>>18820121"We first decided for a home to be built here in Ponyville, and all went well without a hitch"
>she takes a cupcake from the stand, and delicately unfolds its wrappings as she spoke"I would often visit the mayor then here, and we became fond friends. I would visit the town hall often, but the mayor was never able to return my visits. I asked the mayor why she was never able to, and she replied that the our house was not big enough, and that if she came with her people she would drive them out."
The mayor said: "If you wish me to visit you, you must build a very large compound; but I warn you that it will have to be a tremendous place, as my people are very numerous, and take up a lot of room."
>she took a small bite of the cupcake, savoring the taste for a brief moment before continuing"I promised to build a very big compound, and soon afterwards I returned home to my sister, who greeted me with a broad smile when I arrived at the door. I then told her what I had promised the mayor, and the next day commenced building a huge compound in which to entertain my friend.
Upon it's completion, I asked for the mayor to come visit the next day."
"When the mayor arrived, she called out to me, and asked me whether it would be safe for her to enter, and I answered, 'Yes, come in, my friend.'
She entered, and brought with her all the unicorns of the town. Very soon it was bustling with activity, so she asked us if it was still safe, and I again said, "Yes," so all of the pegasi came in.
When the rooms were filled with pegasi flying overhead, the mayor said to me, "Do you want more of my people to come?" and both Luna and I answered, "Yes," not knowing any better, so the earth ponies entered, until me and Luna had to perch ourselves on the top of the roof.
>she chuckles a bit, finishing her treat