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!!3gam3heWjui No.21049840 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Equestria Girls Holiday Special is storytimed over here! Friendship is Magic #26 is due next Wednesday (December 24).

If any pony can appreciate winter, Pinkie Pie's certainly there. Leaving impressions indented on the ground, building all sorts of curious snowshapes around town, and realizing the pranking potential of the fluffy precipitation are only one side of the appeal to her. All the jingly decorations and songs are right up her alley as well, and there are so many candy canes! She's always been surprised just how much Rarity likes those, too; she can even keep pace!

One of the greatest things, though, is having a chance to show off her amazing ice-skating skills! She's one of the top skaters in Ponyville, and she only gets to really practice a few months every year, too! She wishes she could teach the rest of her family, but rocks don't have much use on icy lakes.

Previous thread.