>>27885287Alright, so in summary, OP created an account for Equestria Daily under the name "Purple Smart".
He spent months and months, maybe even over a year, befriending and chatting to the people there, basically being the text-book "love and tolerance" type.
Just now, he's forgotten to take his meds or some shit and decided to burn his reputation to ash by leaving mean comments then deleting his account.
The people on Equestria Daily are understandably confused, since one of their most beloved community members has revealed themselves to be a living ruse.
Here's what OP didn't plan for, and it's abundantly obvious given how he's been acting in this thread.
He created this thread to bask in his own glory.
What he -wanted- to happen was for all of /mlp/ to pat him on the back and say "you did it champ good job gg wp".
What's actually happened is that the board has seen this whole thing for what it actually is: needless drama. It's really nothing special. He said something that shocked people on EQD and left. Ooo, real tough.
If he wanted to leave a lasting impression he'd have, I dunno, killed a moose on camera with his bare hands. But since he hasn't really left that much of an impact he's gloating to himself and himself alone, I think because he's realised that no one here really gives a shit.
In short, the "joke" is that he's acted like a dick to his EQD-friends and claimed it was all part of an elaborate plan to be a dick to some strangers on the internet.
And the entire board will forget about him in about 9 hours.
Great work, OP. You sure did show them what-for.