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MLP General

!!3gam3heWjui No.16939167 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
420: Leap of Faith - The Flim Flam Brothers’ cure-all tonic promises Ponyville citizens a chance to be rid of their ailments. Applejack has her doubts about the merits of the tonic until Granny Smith begins taking it and appears to be cured of all her aches and pains. (Josh Haber)

421: Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3 - Rainbow Dash wants more than anything to become a member of the prestigious Wonderbolts Reserves but worries that she may not be able to pass the entrance exam. Rainbow Dash goes to extreme measures to prepare for the Wonderbolts’ test. (Amy Keating Rogers)

422: Trade Ya - When the trip to the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange doesn't go as planned, the girls learn just how valuable their friendship really is. (Scott Sonneborn)

423: Inspiration Manifestation - Rarity loses her creativity and Spike finds a spell to help her get it back.

Short preview for Friends Forever #4 is out, so I guess it's on track for being early in April.

The CMC seem to take it fairly for granted that they're in so close with all the princesses, comparatively. They've never lorded that over their peers, though. Maybe that's why the princesses like them? Of course, Spike gets that x10. He seems to know a lot of ponies, really.

Previous thread.