Nazi Kat
Quoted By:
>>262476 >stupid keyboard... Funtimes !Lunatic6MM
>>262409 The whole point was that there wasn't any legitimate reasoning behind it.
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Keine Lust lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 01:53:02 No. 262515 Report >>262464 You are completely flawless, T, absolutely perfect in every respect.
I just wanna go home, guys.
>>262475 >delete an image >post new image Anonymous
Quoted By:
>be on a diet >should usually eat food worth 3200kcal >plan on getting to 2000-2400 to lose weight steadily >realise i only ate ~1600 today this would explain why everyone keeps asking me why i'm so pissed off
>>262515 Be on your guard Tracer, I think he's coming on to you.
>>262515 You can stop stroking now.
>>262517 Shh.
>>262533 Luckily he's poor, and never find me.
this, and im off.
>>262499 >its so hard to leave from these threads... Delicious !vECoffeevY
Nazi Kat
Quoted By:
>>262536 I'm stuck here for another hour.
>>262552 Have a good sleep.
I need to go off early myself. Keep it real guys.
>>262541 Never doubt the power of obsession.
Funtimes !Lunatic6MM
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Keine Lust lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 01:56:03 No. 262575 Report >>262533 Lol.
>>262541 >you can stop stroking now Oh God...
>>262555 brb crying forever
Quoted By:
>>262569 See you, mushy <3
>>262572 FUCK you're right.
Curse this damned swag.
>>262575 I'm watching you.
Keep out of 'Murrica.
>>262572 On that note, sleep with one eye open Prof.
Nazi Kat
Quoted By:
Dammit, there was something I thought of last night that I wanted to /r/ but now I can't remember what it was.
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Keine Lust lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 01:58:03 No. 262607 Report >>262572 >obsession More like pure, uninhibited comedy!
>>262595 Hahaha, I love you T, you're so funny. <3
Funtimes !Lunatic6MM
Quoted By:
>>262457 /r/ing link to the /b/attlefield.
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Keine Lust lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:00:03 No. 262626 Report >>262607 Also...
>>262595 >I'm watching you Oh T, you're so dirty~
Spike !hmDRAGoNmM
Among men diagnosed with AIDS in 2009, 56% of black/African American men, 65% of Hispanic/Latino men and 79% of white men became infected with HIV through male-to-male sexual contact. 56%<79% still logical also this isnt just about HIV there are many more blood born infectitious disease you fagets are crawling with
>>262607 I swear if I smell Brit off of a person knocking on my door a week or so from now, I'll fucking clobber them.
>>262626 Stop acting gay.
Quoted By:
I don't even know where the person I'm waiting for is
>>262632 wait what
>male-to-male sexual contact i thought aids isn't getting transferred on anal?
>>262632 Would you care to cite your source?
Airman Duke !!AXU3xkIDwh1
Sup bronies? I'm home at last and considering taking drawing requests. Any takers?
>>262649 Something with eyebrows.
Funtimes !Lunatic6MM
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Keine Lust lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:03:03 No. 262668 Report >>262640 I feel sorry for the next Brit to knock on your door...
>stop acting gay But it's so fun!
Nazi Kat
>>262618 Now go fourth and be happy <3
Quoted By:
>>262649 >>262658 An eyebrow humanoid with eyebrows.
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Keine Lust lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:03:03 No. 262683 Report Quoted By:
Spike !hmDRAGoNmM
>>262642 first off AIDS=/= HIV
second off... i dont even know what to say , but yes it is
>>262648 i guess i could look up some data, but my point is Hepatitis B is also a blood born ID
>>262676 good morning
how are you this morning?
>>262661 But on the whole, blacks are the largest group carrying AIDS, regardless of involved sexuality. That given, wouldn't it make sense to not allow blacks to donate blood as well?
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Keine Lust lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:05:02 No. 262716 Report Quoted By:
>>262686 Fine...
>>262693 Anybody else think the gum looks kind of like a dick in the thumbnail?
Spike !hmDRAGoNmM
Quoted By:
>>262650 My race is of no relevance to this conversation, but to answer your question , no I am not
Quoted By:
>>262671 I am happy now...a little. But you know what would make me feel better?
Quoted By:
>>262702 >mfw i re-read what i just wrote Nazi Kat
>>262702 I swear if you dont get this....
Airman Duke !!AXU3xkIDwh1
>>262658 >Eyebrows33.jpg Fuck man, you have some weird turn-ons...
But fuckit, I'm game.
Nazi Kat
>>262715 Receiving the blood of a black! Now that's scary!
Quoted By:
>>262755 The number I have is unimportant.
Cancer BANHAMMER foookin POW!!
Come and collect your lost faggots over on /b/ Go here and bring them here 383798620 Or this board becomes gore
>>262757 >This is what heteros think about receiving blood from a gay Just putting that out there, thought it was only fair.
Nazi Kat
>>262749 Great now i has a sad.
Spike !hmDRAGoNmM
>>262715 Wrong, Gay and bisexual men remain the population most heavily affected by HIV in the United States. CDC estimates MSM represent approximately 2% of the US population, but accounted for more than 50% of all new HIV infections annually from 2006 to 2009 –56% in 2006 (27,000), 58% in 2007 (32,300), 56% in 2008 (26,900) and 61% (29,300) in 2009.
http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/surveillance/incidence.htm Dan
Quoted By:
>>262772 That's a very reasonable argument, sir, but...
>>262772 Oh noooooooo.
Not Gore.
I hate that guy.
Funtimes !Lunatic6MM
Quoted By:
>>262772 All attempts are futile
>>262779 OgawdwhathaveIdone.
Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
>>262772 Don't think we haven't tried.
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Keine Lust lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:10:02 No. 262819 Report >>262794 There was a guy on /x/ who I think was called Gore. He was a drawfriend. He was cool. I miss Gore.
Nazi Kat
>>262778 I'm just joking around. But yes it is.
>>262782 You realize that's proportional, correct?
Quoted By:
>>262803 >getting a tooth pulled in a few hours eh? didn't brush your teeth?
>those needles wat
>>262819 I was talking about the environmentalist.
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Keine Lust lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:12:04 No. 262864 Report >>262814 >start song "Mr Saxobeat" by Alexandra Stan >see that pic Oh... Oh wow...
>>262842 Well I'm not, so there.
>>262825 Funny how judgemental some people can be.
Quoted By:
Or you could just not admit to having buttsecks in Chile with a gay tattoo artist like every other homo that insists on donating blood.
Cancer BANHAMMER foookin POW!!
>>262814 Well I'm here to tell you that if they don't leave this place becomes a second /b/
Nazi Kat
>>262808 I still has a pretty sad.
>>262864 Come to think of it, there are many different things related to "Gore" That anon should've specified as to what gore.
Spike !hmDRAGoNmM
>>262829 Exactly why, they are elminated from the donor pool. Its cold hard facts and statistical analysis
Quoted By:
>>262882 It's funny because you'd just get banned.
Quoted By:
>>262872 Not the first time something huge has been in your mouth.
>>262883 Your sads make me sads.
>>262882 It won't, but I wish you luck either way.
Quoted By:
>>262872 you mean wisdom teeth?
>wisdom teeth getting pulled with 20 seems legit
Every one it's time to post cp in /mlp/ Every one it's time to post cp in /mlp/ Every one it's time to post cp in /mlp/ Every one it's time to post cp in /mlp/ G H H Hh H G G G F Gg
>>262902 Nice, I love cute ponies
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Keine Lust lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:15:02 No. 262926 Report Quoted By:
Nazi Kat
Quoted By:
>>262873 I think it's funny. Imagine if they need a transfusion and there is no blood but from a gay and they die.
Cancer BANHAMMER foookin POW!!
Airman Duke !!AXU3xkIDwh1
>green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA
Ir☼nmane >green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:16:02 No. 262941 Report >mfw TF2 crashes >>262923 I care! What's up?
Spike !hmDRAGoNmM
>>262923 Dont worry Dan only 1 more hour or so on the bus lol
>>262932 Just relieving the tension with a joke.
>>262941 I'm stuck somewhere that's not at home with Mr. Mumbles.
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Keine Lust lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:17:03 No. 262961 Report >>262949 So you can make dick jokes, but I can't?
Nazi Kat
>>262923 What would make you happy? Sorry i got wrapped up in conversations.
>>262938 If it was within my power to move them all, I would simply to make things easier.
But it's not, though I doubt you care.
See you in a day.
>>262889 I'm happy for you and all, and imma let you finish, but AVAST VIRUS DATABASE HAS JUST BEEN UPDATED.
>>262955 We always need more Mumbles.
Spike !hmDRAGoNmM
Quoted By:
>>262963 Ya they stink most of the time XD
>green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA
Ir☼nmane >green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:19:03 No. 262993 Report >>262955 Why're you stuck there?
>have some pinkie pie Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>262938 >internet tough guy ooo so scared
Quoted By:
>>262958 >that image >>262965 It's pink and loud and annoyingly cute.
Quoted By:
>>262975 Fuck that update!
I don't give a FUCK that you just updated!
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:19:03 No. 263004 Report >>262971 You're cool Prof. So chill. So awesome.
>>262976 You still complain about the dick/gay jokes - and then make them yourself.
>>262980 >>262993 Chris left without me.
>>262983 Damn, beat me too it.
>>263004 I don't care about Dick/Gay jokes, I hate puns.
For some reason that's the only time you use them. In puns.
Nazi Kat
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:21:03 No. 263046 Report >>263022 WHY DO YOU HATE PUNS SO BAD?
>>263021 >Chris left without you. That feels.
>>263035 So much sads.
>>263046 Dunno the origin.
I just feel this pain whenever I read them.
Quoted By:
>>263056 Ugh. I hate everything. EVERYTHING
Quoted By:
>>263065 .......Motherfucker.
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:24:03 No. 263084 Report >>263068 Well that sucks...
I quite like puns...
>green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA
Ir☼nmane >green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:24:03 No. 263089 Report >>263021 Why would he do that?
>more Pinkie Pie Anonymous
>>262889 But you aren't looking at this properly. You stated from your source, that gays make up less than two percent of the total U.S. population, you would then take sixty percent of that, which comes out to just under 400,000. African Americans make up approximately 13 percent of U.S. population, approximately 4,069,800, you would then take the the 42 percent that are infected with the AIDS virus, which would come out to approximately to just under 2 million. Now, judge that approximate 2 million against the 400,000 of gays infected with AIDS. By your argument, solely on statistical, logical data, if we are banning gays from donating blood because they are a population with a larger amount of AIDS infection, then we would also have to ban blacks as well, no?
>>263084 You should like dry humor and nothing more.
Unless the rumors about the UK are misinformed.
Quoted By:
Nazi Kat
>>263021 I hope this makes you happy.
>>263084 `_` that fucking song
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:26:02 No. 263115 Report >>263097 I like a lot of humour.
Quoted By:
>>263101 Who are the two under Pinkie? Inky Pie or something?
>>263097 Trace, I'm sorry to tell you, but the days of Monty Python, Blackadder and Fawlty Towers are gone...
No one finds it funny now...
Airman Duke !!AXU3xkIDwh1
So here's my question to you guys: Why are we posting here and not in the /b/read? That's our home, this is more like a refugee camp.
>>263115 Could've fooled me.
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:28:04 No. 263148 Report >>263107 What about it?
>>263121 I find it funny...
>>263136 I like a lot of comedy.
Quoted By:
>>263091 Of course my math could be a little off, since I am doing this on the fly, but the point still stands.
>>263140 There's more than one gay one
Funtimes !Lunatic6MM
>>263133 Because some people don't agree with that mentality.
>>263148 Could've fooled me.
>green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA
Ir☼nmane >green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:28:03 No. 263162 Report >>263133 I got something for you!
>>263148 its like........... on all the time, wel ussed to b- MR SAXOBEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT
>>263136 I'M SORRY!
>>263140 I like all of the ones I listed, and more.
>>263148 We're a dying age.
Spike !hmDRAGoNmM
>>263091 Yes they do have a larger # off infections, but they dont have a larger # of infections per person. So lets say in a way the potency of infection is stronger then the diluted population of higher number of infected blacks.
Nazi Kat
>>263121 Monty python was funny? Excluding the Holy Grail.
>>263140 any song ever created by skrillex is worse than that
flux pavilion is ok imo
Quoted By:
>>263133 Because
>>263156 and I don't much like to get banned at the moment.
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:30:28 No. 263199 Report >>263159 Probably, but I'm an exceptionally good liar.
>>263167 I love the song. A whole lot.
>>263169 Oh...
My parents find them funny, and pretty much everybody I know.
>>263173 Yes.
>>263185 Except Reptile
Reptile is his only good song
Alright, /b/ What is your honest opinion of the /co/ MLPG's? Personally, I think their the combination of the worst parts of all the boards on 4chan forged into one gigantic, perpetuating, incestuous, steaming pile of shit.
>>263173 >excluding the grail trolololo good one
Nazi Kat
>>263151 Her sisters were under her.
>>263173 Life of Brian was great too.
And some of the sketches were amazing.
>>263188 YOU'RE RIGHT!
>>263199 >That age will die with us Anonymous
>>263133 i don't like the forced anon part, these threads are horrible without namefagging
Quoted By:
>>263171 Okay I know what you are trying to say, but word that shit better.
>>263199 Yeah, you almost had me going with you being straight.
>>263210 Godspeed.
Funtimes !Lunatic6MM
>>263212 But aren't you anonymous masterrace? <3
>>263171 But in any given population you would have a higher risk of encountering an infected black man than an infected homosexual. You seem to be treating this like they're only receiving blood donations from homosexuals, which is not the case.
>>263204 I couldn't care less, they seem to want to avoid us for some reason.
So I will oblige them what they want and stay away, I won't go where I'm not wanted, it's why I'm on this board.
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:32:28 No. 263247 Report >>263210 Aw nuts.
>>263220 Funny guy.
>>263238 Never been there or something?
Quoted By:
>>263237 *black person
My bad.
>>263231 i am but it needs the counterpart, if everyone is anonymous it's a whole different feeling
>>263200 i've downloaded his whole album, and since there were maybe 2-3 acceptable ones i consider all of his as shit
Nazi Kat
Quoted By:
>>263210 He did have some funny moments but i never really found British humor funny. Then again i never really find anything funny. Although i have seen some hilarious British shows.
>>263247 You need more wit in your life my friend.
Quoted By:
>>263258 I can;t stand most of his stuff, but Reptile is very enjoyable
Funtimes !Lunatic6MM
Quoted By:
>>263204 I have no particular opinion of them...
They have fun OC but that's about it..
>>263240 Consider your post considered.
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:34:03 No. 263290 Report >>263269 And you're going to supply it?
>>263285 Why thank you sir.
>>263282 Oh, gross, Paramore.
>>263294 prof do me a favor and tell lemon im dead serious and im never coming back
>>263294 also do i get a hint of hurting butt there prof
>>263290 There are far more abundant sources of wit than from me.
>>263309 No, actually, I won't. I'll just remember bad memories.
>>263308 Will do.
>>263309 Me?
Are you high Scoots?
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:37:04 No. 263330 Report >>263282 Because dicks, Scoot.
>>263313 Hm, alright.
Airman Duke !!AXU3xkIDwh1
>>263156 I see your point, I guess. This IS the /b/ thread, though...
like that pic, by the way. xD
>>263212 That'll pass, M00t's done it before. And I do kind of agree.
>Een if my namefagging got me trolled into the ground xD Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>263307 That they do, infact, it's for the best. Glad their mess got kicked off of /co/.
Nice that someone here has experienced something similar to what I have with the /co/ MLPG's
Quoted By:
>>263328 thankyou kind sir il be watchinmg
>>263324 well im gonna post regardless
>>263328 no, as sober as a judge at AA
>>263330 well if by fdicks you mean........... have you seen the /b/ thread lolol
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:38:04 No. 263368 Report >>263352 No I've not, is it funny?
>>263352 I noticed.
Whatever, I have to go anyway. Finally, I get to go home and see my cat.
I can barely see what I'm typing. Nifhr guys
>green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA
Ir☼nmane >green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:39:04 No. 263376 Report >>263331 Didn't you like your gift?
>>263162 !DScooTaloo!!sY0QSRek1D1
>>263368 nope just full of dick pics last i looked...
>>263370 give it a hug from me
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:41:23 No. 263397 Report >green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA
Ir☼nmane >green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:41:04 No. 263398 Report Quoted By:
Airman Duke !!AXU3xkIDwh1
>>263376 XD
Still posting Days of Our Autism? I shat bricks laughing at that shit, man. Notice the lack of tripcode on the other Airman Duke's name.
>>263397 >then you were back on /b/ also thought you guys had mods here?
Nazi Kat
>>263206 Sir you must be mistaken. I don't troll. I've been around longer than it was a thing.
Tracer Bullet
>>263411 please don't lie, the little ones dont understand
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:44:22 No. 263439 Report >>263407 What? Me? Go back because dicks? You're mistaken...
Also, those dicks were shit.
And we do have mods/a janitor - they're pretty chill. I like them.
Green Tea
Tracer Bullet
>>263439 mmmmm heard similar things about ponychan mods...
Spike !hmDRAGoNmM
>>263237 sorry was eating, you know what i mean, but your thoughts on why to ban blacks is really something for you to prove, not for me to defend against. My position is the legitimate exclusion of homosexuals from donating. I dont mind entertaining your position for the sake of conversation. But ultimately its a tangent on the main point, and thus MOOT!
Nazi Kat
>>263426 Yes sure, i have.
>>263431 Dont care.
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:47:03 No. 263487 Report >>263458 They're either chill or bad at their job - I like to give them the benefit of the doubt and say they're probably just cool dudes/a cool dude.
>>263470 [proceeds to smash face into the moon]
>>263487 true, also
>green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA
Ir☼nmane >green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:49:21 No. 263514 Report >>263399 Hey, It's still better than the Twilight Saga.
>>263469 No, I was creating a parallel point to undermine your point. Your position may be legitimate, but then you have to look at why blacks, considering they are in the same position, and out of a same given group you would have a larger chance of encountering an infected black person than infected homosexual, which begs the question of if they are using the policy that you have stated, why homosexuals are banned and blacks are not considering the data and statistics I have put forth. If you are making your standing on what you have said, why do you not also argue that blacks should be banned?
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:50:04 No. 263533 Report >>263506 Ha, the janitor here is cool, but not that cool.
>>263469 yea, points that relate to the main point in very important ways are definitely tangents.
Airman Duke !!AXU3xkIDwh1
>>263514 xD You can actually see where I stopped posting because the other Duke doesn't upload pictures. I still had fun with that while it lasted.
So what's good, besides trying to rustle my jimmies?
>>263533 shame, he could have so much fun
>>263469 Or, you know, they could just test the blood like normal sensible people.
It's sort of like not letting black people into your house because by statistics they're the most likely to knock you out and steal your TV - blatantly racist just to make yourself feel an unwarranted feeling of safety.
Cato !HeptyTeKD2
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:51:04 No. 263560 Report Hmm... yep.
Even if I was gay, I'd probably still fuck her senseless.
>>263549 Oh yes, no doubt about that.
>>263554 Wat.
>>263554 Oh yeah, just go and give me even more duplicates!
Nazi Kat
>>263506 !DScooTaloo!!sY0QSRek1D1 uses:
Face moon smash.
Nazi Kat uses:
Nazi Kat escapes!
Cato !HeptyTeKD2
>>263560 word!
>>263567 blast!!! pesky kids
>>263586 Like hell will you!
I have more than just that one avatar.
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:54:21 No. 263606 Report >>263566 Everybody loves you, silly~
>>263586 Hey. Most folks 'round here call me "Amy", but you can call me "Fuck Me"~
ITT: attention whoring tripfags
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:54:03 No. 263617 Report >>263601 'Cuz the Janitor's a badass, innit?
Cato !HeptyTeKD2
>>263602 you scheming bastard
>green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA
Ir☼nmane >green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:55:04 No. 263634 Report >>263546 Why would I try to rustle your jimmie? The gods gave you protection from that, didn't they?
And it WAS actually a gift, to remember the day you gained your Tripcode.
As for what's good, everything is good, except my drink...
>>263602 Prof
*heavy breathing*
I...am your fix for all things relevant to nerdom. Search your inventory screen, you know it to be true.
Tracer Bullet
>>263606 I have too much swag.
They all want to be me.
>>263633 I'm a conniving little fuck.
Quoted By:
>>263615 ITT: An autist who needs to verify his superiority on an imageboard where nobody gives a shit by entering threads that don't effect him and posting pointless drivel.
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:56:03 No. 263663 Report Quoted By:
Mr.Benzedrine !DScooTaloo!!sY0QSRek1D1 Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:56:03 No. 263664 Report >>263617 thats the golden rule in the swimming pool, the sign you cant read and forming of sweat in beads
Nazi Kat
>>263601 That's Mr. Sir. Catboy III to you Mr. Janitor.
Spike !hmDRAGoNmM
>>263528 > and out of a same given group you would have a larger chance of encountering an infected black person than infected homosexual this is wrong. so your argument is invalid.
>>263542 im not arguing that blacks should be banned or not.
>>263552 HIV tests are unreliable at best. Discretion in favor of safety will always win out.
Quoted By:
Every post has a trip. Most posts and avatars have nothing to do with ponies. Am I on /b/?
>green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA
Ir☼nmane >green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:57:03 No. 263675 Report lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:57:03 No. 263679 Report Grendo
Airman Duke !!AXU3xkIDwh1
>>263634 Aha. Sorry for being paranoid about it, man xD
What are you drinking?
Mr.Benzedrine !DScooTaloo!!sY0QSRek1D1 Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:58:04 No. 263695 Report !vFuzzByoBo
>>263673 Shut up and accept the horribly rendered parody!
Cato !HeptyTeKD2
>>263606 why is it that whenever I come in here someone acts like i'm new
>>263646 will you ever learn?
>>263668 Care to point out how exactly I'm wrong, there are a larger number of infected black people in the U.S. than infected homosexuals. So given a random group, you are more likely to encounter an infected black person than infected homosexual- So would you care to point out how I'm wrong?
Mr.Benzedrine !DScooTaloo!!sY0QSRek1D1 Tue 28 Feb 2012 02:59:03 No. 263704 Report >>263679 i dont know, thought id write a random ryhme about swiming pools
drunk op
>>263698 But... Okay.
>>263699 Probably never!
lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E
Mr Saxobeat lf U Seek Amy !FUCKME6n/E Tue 28 Feb 2012 03:00:04 No. 263715 Report Well guys, it's been fun an' all, but I've gotta go.
See ya fagets! <3
>>263699 I've never seen you before.
>>263704 Neat!
Mr.Benzedrine !DScooTaloo!!sY0QSRek1D1 Tue 28 Feb 2012 03:01:04 No. 263734 Report Quoted By:
Tracer Bullet
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>>263720 Yes, shocked, that's the word.
>>263679 >>263700 >>263695 >>263673 It's people like you that bring about holy purging.
Cato !HeptyTeKD2
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>>263711 Ever.
>>263715 I've been coming back here at least two or three times a week recently
i've seen you plenty
Mr.Benzedrine !DScooTaloo!!sY0QSRek1D1 Tue 28 Feb 2012 03:02:04 No. 263754 Report >>263741 fuck you faggot, die in a fire
The Tripfag With No Name !BrNqBLONDE
The Tripfag With No Name !BrNqBLONDE Tue 28 Feb 2012 03:03:04 No. 263767 Report !DAsHyUSlfI
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I just realised i haven't posted today 'Lo
Funtimes !Lunatic6MM
>>263741 Might as well use this folder Anonymous
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>>263705 >>263729 I was just out for a walk through a pitch-black forest when slipped and fell on a patch of ice, was painful as fuck.
I'm bored and my ass hurts.
>get on my level !Prof..vs0k
>>263772 Oh well in that case...
>>263754 Those are some harsh words coming from a pansy avatarfag. I bet your favorite pony is Fluttershy, like a beta.
Nazi Kat
>>263755 I liked the old Prof way more. He was sexy.
>>263772 I swear to god if you start typing like a retard again I will never speak to you again
Mr.Benzedrine !DScooTaloo!!sY0QSRek1D1 Tue 28 Feb 2012 03:04:04 No. 263800 Report >>263784 pffffffffft so wrong, luna ftw, bet your butthurt now candy-asset
Well, since everyone's pretty damn bored, is anyone up for some streaming? I think I got most episodes from Season 2.
>>263767 >Breaking out the old trip OO EE OO EE OO
>green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA
Ir☼nmane >green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA Tue 28 Feb 2012 03:05:03 No. 263805 Report >>263684 > >>263691 Vodka, Jager, Lemonade, Relentless mix
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>>263772 >>263783 three can play at this game
>>263785 Hepty will give me too many duplications.
I already got enough as it was.
>>263792 8ut what's wrong with it, silly????????
Spike !hmDRAGoNmM
>>263805 >Last pinkie image like this Funtimes !Lunatic6MM
>>263783 <3
>>263792 No big loss. <3
But worry not, I won't.
>>263802 Please don't make me do it.
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>>263801 Oh whoops, silly fourchin ate my pic.
Airman Duke !!AXU3xkIDwh1
>>263805 Sounds epic. All we got around here is cheap bargain store whiskey.
>>263800 To the contrary, dear buffoon, I am in quite high spirits this evening. Clearly the same cannot be said for yourself, however.
Nazi Kat
>>263812 Sounds like a personal problem.
>>263812 Everything, and the warning applies to you too (with a lesser extent).
>>263813 Out of what population is this? I am speaking on an overall, out of all the U.S. and I already gave you the numbers on that. Taking a given sampling out of a single, likely swayed population, proves nothing.
>>263846 It is, I guess.
>>263847 Don't worry, I'd annoy myself typing like that.
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>>263813 And I'm also assuming MSM on that means homosexual, I was arguing ALL blacks.
>green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA
Ir☼nmane >green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA Tue 28 Feb 2012 03:10:03 No. 263898 Report >>263819 >ooh, not got that one >>263831 It's not nice, but the mix I'm drinkin now is different to the mix i've got bottled up in the fridge
>>263863 Take your tacky homosuck filth back to /co/. This is a place for ponies.
Airman Duke !!AXU3xkIDwh1
>>263898 I'd kill for a bottle of Tequila right now... xD
You mix your own shit? THat's cool.
>>263906 There, now we can both be happy.
Thanks to the joys of giving an idiot a pencil and some felt tips.
Spike !hmDRAGoNmM
>>263853 >>263700 Care to point out how exactly I'm wrong, there are a larger number of infected black people in the U.S. than infected homosexuals
>>263528 out of a same given group you would have a larger chance of encountering an infected black person than infected homosexua
>Im not gonna explain statistics to you, the gay population has the highest percentage of infection. Funtimes !Lunatic6MM
Mr.Benzedrine !DScooTaloo!!sY0QSRek1D1 Tue 28 Feb 2012 03:13:04 No. 263933 Report >>263844 oh you done it now, im so angry i nearly cussed there you rubber duck
>mfw you have ruffled my jimmies Spike !hmDRAGoNmM
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>>263928 Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)1 represent approximately 2% of the US population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV
http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/msm/index.htm my source
>green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA
Ir☼nmane >green !TEXT8zBI.U!!dgDUq92/aoA Tue 28 Feb 2012 03:15:04 No. 263953 Report >>263918 It's fun, when I'm at Wood (the bar I go to) I get a shot of jager, shot of vodka, bottle of blue VS and top it off with lemonade.
Turns green and tasty as fuck.
>>263932 That pic holy shit
>>263927 Come now, Professor, we both know that Vriska would kill that poor DJ and feed her to that massive monstrosity of a guardian she keeps below her castle. The trolls are violent and bloodthirsty savages. Very unbecoming for a place as fanciful as Equestria.
>>263928 You aren't the brightest, are you? Which is a higher percentage, 4 million out of 313 million, or 400,000 out of 313 million?
>>263962 Finally, an avatarfag I can respect.
Funtimes !Lunatic6MM
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>>263960 I know, right?
>>263961 Why can't we post trolls?
Airman Duke !!AXU3xkIDwh1
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>>263953 You just mapped out my friday night.
>>263984 The only respectable one.
Mr.Benzedrine !DScooTaloo!!sY0QSRek1D1 Tue 28 Feb 2012 03:19:04 No. 264007 Report Quoted By:
>>263997 there is very little place for respect on the internet...
>>263997 Guts and Kermit will be heartbroken...
Spike !hmDRAGoNmM
>>263962 that is known infection, we are talking about people who dont know they are infected and want to donate, not the people who know they are infected and want to donate...so it stands to reason to limit contaminating the blood supply from the highest known infected source, and that fagets
>>264012 Let 'em be, my ego comes first, feelings later.
Funtimes !Lunatic6MM
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>>263933 They say only the truly unintelligent are quick to anger, not that it comes as a surprise to anyone. Just at a simple glance it's clear that you're the dullest imbecile of this entire gaggle. In fact, it must be dreadful being as lowly a creature as yourself. Mules look down to you and scoff. It is with deepest sincerity that I say I pity you.
What's the matter? A little flank-hurt?
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>>264018 Alright then, same applies to blacks, there are more blacks than homosexuals on the whole, wouldn't it stand to reason that since there is a larger population of blacks, that they also would have a larger population that they don't know is infected? And I have already pointed out to you, there are more known cases of blacks with contaminated blood, there fore they would also be a larger known source.
Funtimes !Lunatic6MM
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>>262457 Why can't we have /b/agels?