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[8 / 3 / ?]

Could have been worse

No.26143579 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me around grade 7 or so
>be a "lolol brony xD"
>have a friend who's arguably more cringe worthy than me
>buddy comes up with the idea to "spread bronyism!"
>print off shitty pone memes
>sneak around at night, put them on store fronts and in mailboxes
>don't get caught, think were the shit
>years later, hate looking back on it, despise my old self
>my boss offers to give me a ride home from a late shift, pass his place
>realize that's one of the houses we hit
>inconsequential really, but working with him is a constant reminder of how much of a fag I was

Anybody on /mlp/ that can relate?