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Additional planned maintenance will occur with downtime the entire day of 3/15.
[591 / 255 / ?]

!!uNnEnWCTFIF No.26197402 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>/mlp/ Roster Poll #3: Final Roster Vote

A whopping 204 anons participated in poll #2, selecting these nominees to potentially join the team:

The Hiatus
Nightmare Moon Did Nothing Wrong
Hoofy Kicks

A close majority approved updating IWTCIRD's blender model to reflect the edgy future Dash design from the S5 finale. A much greater majority, a solid 2/3 of participants, shot down the shirt name change for = to read “>tfw no bf,” while a 2/3 majority also instigated possibly the biggest happening in recent team history: yes to using alt horns and yes to all three horns: “Twilight,” ELO for Princess Twilight; “Oh Baby Oh Baby Oh Baby” Vocaroo remix by Ved and FimFlamFilosophy for IWTCIRD; and “The Spectacle” for RAZZLE DAZZLE (if she makes the roster).

Oh Baby Oh Baby Oh Baby:
The Spectacle:

Twelve candidates face off in the third and final roster poll; six will be chosen for the 2016 Winter Cup roster. POLL CLOSES AFTER THIS WEEKEND (1/25, midnight GMT -0600), so vote early.

>/mlp/ Test Tournament: The Riggening: Requiem: The Friendship Tests
Date: January 23-24
Time: Matches begin 17:00 UTC each day

The /mlp/ managers are busy testing several different potential team builds for use in the 2016 Winter Cup. To determine which is best, the testing has been organized following a group-stage format to produce meaningful comparative data. Since the teams are essentially competing in a tournament and since each team is designed around a particular MLP theme, we thought it would be fun to stream two of these tournaments for your >enjoyment. Feel free to join us for some pre-Cup hyp and speculate about which build will be the one to get us relegated.