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!!3gam3heWjui No.24507375 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Episode 513 : Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
Story by Jayson Thiessen and Jim Miller
Written by Scott Sonneborn

Friends Forever #20 (Discord & Luna) is due Sep. 9.

Pinkie Pie often falls into the role of meeting and greeting new arrivals in Ponyville (she even has a welcome wagon), but there's no shortage of friendly ponies in town who would do the same. Applejack might often be busy, but even she can find some time to properly greet a stranger perhaps with fewer stipulations after learning a lesson from Zecora's arrival. She has some pride in being a source of support, and often makes good on her reputation. After getting chores out of the way, naturally. No need to repeat that one applebucking season.

It doesn't hurt to have extra potential customers, either. Hardly the only reason, but hey, more folk knowing the quality of Sweet Apple Acres' produce is nothing but a good thing. Everyone should savor the clean, crisp crunch of celery!

Previous thread.