[524 / 116 / ?]
Welcome to the Colt Cuddler thread, dedicated to discussing and entertaining you with art and writing regarding gaypone and gaypone accessories. This also includes art/writing of gay griffons and dragons (see Rule 7 below).
But first, a few rules:
1. You do not talk about the IRC/Skype groups.
2. You DO NOT talk about the IRC/Skype groups.
3. All users are welcome to post and participate, but please be civil.
4. Please post anonymously unless you are an artfag/writefag posting new content.
5. Attentionwhoring, >tfw no bf, Carlos, and meetup/locale posts are off-topic and should be kept to a minimum.
6. Trap, Sissification, and Heavy Crossdressing belongs in the Trap Tickler thread.
7. Fizzle is still forbidden.
8. Bisexual content is okay, but remember, we prefer male-on-male sexual interactions here.
9. Do not turn this into /lgbt/.
10. Link your porn. Don't just spoiler it.
11. No durians.
This thread is still a work-in-progress, and anons are encouraged to post and discuss suggestions for rules and content for the next thread, as well as to self-moderate the thread. The success of this thread will determine whether this thread should be revived again.
But first, a few rules:
1. You do not talk about the IRC/Skype groups.
2. You DO NOT talk about the IRC/Skype groups.
3. All users are welcome to post and participate, but please be civil.
4. Please post anonymously unless you are an artfag/writefag posting new content.
5. Attentionwhoring, >tfw no bf, Carlos, and meetup/locale posts are off-topic and should be kept to a minimum.
6. Trap, Sissification, and Heavy Crossdressing belongs in the Trap Tickler thread.
7. Fizzle is still forbidden.
8. Bisexual content is okay, but remember, we prefer male-on-male sexual interactions here.
9. Do not turn this into /lgbt/.
10. Link your porn. Don't just spoiler it.
11. No durians.
This thread is still a work-in-progress, and anons are encouraged to post and discuss suggestions for rules and content for the next thread, as well as to self-moderate the thread. The success of this thread will determine whether this thread should be revived again.