"Mm! Fine..." (SPANK) "Aah!" >"Good, good." (pat) (pat) (pat) "Anythin' I should know about? Any trouble in class?" >"N-no, m--" (SPANK) "--A'am!" >"(chuckle) See, girls? Jus' needs a firm hand," (SPANK) "from time to time." Rarity sat there, quietly amused, finding it notable how Applejack remained so... causal, while swatting her sister's behind. She pondered how her own sis would respond to the idea of a daily spanking.
>"Please..." (SPANK) "Eee! This is embarrassing..." (SPANK) Fluttershy winced as she listened to Applebloom whimper. She wasn't as certain about Applejack's methods of child-rearing, but she declined to comment, not wanting to interrupt her host. Besides... big sister knows best, right? She returned to her tea.
>"Ya realize, if ya keep whinin' about it," (SPANK) "then ah'll just keep goin'." >"(grumble) Yes, Applejack." (SPANK) (SPANK) (SPANK) Bluejay
>>16644575 Applejack sighed.
>"Ah keep tellin' ya, Applebloom. This isn't a punishment." (SPANK) "Just a reminder, to behave yourself." (SPANK) "And a warnin', that if ah find out about any trouble," (SPANK) "then ah'll tan your hide for real." >"(sigh) Ah'll be good..." She paused for a moment, and stroked her little sister's hair.
>"That's right. Ah won't have to bare your bottom today." >"Th-thank you..." >"...But ah do think you've earned yourself some good whacks, for bein' a brat about it." The two houseguests watched the elder Apple sister raise her hand again.
>"W-wait, wha--" (SPANK) "Ow!" The girl tensed up after that smack. She began to squirm over Applejack's knee.
>(SPANK) "Hey!" (SPANK) "Lemme go!" (SPANK) "Aah!" (SPANK) "It hurts, it huuurts!" >"That's the idea, hon. Next time ya get spanked in front of guests," (SPANK) "ah don't wanna hear any complainin'." (SPANK) "Got it?" >"Y-yes, Applejack!" >"Hmm... maybe ah should invite your friends over, let them watch next time." >"P-please, not--" (SPANK) "Aah! W-whatever you say, ma'am!" >"Atta girl." (SPANK) "Nine, and..." (SPANK) "ten. All done." Applejack set the girl back down and lowered her skirt. The trio watched Applebloom dance in place, rubbing her bottom.
>"C-can I go to my room now...?" >"Go ahead, Applebloom." She took her backpack upstairs and shut the door behind her. Fluttershy resumed their conversation.
>"That, once per day?" >"Eeyup. Hasn't gone wrong yet. Ah don't think she much cared for havin' an audience, though." >"Well, she does look kinda cute over your knee. ...Don't tell her I said that." >"Anyway, after that, ah'm feelin' mighty thirsty. Could ah try some o' that tea o' yours?" >"Of course, Applejack. Do you think Applebloom would mind if I brought her a cup, too?" >"Go ahead. Though, ah doubt it'll do much for a sore bottom..." THE END
>>16644596 Nice, I'm not sure if chuckle or feel bad for AppleBloom, maybe both.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Granny the Sharpshooter Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Fri 07 Mar 2014 03:04:37 No. 16645010 Report 1/10 It was the day of the Winter Wonderland dance at Canterlot High, but the discovery of a leaky skylight in the gym had caused problems for Pinkie Pie, the one-girl planning committee for the party. Rather than cancel the whole dance Vice Principal Luna suggested that the event could be moved to the cafeteria...the only other room in Canterlot High big enough to host a large crowd. All the decorations and sound equipment that had taken the pink party girl 3 days to set up in the gymnasium had to be moved in just one afternoon. But with the help of her friends, Pinkie had done it. Now they all sat together, sweaty but triumphant, proud of their empire of blue lighting and Styrofoam snow.>"You done a right nice job, girls" congratulated Applejack's Granny Smith She had stayed late to help set up the refreshment tables.>"We couldn't have done it without you" Pinkie returned the sentiment. It was true; while the six sophomore girls had done most of the work plenty of students and staff had pitched in with important skills.>"This is gonna be the best Winter Wonderland dance EVER!" Twilight Sparkle giggled;>"You say that about every party you plan." That didn't phase Pinkie a bit.>"That means I'm only getting better!" Rainbow Dash yawned.>"That was hard work. I wish I had time to go home and take a nap before the dance." >"I'd be perfectly happy with an early night" Fluttershy admitted. >"Whatever for?" gasped Rarity, who'd been pushing her shy friend to dance with a boy...any boy...at the last 3 dances now. Fluttershy blushed a bit and explained;>"I stayed a little too late at the Animal Shelter last night and got yelled at by my father. I'm making absolutely sure I make it home by curfew tonight. I got lucky yesterday...two in a row would guarantee me a whipping from my Dad." Four of the girls nodded, and agreed in serious tones.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Granny the Sharpshooter Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Fri 07 Mar 2014 03:05:58 No. 16645027 Report >>16645010 2/10
Rarity, however, tried to act 'too mature' for such fears.
>"Oh, that's dreadful, Fluttershy. Imagine; he still spanks you at your age." Her cool was broken though when Rainbow Dash burst out laughing.
>"And WHAT may I ask is so funny?" asked the annoyed fashionista. It took Dash a minute to stop laughing, but when she did;
>"Sorry, Rarity, it's just so funny watching you pretend you never get your butt walloped." Rarity snorted and crossed her arms.
>"And how would you know if I...you know...get disciplined in that way?" >"Because your little sister tells everyone the next morning!" cackled the tomboy. Rarity looked around the room in horror, but found no solace. All of her friends were giggling and smiling.
>"I'm so sorry, but it's true" snickered Twilight, "Not only do we know that you occasionally get spanked...we know exactly what days it happens." Applejack jumped in;
>"Yeah, once she gets Apple Bloom & Scootaloo to help spread the word it's all over the school before first period." The alabaster skinned girl turned beet red with embarrassment and anger.
>"I. Will. DESTROY. Her." Rainbow Dash slapped her on the back and teased;
>"Just admit it. It happens to all of us now and then." >"Oh, and I suppose you would be fine with the whole school knowing you got a spanking?" muttered Rarity. Dash shrugged her shoulders.
>"No secret. In fact I just got my butt busted last week...Principal Celestia sent a letter home to my folks and Dad took a ruler to my backside." >"Oooohhh! Your poor tushie!" whined Pinkie, attempting to rub Dash's butt innocently. As Rainbow jumped up to avoid being groped by her hyperactive friend, Twilight continued to re-assure Rarity.
>"Don't be mad at Sweetie Belle. We all get punished sometimes, we're not perfect." Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Granny the Sharpshooter Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Fri 07 Mar 2014 03:07:10 No. 16645052 Report >>16645027 3/10
>"Applejack sure does!" chimed in Granny Smith, "Whoooo-weee, I can't count the number of switches I've worn out on her fanny. Between her and Apple Bloom we hardly need to prune the trees anymore." Now it was AJ's turn to blush.
>"Granny! Please! Ain't it bad enough I still get whupped, do ya hafta discuss it in front of my friends?" The matriarch of the Apple Clan sat down amongst the teenagers, taking the weight off her sore bones with a groan of relief.
>"Sorry, young'un, but yer friend Twily is right. Tain't nothin' t'be ashamed of if'n ya learn yer lesson." She looked off into space for a moment, as if searching for some distant memory.
>"In fact if yer bashful I'll tell you all a story about a powerful lickin' I got when I was even younger than you girls." Applejack looked surprised.
>"You...Granny?" >"Well of course. Do ya reckon I just magically know how to wear your little behind out? I learned it from my Mamma & Pappa...your Great-Grandparents." Granny Smith began her story;
Now back in Depression times we didn't have much money at all. The farm was new and we hadn't had enough good seasons yet to live like we do now. Every day was a struggle, and every young'un in the family pitched in.
Bein' that I had 3 older brothers there wasn't much pitchin' in I could do. I helped Ma Apple with the washin' and cookin' but we needed somethin' t'cook first. So Pa gave me his old varmint rifle and 4 .22 caliber bullets a day to go rustle up some grub for us."
>"Wait!" exclaimed Fluttershy with alarm, "You shot little animals?!" Unhappy with the interruption, Granny Smith scowled and replied;
>"When yer family's got empty bellies and all you got is a few potato's, old hard bread and some moldy cabbage, a fat rabbit is a nice prize to bring home. Now may I continue?" >Fluttershy blushed and replied "Sorry ma'am." Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Granny the Sharpshooter Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Fri 07 Mar 2014 03:08:29 No. 16645065 Report >>16645052 4/10
Granny Smith continued;
So my Pa says to me "Now look Franny Smith; this here box of ammo gots to last us a month, so no takin' foolish shots. If you get a rabbit with the first bullet, bring the rest home. We ain't got money to waste."
"I'll get a big ol'buck deer!" says I, but Daddy didn't like that.
"A .22 bullet won't kill a deer, Franny, it'll just make the poor animal suffer...and even if ya do get a miracle shot and bring one down how's a little girl like you gonna carry a deer all the way home?"
Well, he was right. Pa had a way of makin' things like that sound simple.
"So don't you go wastin' those bullets on anything silly. Never take a shot unless it's a sure thing."
Well, I don't mind sayin'...I got to be a pretty good shot with that varmint rifle. When it's the difference between a full belly and and empty one ya learn quick. I got a critter with my first or second bullet most days.
But I wasn't the only one out there huntin' fer supper. One day I had a nice fat gopher lined up in my sights when some other fool took a shot at him and missed! I was madder than a badger in a washtub! Darned fool scared my family's supper away!
This time Dash interrupted;
>"You ate...gophers?" But Applejack gave her a whack with her hat and whispered "Ssshh!"
Stewed gopher is awful nice with carrots & taters.
So I looks t'see who fired them shots and I shoulda known! Bartlett Pear, he was a boy that lived on the farm two hills over. We was rivals all our lives...probably just had a crush on each other, but me & Bart woulda never admitted to it.
"Hey!" I says, "Bartlett, you just scared away my supper!"
"Heck, Franny Smith, you'd have missed him too."
"That's a load a bunk!" I told him, although I might'a not used them exact words, "I can hit a pigeon in the eye at 50 yards!"
"I never seen no girl who can shoot!" Bart laughed, "Prove it!"
"Well there ain't no pigeons...all yer yellin' scared 'em off!"
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Granny the Sharpshooter Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Fri 07 Mar 2014 03:09:32 No. 16645081 Report >>16645065 5/10
So Bartlett looks around and tells me "See that Cat-Tail plant over by yonder pond? That's only 30 yards, hit that!"
Well, remember my Daddy told me not to take no foolish shots, but Bartlett Pear made me so angry I just acted foolishly. I lined up that shot, waited fer the wind to die down, squeezed my trigger and sure enough that Cat-Tail exploded in a big cloud of fluff!"
>"Good goin', Granny!" cheered Applejack. Well, it wasn't so good.
"See?" I says to Bartlett, "What do I win?"
"Nuthin'" he says, "We wasn't bettin' fer anything."
"Well you at least gotta give me a bullet to replace the one I wasted!" I said, "My Pa will wear my behind out if I tell him I used one shootin' a Cat-Tail!"
But Bart didn't give me no bullet. "I only got three left!"
"That's 'cause you missed the gopher" I teased him a bit.
So Bart sets to thinkin'. Finally he says "That was a lucky shot. I say we make a real bet. We each got three bullets...we'll have a target shoot. I betcha $10 I'll outshoot you."
"You ain't got no ten dollars!" I told him. It was true. The Pear family was just as poor as the Apple family.
But Bart tells me "I'm good fer it."
Now you girls don't understand how much money ten dollars was in those days. Ma Apple coulda bought lots'a food at the store with that. So we spit in our palms and shook on it.
Bartlett knew where there was a bunch of old empty cider bottles, so we set 6 up on a fence and paced off 30 yards. Bart wanted me t'go first cause 'Ladies first' but I made him shoot because it was all his dumb fault fer missin' the gopher. He took his sweet time, took his shot...and he got a hit.
So now it was my turn, and I was a mite worried. I teased Bart some but he was a good shot just like me. If I was unlucky I could lose, and then I didn't know what I'd do. So I tried to relax like Daddy'd taught me, and took my shot. That glass botttle exploded!
All the girls cheered, even Fluttershy.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Granny the Sharpshooter Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Fri 07 Mar 2014 03:11:01 No. 16645096 Report >>16645081 6/10
So now it was Bart's second try. He lined up all careful, but didn't take his time. He fired and missed his second shot. I had me a real good chance to win the contest now...so I lined up...I breathed out, I squeezed...and I missed.
>"Oh no!" gasped Twilight. All the girls were enraptured by Granny Smith's story.
So it's one to one, with only one chance left. Bartlett's hands were shakin', he knew what would happen if he lost. He fired his third shot and missed. I had a chance to win it all. I knew'd this was the most important shot of my life so I got as calm as I could, lined up my sights...and scored a hit!
All 6 girls cheered for her.
I danced around and rubbed it in for a while. "You done got beat by a girl!" I teased Bartlett, but he was a gentleman about it.
"You did, fair & square" he said, "I ain't got $10 on me, I'll have to ask my Pa for it."
I could see that Bart was already cryin' a bit, and I felt bad fer him. Gamblin' with money he didn't have; he knew he was gonna get a whippin' fer this...same as I would'a got if I lost. But I couldn't let him off the hook...I used up 4 bullets, I had to have somethin' to show fer it.
So Bart went trudgin' home to tell his Pa what happened, and I ran all the way to tell my folks the good news.
"Franny, what's got into you?" asked my Ma.
"Momma, Papa! Great news! I beat Bartlett Pear in a shootin' contest and won TEN DOLLARS!"
Well, I was pretty surprised that Papa didn't pick me up and twirl me in the air right there. In fact, he didn't look happy at all.
"Where in tarnation did Bart Pear get $10?"
"Well sir, he gotta get it from his daddy, but he's good fer it."
Momma just rolled her eyes, and Papa rubbed his forehead like he had a headache. I was beginnin' to think somethin' was wrong.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Granny the Sharpshooter Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Fri 07 Mar 2014 03:12:07 No. 16645112 Report >>16645096 7/10
"Girl, how many bullets did you waste on some dern fool shootin' match with a boy who ain't got a penny to his name?"
Well, I realized Daddy was pretty angry now, so I wasn't eager to give him the answer.
"Ummm...all four of 'em, sir. But we got $10 comin'! That's worth a hundred bullets!"
"Not if he ain't got the money!" snapped Pa Apple, and I was beginnin' to think I'd made a mistake.
He took the varmint rifle from me and hung it up. Then he got his hat and said "Well, now we got to walk over to the Pear homestead and sort this out. Then I'm gonna sort you out, little girl!"
As we was leavin' I heard my brother ask "So it's just cabbage and potato soup tonight?" and my Mama said "Afraid so."
It was about 2 miles walk to the Pear homestead...just a bunch'a ramshackle buildings and a split rail corral. They was just as poor as we was. Pa Apple explained to me how Mr. Pear didn't have $10 any more than we did, and that we couldn't take food off his family's table. I was beginning to understand and I felt plumb bad about it.
When we arrived the two Papa's shook hands real civil-like. They made Bartlett & I sit on a hay-bale while they talked. Bart's eyes were all red & puffy like he'd been cryin', but he told me he hadn't got whipped...yet.
The fathers got to talkin';
"My boy made a fair bet and lost. I ain't got the money to pay, but you got my word the Pear family will pay."
"That's just nonsense, Comice, you don't need to go payin' no silly kids bet."
"I got my pride, Buck Seed, the Pear family pays its debts."
"And I got my pride...the Apple family doesn't take food off the table of its neighbors."
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Granny the Sharpshooter Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Fri 07 Mar 2014 03:13:30 No. 16645132 Report >>16645112 8/10
So now that both of 'em had established they got their pride they got to negotiatin'. Soon Bart got called over to talk to them, and they agreed Bart would come work on Apple family farm a bit once his chores was done at home. The ten dollars was forgotten and the two menfolk shook hands on the deal.
As we were leavin' I saw Bartlett's Pa takin' him to the wood shed, and I knew he was gonna get his whippin' now. I felt bad fer him too...but I had my own worries.
On the way home Pa got to talkin' at me. Tellin' me how disappointed he was and what a fool I'd been to waste my bullets on a silly contest.
"Didn't I tell you not to waste bullets on stupid shots?"
"Yes sir."
"And can your family eat broken glass bottles?"
"No sir."
"And are you gonna think before you do somethin' plumb stupid like that again?"
"Yes Pa! I promise, I really will!"
He nodded at me and said "Well, I do believe you...but I'm still gonna have to give you a whippin' for this."
Well, I ain't ashamed to say it but I cried and begged all the way home. Nuthin' I could say shook Daddy though. No matter how many promises an' apologies I made I was still gonna get myself a sore keester when we got home.
Them two miles went quick...too quick fer me. Pa didn't even let me go inside the house first, he marched me straight to the barn.
Well I was cryin' up a fit. "Pa, please! I'm sorry fer what I done! Please don't whup me!" There was nothin' worse than a beltin' from Daddy and since he didn't stop fer a switch I knew that's what I was getting'. "Please not the belt, Pa, PLEASE!"
But he didn't say nothin'. He just waited her me to calm myself down.
"Franny, you take yer britches down."
I was still cryin' and beggin' fer another chance, but I knew better than to keep him waitin'. If I was good enough I thought maybe I could keep my underpants up.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Granny the Sharpshooter Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Fri 07 Mar 2014 03:14:38 No. 16645153 Report >>16645132 9/10
>"Now mind ya, the old fashioned underpants we had in those days was more like shorts then them little thin panties you girls wear. Your modern panties don't give a lick'a protection..." Applejack mumbled under her breath;
>"I'd still rather keep 'em pulled up." Granny continued without a pause;
>"...but them old fashioned bloomers was worth keepin' on if you could manage." Anyway, Papa didn't let me keep 'em up. I unhooked the straps of my overalls, and I pulled them down but Daddy pointed at my bloomers and then pointed down.
"Pa, I'm sorry! Please don't whup me bare! I ain't never got the belt bare before! Please!"
"Franny, you pull them underpants down right now or I'm gonna add another whippin' before bed-time."
Well, I didn't want that, so I took 'em down like he said and waited for the worst.
Pa was never big on talkin'; he'd said his piece on the walk home. He unbuckled his belt & put his foot up on a hay-bale, then lifted me up over his knee. I was already cryin' and I didn't see no reason to stop...but when Daddy started in on me I set to hollarin' like the barn was on fire!
>"Now, Applejack, you think I'm hard on you sometimes, but you shoulda met yer Great-Grand Pappy. You'd think I was as mild as a Spring day if you'd ever got a whippin' from him." That belt never stopped movin'! Pa Apple swung it so fast and so hard that my poor little fanny couldn't tell the difference between a spank and waitin' for the next one to come! My rear never hurt so bad before or since...all I could do was scream and wait fer it to be over...and it wasn't over fer a LONG time.
The girls sat nervously in their seats, squirming on bottoms which all knew the painful, helpless feeling Granny described...grateful that they had never encountered her scary Papa and his belt.
They musta heard me cryin' all over the county. It helped but my rear still hurt like it was on fire & Daddy wasn't finished.
Well...until he actually finished.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Granny the Sharpshooter Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Fri 07 Mar 2014 03:16:01 No. 16645169 Report >>16645153 10/10
My whuppin' ended as sudden as it begun. Pa set me down on the ground; I was still cryin' up a storm, so he pulled my bloomers back up fer me...then my overalls.
"We ain't gonna have any more trouble like this?" he asked.
I could barely get the words out, but I sure as heck was gonna say exactly what he wanted t'hear. I'da promised most anything if it meant I never had t'feel that belt across my bottom again. "Y-yes, D-daddy...I swear *sob* I ain't never do nothin' so f-foolish *hic* again."
"I believe you" he said, and he gave me a kiss on the forehead.
>"Well, I ain't gonna say I never did nothing silly again" finished Granny Smith, "and I ain't sayin' that was my last spankin' neither, but it was the last time my Pa had to use the belt on me." The girls didn't know what to say. Each one of them had their own experiences with spanking but none of them had ever heard an adult reminisce so candidly about their own. They all looked to AJ to respond for the whole group...it was her Granny after all.
>"Eh...wow...that's really somethin'. I sure do wish I'da known him better, as long as he didn't bring that belt with him." Granny Smith chuckled.
>"Eeyup, my Pa passed on when you was just a little thing. You might not'a known him, but he got to know you before he died. You made him very happy." The sentiment brought a tear to Applejack's eye, but Granny had already moved on to the next topic;
>"It's getting' late...you 6 need to get home and get into yer purdy dresses for the dance tonight. I think I ought to slip into somethin' fancier myself." >"You're coming to the dance?" asked Rarity with surprise. >"I think I will. Tellin' stories about the old days has me feelin' young again." She danced out of the cafeteria, shaking her sizable rump as she went and leaving the 6 girls speechless. They were silent for a long time, until Fluttershy finally spoke up;
>"Well," she remarked, "I sure am glad that gopher got away safely." THE END
>>16644746 Tha's me btw. I like the "daily" feeling of your stories, can't wait to read moar.
>>16645169 Wow, I would have never seen something like this coming. Great details to set the tone and time period.
I also like the mental image of EG Granny Smith spanking EG Applejack.
>>16644077 Nice to see one of my pics as op, I hope it serves its purpose. Have the /mlp/ version.
So I will try to finish the Scoots/Dash one tomorrow, next I have two other based on stories from here, the one with Creme Egg and the one with teenage Rarity, I will try to get them done soon at least as sketches. I would also like to make one based on one of Bluejay's stories, though it may take a while if they are humans.
I was thinking on finishing the Cadence/Shinning one next since some anon asked in the previous thread.
>>16645169 I wonder if Fluttershy ended up getting a whipping BECAUSE she stayed to listen to the story...
>>16645677 >I would also like to make one based on one of Bluejay's stories, though it may take a while if they are humans. Cool. Any particular one you have in mind?
>>16645677 I could delete the old one on derpi later if you want to upload the updated one.
>>16646158 Poor Fluttershy gets whipped for everything...just because she's Fluttershy.
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>>16648240 I prefer the original, I like when the spanking is about to start, I did the one with the marks and tears because somebody asked.
>>16647441 I'm not sure myself, do you have any favourite?
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>>16644596 >>16644746 I couldn't help but chuckle, that was quite funny.
>>16645169 That was also interesting.
A spanking as a tale, not sure if I've seen that before.
>>16644596 Aww, we need more of these short fics! Might even do one myself if I get a chance. They're cute and would serve a great purpose at fast, efficent content.
Anyways, enjoyed that. A good way to keep a naughty girl in line. The way AJ casually does it made me smirk. While I wouldn't normally be happy with her spanking Bloom in front of her friends -just because she could-, it was handled sensible.
A recent one from Derpibooru. That's Spike.
thread needs this 'cause fucking badass. All I can hear in my head when I look at it is the drums from System of a Down's 'Pictures'.
>>16645169 Don't think I've seen a flashback spanking like that. It was a pretty good excuse and nothing wrong with a nice brutal otk belting. Very good!
Only problem with it was the fact I had to picture EQG's Granny Smith design the whole damn time, telling the story to the six.
>>16650834 Heh, thanks. Like I said in the last thread, it was intended to be just a one-post-long story, but it stretched itself out to three.
Also, a quick note for SkyeHigh, when transferring my stuff to pastebin-- between posts should be a two-line break instead of a one-line; otherwise you might get a scene transition mid-paragraph. Just a little nitpick, nothing crucial.
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>>16652138 Ooooh...nitpicky. I like that. With some feedback I can make stuff better.
Yes, normally I do the breaks between paragraphs. I'm just somewhat distracted lately and can't really focus. It's also why I have nothing new to share so far.
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>>16651207 >>16651282 I'd also be making that face if I was in the same situation
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Sat 08 Mar 2014 00:10:40 No. 16655843 Report >>16651916 >Only problem with it was the fact I had to picture EQG's Granny Smith design the whole damn time, telling the story to the six. Could have been worse...at least I didn't write in a nude scene.
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>>16655843 I don't know what I expected
Tio Toca Mal
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>>16655843 I'll add that to the list of things I didn't need to see today
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I remember this from the early days of the fandom, I think before the first season even ended.
>topics must be show-related
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>>16644746 You should feel bad I live with batshit insane people like this. Welcome to Georgia
>>16656574 >>topics must be show-related >Dash talks about whipping hindquarters in the show >spanking is canon >try harder fag Anonymous
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>>16657339 > someone has gone though a length to prove that this is cannon Anonymous
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>>16657339 Butt whupping is canon.
Boy this comic... I can't post the spanking(s) inside it because they are explicit, but the cover is not.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Sat 08 Mar 2014 03:16:25 No. 16658443 Report Anonymous
So I have to finish the background and polish the outlines and the like, but overal this is probably how it is going to look. What do you think? Especially of the butt marks and the tears? At this point in the flic Scootaloo has some marks from the spoon, but I wonder if I overdid it.
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>>16659280 For comparison.
>>16659280 It's looking awesome! While I'm not a fan of the angle, Scoots looks great. Those tears are also damn good, just like how PERFECT Babs looked when you did that one
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Sat 08 Mar 2014 09:13:20 No. 16662626 Report >>16659280 I noticed the spoon marks first...no, I don't think you overdid them, they look great. The only thing I think it needs is some clear differentiation between the bed and the headboard. Right now they just blend together.
Nice work as always!
I soooo want to contribute... But it's not easy to translate my fanfics to English... (Pic is not really related, but...)
>>16663013 what is your language then?
and that picture has some potential
>>16663013 I'd love to check them out if someone can help you out with translation. What's your native language?
That pic, though... Poor Flutters!
>>16663104 >>16663343 Russian. I could try to write something in English originally, I guess... The thing is that my English is rather simple, while my fanfiction in Russian I try to keep literary and complicated in a good way.
>>16663432 If you could get a rough translation, I don't see why one of us couldn't help you translate it properly :)
>>16663458 Good point. I'll try to translate it as well as I could, and maybe someone will help me to edit it better.
Which would you prefer
Applejack/Apple Bloom, Granny Smith/Applejack
Diamond Dogs/Rarity
>>16663485 AJ/AB, might make me get off my ass and finish my own AJ/AB fic
Man, this new ep is just nothing but potential spanking scenarios. Both for AB and AJ!Just imagine what Granny will say when she learns AJ didn't deliver her pies? Maybe AJ freaks out because AB is just being too... reckless? BUT WAIT, Bloom sneaking out to deliver the pies! "I bet Granny Smith'll ground ya fer a month!" yeah, ground, right. Also, Bluejay, the crib and and AJ baby-proofing the house is totally a diaper opportunity.
>>16664007 Ok. I'll post kinda slowly, maybe. Sorry if it'll took too long. Once again - my English is not well, I apologize for that. Any feedback, including criticism, will be very appreciated.
The rumble, crashing and jingle of broken glass muffled the quiet "ouch", that Apple Bloom let out as she dropped the jar with nails. At first the idea to try herself as interriour designer seemed so good! Isn't it boring - nails near screws, all in regular monotonous lines?.. So Apple Bloom decided to make the barn brighter and more interesting, add some gaudy spots... Hae with soaked apples in their golden juice looked perfectly near the shiny tin with screws, the pitchfork added some dynamism into composition, and if fix it with the barrel of cider... Apple Bloom couldn't figure out, what exectly went wrong - maybe the pitchfork was unstable, ot the shelf couldn't carry that weight, but now the girl had a pile of tools and damaged apples, floating in the pool of cider, in front og her...
>"Oh my! Are you all right, cugarcube?" the worried voice sounded behind her back, and a moment later Apple Bloom found herself in the embrace of her elder sister, and in a few seconds she carefully eximined the girl, seeking for injuries, bruises or grazes. There were none, so Applejack sighed with relief... And then she looked around. Her little sister bit her lip and looked down. She destroyed most of the produce for tomorrow fair, not to mention the mess. And Applejack took the farm business very seriously.
>"What's that? How you'll explain all this muddle?!" blondie frowned, and her sister huddled up nervously under the stern look of the green eyes. Anonymous
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>>16665323 I bet she'll wag her hoof and all! Anonymous
>>16666819 >"Well... I've tried... ahem, to put things in order here... And, well... everything fell down... I'm s-sorry, sis." the girl mumbled, blushing and turning pale both at the same time (so she looked like she had a feaver). Apple Bloom blushed, because felt really ashamed that she let her fanily down and spoiled the result of work of many days, and turned pale, because she knew what'll happen nw and it scared here, even though it was well deserved. And her presentiments were right.
>"Now rhat's quite an "order", I say! Well, if you confessed by yourself, you should know what you're getting for it. Bare your butt and go right there." AJ commanded in a gloomy tone, taking a seat on the cuboid pack of hay and patting her firm lap. Oh yeah, Applebloom knew, so she dragged herself to her sister in the most sad manner. Feeling tingles down her spine ad the tears ready to appear in her eyes, she unbuttoned her worn shorts and let them slip down to her grazed knees. One more moment to collect all her bravery, a deep sight, and the girl lay over her elder sister's lap.
AJ, still gloomy, lay her left hand on Apple Bloom's back to hold her, if (or, more accurate, then) she'll start to wiggle and kick, and her right hand got under the waistband of girl's cute panties with apple ornament, pulling them down, there her shorts already were. Apple Bloom gulped nervously - bare-bottom spanking is a serious thing, eek!
The teenage girl threw her wheat-colored plait on her back, so it wouldn't hinder her, and withouth further talking (who needs those lectures? The kind know how she earned this) raised her hand and soundly slapped the bare buttocks. Apple Bloom managed not to cry, but her legs kicked the air - that smack was really sensible! And the blondie, not wasting time, lifted her arm again...
>>16667063 After the first slap, which fell exectly in the middle of yet pale bottom, Applejack's palm aimed at right and left cheeks by turns. The girl had a heavy hand - there is no weaklings on on Apple farm, - and, though she would never really hurt her little sister, but thought that a real punishment should be truely sensible, that's the whole point, so the unlucky designer's bottom quickly turned pink. At first only the smacks themselfs were hurting (which was unpleasant, to say the least), but soon the wel-spanked skin was burning constantly (and the heavy impact of sister's palm became much more noticable!).With every smack Apple Bloom wiggled more and whimpered louder, her legs dangled in the air so furiously, that one of her sandals flew away and hit the wall with a knock. Finally, then her rear end was like set on fire, Apple Bloom gave way and burst into tears,.
>"Aaaaa!!! Sorry!! Appleja-a-ack!! P'eeeaase!! Ou-ou-ouch!! Sto-op!!" Once she let them out, girl's tears start to flow down her cheeks, red from embarrassment, and her poor behind was as bright as ripe apples, but her elder sister's hand moved up and down, again and again for, like, forever - at least in Appple Bloom's eyes, though in fact she recieved a five more slaps or less. Finally, the firm hand that fixed her on sister's lap, moved away, and the little one jumped up, stil howling loudly, and performed a little "war dance", both afraid to touch her sore burning bum and wanting to rub it desperetly. Applejack waved her hand in the air to cool it off, not looking angry at all anymore...
>"Well, I hope you'll remember it and next time ask elders before making any rearrangements." It might sound as a reproach, but was said in conciliative tone. AJ gave her poor sister, who, ouching, tried to put her panties and shorts on her sore bottom, a very sympathizing look. The teenager moved to her to help (and, maybe, hug her for a final reconcilation), but Apple Bloom steped back, pouting.
>>16667912 And she head a perfect reasone - her bottom really, really hurt, and that big meanie slapped and slapped her, is that what a good sister would do?! Of course, Apple Bloom knew that she deserved it, but the sis she loved so much, who was the best sister in her eyes - couldn't she be softer?! Barely suppressing the tears (tears of offence, not a pain, this time) Apple Bloom hastily grabbed her sandal and rabn out of the barn before AJ could stop her.
Half an hour later, while the girl was crying on the great unjustice of this world, sitting in the bushes near the kitchen windows, she heard the voices. Actually, those voices sounded for a while already, but Aple Bloom was too busy with her grief to notice them earlier - but now she couldn't ignore them, since they were discussing something, very much related to her.
>"...and even cider?!" Granny Smith's rasping voice sounded horrified and indignantly."Untill now?! Son't you know that the fair will happen tomorrow?" >"Sorry, Granma" and in Applejack's voice her sister, to her surprise, heard guilt. "I thought I'd do it in time, but I completely forgot, so busy..." Anonymous
>>16666819 >>16667063 >>16667912 >>16668262 There is the second part of that fic, there Granny Smith is on top, but translation goes on slowly, so I'll post the continuation later. Please, tell me what you think, anons.
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>>16668302 I'll read it later when I have time.
>>16667411 This fandom sure is fast.
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>>16665323 > Also, Bluejay, the crib and and AJ baby-proofing the house is totally a diaper opportunity. Anonymous
>>16668262 That was really cute, especially with the ending. A niptick I could give is that the spanking was too sudden after the accident, I assume Applejack would decide how to deal with the problem before punishing her sister, but it does to the ending being a surprise so I dunno.
Hope to see more from you, especially the DiamondDogs/Rarity one for the sake of diversity.
>>16677533 Never noticed you could make chicken soup jokes about this one...now I feel silly.
Anyways, this looks amazing as always. I think you got the scene pretty much like I imagined it, or even better.
Can't wait for the next picture. You said it would be the Cadence one?
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>>16677533 >Chicken soup joke? oh my god her butt flap is a bowl
10/10 would eat
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>>16673286 Oh my, I love that idea.
>>16672407 Thanks. Well, I though that AJ wouldn't hesitate to spank the kid since the situation was rather obvious...
Ok, I'll finish that fic and next will do the one with Rarity too.
Thanks for your support!
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>>16668262 Was pretty good for a short taste. Had no difficulty following, even with the rougher translation. Keep at it, let's see more!
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>>16644560 Bluejay that was a good story. Your stuff is some of my favorite because you really play up the embarrassment factor.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Sun 09 Mar 2014 15:36:58 No. 16682148 Report >>16677533 Looks to me like that chicken is getting roasted instead.
Sorry I haven't been around in the thread as much as I should be lately...I've been working 12+ hours every day plus commuting so there isn't much time left over for fetishy horse spanking. I'll have thoughts on Bluejay's story, as well as that of our new Russian friend's tale as soon as I can get to them...
Coming next from me will be a Fluttershy story...but fair warning, it's gonna be at least as savage as the Trixie one I wrote.
>>16682148 >Coming next from me will be a Fluttershy story...but fair warning, it's gonna be at least as savage as the Trixie one I wrote. As soon as I read this sentence the heavens parted and a chorus of angels started singing hallelujah.
>>16682148 >>16682258 man you fucks and your love of brutal spankings!
I prefer a nice moderate spanking with some good fear play and cuddles!
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>>16682148 >>16682258 >>16682307 Moderate for me as well, with humiliation rather than pain as the primary objective. Make 'em squirm! Though oddly, I prefer private humiliation (just between spanker and spankee, with maybe a spectator or two) to public.
>>16682258 Not bad. Also I agree nothing will get me to lurk this thread more than the promise of Fluttershy getting severely beaten.
Sorry, I like Fluttershy on the show a lot, but this is my secret weird sexual kink.
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>>16682425 >spanking >weird I live and breathe this shit.
As I said, I enjoy the moderate stuff. Now, I do like good hard spankings sometimes, even do them myself, but I'm not one for abuse fics.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Sun 09 Mar 2014 16:12:09 No. 16682466 Report >>16682258 >>16682307 Yeah, it will be brutal, but I can't see any other way with filly Fluttershy. It's so deeply ingrained in my headcanon that she's an abused foal that I just can't dream up a plausible story where she gets a "nice moderate spanking".
Fear not though...there will be a positive ending (unlike the Trixie one), and I'll make sure there's some cuddles just for you, Krishna.
On a different note; I finally got a chance to watch the new episode. I agree with what's been said before; plenty of fodder for us spanko writers & artists. I'm feeling particularly vindicated that Granny Smith is established as AB's primary disciplinarian (pic related). There's absolutely no reason anyone should change their own headcanon's over this, we don't need to be chained to canon, but I like that the writers agreed with me.
Also; refrigerators are now canon. I'd been wondering about that.
>>16682466 >Also; refrigerators are now canon. I'd been wondering about that. I know we've seen them at least once before. Owl's Well?
>>16682466 >I'll make sure there's some cuddles just for you, Krishna. D'awww. I'll give you a spanking for free!
Honestly, what actually upset me about this episode and headcanons was the show continuing to take a dump on the headcanon that AJ got her hat from her father. That Hot Topic Hot Minute video has her say she got it in a rodeo or something stupid like that, and yesterday's episode reveals there's a closet of bows... and hats.
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>>16682466 >>16682506 >Also; refrigerators are now canon. I'd been wondering about that. Well, considering other electronics have been canon, is this really that big a surprise? They've got fans and spotlights and projectors I remember off-hand (fans and light from The Show Stoppers, projector from Hurricane Fluttershy). I'm curious as to why you were wondering about it, though.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Sun 09 Mar 2014 16:23:40 No. 16682559 Report Quoted By:
>>16682506 Maybe. I'd kinda imagined they used an old-fashioned ice box (with an actual block of ice as the means of cooling.
>>16682510 >the show continuing to take a dump on the headcanon that AJ got her hat from her father. Agreed.
I'm not fond of Applejack's redneck fedora, but you're right, it should have some deeper emotional significance than the writers grant it.
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>>16682466 >Yeah, it will be brutal, but I can't see any other way with filly Fluttershy. It's so deeply ingrained in my headcanon that she's an abused foal that I just can't dream up a plausible story where she gets a "nice moderate spanking". Yay, that's all I'm asking. I like the cuddle stories just fine, but that brutal, cruel Trixie fic is one of the hottest things I've ever read.
>>16682466 >On a different note; I finally got a chance to watch the new episode. I agree with what's been said before; plenty of fodder for us spanko writers & artists. I'm feeling particularly vindicated that Granny Smith is established as AB's primary disciplinarian (pic related). Don't forget the beginning when the adults are talking in the other room and AB is waiting nervously for what they come back with. I can't be the only one whose mind went to a punishment setup.
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>>16683405 Oh fuck yeah!
That scene gave me an instant boner.
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>>16683405 >Don't forget the beginning when the adults are talking in the other room and AB is waiting nervously for what they come back with. I can't be the only one whose mind went to a punishment setup. That's literally what made me start writing this comment, which I added to as I watched.
>>16665323 Anonymous
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>>16684944 That's hot. I'm all for humanized in this thread as well as pone.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Sun 09 Mar 2014 22:32:59 No. 16687777 Report >>16684944 We write humanized/EqG stories...I see no problem with humanized art. A lot of it doesn't pass the Scruffy test though.
The Buck Neigh Kid
>>16683405 > the beginning when the adults are talking in the other room and AB is waiting nervously for what they come back with. I can't be the only one whose mind went to a punishment setup. The thought of Apple Bloom getting punished gives Scootaloo a wing-boner.
The Buck Neigh Kid
>>16688108 I'm an idiot...I forgot the pic.
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>>16687777 Nice get
did you know suicide is painless?
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>>16688108 >The thought of Apple Bloom getting punished gives Scootaloo a wing-boner. Who can blame her? She's hoping she'll get to listen through the closed door.
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>>16688159 my first thought was the image of Southern Bloom being exiled from the farm for getting a pear cutie mark.
>>16677533 Boggles me about this fandom sometimes. Spankings are fine unless they have markings, then suddenly they're taboo (Sterny's lowest rated pics have markings). People love torture and gore, but the moment you show discomfort in the spankee, people lose their minds.
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>>16690650 >should mention I'm ranting about Derpi Anonymous
>>16690650 >Check comments >"I just don't understand fetishes" I just assume they are 12 or incredibly dull
>>16690650 >>16690750 I uploaded a version without the tears and the markings to see what happens, both seem to have the same amount of upvotes, but the original with tears and markings has far more downvotes, I guess it felt too uncomfortable to some. I intended Scootaloo's face to show fear and anticipation since RD was grabbing the spoon, and then I added the tears and the markings, maybe this combination ended up giving a diferent idea than intended of torture or something, while the absense of marks and tears reinforces the idea of anticipation.
Though it's worth noticing that somebody tagged the one without marks nor tears as "foalcon"... I assume that somebody didn't know it was a spanking without the marks...
>>16693518 Remove the foalcon tag. That's just stupid.
>>16694118 I didn't as soon as I saw it. The original was also tagged with "abuse" and "scootabuse", I left the latter since it's a common trend in this fandom.
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>>16694778 I'm after doing a Scruffy myself and going around removing the stupid abuse tags. People are dumb.
>>16655754 si mi pony y el toyo se conocieron que crees que fuera lo primero que harian?
yo no juego así!
espera sola estaba bromeando
if my pony and toyo met you think was the first thing what they would do?
I do not play well!
One hopes I was joking
>>16699389 "If my pony and yours met what do you think they would do first?"
"I don't play like this!!!"
"Wait I was just kidding."
>>16699715 >>16699389 >>16655754 She deserves a butt whipping just for being an OC.
>>16655754 >>16700137 Looking at the tumblr that sent that question, I found this.
"Hi I'm Scarlet! I'm a sadomasochist vampyre pony! I saw you in Shinta's tumblr... do you like whipping ponies XD?"
"Yeah, I love my whip, is one of my favourite toys.. Doesn't matter if it's a she or a he.. you aren't safe from it.."
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Mon 10 Mar 2014 20:44:22 No. 16702493 Report Quoted By:
>>16700932 Oh wow...it's like someone intentionally crammed one character with as many horrible OC clichés as they possibly could.
pic unrelated
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>>16706143 Great pic. Goddamn Twi in a sweater and short skirt. I'm dying over here.
>>16708401 I hate EqG but have to admit the art can be pretty hot.
>>16644077 to be fair, derpy would be shaking that baby
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Tue 11 Mar 2014 08:20:06 No. 16711993 Report >>16711747 Have we had a Derpy/Dinky story yet? That's a difficult one because there's so little canonic foundation to build from.
>>16714852 There are many other spanking/whipping pics by CongoLike, but to say they are explicit would be an understatement, difficult to hide even with the trusty black squares.
>>16714894 Not sure if this counts.
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>>16709773 I concur, that's one of the few EqG pics I've seen that doesn't make me want to vomit.
>>16679610 I'm seeing wether to finish the Cadence/Shinning one or the Thunderlane/Rumble one first. What do you people think?
>>16711993 Back when I uploaded it I suggested Dinky got into a serious fight with somebody who insulted her mom because of her eyes.
Because feels.
>>16719009 Cadence/Shining because I'm more curious about how that ends up
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Just another rung on the ladder.
>>16719009 Oh god those are both great choices. I vote shiny and cadence.
>>16719836 I vote Cadance/Shining, too. Domestic discipline plz
>>16719009 Cadence/Shining. I don't think I've ever seen a F/M pony spankpic.
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>>16644077 this picture makes me feel really sad.
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>>16723705 Yes, this. I'm so goddamn sick of these spankpics where they're blushing and all happy, like they're enjoying it. Blushing is fine, but I want pain or tears.
Would ponk be revolted, unfazed, or eager to participate?
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:25:39 No. 16727404 Report Quoted By:
>>16727310 You could actually make a pretty good case for any of those 3 options. Personally I like the idea that she's innocent-minded enough to see this and think it's a real punishment. She'd rush upstairs and start scrubbing the entire shop to prove she's a good employee who doesn't deserve to be next.
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>>16727310 Totally forgot about Kinky Cakes. Was done by a friend of mine, SusieBeeca. She did that Rarity/Rumble pic I posted in the last thread, I think.
Look her up, guys, she's good:
>http://susiebeeca.tumblr.com Anonymous
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>>16727310 dat tail bow and garter belt ... unf
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>>16644077 goddamn someone animate this
>tfw waiting for dominant Cadence
>>16733117 I'm still waiting for that Fluts story mentioned upthread. Will lurk as long as it takes.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Thu 13 Mar 2014 00:32:38 No. 16737819 Report >>16737691 If you're talking about the one I'm working on; sorry, not done yet. I've been working a ridiculous number of hours...but progress is being made. I have a laptop in my taxi and I try to bang out a few paragraphs when I have time between calls.
>>16737819 Although, as discussed, abuse isn't really my thing, I am curious to how you can handle it. Don't feel inclined to have a 'feel'sy ending if it doesn't fit the story just to appease people like me.
Tried to write something myself but I'm on a no-jerk sabbath for another few days. Whatever was I writing that got me so aroused, you ask?
Another Apple Bloom and Babs Seed, because I can't turn away from this shit. They're a little older (maybe a year), closer, and it's probably gonna be cloppy. I will be waiting until after my next excursion with a spanking playmate, though.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Thu 13 Mar 2014 01:07:05 No. 16738477 Report Quoted By:
>>16738340 >Don't feel inclined to have a 'feel'sy ending if it doesn't fit the story just to appease people like me. No worries...the ending won't be tacked on. I've got the entire thing planned out in my head, it's just a matter of getting it typed out.
>>16719144 >>16719836 >>16720581 >>16724498 >>16733117 So I'm taking a different aproach, making the outlines in one layer with black wich I will later color and fill accordingly, hopefully I will get it done faster.
Thought you guys might enjoy this. There's more if you want it.
>>16740429 This will come in handy. What else do you have?
>>16740758 and that's the most important things.
>>16739881 Damn I'm loving this. Cadence's legs seem a little short but maybe that's just how pone legs are.
>>16740429 >>16740747 >>16740758 >>16740791 Knew most of this already, but that pain chart oughta come in useful. I've never used a switch before, but for a 10, I daresay I will make an exception.
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>>16740791 >Never just leave your spankee alone to sob and cry. Speaking as a spankee, that's the best part.
>>16744762 Do you ever make butt hurt jokes?
>>16739881 Never thought I'd be interested in dominant Cadance, but boner don't lie.
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i haven't seen these threads before have old art
The Wanderer
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>safest hooves will never spank me
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>>16745889 That's the most childish thing I've heard all day.
Of course I make butthurt jokes.
>>16746589 >>16748245 Honestly I can't decide which one I like better. Humanized version comes with added hotness from the degradation of being forced to crawl on all fours and carry a riding crop in her mouth. But pone version has a pone.
>>16749955 Por que no los dos?
>>16740429 I posted this and I don't see any "diaper position" spankings here. You guys have betrayed me.
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>>16750818 >See this pic Holy fuck this is the pic I've been waiting for. Dominant DT punishing and verbally humiliating a beaten AB. Need moar now--
>See crotchboob outfit Nope
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:44:11 No. 16752272 Report Quoted By:
>>16750883 >"diaper position" That would certainly address the problem of where to tuck the unlucky pony's tail during the spanking.
>>16739881 Dominant Cadence and submissive Shining just seems to make sense for some reason. Also we need more dominant Cadence.
>>16758790 ugh...that horrible oc again
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>>16758908 My love of fetishes trumps my hatred of OCs.
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>>16742940 >>16746017 >>16755512 Cadence is the princess of love; I bet tough love is part of the package.
Apparently from somewhere else on /mlp/
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>>16763691 OH MY GOD
>>16763691 Damn. That's yummy.
Hopefully tomorrow's episode will give some material, I hope we learn more about Pinkie's parents. Also the Sweetie/Luna episode; maybe Luna could "correct" fillies in their dreams?
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>>16763691 It's the dubscomix thread
>>16759440 Anonymous
>>16764410 Hell, any characterisation will be good
Maybe one day they'll feature a parent
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Fri 14 Mar 2014 23:55:09 No. 16766788 Report Quoted By:
>>16758908 Mina (creator of the EaStern OC) may be a fringe participant in the pony world but she's a popular figure over at
AnimeOTK.com . Her own stuff may be ridiculous Pony Creator crap but Steve Budzinski is the artist here and his stuff is much better.
>>16763691 Nice. In real life religion-rooted spankings automatically fall into the "unacceptable abuse" category for me, but since these are fictitious characters there's no reason to get uptight.
Two thumbs up.
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>>16764227 AB's cry face is what makes this.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Sat 15 Mar 2014 02:00:45 No. 16768379 Report >>16765909 >Maybe one day they'll feature a parent That's something I don't understand about the show; why the taboo against featuring the parents? After 3 and a half seasons it can't be just accidental...there must be some policy against it.
I'd love to see someone put this to the writers in some question & answer forum...aren't parents an important element in the lives of the target audience?
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>>16768283 I would pay 500 bucks an hour to have a session with domPinkie.
>>16768379 Parents ruin the fun with their seriousness and rules. If mom sees Flash fingerbanging me, omg I would die.
For some reason, the idea of the (soon-to-be-)spankee being given a bath appeals to me. It's rather versatile to stack on top of stuff:>Extra humiliation (non-consensually stripped down and bathed, or undressing and bathing herself as her mother/sister/babysitter/etc watches) >Extra punishment (bare-bottom smacks, mouthsoaping, etc) >Can be as gentle or as thorough as needed >Results in a change of attire (a diaper for humiliation or punishment, pajamas or a nightie if it's before bedtime, etc, or just something more fitting to be spanked in) On a [lie]completely unrelated[/lie] note, I have another story in the works.
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>>16768283 This somehow triggered my ptsd from reading cupcakes.
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>>16770768 I'd watch that episode.
Also, what are fingers?
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>>16767195 Spanking story in another thread.
>tfw Fluttershy's Cellar was the only Spankfic for ages
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>>16771726 I love your stuff Bluejay, it flips the switches of my humiliation fetish perfectly. Looking forward to it.
>>16774962 For the longest time I only had Fluttershy's Cellar and Rarity's Magic Book saved as fappable spankfics. This general is like Christmas coming every fucking month.
>>16777057 What's the pastebin then to you if a single general is that good?
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>>16777235 You better fucking believe I've got the pastebin bookmarked. But this is the general that mostly feeds the pastebin.
>>16777057 I'll be feeding you soon enough.
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>>16777738 I love the smell of brand
spankin new words.
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>>16777738 >I'll be feeding you soon enough. Wish I could say the same...
Work's keeping me quite busy lately and I can't really focus on writing. So you all will have to wait a while for something new from me. I'll still keep up the pastebin, though.
All I would have now is a little experiment in first person writing from two weeks ago.
Sounds line Krishna, Dangerous Creature, and Bluejay are all preparing stories. Meanwhile I will prepare my boner.
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>>16778293 I can't get anything written for the next week or so because I'm with another spanko right now, but it'll be good when I get it done.
>Older sister Maude disciplining a rambunctious Pinkie Pie
>>16779599 I like the idea of her having a rock hard hoof
>She catches the CMC up to mischief >Says she can punish them herself or tell their parents >They think they're getting away with just a hoof-spanking >The horror when they realise what they've gotten into SternyMares
>>16739881 By the time she's half-done he will be crying like he hasn't in decades.
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>>16780608 I'm rock hard right now. I'll be sure to get my rocks off later Anonymous
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>>16781580 Fuck yeah. Loving this.
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>>16781580 Into the folder it goes
>>16781654 >>16782211 >not wanting your wife to spank you over her lap with a paddle >the 2,014th year of our lord What the fuck is wrong with you
>>16782258 >>16781580 the idea is nice but the drawing is kinda meh
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>>16782857 I like it. It's all about the suggested backstory.
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>>16782857 I'm open to criticism, want to elaborate?
I admit I wasn't very enthusiastic when making the background.
SkyeHigh hasn't posted in days, the Picture Archive hasn't been updated either, I hope he wasn't bothered by the initial reception of the Dash/Scoots pic.
>>16787002 >SkyeHigh hasn't posted in days Just scroll up a bit...around 20 posts.
>the Picture Archive hasn't been updated either I forgot to insert the edited Scoots pic, right? Coming right away.
Also, I'm not bothered by it. People are being people, that's all. But I wasn't sure about you, I mean, this picture got the worst ratings so far and you only did it because I asked.
>>16791693 >Just scroll up a bit...around 20 posts. Whoops! I thought you were Bluejay.
"Sky", "Blue", I get confused.
>But I wasn't sure about you, Nah, it was interesting actually.
>>16792205 Oh well then...but I've been meaning to ask you. Since you did that picture for my story, want anything written in return? Though I can't promise it'll get done soon, need inspiration and time first.
>>16781580 Looks great, Sterny! Shining looks half-bored, half-apprehensive. Cadance just looks perfect, in her element. Bet he'll definitely be squirming.
Also, pic. My partner's threshold for pain is... alarming. Even with that vicious leather paddle the Curse, it was barely enough to hit the limit.
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>>16644077 Not much stuff with Derpy getting spanked is there?
>>16793288 You broke the hairbrush? On bare skin? Always wondered what kind of force would be needed to do something like that.
Can someone point to me any art/stories about any fillies who are being spanked (but spanked with bare hands, not whips or paddles or anything)
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>>16796896 Take a look in here:
http://pastebin.com/h58yLn6F and ctrl+F-search the tags you want.
>>16796812 Pretty much as heavy as you'd swing it otk. I only noticed it was broken when he started bleeding.
It's my turn very soon. I've never been spanked before, and oh god I'm nervous
>>16798826 You should probably be scared
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Gonna let this die next time, we tend to bump this for the sake of it and no content
>>16800934 I haaad every right to be. I actually fainted beforehand. Corner time and a long bath that basically had my nerves completely shattered, and the heat and standing up quickly lead to low blood pressure in my head. The whole roleplay was ruined as a result, since I crashed into the toilet, apparently. My memory is completely blank.
Anyways, now for spaghetti, since it's not a good thread without real experiences:
Once I was calmed down enough and wasnt in danger from the shortness of breath and the blood pressure lightheadedness, I asked for just the spanking proper. It wasn't fun. Hand, that leather handspanking thing, and the bath brush. Five minutes and I was totally like Babs in Day 12. I had to use the safe word, which he suggested earlier. And earned a massage! Afterwards, I got to enjoy a more sensual spanking under my own control and found out I'm in love with the belt and can get a very impressive whuppin and stay erect. So that's cool. Also... I took several hits from the Curse, though light. It hits very, VERY heavy. So yeah. That's my first forray into bottoming. I am... definitely more confident as the spanker.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Mon 17 Mar 2014 03:36:16 No. 16804935 Report >>16803730 Damn...very intense experience.
I've never did anything like that in real life. I tried with a Venezuelan prostitute once, but she didn't speak English and I speak very little Spanish...so I couldn't communicate what I wanted. It was pretty unsatisfying.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Mon 17 Mar 2014 15:53:13 No. 16811773 Report New from Ohohokapi.
>>16804935 >It was pretty unsatisfying. I would've imagined. it's def something that requires a lot of planning, huge amounts of trust, that sort of thing. But my experiences should lead to more accurate spankfics, at least.
For instance, I know that the spankee doesn't always break down -DURING- the spanking. For me, it was the guilt and everything being permitted access to my train of thought. The total helplessness, begging for it to end but it wouldn't until I was screaming the safe word...I felt like a child again, it was so overwhelming. After everything I went through with the fainting and confessions and... everything, being held and sincerely loved afterwards... it was wonderful. Best feeling in the world. I'm so thankful for it, actually. Just wish my hairbrush wasn't broken. The bath brush is a fucking terror.
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>>16810824 > woooo woooooo woooooo Did someone call for. RICK FLAIR?
>>16811987 >>16803730 After reading this I feel both violated and sad
>>16812430 >After reading this I feel both violated and sad Hey, I haven't been fucked in the ass, so that means I'm still dom, right?
... right?
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>>16812440 I guess that your call
>>16812787 >she's loving it Sigh.
>>16812973 *le sigh*
*tips fedora*
>>16813921 This is someone who has never been spanked
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Rescue bump. We seriously need some new stories. Krishna & Dangerous Creature can't do it all on their own.
>>16792326 IF you feel like it, you could try a stroy with Gilda as the spanker, or Twilight/Spike, or Cherry Berry and that filly often considered her daughter, or Celestia/Sunset, or Bon Bon and Lyra in wichever end. I would be interested in any of these, but do your own thing.
>>16811773 Damn, huy is so fast.
The episode gave me feels and so does this.
>>16814545 >This is someone who has never been spanked Indeed. Enjoyed a very sexual, but really painful morning spanking today and I can most confidently say that a spanking where the sub can just lay there, tongue lolling out, or otherwise be all 'oh god yes harder oh fucking beat me yes yes yes!'... just isn't a very good spanking. Like, the type of shit non-spankos would do during sex, or something.
There's no room for thought, no room for enjoyment, no ANYTHING other than pain when your partner is just really laying it into you, barely giving you time for anything other than hard breathes and grunts of pain and discomfort... even if it's with a belt you enjoy so much. It's the moments before and after that you can enjoy, tensing up when you expect another smack to come and instead they just return to massaging, only to have the hand fly up again and tense up... the anticipation is fucking hot, I guess. I mean, it was much longer and sometimes harder than my first spanking, and yet at no point did I beg for it to end, and was even a little disappointed when it did.
I'm saying this because a spanking CAN be enjoyed, but not... not like that picture (
>>16812787 )
shows, not if it's done right. As much as I DO hate spankpics with enjoyment, when the character is lying or standing there, marked, with a stupid 'more, please' smile, at least then it makes sense: they're not being spanked, they're free to enjoy the burning, tingly sensation, and wanting more.
>>16826969 Also, meant to mention: Maybe it's time we let this topic die off for a little bit. We'll make a new series of threads after a break, maybe? Start back at topic one, but still keep the archives, of course.
Just, right now, all we're doing is posting pics most of us have already seen or listening to me recap recent experiences. That's not enough to sustain a 500-reply thread.
>>16826980 Agreed, the only new content here was SternyMares pic, and nobody has anything ready
Let it die for a few days or so
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Tue 18 Mar 2014 15:39:21 No. 16828081 Report >>16826998 >>16826980 Yeah, we've done that before with no negative effects.
I've personally got a story 50% done and another all planned out in my head, but real-world obligations aren't leaving me any time to write.
>>16828081 >I've personally got a story 50% done and another all planned out in my head, but real-world obligations aren't leaving me any time to write. I'm in sorta the same boat. I have two or three spankfics started, but just haven't had any time to write lately, since I've obv been very busy, as my posts are indicating. That lack of time harms my usual projects, too :(
If people are still interested in my experiences, of course, I can keep sharing them. I just don't wanna come off as an egomaniac or some shit.
>>16826998 >>16830240 Didn't really mean to post this since it was only an experiment in first person and Rarity, and written in 2 hours, but eh...why not if we're in need of some content.
Just keep in mind that I know it's bad and quite weird but maybe some people are satisfied by it.
...Krishna was at least Also used the linked picture and one of DC's stories as reference because I liked the story quite a lot.
With work at the moment it'll be quite a while until I get soemthing written again.
Also just dumping it in the pastebin...because I'm tired
and lazy and I can do that http://pastebin.com/VKC717qx >>16817320 When I get the time to write again I'll see what I can do about one of those.
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>>16828613 >Dat pic Muh fucking sides.
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>>16830983 >spoiler 1 ... no, of course not!
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I guess one last bump before I give up
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:35:35 No. 16835313 Report Okay, just finished proof-read. This is the Fluttershy one...fair warning, it's pretty abusey, but that's my HC about Fluttershy's past. 13 parts...enjoy.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Fluttershy's Sleepover Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:36:35 No. 16835332 Report >>16835313 1/13
Little Fluttershy felt like she was walking on clouds, and it had nothing to do with the literal truth that she was in fact walking on the natural surface of her home city of Cloudsdale. What put a spring in the step of the blank-flank filly was the prospect of a fun evening. For the first time in her life Fluttershy was allowed to have a friend over for the night! Momma was out of town and Daddy hadn't gotten angry at her for some time now, so she'd built up the courage to ask him if the next-door neighbor filly, Rainbow Dash, could sleep over.
>"Whatever, but you two better not drive me crazy or there'll be trouble." That was as close to an affirmative 'yes' as Flutters could expect, so she joyfully rushed over to inform her best friend that she was welcome.
>"Awesome! This is gonna be a blast!" Sometimes the words that Dashie chose scared Fluttershy.
>"Oh no...please no blasts. We have to stay quiet and not cause trouble." Rainbow Dash shrugged.
>"Okay, we can be sorta quiet and still have fun I suppose." >"You can have my bed" offered Fluttershy. But Dash dismissed the suggestion straight away;
>"You're supposed to have sleeping bags on the floor for a sleep-over, Flutters." >"I...but I don't have a sleeping bag." >"No big deal, you can borrow my Dad's. He used to be in the Equestrian Army. It's adult size, but you're taller than me, so it'll work out good!" Rainbow Dash rushed off to borrow the sleeping bag, leaving Fluttershy to ponder how easy it was for her friend. It had been scary enough asking her father if she could invite a friend...she'd never have the nerve to borrow his possessions.
>"It must be nice to be like you, Dashie." But Fluttershy still felt happy. It was nice enough to have Rainbow Dash for a friend.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Fluttershy's Sleepover Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:37:57 No. 16835349 Report >>16835332 2/13
Life had been pretty miserable for Fluttershy, and it got worse when she was held back a year in school. Failure to develop social skills, anxiety problems, below average flight skills. Her teachers had explained calmly & kindly that this was not her fault, some foals just needed an extra year to develop. Everything would be okay. All her parents heard was 'failure' though...she got the worst spanking of her life when they found out.
But it had been a blessing in disguise.
She'd known her next-door neighbor Rainbow Dash since they were both in diapers, but now they were in the same class. All of a sudden Fluttershy had a friend! It was something she'd never experienced before and it made all the difference. Bullies didn't pick on her so much anymore because Dashie was there to stand beside her. Fluttershy's school work improved with her new confidence and even her flying was getting a little better. She still stayed far away from the dangerous edges of clouds though.
The time finally arrived.
Even though it was only next door Rainbow Dash's mother walked her over to Fluttershy's house. In spite of Dashie's grumbling it worked out well; the blue filly had brought such a pile of pillows, sleeping bags, toys & board games that she needed help carrying the load.
>"Dashie, you behave yourself for Fluttershy's father, understand?" Mom tried to tidy her foal's mane, but the hyperactive filly squirmed.
>"I will, Mom! I already promised!" Her mother didn't push the issue. When Dashie was focused on something fun there was no point in trying to shift her attention to anything else. She knocked on the door but had to wait a surprisingly long time for a reply. When at last Fluttershy's father arrived he looked annoyed and disinterested in his daughter's guest.
>”Good afternoon, I'm Rainbow Dash's mother.” Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Fluttershy's Sleepover Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:39:48 No. 16835382 Report >>16835349 3/13
His only reply was a curt grunt. She tried to make polite conversation;
>”The girls have been looking forward to this for...” >”As long as they stay out of my hair we'll get along fine.” His rude reply took her back a bit, but Dash was hopping in place with excitement, so she did not push the issue.
>”Umm, okay. If you have any problems my husband & I will be right next door.” >”I can deal with any problems myself” he muttered. She could not restrain her excited filly a moment longer, so Dash's mother said her goodbyes;
>”Alright then, have a good time at your sleepover, Dashie, and...” Dash zoomed past her, leaving the two adult Pegasi at the doorstep. The stallion turned and went back inside without a word, leaving Dash's mother with the pile of sleeping bags & pillows.
>”Well, that was rude” she muttered to herself before depositing the bedding inside and returning home. >”I can't believe today is finally here!” said Fluttershy in her usual sotto voce. Rainbow Dash was markedly less subdued.
>”I know, right! What do you want to do first?” Before waiting for her friend's answer Dash lifted off and hovered above Fluttershy's head.
>”You've got such high ceilings...wanna practice doing flips?” >”Oh, no!” answered the timid filly with alarm, “We shouldn't fly inside the house.” Her statement was so unexpected that Dash practically fell out of the air, landing on the floor with a dull thump.
>”Don't...fly?” To Rainbow the suggestion was as absurd as saying 'we don't breathe air in the house' or 'gravity doesn't apply here.' They were Pegasi...but they didn't fly in their own home?
>”We don't want to have an accident and break anything” Fluttershy explained. Dash had to admit; sometimes that did happen when she practiced flying in her own house. Since she'd promised her parents she'd abide by the rules of her hosts Rainbow let the issue drop. There were plenty of other fun things to do.
>>16826969 Speaking as a sadomasochist the pain is the best part for me. I really can't explain it but it just is
> tfw no one to spank you Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Fluttershy's Sleepover Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:40:54 No. 16835402 Report >>16835382 4/13
Fluttershy did not have many toys in her bedroom, and those she did posses seemed worn out, second hand. That was no problem; Rainbow Dash had brought a backpack full of Wonderbolt dolls, although Fluttershy was not very good at playing Wonderbolts. Dash could not figure out why Comet Tail & Sunset Streak would want to have a quiet tea party, but that was how her friend wanted to play so Dash conceded...although she saw no reason tea could not be served using a triple-corkscrew aileron loop.
The fillies played in Fluttershy's room for the rest of the afternoon. Several times Dash suggested other things they could do around the house, but her friend was reluctant, preferring to say in her bedroom.
>”Where it's safe” Fluttershy said. The more adventurous filly did not understand her timid companion's hesitation, but it didn't really matter; hanging out and playing in Fluttershy's bedroom was still fun so she agreed with a shrug.
At last dinnertime arrived, much to Rainbow Dash's delight. Although they hadn't done anything particularly intense she was still hungry. She was also curious about Fluttershy's father, who Flutters did not talk about much and had not come up to check on them once during her visit.
Dinner consisted mostly of hay...but it was good hay, very fresh, the kind Dash's own mother only bought on special occasions. Soup and some vegetables rounded out the meal. As was customary at her own house Rainbow tried to make conversation over dinner;
>”So where do you work, sir?” Fluttershy's father gave Dash an odd look, but answered;
>”I was a Cloudsdale City Guardsman, but I got injured so now I work at the hay depot.” >”That's cool” replied the blue filly, “I guess that's how you can get such good hay. I think...” The stallion cut her off rudely.
>”If I want to know what a blank-flank foal thinks I'll ask you. Until then be quiet and let me eat in peace.” Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Fluttershy's Sleepover Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:41:56 No. 16835417 Report >>16835402 5/13
That took Rainbow Dash by surprise. She had been told to 'be quiet' before, but always with an explanation and good reason. In fact, she had been taught that making conversation and taking an interest in the lives of others was polite. She shot a glance at Fluttershy, who was frozen with a scared look on her face. Still holding a wad of partially chewed broccoli in her mouth she shook her head at Dash, imploring her not to argue about anything. It seemed strange, but Rainbow accepted and went along with it, eating the rest of her meal in silence.
There was no dessert after dinner (a grievous social faux-pas in most Equestrian households) but that did not worry Dash. Her mother had packed a batch of cookies in her overnight bag, which she planned to share with her hosts that night. She'd intended to wait until later in the evening but they were oatmeal-raisin and the allure was too great.
>”Hey Fluttershy, check out what I brought. My Mom made them today.” The yellow filly's eyes grew wide upon seeing the bundle her friend unwrapped.
>”Those look lovely!” >”Take a hoof-full...I'll go see if your Dad wants any.” Fluttershy looked worried by the mere suggestion.
>”Oh my...I don't think you should, Dashie.” But Rainbow Dash did not understand the situation and brushed off Fluttershy's concerns;
>”You worry too much, trust me. Your Dad has been crabby all evening...and my Mom's cookies can cheer anypony up!” Before Fluttershy could object Rainbow Dash trotted into the living room where her father was reading his newspaper.
>”Sir, my Mother made some cookies, would you like...” But rather than gratitude Dash got an angry stallion in her face.
>”What the fuck did I tell you about bothering me?” Dash recoiled in shock. She'd heard adults curse before, but never had one sworn directly at her.
>”Fluttershy, get your little ass in here...NOW!” Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Fluttershy's Sleepover Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:43:16 No. 16835435 Report >>16835417 6/13
Fluttershy wasted no time; she was there immediately as if she'd expected to be summoned. Her father looked directly at Dash, his eyes full of hot anger.
>”That means you get out.” Dash looked to her friend, who motioned wordlessly for her to obey. Confused and still reeling from surprise the blue Pegasus did as she was told, but did not go far. She waited just outside the living room door & listened.
>”I only agreed to this stupid goddamn sleepover because you promised you wouldn't bother me.” Fluttershy's voice was fearful, on the verge of panic.
>”I'm sorry Daddy, it won't happen again. Please don't make her go home!” >”I'm gonna do a lot worse than that if you don't control your annoying little friend!” >"It won't happen again I promise!" >"It better damn well not!" Dash listened in horror as the yelling went on for a few moments longer. How could Fluttershy's father be so mean? Fluttershy was never like that. The door creaked back open, so Rainbow hurried away to make it look like she hadn't been eavesdropping. Fluttershy joined her in the hallway, trembling a little, her eyes full of fright.
>"What was all that about?" demanded the blue filly. "All I did was offer him some cookies and he totally bit my head off!" Fluttershy answered in a voice even softer than usual;
>"He just doesn't want to be bothered, Dashie. Everything will be okay if we just stay in my room and play quietly." Dash sighed in frustration. It seemed way worse to her, but this was Fluttershy's house and she was only a guest.
>"Okay, I suppose" she muttered, "more cookies left for us, right? I just don't know why he acts like such a jerk." Horrified, Fluttershy lunged forward and covered her friend's mouth with her wings.
>"Don't say that! He might hear you!" Rainbow rolled her eyes. She hoped he DID hear.
>"Okay, okay," she whispered, "I won't say anything anymore...even if it is true. We've still got lots of time before bed; let's go play!" Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Fluttershy's Sleepover Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:44:28 No. 16835457 Report >>16835435 7/13
If Fluttershy had been careful about keeping the noise down before dinner she was outright maniacal about it after the meal. When playing a board game she even went to the extreme of insisting that Dash roll her dice on soft pillows instead of the wooden game board. Anything to keep the noise down.
>"Is that quiet enough for you?" groaned an increasingly annoyed Dash. >"That's lovely" replied her host. Rainbow got up on her 4 hooves and said;
>"I gotta use the bathroom. Any tips on how to make that quieter?" Fluttershy blushed, but still suggested;
>"Maybe if you tinkle on the side of the bowl it will make less..." A dour look from Rainbow Dash silenced her.
>"Eh...um...I'm sure it will be okay as long as you close the door." Dashie finished her business (quietly) and washed her hooves before returning to the sleepover. On her way back up to Fluttershy's bedroom she risked a glance into the living room to see what her father was doing. There he was; already dead asleep in his recliner chair, snoring, with the newspaper laying across his lap.
At that moment Rainbow Dash remembered something she'd seen in the bathroom and got a wicked idea. If anyone was asking to be pranked it was this jerk.
Minutes later Dash galloped into Fluttershy's bedroom, unable to suppress a fit of giggling.
>"Dashie, what's the matter?" asked her timid yellow friend. It took Rainbow a minute to compose herself, but she finally explained what she'd done;
>"Flutters, your Dad has been acting like a real dweeb all night...I just played a little prank on him." All the blood rushed out of Fluttershy's face. She asked fearfully;
>"Ohhh, nooooo...Dashie, what did you do?" Rainbow Dash rolled over on her back and laughed.
>"I borrowed his razor and shaved half his moustache...and the opposite eyebrow! He's gonna look ridiculous!" Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Fluttershy's Sleepover Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:45:36 No. 16835476 Report >>16835457 8/13
Fluttershy's eyes instantly began streaming tears, her jaw dropped open in absolute horror.
>"Oh, no! Dash, why would you do that?!" >"He was being a jerk" answered the blue filly casually, "it's just a little prank...no big deal, his moustache will grow back." >"It's NOT just a little prank!" cried Fluttershy, "This is bad!" >"Flutters, chill...I'll totally take the blame" Dash tried to re-assure her. But Fluttershy was already racing around the room, trying to gather up Rainbow Dash's belongings.
>"Dashie, you have to get out! You have to go, NOW!" Rainbow was puzzled. She'd expected Fluttershy to be excited by the prank.
>"Seriously?" But it was too late. Both fillies jumped in shock when they heard a furious roar from downstairs.
>"Oh nooooo, nooooo, noooooo..." cried Fluttershy, curling up into a ball and shaking. The door crashed open with no regard for who might be standing on the other side.
>"DO YOU THINK THIS IS FUCKING FUNNY?" Fluttershy tried to defend her friend,
>"Daddy, I'm SORRY! She didn't know...she thought it was a joke!" >"THIS IS A GODDAMNED JOKE?" Still confused by the situation, Rainbow stepped in to take responsibility.
>"Sir, it was me who did it! Fluttershy didn't even know about it. You were just being such a..." Fluttershy's enraged father did not listen to a single word she said. He shoved Rainbow Dash out of the way and grabbed his terrified daughter by the hair.
>"You think this is a JOKE? You think this is FUNNY? I'm gonna show you how funny it is!" >"Mister! STOP! It was me, Fluttershy didn't do anything!" Dash tried to grab the adult stallion's arm, but she got thrown back this time, luckily falling against Fluttershy's soft bed. She was paralyzed with shock...she'd never been shoved full-force by an adult before. Dash didn't even know things like this could happen.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Fluttershy's Sleepover Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:46:48 No. 16835496 Report >>16835476 9/13
Poor Fluttershy was already begging as if her life depended on it, but her furious father wasn't listening. He mercilessly tossed the filly over her writing desk.
>"Don't you fucking move" he commanded. She was too terrified to move, she knew what would happen if she disobeyed. Fluttershy's father yanked her closet door open and grabbed a terrifying looking flat board from inside. It was made of wood, 12 inches long not counting the handle and easily 4 inches wide, a half inch thick with holes drilled through.
>"Noooo! Please not that!" begged Fluttershy, but she did not try to escape. For the rest of her life Rainbow Dash would always curse herself for not knowing what to do. She just watched, frozen in terror as Fluttershy's cruel father attacked her with that paddle. Dashie had endured plenty of spankings already during her adventurous foalhood, but this was different. This was a beating...an enraged adult hitting his filly full-force with intent to injure.
Dashie could have escaped, and run next door to seek help from her parents...or even shout for the City Guard until somepony came to help...but she was just a blank-flank filly who didn't know what to do. She was petrified with horror as the huge stallion beat her completely innocent friend.
>"I TOLD YOU TO KEEP YOUR DAMNED GUEST UNDER CONTROL!" >"Whhhhaaaahhhhh! Daddy, I'm sorry, I'M SORRY! Whhhaaaahhhh!" Nothing she said slowed him down. He held her long pink tail tight and absolutely thrashed the trembling rump beneath it with no regard for the pain & terror he was inflicting. Soon Fluttershy could only scream, gagging on her own tears and phlegm when she tried to inhale. Her backside was already covered in bruises but there was no mercy. Rainbow Dash feared her father was going to kill Fluttershy.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Fluttershy's Sleepover Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:47:54 No. 16835514 Report >>16835496 10/13
With no warning he tossed the yellow filly on the floor.
>"I am not done with you yet" he growled. In spite of the terrible pain Fluttershy scrambled into the corner, where she curled up into a protective ball and tried to cover her face.
Then he came for Rainbow Dash.
The blue filly tried to run away but he caught her by the tail. He picked her up and threw her like a sack of oats...Dash had never felt pain like that before. She landed on Fluttershy's bed, stunned by nearly having her tail ripped out, and was soon pinned down.
>"So, you're the goddamned comedian, eh?" He pulled her tail out of the way and brought the paddle crashing down on her bottom. Dash screamed and tried to escape, but she was helpless.
>"You think THIS is funny?" With the full force of his arm Fluttershy's father proceeded to beat Rainbow Dash's backside with the terrible paddle. The pain and fear were indescribable...Dashie had experienced plenty of spankings before but for the first time she genuinely feared for her life. Fluttershy's dad was out of control with rage, hitting as hard as he could with a weapon that covered the little filly's entire rear with every awful blow.
She screamed and tried anything she could to get away from the attack, but Dash was trapped. The blue filly could only pray to Celestia that somepony would come rescue her.
It was the stallion's own fatigue that eventually stopped him. He was a strong Pegasus, but he'd already worked a full day at the hay depot, and that detail may have been the only thing that saved Rainbow Dash from greater injury. None of his anger had faded though. He glared at Fluttershy, sobbing & trembling in her corner.
>"Get your little ass over here...NOW!" He was not done with either Dash or Fluttershy. He intended to take every bit of his rage out on them.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Fluttershy's Sleepover Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:49:00 No. 16835533 Report >>16835514 11/13
Rescue did arrive though.
Rainbow Dash's parents had heard the screaming and hurried over, knocking the front door off its hinges in a rush to intervene.
>"What in Tartarus do you think you're doing!? Are you out of your mind?!" Dash took the opportunity to get up and scrambled to her mother, but Fluttershy was still in danger, paralyzed with fear. Rainbow's father stepped between the filly and her enraged father.
>"Do you see what those little fucking brats did?" cursed the angry stallion. >"I see it, but you need to calm down!" Rainbow's father snapped, "This is insane, you're out of control...it's just a little foal prank!" He stepped forward, ready to fight the intruder in his house.
>"You're free to raise that little shit any way you want, but don't you step a hoof into my house and tell me how to discipline my own filly!" Dash's father spoke calmly but firmly to Fluttershy;
>"Honey, you need to go with Dashie and her mother...it's not safe for you here right now." But Fluttershy was too scared to side against her terrifying father. She crouched down and shook her head.
>"See" laughed the furious father, "I've got mine trained to accept her beating when she's earned one." The two stallions stood eye to eye, neither backing down until Rainbow's mother stepped up, standing beside her husband.
>"If you don't step aside and let us take Fluttershy someplace safe we'll have the City Guard here" she growled. "You're already going to be reported to Foal Protective Services...you don't want more trouble." The tense stand-off only lasted another minute. At last Fluttershy's father broke, and growled;
>"Goddamnit, take her. She's more damn trouble than she's worth." It still took some prodding to convince the traumatized Fluttershy that it was safe to leave, but Dashie finally got her to come along, followed by her mother and finally her father. Both foals were safe.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Fluttershy's Sleepover Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:50:11 No. 16835553 Report >>16835533 12/13
After Dash's mother did what she could for both fillies' bruises they were put to bed with promises that everything would be better in the morning. They shared Rainbow Dash's bed, which was not big, but neither foal wanted to be alone tonight.
In the darkness they talked;
>"Rainbow Dash, I'm so sorry my sleepover was so terrible." Dash was shocked. She expected to be the one apologizing.
>"Flutters, it was my fault. I should have listened to you...you tried to warn me!" >"You didn't know..." There were a few minutes of uncomfortable silence before Fluttershy asked;
>"Do you think we can still be friends?" >"Why would you even ask that, Fluttershy? Of course we're friends...if you can forgive me." The yellow filly sniffled and confessed;
>"If I thought you didn't want to be my friend I wouldn't want to wake up anymore" she said. "The other foals at school don't like me. My parents aren't nice like yours. If you left me I would just go to sleep forever and go to the place ponies go when they die." Horrified at what her friend was saying, Dash did not know how to reply.
>"Flutters...please don't talk that way. Everything is gonna be okay now." >"Just please promise me we're always going to be friends," Fluttershy implored her, "that you'll never leave me." Rainbow didn't know what to do, so she hugged Fluttershy tight.
>"I promise, Flutters. Whatever you want, I promise." The two fillies drifted off to sleep in each others arms.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Fluttershy's Sleepover Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:52:45 No. 16835592 Report >>16835553 13/13
Fluttershy stayed with Rainbow Dash's family for the next 6 weeks. In her adult life she would look back on it as the only vacation she ever had in her foalhood. The two fillies got into plenty of mischief, but for the first time Fluttershy didn't live in terror of the consequences...she actually felt safe. It was the happiest month and a half in her young life.
It could not last forever though; Fluttershy's parents completed the parenting & anger management classes required by Dept. of Foal Protective Services, and the court said they had the right to regain custody of their filly. Dash's parents had never held any legal rights to Fluttershy anyway.
Things got better though. Aware that they were being watched, Fluttershy's parents were more careful...she still got hit occasionally but at least things were better than before. The little filly knew there was a safe place to run to next door, and adults that would help.
Best of all, Rainbow Dash honored her promise. As they got older the two remained best of friends, and even got their Cutie Marks on the same day...but their connection went even further back than that and neither of them ever forgot that.
>>16835592 >>16835553 >>16835533 > mfw dashes dad is a total pussy > mfw my dad would have #420REKT anyone that dare touch me Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Wed 19 Mar 2014 02:09:04 No. 16835808 Report >>16835660 Well, it's implied that Dash's father would have fought him if he didn't back down. I could have written it that way, but this is the Pony Spanking thread, not the Ponies Fighting thread.
Next story will be much lighter in tone...Vinyl & Octavia's first meeting.
>>16835808 > letting your kid get beat up and only talking shit Nigger my dad would have broke his legs if he backed down or not
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>>16830983 That was top quality, good idea for the pairing as well
Funnily enough
>>16828613 had the same idea
>>16835592 Did I mention Fluttershy is my favourite?
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Wed 19 Mar 2014 03:52:06 No. 16837219 Report Quoted By:
>>16836493 Hope I didn't abuse her too badly for ya.
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>>16835553 >"If I thought you didn't want to be my friend I wouldn't want to wake up anymore" she said. "The other foals at school don't like me. My parents aren't nice like yours. If you left me I would just go to sleep forever and go to the place ponies go when they die." Strangely I felt better after that feel passed.
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>>16835496 Came so hard I blew a hole in the ceiling and am now staring at the stars.
>>16830983 That Rariquinn story was great. Why not post it here for extra visibility ?
>>16835533 I'm honestly surprised you didn't write Dash's father or mother more angrily; a stranger just beat their child to the point of her fearing for her life. I feel as though parents would be more upset than that. Other than that, nice writing. Disturbed me.
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>>16835387 >Speaking as a sadomasochist the pain is the best part for me. I really can't explain it but it just is I guess I can understand that easily enough. I mean, yeah, it makes sense that different people are going to enjoy different parts of spanking play. I hate the pain, but love the dull burning afterwards.
(which is why I love that leather paddle more than the belt, I think. Nothin' burns like the Curse)
>>16835332 Reading through this now...
>>16839900 >>16835950 >>16835660 Gotta agree with these guys. Fluttershy's father beat RD as savagely as Fluttershy, and RD's parents were very blaisé about it. Yes, that is technically the 'proper' way handle it (get the fillies out of danger, tend to them carefully), but I just can't see Flutterdad getting away without a broken nose.
Yes, people can argue that the 'perfect' spankings I write aren't exactly realistic (I believe the sad truth is that not many parents actually spank properly, hence all the WAAAH ABUSE horseshit we have to deal with), but between two grown stallions... yeah, I would've expected even a proper parent to physically WRECK a man who BEAT his child. If I have children, I'm obviously going to spank properly, because I believe it in as a proper, last-resort punishment in a non-sexual way, but... if another adult lays a hand on them in anger that isn't there mother, I would fucking end up breaking something. Like teeth. And make them pick up their teeth... with broken fingers.
... anyways, otherwise, that was a nice feelsy story, DC. RD and FS have a beautiful friendship, even more feelsy if you happen to subscribe to the Dash Academy headcanon concerning Fluttershy's high school time.
>>16830983 As the anon who made that comment on derpibooru... I came. heavily. Beautiful. loved it.
>>16840856 >Yes, people can argue that the 'perfect' spankings I write aren't exactly realistic This. I dunno if I'm the only one, but I don't read these stories for characterization. I read them so I can wank.
So on that subject my only criticism is that the actual spanking part was too short. Compared to your excellent Trixie story which had great buildup and great spanking, this one had great buildup and then rushed through the spanking in only a few paragraphs.
I still wanked, I ain't made of stone. But it was a quick wank.
>>16841621 > I still wanked to it Sickfuck britbong detected
>>16839697 >>16840921 >Why not post it here for extra visibility ? Was quite exhausted yesterday and merely wanted to offer some new content before going to sleep. Well, seeing as DC had something later on it was a bit unnecessary but eh... Besides, I didn't think people would like this, I thought of it pretty weird myself.
But yeah, I agree. Will post it right away.
>>16817320 >IF you feel like it, you could try a stroy with Gilda as the spanker Got an idea for that today at work, and will use your Gilda sketch for that.
The other (still unknown) pony will be Pinkie Pie SkyeHigh
>>16843019 So here's the little thing I posted yesterday in the pastebin, now here on request.
"Disgusting! Absolutely disgusting," I moaned while pacing up and down my room. "Such shameful behavior, and that coming from me!"
I was at my absolute worst today and couldn't quite believe it. I was just glad Sweetie Belle wasn't there to hear my self pity. I felt so horrible for what I had done and it was eating me up inside.
I threw myself on the bed in desperation. "Oh why me?" I wailed to no one in particular. "And to think my friends shrugged it off as nothing, even assuring me it was alright!" It was true, my friends never berated me or criticized me, even though I expected them to do so… or even punish me...
I blushed slightly at the thought. The last time I 'punished' myself for acting so unladylike wasn't quite so bad...I even enjoyed it after a while. This last session with my mannequin was still very fresh on my mind and I could basically still feel the enormous length of that massive— I digress...
"No! This would simply achieve nothing," I declared. I needed something else to make me feel less guilty… something I wouldn't enjoy. Deep in thoughts, I remembered a distant memory from my foalhood where I had snuck out to go to a party. Feeling very embarrassed by the thought of it, I began considering.
"Well… I surely didn't feel so bad anymore afterwards… even though that positively hurt!" I sat upright on the bed again and tapped my chin. "Hmm, too bad Father isn't here to do that kind of thing to me," I said in a somewhat reassured manner. It may have worked out some unresolved guilt issues, but by no means I wanted to submit myself to such foalish punishment.
>>16843085 2/9
Already dismissing the thought and moving to the next topic, I suddenly jumped up started as the window on the far end of the room slammed shut from the wind. I looked into the direction of the noise and my gaze fell upon the very mannequin I had in my room...the very one that had granted me such an eventful ‘punishment’ once.
"Maybe you could..." I mumbled before slapping myself across the cheek. "Rarity! What are you thinking? Surely you aren't considering—" And yet, I was...
I galloped over to the unmoving figure and placed my hooves on its face. "Oh, Quinn… Quinny! You don't judge me, you always listen to me. What EVER should I do?" I asked the inanimate creature of wood. I could've sworn it was my imagination but I saw its head briefly moving up and down. I rubbed my tired eyes and looked again. Surely it was still standing there, stoic as ever.
I began considering the idea even more. Like the last time, the spell needed to bring it to life for a few minutes would utterly drain my magic and leave me vulnerable like a filly. But still… it'd have my consciousness and never seriously hurt me. I bit my lip and felt my thoughts racing. The idea was alluring: a simple way to help me clear my conscience, but at the same time reducing myself to a little naughty schoolfilly. Nopony would ever know, though...
I took a deep breath, calming my nerves. "Rarity," I started to myself in an attempt of pep talk, "you simply must take responsibility for your actions… even though your friends forgave you with no consequences."
I took a step back and wanted to start the spell, but felt my nerves getting the better of me. “I just can’t do this! It’ll hurt, it’ll really really hurt and there won’t be ANYTHING I can do about it.” I wanted to call this silly idea off and move on, but a flashback from what happened that day suddenly struck me and I once again felt so horrible.
>>16843097 3/9
“No, I simply cannot live with this anymore. Someone has to set me straight again!” I took another few deep and slow breaths, steadily calming down and collecting my thoughts again. Then it was time to act.
I summoned up the magic on my horn required for the spell. I could feel the power surging through me before it all focused on the tip of my horn, gathering and growing in intensity. Then I let it all go, hitting the mannequin with all the concentrated magic I had. It shone brightly, radiating with energy, before everything became white.
When I opened my eyes again, Quinn stood before me, still pulsating with that blue aura my magic gave him. I nervously licked my dry lips once before carefully considering my next words. I already felt so much younger again...and weaker.
"Y-you know what to do… right?" I asked anxiously. He gave simple nod of his wooden head, staring at me directly even though he had no eyes. Then to my great surprise… and dread, he took a big step forward and grabbed my right ear in a surprisingly strong grip. Oh, Celestia, it was already like ages ago with Father again. The same straight-to-business mannerism when it came to punishment. He dragged me along with such determination, only one goal in mind: my big soft bed in the middle of the room.
I squealed and struggled against the grip, not like the mare I was, but like a little filly about to get spanked... and I wasn't sure if I should've felt happy or horrified about it. On the one hoof, that was what I wanted, but on the other; it was what I feared. While I had to walk along involuntarily I moved one hoof back to my white bum to tenderly rub it in dreadful anticipation.
>>16843107 4/9
He let me go right in front of the bed, where I instantly sat down and started tending to my abused ear. "How dare you!" I huffed angrily, looking up at him. But my anger quickly turned to terror again at what I saw. While I was distracted with my sore ear, he had taken a seat on the bed and grabbed my beautiful oaken hairbrush off my nightstand. I was about to get the same awful hairbrushing as years ago from Father.
I looked to the floor but could feel his eerie gaze on myself. "I-I… can we maybe talk about… all this? I’m n-not so sure anymore," I stammered and fearfully glanced back up. He only shook his head curtly, patting his lap to send me the message.
I still felt so very conflicted suddenly, not a trace left of my prior resolve to go through with this. I wanted this, but at the same time I didn’t want this anymore. Sadly it wasn’t my decision now, but rather that of the small part of me I transmitted to the puppet waiting on the bed. He wasn’t really waiting anymore as he, or rather I, knew time was running out and so the power of the spell. He chose to speed things up a little and grabbed me by my ear again, making me stand up on my hooves again and ignoring my complaints…
I was really starting to regret my decision by then, having myself degraded to a naughty foal, about to get her fanny spanked quite thoroughly. I shivered inwardly at the thought.
After some more, but useless struggling, I found myself face down over his hard lap, and staring at the floor of my bedroom. I gasped when I felt him moving my long and elegant tail out of the way, securing it on my back. He wasn’t wasting any time from what I could tell.
>>16843117 5/9
“OWW!” I yelled when I felt the flat-backed brush connect with one of my gorgeous cheeks, and again, and again, always the same spot. He MOST DEFINITELY wasn’t wasting any time. I didn’t quite expect the force behind the smacks and couldn’t help but trying to move myself off his lap, as he attacked the opposite cheek with the same vigor. Sadly, that little escape attempt did me no good. Quinn just pulled roughly on my tail, he still had in his grasp, and lifted my wiggling bum inches into the air. He was so surprisingly strong and it was another reminder of my past spankings from Father. I couldn’t reminisce much about it, however, because Quinn used my slightly stretched out bottom to give me a few very firm penalty spanks across both cheeks.
“Ahaaa! OWIE!” were some of the pained sounds I gave off in reaction, before he dropped me on his lap again and pressed my tail very firmly into my back this time. The mannequin effectively reduced my squirming with his strong hold on me then.
I was granted no respite, no pause, no break as I felt the brush cracking down on my poor defenseless rump at a fast pace. I couldn’t suppress the tears from forming in my eyes, and surely not the shouts of agony from my mouth, while the panic started to rise inside my chest. What had I done? My magic still wasn’t working and it started to sting so much I couldn’t bear it anymore.
“Please STOP!” I begged him, yelled at him, but it was to no avail. I got no acknowledgement and only felt the steady beat of wood against sensitive flesh as he continued to spank my beautiful bottom oh so soundly.
>>16843123 6/9
Of course it was no use, it never helped when I was younger, so why would it have helped then? I would only find out way later that the part of my consciousness that took control of the mannequin were the memories of Magnum… my father. It was this fact that sealed my fate at that time, I wouldn’t leave this lap until my rump was a blazing red… because that's what Father would've done.
When I felt the assault moving lower to the plump sit spots, I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I cried out and felt the tears trickling down my face. The pain was intense, like holding candles to my behind.
“No moreeee! S-stop alrea-dyyy,” I half-demanded, half-pleaded, but it changed nothing. Crack after crack fell down onto my upturned bottom, biting into the most sensitive spots and leaving me writhing and crying.
I couldn’t take it anymore, that creature was under my control and had to obey me, even if I changed my mind half-way through. Between wails of anguish I tried to call upon my magic again, only to realize it was still a measly dripping faucet instead of the torrential current it used to be. I couldn’t even concentrate on what little magic I had with the continuous spanking, let alone do something with it.
Desperation overtook me and I reached back with my right arm, if only to shield my burning fanny for a while. “No m-more...I learned m-my lesson...I-I’m SORRY!” I wailed frantically, breathing heavily and trying to control the occasional sobs. Indeed it worked, the spanking had stopped and Quinn even let go of my back and tail. Elation was an understatement, I felt so incredibly relieved.
But it all came crashing right down again when I felt that lifeless hoof gripping my own and roughly yanking it away. It was pressed firmly into my back and tail again, which I still hadn’t moved, held in a vice grip.
>>16843132 7/9
“Please n-no...” I sniffled, cursing myself again for coming up with that idea in the first place. Next I felt the hairbrush being tapped at my bottom a few times and I imagined the disapproving look of my father along with his words the last time I reacted like this, ‘You know better than to reach back and block, Rarity. All it’s getting you is a longer spanking.’
The brush smacked my flank again sharply, I noticed the difference right away. It was much harder than before, I must’ve upset the magically moving puppet a lot. But there was nothing anymore that I could do now, and believe me, I tried. No matter how much I struggled, neither my hoof nor my tail came loose. My free hoof clutched the bedsheets tightly as if only to do anything to take my mind off the unbearable fire in my haunches.
Those, by far the hardest, smacks had me bawling and blubbering for real. I felt a constant stream of tears and snot flowing down my face as I lost every last shred of dignity I had in this situation. Each contact with the brush felt like an explosion of pain in my very sore rear. I wouldn’t have been surprised if it was beet red by then, but there was still no end in sight and that was what really terrified me.
“P-pleaseee! PLEASE, I’m sorryyy!” Those were about the only words I could still form in the midst of my bawling. I felt so much like a filly again, a naughty filly that would have a lot of trouble sitting the next day.
“AHOWW! I’m sorryyy DADDYYY!” I screeched, flailing my legs as much as I could. I choked on my sobs a few times, but there was nothing I could do, nothing else but to focus on but the inferno in my fanny.
The whacks were slowing down although they still carried the same amount of force, not that it mattered at all. Such bits were lost on me then. I felt myself getting more and more exhausted by the ordeal, while still wailing every time the brush impacted on my cheeks again, never where I’d expect it.
>>16843140 8/9
Then suddenly after what felt like an eternity, it was over, the brush fell down on the bed before me. I could still make it out through my blurry eyes. It was over, at last, I told myself. No more fresh pain with each crack of this dreadful hairbrush, only the still burning wildfire in my poor, poor rump. The pressure on my back had also faded and I was free to roll off the lap of my puppet and just laid on the edge of the bed with my bum pointed into the air and my hooves furiously rubbing the sting out. “Owowow!” I hissed at the faintest contact, but it didn’t matter, it started to feel better after a bit.
Seconds, minutes, hours passed, I don’t know. I was just laying there, trying to get my sobbing and crying under control, staining my sheets with drool and snot. I finally managed to look up at my tormentor and saw him looking back at me unsure what to do. He may have been a mannequin and not as soft as a pony, but I needed some comfort right then, so I didn’t care. I lifted my fore hooves, silently pleading him to pick me up. He seemed to hesitantly comply, as if aware of his own shortcomings for this task, but still embraced me tightly in his arms.
The tears I just got under control were back in an instant, as I let out all of my sorrow, sitting there in his lap on my sore bum. After a while I calmed down once again, reaching down with one hoof to gently caress that tender flesh; it still hurt so much, and would continue to do so for a while.
“I’m sorry...” I muttered for a final time in the embrace. As I looked into the wooden face of the puppet, I could’ve sworn it was somehow smiling at me, even though it had no facial features. It must’ve been my imagination then.
>>16843146 9/9
It was also then, that I noticed his arms retracting from me and reaching over my head, coming close together and staying there. Same for his legs... Before I even realized it, the mannequin fell to the side, drained of its magic, while I fell down on the bed, feeling the fabric of my sheets pressing into my behind. Even though it was the softest material I knew, it was feeling so scratchy on my fanny.
With my regained magic I moved the puppet back to its holder by the window and prepared to go to sleep myself. I decided to spend the night on the sheets rather than under them for...reasons. With a last burst of magic I opened up a window while laying down fully on my belly and feeling the cool evening breeze wash over my exposed cheeks.
“Never again,” I told myself, closing my eyes and thinking of my now clear conscience. This had to be the single most painful experience in my whole life so far. And yet, I felt a lot better about myself already. A small part of me thought that it wasn’t as horrible as I’ve felt before the spanking.
“...well, maybe again… if I deserve it,” I mumbled sleepily. Those were the last words coming from me before sleep embraced me gently for dreams without a worry in the world.
>>16843160 Nice, fascninating one. I guess whatever happened is meant to be left to the imagination
(I was thinking it was the whole "Rarihick" incdent) .
It happens to me that seeing the stories divided in short posts makes me feel like reading the at the moment, while seeing them complete on the pastebin makes me think they are long, even though this one was actually shorter than the Fluttershy one.
>>16843019 Very nice of you, I'm looking forward to it (but do it at your own pace of course).
Probably we should leave any new content for the next general.
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>>16844431 >Probably we should leave any new content for the next general. Agreed. I personally won't have anything for several days, at least. It would be nice to work up a collection of postable fics for downtime in the next thread.
>>16842303 >Sickfuck britbong detected wot, you didn't wank to it? u havin a giggle, mate? I'm gonna send Mary Poppins to shove a jammy dodger up your arse, I is.
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>>16845558 >mfw british royals put flowers on clothes wut
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>>16843140 >"AHOWW! I’m sorryyy DADDYYY!” I screeched, flailing my legs as much as I could aww shit, looks like we have a breakthrough
>>16843160 >Not sure if counts as self-spanking SkyeHigh
>>16844431 Yes, when the inspiration for this struck me I didn't want to waste any time with the how or why. I wanted to get to the point, so I left it vague on purpose and everyone can think of their own little reason why Rarity got herself this spanking.
Though, while writing I was thinking constantly back to the Canterlot garden party from season2...so that'd be my reason.
>>16846778 Well since I think you can't spank yourself to the point Rarity got it, it wouldn't be self-spanking.
That was actually the only tricky part during writing, how to take this out of Rarity's control. Might have gone a bit overboard with how the magic and whatnot worked here...
>>16847976 >Might have gone a bit overboard with how the magic and whatnot worked here... Boner, do you care that SkyeHigh went a bit overboard with the magic and whatnot? Good news, boner says he don't care.
Seriously, amazing story, you're being way too hard on it. More please.
>>16847976 I agree with
>>16848566 , it is probably my favourite story from here
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>>16844431 >I guess whatever happened is meant to be left to the imagination Manehattan thing, for me. An legitimate punishment to help poor Rarity ease her guilt over the, y'know, ungratefulness/making her friends do the sweatshop thing.
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest
Dangerous Creature from the EverFree Forest Thu 20 Mar 2014 02:09:20 No. 16851858 Report >>16843132 >The pain was intense, like holding candles to my behind. It's hard to come up with new metaphors and similes to describe a spanking, but you just came up with a great one.
Overall, really well written and a creative premise. Not many of us have attempted first-pony POV here. I usually don't like "consensual" spankings but here you figured out a way to make it work. The call-backs to spankings from her father put the experience nicely into context too.
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>tfw kind of like this but don't care about OCs enough to learn anything more about it
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>>16851858 The callbacks to her father were from your Rarity story. Probably my favorite from yours. They fit quite well into all this.
Also yes, the first person was quite the challange. I was worrying all the time if I got this right. It's also limiting the things you can describe, as all has to be only what the pony sees, hears, feels,...
I thank everyone again for the input, this will help with whatever I come up with next