There was a lot of shit on the other threads, a lot of butthurt and such, but I'm gonna be quite frank here, I no longer have any interest in this comic.
The art is amazing, the first couple of threads were tons of fun, the memes were very entertaining, I won't argue with any of that. Now however, we have weird human lore, satyr and furry (its not the art itself that bothers me, but the needless use of such things), page after page of going down an uncertain path, an all behind the tired premise of "all mares fall for the human cock".
Nothing added seems to truly amount to anything at the end of the day. The whole deal of wanting Anon to fuck X had been the driving force of the narrative and at this point it feels as if we are just waiting for the Disney movie ending were he kisses/fucks X and everyone lives happily ever after, and all we had to do was wait month after month of low quality filler.
Noone truly knows what the buildup is going to bring, but dragging a story for so many months with nothing other than cheap borderline lewd and the promise of something to happen down the line sort of kills the thrill of it.
The art keeps this afloat, and will probably make many read it once its finished, but it feels wasted on this plot. Obviously, the comic needs and should be finished, and please, for every anon and for the sake of contributing a better comic experience, start your next project with a solid storyline/storydraft and possibly the help of one or two known good writefags, of which I'm sure there are many and you could contact with some ease.
I love you Pencils, and will surely follow any of your later works, just please consider where you are taking this and what you can do to make the ride worthwhile and comedic beyond cheap sexualizations, controversial shit for little but your own amusement, and memes.