>>19347120"Nice little place you got here; how long have you been here?"
>"I've been living in Ponyville for a couple years now, but I only just recently moved into this house.">She opened a door pulled out some blankets and sheets with... her... glowy golden thing."What the hell did you just do?"
>"What do mean? I just just opened the closet and got some sheets out, nothing special.""Yeah, but you did it without touching it. The stuff just started to glow and move around."
>"Wait, you don't know what magic is?""Magic? Where I come from, the only 'magic' we have is parlor tricks, it ain't real."
>She shut the door and turned down the hall.>"No magic? That sounds pretty boring.""There's plenty of stuff to do in my world without fancy magic. Although, it is pretty cool."
>"Telekinesis? That's basic stuff. There's way neater stuff that other ponies can do.">She opens a door, revealing a room with a bare mattress resting on a low-lying bed frame."What do you mean by 'basic stuff.'"
>"More advanced magic users can do things like teleport, or give themselves wings, or even to other ponies that don't have wings.""Wait, ponies that don't have wings? There are ponies that can fly?"
>Still using her magic, she begins to make your bed.>"Yeah, they're called pegasi; that's enough about Equestria.">She put the finishing touches on the bed and turned around to face you.(1/2)