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Captain: Our king is the god of war. He always stands on the frontline and does not know defeat.
Soldier 1: She, Sir.
Captain: What was that?
Soldier 1: Our king is a woman, sir.
Soldier 2: And quite a looker at that.
Captain: He always stands on the frontline and does not know defeat! No one can stand in the way of-
Soldier 1: Forgive me for speaking out of turn, Captain, but that?'s definitely a woman.
Soldier 3: Though it might be a man with coconuts in his armor.
Soldier 2: Are you trying to say that our king carries fruits in her chest?
Captain: His chest! Look! Our king?'s dauntless figure has not changed since he-
Soldier 1: She, Sir.
Captain: QUIET! Our king has not changed since he pulled out the sword of selection! The king does not age, and he certainly does not walk around with coconuts pressed to his chest!
Soldier 3: So our king is a woman.
Soldier 2: And quite a looker at that!
Soldier 1: I'm so glad that I?'m not the only one here that can see the blooming obvious!
Captain: Stop speaking of our king as if he were some common two-pence tramp! He, and I do mean he, is the incarnation of a dragon! He will lead us to victory against-
Soldier 1: She, Sir!
Captain: I've had enough out of you!
Soldier 1: With all due respect, Captain, you're a bloody loony! I am loyal to the king, but the king is a woman!
Soldier 2: And quite a looker at that!
Soldier 3: I wouldn't mind having a quickie with her, if you know what I mean!
Captain: ENOUGH! Our king is the blooming god of war! He does not walk around with coconuts in his chest, he is not quite a looker, and there will be no having quickies with our king!
Saber: Is there a problem, Captain?
Captain: Your majesty, I-
Soldier 1: Your majesty, you're a woman, right?
Saber: Gender is meaningless. I am the wielder of Excalibur and the King of Britain.
Soldier 3: She's a hermaphrodite