>>21384855> Celestia rears up as the magic energies begin to flow, surrounding her.> Binding her.> "Anonymous, what have you done?!""Do you know what this place is, Celestia? It was a place of execution, for those who committed high treason against the unicorn kingdom."
> The staff - smoking and charred - is cast aside.> Clattering, it falls to the cobble floor and slowly crumbles to ash."It drains the magic of everything that stands here, taking a unicorn's most fundamental right before they were cast down. But, neither you nor I are unicorns - so, we will both recover in time."
> "What do you intend, Anonymous?! You have made yourself as weak as I!""Honestly?"
> You shrug."I thought we could watch the sun rise."
> Shock flickers across her face - but after a pause, Celestia turns and sits on her haunches, facing the east.> Moments later, you sit down beside her.> "Do you stall for time, Anonymous?"> A flat look is thrown her way."Maybe I just want to watch the sun rise with you again, Celestia? Even if it will not be you raising it."
> "But you said you do not regret what you-""I don't - and let's be frank, Celestia, neither do you."
> Now it is her turn to give you a flat look.> It is easily met with a sarcastic grin."Celestia, really - you were suffocating in there, and we both know it."
> "That does not change that your crimes are very real, Anonymous.""Tell me - have I actually seriously harmed any of your ponies, done major damage to Equestria? I stole some magical trinkets that were gathering dust in Canterlot, scared a few ponies, and threw a few fireballs around - so what. You're alive again, Celestia."
> Turning to her fully, you jab a finger at her muzzle."For once you didn't have to think about a threat to your nation, the political consequences of what you had for breakfast, or whose party you would be attending next. Please - this is the most fun you've had in centuries. "