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>>28675477 (Archive Link: )
>What is this thread about? This thread revolves around stories about ponies being enslaved.
>Can you elaborate more? Sure! SPG (Slave Pony General) is mostly about characters dealing with the actual implications of the horrifying thing that is chattel slavery. It's more looking at how people with modern sensibilities deal with the ownership of another sentient being, and how most people aren't total cunts.
>What kind of themes are welcome? Most of them are welcome but a select few aren't. These are Fat, Diaper, Vore and Scat. If you're unsure about a certain element in your story, ask me about it and I can confirm it.
>I want to write my own story but I'm new to writing. Check out these guides: (clop specific)
>Where do the writers hang out? Head over to with the channel name #slavepone. If you're ever having a writer's block and need advice or you just want to hang out with us, that is the place to go!
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Skittles (Rainbow Dash) by SkittlesAnon
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Fire and Sky (Spitfire) by Lurkernon
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>>28714786 I want to be the slave of my waifu
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Fuck me, Fire and Sky was a good read. Made me all melancholic and feely. Why do you guys have to write so gooood?
>>28714786 >Featured Story: Skittles Why do you hurt me like this?
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>>28715540 >Darling? >Once i finish you call me' Master ' pony! Anonymous
>>28710560 We used to have a story called something like "sex agreement Twilight" that was roughly this. Unfortunately, writefag died.
>>28717069 There was also that one shot of that weak pre-hobo pony not being able to work the mines so she gladly got the D from her newer master and even ended up starting to get pleasure from it later down the line.
I would also like a longer story of this.
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>>28717167 are you talking about the one where she was "freed" at the end and started freaking out because she didn't want to leave her master just to end up back on the streets in Equestria?
>>28705206 "So hey listen, do you mind if I bring my ponies? They're kind of itching to get out of the house and do something."
"Nah, they're good"
"Yep! Just the two of them"
"Stallion and a mare"
"Shit, really?"
"Oh that would be awesome, I'm sure they'd appreciate that"
"Alright man, we'll see you at 3:00 then?"
"Yep, you too"
>you set your phone on the end table next to you, raising your arms as you stretch and yawn >Shining just snorts and rolls his eyes when your hand returns to his neck and you continue to pet him "So hey, Shiny"
>an ear rotates toward you but he doesn't turn his head "Turns out my boss is coming to this little get together, so I'm gonna need you to be on your best behavior, okay?"
>"Aww. And here I was, planning on having a good old time biting and kicking everyone there and burning the place down." "Sarcasm doesn't really suit you, you know" you deadpan
>>28717357 >"Who's being sarcastic?" >you give a frustrated sigh >"Well it's not like I was going to do anything to make you look bad anyway, Anon, sheesh..." he says with a gentle flick of his tail. "Can't even take a joke..." he mutters "Mmhm. Just don't forget to call me Master while we're there, okay?"
>he grunts >"Maybe I just won't talk at all, good little slaves are seen, not heard, right?" "Oh come off it"
>"Yes, Master! Of course, Master! Anything you say, Master!" >you take an ear between your index finger and thumb and begin rubbing gently >"I'll be a good litt-- ...I hate it when you do that," he says with a shudder "No you don't."
>"Alrightalright, you win... just... a little higher?" >he closes his eyes and leans into your hand, stretching his front legs across your lap and arching his back slightly downward with a yawn of his own "Awww, does Shiny-winy like his ear scritchies? Who's a good boy? Who's Master's little good boy?" you tease
>"Ugh, don't push it, Anon" "Or what, you won't let me keep petting you?"
>"I hate you," he says with a groan "You go right on believing that"
more to come later tonight or tomorrow Anonymous
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>>28717360 >not calling him 'massa' while painting his face black Shiny isn't being sarcastic enough.
>>28717360 >more to come later tonight or tomorrow wat da fug
>>28717360 >Pacifying the grumpapone with ear scritchies Hnnnnng.
It's a good little show of how balanced the situation is between Shiny and Anon too - he's not happy, but he's not so stupid as to shoot himself in the foot (hoof?) by being constantly anal about it. He knows what he's got is good. Need more Shiny, desu.
>>28717639 It seems like he's only willing to accept any kind of affection from Anon when Corona's not present. I wonder why he's so insistent on maintaining his rebellious image around her.
>>28717639 I hope he remains constantly anal.
>>28717682 I hope he gets hard core anal.
>>28717531 We're entering peak season where I work. Means longer hours and shorter, more sporadic updates I'm afraid. I worked 12 hours today. I have tomorrow off though. Sundays are going to really be my only days that I'll have time for longer updates for the next few months.
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>>28717661 It's not really that surprising. Back when Anonymous and Shiny were talking that first night, he talked about how he felt compelled to be The Captain in front of other ponies - being the ideal of the proud pony who wasn't going to just roll over in the face of slavery, something they should aspire to being. He also mentioned how much he hates collaborators, and how he was struggling with how Anonymous was making it hard to hold up those appearances.
I speculated back when we first got Corona that Shiny might turn a bit more resistant just because of the pressure to put on an exemplary appearance and non-collaborator appearance again.
>>28717848 Ouch. Sorry to hear, but glad to see you're sticking with it.
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Assert dominance
ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>28698137 >>28698267 "I can't try and enforce the way ponies think, Anonymous. If they actually damage the camp, damage your property - then I can stop them. But until then, trying to dictate what they think is just going to generate more resistance."
> Anonymous grimaces, nodding. > "Sometimes, I admit, I wonder if giving you that kind of authority this early on was a good thing... but I'll hold you to that if it does become something bigger." "I know."
> Besides, your reputation - and neck - were already on the line with the way these rumors were heading. > "Good. In the meantime, you're going to have to put on another performance for me." > That... doesn't sound reassuring. "Yes, Master?"
> "I'm going to be hosting a dinner in the near future. A meeting of several entrepreneurs like myself. You're going to be the centerpiece of my success, which means you are going to be there all night and -" > He raises a finger to tap your muzzle lightly, provoking a mildly annoyed scrunch. > "-on your best behavior." " behavior, right."
> "They'll be looking to invest money in my activities, which is going to be awkward enough considering that stunt you pulled recently. Unfortunately, they're very insistent on the meeting and frankly I need the cash right now." "So you're expecting me to play this as some kind of... repentance."
> "Unless you want me to have to cut off that cash I agreed to put towards your projects: Yes." > Leaning back in his chair, Anonymous folds his arms and regards you neutrally. > "I am, frankly, convincing them that the level of independence I've given you is a good thing. Some of them may not be inclined to be as... pleasant as I am towards you. Fortunately, as best as I can tell nobody has figured out that it was my shell company that acquired your daughter, so they can be kept well away from her." > But would not be, the implied threat seems to say, if you would not be there to entertain them instead. ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>28717942 > "So, you'll be doing everything you can to ensure their visit is a good one." "I will, of course. I hope none of the performance required from me will be too... wanton."
> It takes a moment for Anonymous to catch your meaning, but his own nose wrinkles and lightning sparks in his eyes when he does. > "God, no, Cadance! I can't just whore out a random pony to a guest, even in this state." "Thank Celestia..."
> The oath was murmured beneath your breath, but even so Anonymous catches it. > "She's not to be thanked anymore. Her time is passed." "...fine. What will I have to do, anyhow?"
> "Greet them at the door. Lead them anywhere they need to go. Deliver food, answer requests, tell them about what I've been doing, and generally be the picture-perfect example of an obedient slave. Oh, and I'll be have a proper outfit for you." > Of course. > Your mind instantly wonders what exactly what the 'proper' outfit for a captive alicorn is. > Ignoring some of the more... licentious depictions of royals taken prisoner - a few so-called 'novels' had slipped into your reading back when you were Princess of Love - there was still something deeply humiliating about it. "Well, it's not like debasing myself for others' enjoyment isn't a familiar order."
> "Har, har." > Anonymous regards you with a flat gaze. > "Just remember, Cadance, that your success is tied to the well-being of all my property." "I doubt I could forget if I tried."
> "Hmm. Well, at least this will be off by then, so we can avoid any questions about... that." > He gestures, indicating his bandaged arm, and make a small noise of agreement. "Best."
> "I'll have a few profiles of the big names who'll be there sent down to you. You'd best learn them; I expect you to know each and every one in detail when they come." "...yes, Master."
> "Back to work, then." > That's your leave, and you're all too eager to take it. > There are ponies out there who are relying on you. Anonymous
>>28717360 Didn't this story involve ass rape at some point?
>>28717959 Not any more than having your prostate checked.
ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>28717958 > Mentally occupied with scheduling the remainder of your day, you've just stepped out of Anonymous' manor and are circling around it back towards the camp when a sudden noise catches your ears sending them swivelling. > Seconds later your brain catches it too, and you nearly plant your muzzle into the ground as the foalish squeal of laughter hits you. > That laugh... > It'd been so long - so incredibly long - but you could never forget her laugh. > Not since the first day one bubbled out of her. > Standing firmly planted in place, eyes wide and nostrils flared as you suck deep, hard lungfuls of air, you're barely aware of the trembling that's overtaken you. > So close - your daughter must be no more than literally feet from you. > A few steps, to peer in the windows and lay eyes on her again. > That's all it'd take. > That's all... > > Squeezing your eyes closed to curtail the tears that threaten to spill from them, you force your hooves into motion again. > Carrying you away from the temptation - away from the hope. > Cold logic dictates that you cannot break your oath, that much is true. > But cold logic wrenches your heart until it aches, deep within your ribs. > By the time you look up again, you're nearly at the 'town hall'. > Mayor Mare calls out when you enter: > "Ah, Your Highness! It's good that you're back; there's something here you really need to-" > Eyes finally taking note of your lowered posture, her ears fall and tail droops. > "What is wrong, Cadance? Anonymous did not-" "No. No, nothing is - he didn't do anything. I did this to myself."
> Swallowing hard, you force your head to rise. "What is it, Mayor?"
> "You..." > Still she seems to hesitate. "Please, Mayor. I am hurting, yes, but what better way for healing it than to help others?"
> "Not - not this time." > Still she steps out from behind her desk, leading you into her office. > Tapping the door lightly with a hoof, she calls in cautiously: Anonymous
ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>28717978 "Cadance is here now. Can we come in?"
> "Y-Yes..." > The voice that answers is raw from tears and pain, but still manages. > Cracking the door open, you're met by a white-coated pegasus - her similarly lightly hued mane plastered to her head and cheers streaked from tears. > Thunderlane sits beside her, a wing stretched out over her back. > She was one of the new arrivals, you thought, although you hadn't spoken to her directly yet. > Putting on your farest smile, you lean down to nuzzle her cheek gently. "Hello there, my little pony. I am Cadance. Can I ask your name?"
> "V-Vapor... Vapor Trail..." > That'd definitely been her voice who'd called out. > She's clearly been crying quite hard. "And what can I do to help you, Vapor Trail?"
> "I'm... pregnant." > Her simple declaration plows into your plan to comfort and calm her like a Yak set loose in a glasswares shop. > "She came over from the medical clinic. They noticed while giving her a basic checkup, and she fled - came looking for you." > Thunderlane's addition barely registers, but still you nod just to show him that you are listening. > A moment later he dumbly adds: > "She's fast." "I... they will tell Anonymous. He will need to be told."
> "No!" > Vapor Trail's shriek brings your ears down again. > "No - don't tell him, please please please don't tell him..." "I... okay. Nopony tells him right now. How did this happen, Vapor?"
> Now it is her turn to hang her head, and though she mumbles out her answer you get the gist of it. > Coltfriend at her last owner's, a night spent together when she hadn't realized she was in season yet, sold to fund a replacement slave when her owner had realized a mouth he could not feed was on the way... > "...if you tell the owner, he'll... he'll..." > Here she stumbles, and you nod in full understanding. > How many owners would abandon a slave who would soon be unable to work full time - if at all? Anonymous
ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>28718012 > Very few, you suspected, had proper nurseries for taking care of newborn foals. > Some markets would even... stop their mares from foaling, if it would be too problematic to shift them. > Vapor was lucky to not have suffered that fate, you thought; she was so early on into her pregnancy it must have slipped by their doctors. > But not the pony physicians in the medical clinic here, who both knew what to look for and cared enough to actually examine her. > Taking a place at her side opposite Thunderlane - likewise wrapping her in the comforting weight of your wing - you lean over to rest your chin atop her head. "I have never, ever known Anonymous to be that cruel, Vapor Trail. He would not abandon you, nor would he ever allow a foal to be ended-"
> Thunderlane stiffens, Vapor Trail heaves out a fresh sob, Mayor Mare winces, and too late you realize your mistake in your estimation of the situation. > "I can't..." > Another cry erupts from her throat. > "I can't bring a foal into this. I can't - can't give them this life." > Shaking, you turn away. > Anonymous... would not be pleased. > He truly never had forced a pony to end their pregnancy. > Quite the contrary, there'd always been mild encouragement for ponies to... grow the size of his property. > Indeed, the camp's clinic did not even have the proper drugs freely stored; if a pony was endangered by their foal, Anonymous would always have the drugs released on his authority. > And this was, strictly speaking, not a need. ...what do, /spg/?
>>28718021 escort her to the nearest staircase
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>>28718021 >Quite the contrary, there'd always been mild encouragement for ponies to... grow the size of his property. Let her know this and convince her to tell him herself. Maybe even offhandedly mention that Anon is now looking well after her own filly, whom also can't work at all in her current condition and isn't dead in a ditch or sold.
>>28718041 kekked.
>>28718021 Could have the doctors lie to Anon. Make up something about her pelvis being too narrow for safe foaling or something, and that the safest option for Vapor is terminating the pregnancy. Though if Anon has a vet come in and examine her and find out that's a lie, it could get ugly. I'm curious if one of the unicorns that have their magic can do something to terminate the pregnancy without leaving evidence. Cadance having once been the princess of love, maybe she knows such a spell herself. But again, if Anon finds out she aborted a foal without his permission shit could get real ugly.
The safest thing to do might just be to tell her she has to carry it to term. She made a mistake in mating with a stallion without any kind of protection or measures to ensure she didn't get pregnant, now she has to live with the consequences. The only thing Candyass can realistically do is try to reassure her that life for her foal won't be as bad as she thinks. She CAN'T risk upsetting everything she's worked so hard to achieve here, not for one mare and her foal.
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>>28718021 Tell anon. Make her pay for her consequences.
>>28718021 Ask Anon for the drugs, and accept it if he refuses. A mares right to choose is the least of the rights they have lost. If Cadance defies him again it must be over some larger issue affecting all pones, not this careless ones smaller drama.
>>28718093 >She CAN'T risk upsetting everything she's worked so hard to achieve here, not for one mare and her foal. >>28718143 >Ask Anon for the drugs, and accept it if he refuses. A mares right to choose is the least of the rights they have lost. This. As much as she might understand the sentiment, being a mother herself, she simply can't do anything to jeopardize her position over this. There's too much work that still needs to be done - for ALL of their sakes - for her to risk losing Anon's trust right now.
>>28718143 >>28718166 This. Plus it shouldn't even be drama. It's outright mentioned that it's encouraged. Anon just got a two for one deal with her. There's literally no problem and Vapor is overthinking things. Right now for the safety of her and her foal she needs to tell Anonymous so he can get the necessary medical supplies for this.
>>28718312 No, she is asking for an abortion! She does not want to condemn a foal to life on the deathworld.
>Kinda with her on that; reproduction without the power to properly care for a child is not ethical. Anonymous
>>28718476 Mares can abort without drugs when they feel things have gone south. Though it's usually at a month and up I think? Still not a big deal.
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>>28718646 >myth You get that we're referring to magical talking ponies here, right?
But ya: pernicious myth.
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>>28718021 She's probably going to end up harming herself.
maybe try to convince her things are getting better and try to get her to give it some time to see if it is really that bad.
Mention to anon a prego wishes to abort and will probably hurt herself if she don't get her way.
I think we might have to take a stand here, actually. This is kind of a big deal; forcing a pony to breed is pretty damn far, and so far we've been basically riding on the ponies' good will after the guards were replaced. Especially since a fuckton of new slaves just got dumped on us, we need to show we're not just relaying Anonymous' orders. Cadance may have to use a spell to end it or convince a doctor to find another way if she can't get the drugs. It might divert some attention from the Corona rumors too.
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>>28718093 >Cadance having once been the princess of love, maybe she knows such a spell herself. Cadance may not have a spell to end a pregnancy, but I bet that horn of hers will still do the trick if you know what I mean.
>>28717360 >you take an ear between your index finger and thumb and begin rubbing gently >"I'll be a good litt-- ...I hate it when you do that," he says with a shudder >"No you don't." >"Alrightalright, you win... just... a little higher?" Kek.
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>>28718476 >deathworld Son, let me stop you right there.
>>28719055 >forcing a pony to breed she fucked of her own accord, the pregnancy is entirely a consequence of her choices.
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>>28717848 Thanks for using what little free time you have man. I used to also work 12 hours in a factory and couldn't do more than eat and sleep after arriving home.
>>28719126 ear scritches are every pony's weakness
>>28719220 What about Earless Joe?
>>28719141 She didn't realize in season, though. It's not that she didn't use control, it's that it kind of broke.
(I guess ponies in CYOS' verse go into heat?)
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>>28719225 you just scratch the stub where the ear used to be
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>>28719055 >forcing a pony to breed is pretty damn far A man can do what he wants with his property.
>>28719237 No, I'm just trying to avoid a riot when word gets out that ponies are being forced to give birth to more slaves.
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>>28719235 So her birth control plan was literally just hoping she wouldn't get pregnant.
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>>28717848 Easy !!iopb, you work and rest, the good stories need time and you make one good job with this
>>28718021 Tell her that Anon has a soft spot for foals, that shes sure that nothing bad happens to them on his behalf.
Confidentially tell her that Anon tries to shift from ruling with iron fist to making them govern themselves, with him just watching over them.
Tell her that she is fortunate enough to be here at the time like this, when things are getting more lax, that she has a chance to bring foal into the community that in a few years will probably be one of the better places to live in.
Basically, drill into her head that she doesn't need to fear, that thing here are getting massively better as of late and that if she ever would want to give a birth to the foal, this is the place for it.
Also, inform Anon about the mare, do your best to win her some privileges, make example to all ponies that they dont have to fear heaving foals.
>>28718021 No matter how you try to hide Anon known, one of his guards will notice the behavior of the mare and eventually...
Anon surely is happy, but for the fact that there is new life NOT to gain a new slave, they can Anon offer? perhaps the exception of work or give a resting place in his mansion for him to recover from childbirth, if is astut give the foals the best treatment hoping to improve their relationship in the future, the point is that no matter what happens on your property that a mare is pregnant should be cause for celebration, not of remorse.
If Vapor Trail put hysteric with the situation and puts at risk the baby should then be subjected, if she does not want to have the baby then take away and deliver to some pony who can take care of it, for its obligations it is clear that Candance can not occupy that role, so we must think of some pony available that can help and serve that purpose.
How about Fluffy?
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>>28715540 Rara bump 2: the aftermath
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>>28719595 >How about Fluffy? Dis is fwuffy wand nao!
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>>28714965 meh, the guy seems in love with his own basic virtue. Without bad owners there would be no one to save and he would die a kissless loser
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Corona is for snuggles and ear scritchies.
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>>28718021 Convince her to tell it to anon herself
>>28717360 which story in the pastebin is this? I wish to catch up
>>28721029 >Cadance finds her >Vapor is still alive >feeble kicking >fading fast >Cadance screams for help >tries to lift her >isn't physically strong enough >her magic is too weak now >if she wasn't on mild suppressants, it would have been easy >still screaming for help as Vapor dies, Cadance trying but too weak to save her >if she hadn't attacked that guard, her magic would be at full strength >if she hadn't saved Cotton Cloudy, she could have saved Vapor Trail Anonymous
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>>28721537 Don't do this to me
My heart
Fuck you for doing this you bastard
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>>28721537 Or rather if she just agreed to that short 10 lashes. It was just 10 lashes for the life of a terrified mare and her unborn foal.
>>28721537 You know, by and large when I've been writing this CYOA I've tried to keep things from turning pointlessly grimderp. Like, it should be dark, but not so dark that nothing good can ever happen, you know?
...but God damn do you people give me some good ideas.
>>28722091 Please don't kill Vapor Trail. She's literally the sweetest, most selfless character to be put on this show in maybe ever.
>>28722114 >She tries to end it herself >Ends up bleeding out >Cadance can't stop it because her magic isn't strong enough for healing spells >"It's okay, Princess..." >Her voice is getting weaker. >"I'm okay, Princess. Give - give my rations to somepony else." >"No! No, this is not okay, Vapor! I - I can't let a pony die! Not o-one of my-" >"Yes, it is." >Vapor gives a weak smile. >"I'm happy. My foal - my foal won't ever know this pain. If this is the cost of knowing she won't ever be somepony's property, won't ever know the lash or the cruelty... of being a slave, then I'm... okay with... that." >Cadance can only cry as Vapor's voice fades away and eyes stare into nothing. Anonymous
>>28721537 Fucking wings, how do they work?
>>28721029 >>28721537 >Vapor tries to keep it together, but 1 month before the foal is due she can't handle it anymore >hangs herself so the foal won't be born to a life of slavery >Cadence, passing by to check on her, hears crying >enters the room to find Vapor, a bed sheet around her neck and tied to a door handle, on the floor lifeless >her newborn crying on the floor in front of her Anonymous
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>>28722192 Very well to counteract whatever Cadance tries.
Vapor Trail wants to die and is an expert at using her wings to affect other ponies.
>>28722199 Holy shit you guys
What the fuck this is fucking horrible, oh my sweet baby Buddha Jesus
>>28722211 What can I say? I love the sweet taste of despair and agony. When things seemingly can't possibly get any worse, but then they do.
Truly the sweetest fruit.
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>>28722199 >Cadance takes it as her own. >A forever memory of the pony she didn't save. >A neverending attempt to prove Vapor Trail wrong. >Somepony new to this world, who doesn't know how horrible it is. >Somepony who never has to, if Cadance has her way. >She names the foal Hope. Anonymous
>>28722236 The trick is to have just enough high points to keep readers going and give them hope, before betraying it yet again.
>>28722256 Hope is the best spice to bring out despair.
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>>28722610 Hope can never die.
Hope leads to despair which leads to hope which leads to despair in vicious cycle that can never be ended. It is the millstone which grinds down upon the billions of souls inhabiting this world, turning endlessly and without care for the individual.
Only by ceasing to exist can one be freed from its weight.
These slaves need some happiness. They need hope in the absence of despair.
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>>28723153 Corona is learning to be a happy little slave mare with her new master.
>>28721537 >still moving That's not really how it works. Despite what happens in the movies.
If she was still moving then she hasn't even passed out yet. She would need to be continuously strangled for the next 10 minutes after passing out before she was truly dead.
>>28724133 Two problems there, buddy. You're assuming this is reality and that there aren't any tiny timeskips.
We can include the "screaming for half an hour step" if you want.
>Cadance goes to check on Vapor Trail by herself, believing it important to be discrete about the whole matter. >Has the supplies to help Vapor abort. >Doesn't want anyone else to know. >Finds Vapor. >Cadance tries for so long, but everyone is at work possibly another off day that she asked them to give up . >The few ponies that refused to give up their day off are staging a peaceful protest, for what good it will do. >The watch are standing by to make sure things don't turn ugly instead of doing their regular patrols. >There's no one to hear Cadance calling for help. >When Vapor ceases to struggle, Cadance is already too worn out to take advantage of it. >But she's with her the whole time, still trying. Kinda takes it into grimderp territory though, doesn't it? Let's just accept the break from reality and move on, or should we also include how Vapor is already dead and Cadance only imagines the mare is kicking? She's struggling to save a corpse and refuses to believe what anyone says later, because it doesn't matter. Either way, she killed the mare and it's still grimderp.
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>>28714965 Why do you fags obsess over his story?
>>28721537 >Master Anon takes a tour of the barracks of the slaves, interested to see how their 'reforms' have helped improve the living conditions of their ponies. > hears the cry of Candace from inside one of the houses and runs worried that she has hurt or worse. >Find worse, go to Vapor hanging from a rope while Candance desperately tries to lift his legs. >Reacting instinctively, Anonymous takes Vapor with one arm and the other takes out a knife from his pants pocket and cut the rope. >Vapor's body emerges like a sack of potatoes before being held by Anonymous. >Anon does not waste time and immediately runs to his car carrying the body of vapor in his arms, with Candance follows him. >Vapor is taken to the vet but too late to save her, the damage in his brain is fatal >The doctor advises that the baby is still alive and can be saved, but it is necessary to Caesarean immediately and put on a ventilator because it is premature Anonymous
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>>28724303 Please, dont deadify preggo mare.
>>28724340 >The baby is placed in an incubator while doctors checked that it has not received any damage from lack of oxygen to his umbilical cord. >Anon, finally take the time to think about what happened, so he orders Candance that gives an explanation about what happened. >After hearing the story, Anon feel furious with Candance for having hidden something so important all this time, but hold over the punishment later, as he reflects. >First the break, then Corona, the violation of Cloud and now suicide of Vapor, a terrible event one after another, each worse than the last, if things go well will soon be a revolt of his ponies that wound up in bloodbath. >Not enough to meet the physical needs of their ponies, also you must find a way to relieve their emotional needs, if the ponies discover to the Vapor it were to spread on your property could be repeated cases of suicides among their slaves or encourage the rebels to insubordination and violence, must find a way to end this path that could end everything he has fought so far. >What Anonymous should do? Anonymous
>>28724553 Hopefully it won't get to that point ever. Vapor needs to live, the poor dear.
>>28724967 I hope too, maybe Anon the help and provide an alternative, perhaps acquire its coltfriend and they can live together as a family
>>28725035 >coltfriend But she's not pure anymore. No stallion will ever want her now.
>>28725469 No hymen? No diamond.
>>28724340 >runs to his car the best thing for anon to do would be to start preforming cpr.
>>28725511 needs an edit with whipmarks on her back
>>28717360 --------------------------------
>"Corooooonaaaaa," a voice calls out softly as you feel yourself being gently shaken >you murmur and squirm under the blanket, trying hard to cling to these last few moments of sleep >"Cooorooooooonnnaaaaa," you're shaken a bit harder this time. "Come on girl, time to wake up!" >finally you relent, blinking your heavy eyelids with a long, drawn out yawn as you roll over and look at your Master "What time is it, Master?" you ask sleepily
>"A little after two" he says >your eyes shoot open >you can't remember the last time you slept into the afternoon like that >sure it felt nice, but it also feels like such a waste >you'd rather be awake to enjoy your free time >after all, you're not used to having much of it >you sit up on your haunches and shake your head, running a hoof over your mane >it doesn't take long to notice your brush in Master's hand >you hop down with a quiet nicker, settling on the floor between his knees as he sits on the edge of the bed and begins brushing out your mane >even if you're still not entirely comfortable with him touching you, this always feels nice >Merribelle used to do this for you every morning before work >of course, your mane was usually a mess again by the end of the day anyway, but you still always found it comforting >you could sit here perfectly content to let Master brush you for hours >it's so calming you nearly doze off again, until you feel a quick pat on your rump >"Alright girl, let's get that tail now" >you stand up with a sigh, your mind continuing to wander as he works >the lack of tension in your body along with the fact you're not keeping your tail clamped tightly against your backside like usual doesn't escape his notice >"You seem pretty relaxed," he says with a soft chuckle, "that nap must have done you a lot of good" >you simply nod quietly !!iopbVld3l5k
>>28725532 >a few more strokes and he finishes, standing up and setting the brush on the nightstand between the two beds >"Such a pretty girl with your mane and tail all brushed out," he says before giving your ear a scratch >you blush and smile sheepishly, looking at the floor and your ears flattening >"You ready to go meet some new people?" >actually no >no you're not >you're incredibly nervous and uneasy at the prospect of being introduced to even more humans >you just didn't want to be left home >alone >without anything to do >and without anyone else to really talk to >Shining Armor isn't usually very chatty unless you're out working, and while he might be content to sit around watching TV all day in silence, you're not >and honestly, you kind of WANT to spend a little time with Master >but he doesn't need to know that >besides, if these are Master's friends you're about to meet, how bad can they be? >right? "yessir..." you reply with a swish of your tail
>>28725534 >the three of you are greeted at the door by a rotund, balding man with thick framed glasses >he's a lot shorter than Master, and you can't help but think his clothing looks a little ridiculous >khaki shorts, something called a "Hawaiian" shirt and sandals >his booming, jovial voice startles you >"ANON! Good to see ya, buddy!" he says as he slaps your Master on the back and guides him through the door, >Master nods at him with a friendly smile >"Steve, these are my ponies," he steps through the door and turns back in your direction, open palm pointing toward you, "Shining Armor and Corona" >"Man, you weren't kidding! Stallion's definitely on the skinny side. Well we'll have to fix that, big fella. Come on in, all three of ya! Steaks and corn on the cob are already on the grill, plenty of food to go around!" >he pauses as you and Shining Armor hesitate to follow >"Well c'mon already, food's out back! You ponies like corn on the cob, right? There's salad too, if not." >you nod and follow behind Shining Armor, doing your best not to let the new man see you trembling >Shining just seems uninterested and mildly irritated >you make your way through the house, to a sliding glass door leading to the back patio, and freeze in place after Master and Shining step through >there's so many of them... >you press your tail firmly against your rear and pin your ears flat as you take a few steps back, your heart leaping into your throat >oh... >oh this was a bad idea >SUCH a bad idea Anonymous
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>>28725510 It would be interesting to know the future members of Anonymous and know which way they handle their slaves, their working hours and methods of discipline are likely to be very different from what Anon does on his property, and because of that they are much more prosperous and influential in the region
>>28725543 >"Corona, come girl" your Master calls for you >him calling your name only draws more attention toward you >you lay down on the floor, every muscle in your body locking up >you whimper loudly feeling a hand on your back, turning your head to see a tall, slender woman kneeling next to you >she's so heavily perfumed it almost chokes you, and she speaks with a thick, almost fancy sounding accent >"Oh bless your petit cour," she says as she strokes you, "there's no need to be afraid, we're all friends here, my sweet." >her reassurance does little to soothe you, as your anxiety continues to mount to near critical levels and your eyes lock back on your Master >the smell of searing flesh certainly doesn't help matters >sure, Master has eaten meat around you before, but... >the scent of blood and smoke has never been so intense >human olfaction must not be as keen as ponies' >you're not sure how they can tolerate it, otherwise >it's more than a little nauseating, and you soon feel dizzy >"She's had it pretty rough, Camille," your Master says as he mercifully steps back inside, closing the sliding door behind him and muffling the sounds of light conversation as the chubby man tends to the food on the grill. "I kinda expected this. Maybe my ponies can stay inside and keep Grace company for a bit until Corona has had a chance to settle down enough to join us out back, hmm?" >the woman practically squeals with delight, as if being struck by a sudden epiphany, striding over to the bottom of a stairwell as fast as her awkwardly high-heeled shoes will allow and calling out in a sing-song voice >"Grace, Grace come downstairs my dear! Monsieur Anonymous is here!" >when there's no reply, she calls out again !!iopbVld3l5k
>>28725551 >"Grace mon cheri, he brought his ponies with him, don't you want to meet them?" >you turn your head slowly and see a tiny human appear at the top of the stairs, walking down them slowly, wearing an awestruck expression as she stares directly at you and Shining Armor >she's REALLY small >come to think of it... >"Hi Mister Anonymous," her tiny voice says as she reaches the bottom and approaches you >yep, she's a human filly >you've never met a human foal before... >your ears perk up in curiousity as you stare at her >"Corona, this is Steve and Camille's little girl Grace. She absolutely adores ponies, don't you Gracie?" >the filly nods excitedly >"Can I play with them?" >Master nods at her >"Just don't be too rough with them, okay?" Master says >she giggles with glee as she runs over and throws her arms around Shining Armor's foreleg, snuggling her face into his chest >"Mommy he's so soft!" she squeaks >Shining stares at you with a blank expression, and you just tilt your head >"Shiny, Corona, be on your best behavior. We'll be just outside if you need anything, okay? We'll be keeping an eye on you. Feel free to join us out back whenever you're up to it" >before you know it, you and Shining Armor are left alone with the filly >and she's still clinging to him as though her life depends on it >you can't help but give a little smile as he continues staring straight ahead, looking dumbfounded >the sight is enough to make you forget your nervousness for the moment >this should be interesting Anonymous
>>28724553 >Anon suddenly realizes something important! >Whirling around, he looks straight through the fourth wall at you, and pronounces "I'm in a grimderp story!" "Well, fuck this and fuck you too!" He races back to the house in the barracks, luckily the rope is still there.
>Putting his pony bondage skills to use, he splices it back together and tightens it around his own neck. >Takes his trusty knife from his pocket and slits his wrists as well, you can't be too careful after all... Anonymous
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>>28725573 >inb4 the kid is a total brat and torments the ponies Anonymous
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>>28725573 yayyy little kid! This is adorable.
I also think this could lead to Shining having an emotional breakdown, possibly. Having a human show genuine love and adoration for him as a pony, a girl who doesn't think of him as chattel, I'm sure that would fuck with his head.
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>>28725543 >you press your tail firmly against your rear and pin your ears flat as you take a few steps back, your heart leaping into your throat >>oh.. Love this
Corona need his husband....his Master
>>28725515 I'm no artist but I did what I could. Drawing with a mouse.
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>>28725858 now upload it to derpibooru and let the shit fly
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>>28725573 Now the pettit Cheri going to song "My little Pony, my Little pony"?
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>>28725628 Pfft.... pathetic
>>28725858 Now I feel bad for Diamond
Poor qt patootie needs snuggle time
>>28725858 This needs an edit of her sitting in a puddle of jizz.
>>28726153 filly is not for sexual
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>>28725573 This will end in
friendship Anonymous
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>>28726162 Diamond Tiara is for all the abuse.
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>>28725573 Calling it right now. The little girl is going to get hurt and it's going to cause drama.
>>28725573 I get the feeling Shiny's tough guy facade is about to shatter in a heart wrenchingly adorable manner. I doubt he has it in him to be mean or sassy to a child.
>>28725858 upload to derpi plz
I want to see the replies
>TFW someone does exactly what you were about to include in your story. Welp
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>>28726353 >I doubt he has it in him to be mean or sassy to a child. until she tries to make him and Corona kiss
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>>28726398 You can if you want but I'm not.
>>28726353 >I doubt he has it in him to be mean or sassy to a child. it would be pretty hilarious if the little girl handles him completely without fear
the more huffy he gets, the more humiliating shit happens to him
tail braiding and nailpolish on the hooves are just the beginning
ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>28718093 >>28718143 >>28719590 >>28719595 "I... Anonymous will have to be told. If we ask the doctors to do it quietly and world leaks out-."
> "No!" > Vapor Trail latches onto your leg, clutching it in a fearsome grip of her own two forelegs locked around it. > "No, please, please! The - the doctors, they could lie, you could tell them to-" "I'm sorry, Vapor. Even if they did, if somepony told and Anonymous heard..."
> Your gentle murmur does little to calm her; the pegasus gives another harsh, raw cry. > Leaning down, you brush the tip of your muzzle across her head - nosing through her mane and down to her withers, like a mother would groom her foal. "Shh..."
> Dropping to your haunches, you lightly press on her back until Vapor sinks to the floor as well. > Joining her in dropping prone you continue to lightly groom the back of her neck. "Listen to me now, Vapor. Anonymous is not the cruelest master, and this is not the absolute worst place for your foal."
> Her mouth opens, but you cut her off before she can cry out again: "And you can trust me when I say that, because my own filly is here too. In fact, I just found right before I came here."
> "R-Really?" "Yes, really. She's staying with Anonymous in his home, and even though I haven't even seen her myself I trust that she is safe and sound."
> "B-But she's a s-slave..." > Vapor Trail's objection doesn't have quite as much energy to it - your gentle actions are calming her, however un-reassuring your words might be. "Yes, she is. And yes - I do dearly, dearly wish she was not and would give up... so very, very much to see her return home safely."
> "What about-" "Vapor Trail. Please, listen to what I am saying. I know this hurts, but please listen: I understand how much it hurts to see your own child become property. Celestia help me, I know - but things are what they are, and I am dedicated to seeing everypony here live the best life they can."
> After a moment's thought you add more softly: ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>28726800 "And, frankly, I believe Anonymous may see that as well. Things are getting better here; in a few years this may be, as strange as it may sound, one of the better places to raise a foal."
> "The best place is Equestria. Home." "I know, Vapor. I know."
> Giving one last brush down the length of her neck with your muzzle, you lay your head down atop her own. "I will still go to Anonymous and ask him if you can. He really has been trying to make things better. Maybe this... this would be a way to show he really does care."
> Thunderlane - standing a distance, aloof yet obviously listening with one ear tilted towards your conversation - makes a small noise of agreement. > "And what if he says no?" "Then..."
> Then you face yet another pony who'd had everything taken from them by this miserable state of existence. "...then we will see what we can do to ensure you are not overworked as the foal comes."
> Shudders run through Vapor Trail's body, but she does not cry out. "In the meantime... in the meantime, we need to find you somewhere proper to stay."
> Would it be better to give her one of the quieter, individual dormitory rooms - a place for just herself and a roommate, some space for her to think? > Or better for her to be around other ponies to potentially distract her mind from her growing belly? > The former, you decide, at least in part because there you could pair her with another long-time... resident, a trusted one who could attest to what was being done to improve the camp. > It might not entirely settle her mind, but it would help. "But - you do have to go back to the medical building and let them finish looking you over."
> Squirming softly, Vapor Trail shakes her head - a nervous tremor added to her voice. > "Please, I don't want them to know - not just yet..." "It's better to let these things be known, Vapor. Please, trust me on this - no one is going to shackle you in a stall until the foal comes, but hiding things... it's not a good idea."
ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>28726824 > She doesn't sound convinced, but rises anyhow when you lift your head from her. "Thunderlane, can you look after her?"
> "Not if I want to get any work done, but I'll get Basalt Pillar to look after her. He's another good pony on the Watch." > Mayor Mare at last takes action as well, gently leading Vapor Trail from the room. > As she disappears through the door, you murmur to Thunderlane: "Will she be alright?"
> "In all honesty, Your Highness... you know better than I. I've never sired a foal; I've never been with a mare through this. She was truly hysterical when she realized she was going to be examined, though. And fast." "...I see..."
> Still staring at the empty doorway, you heave a soft sigh. > "Will Anonymous let her...?" "I don't know. He never would have before, but he truly has changed some I think."
> "The business with Corona." > You shudder, but from Thunderlane the words don't have the same accusing sting they might otherwise. "Yes. That. I think it really got to him."
> "Let's hope. I'll go to him tomorrow." > A thunderstorm rolls in that night, lightning snapping through the sky left and right with loud, close, and fierce peals of thunder following close behind. > The first harbinger of what was to come as the weather shifted through towards winter. > It isn't that which wakes you up - that would be your full bladder - but as you stumble back to bed somewhere close to two in the morning a bolt of lightning sends an illuminating flash through your darkened room. > And reveals, huddled next to your bed in the split second when everything was bright as day, a tiny and decidedly equine form. > Squinting your bleary eyes, you rub at them with one hand and hazard a tentative guess. "...'lurry?"
> The form gives a terrified squeak, hurling itself from the floor and scrambling on unsteady hooves that rake across the room's carpeting. > "I'm sorry, sorry, sorry!" "Flurry, stop!"
> To her credit, she does - one hoof raised to the doorknob. ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>28726831 "...come here."
> Visibly nervous even when you can see little more than a blurry, darkened outline Flurry does, stopping in front of your bed. > "Y-Yes, Master?" "...what are you doing in my room? I told you to get familiar with yours."
> "I can't sleep, Master..." > Flurry Heart's mumbled admission is given with head hung. "Why not, the thunder?"
> "Yes, Master. It... when it rained before I was always too wet to sleep, so I can't now..." "Too... wet?"
> "Yes, Master. If my last owner forgot to take us back inside, we were still on our posts or-" > Your question doesn't come from lack of understanding why she couldn't sleep, but from questioning what kind of true moron would leave her out in the rain. > Groaning, you slump down into the bed and rub your bare arms; the storm had brought with it a mild chill that now penetrated the manor. > Honestly, you didn't mind - the covers were more than adequate - but you hadn't planned on being beyond their protective warmth this long and the shorts you wore just weren't enough to compensate for a lack of a shirt or pants. "So, uh, you couldn't sleep. And you came up to camp out next to my bed?"
> "Y-Yes, Master. I was thinking I could sleep-" > Comfort. > She'd just been seeking comfort. > "I - um - I... I'm sorry I disobeyed, and, um... I thought I'd go back to my room in the morning before you got up, and - and please don't cook me, Master!" "It's just a sto-"
> Cook her? "-cook you?!"
> "Y-Yes, Master." "I'm not - what could possibly make you think I would cook you?!"
> If possible, her voice turns even more thin and tenuous. > "M-My old Master said th-the ponies who didn't o-obey and went away were g-getting c-c-cooked, and if I disobeyed-" "No - just - augh! Nobody's going to cook you, Flurry. God, I've never heard something so disgusting... Look, it's just a storm, Flurry. Go back to bed, and nothing needs to come of this."
> Halfway through climbing back beneath the covers, you realize she hasn't moved. ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>28726843 > "Um..." "What is it, Flurry?"
> "C-Could I stay with-" > Oh, God. > The familiar question of children everywhere, and one you thought you'd long since heard the last of. > As you open your mouth to answer, another bolt of lightning reveals her for you again - the filly's tear-streaked cheeks and still terrified expression. > You had been snapping at her a bit, hadn't you? > That was what happened when you were suddenly woken at 2 AM, after all. > And yet even so, she still wanted to stay with you. > Sighing softly, you hold up the edge of the covers. "...yeah. Get in up here."
> An excited squeak overcomes even her urge to say 'yes, master' - the bed squeaking slightly as she bounds up onto it and surprisingly quickly burrows down beneath the covers next to you. > Two things immediately become clear: > One, she is frigid - the cold air having implanted an icy chill onto her coat. > Two, she has absolutely no qualms about being close to you despite the sweat-shorts being the only thing you wear. > She truly was innocent, you think as Flurry's widely-beaming muzzle emerges from the covers next to you, seeing no issue with laying against your bare skin. > Truly you were nothing more than a welcome protector, a point of comfort for her. > At least they had not taken that innocence from her. > And, to some degree, you can't help but feel a small smile come to your lips as she lays her chin down against your side. > "W-We always slept close together like this when I was with the other ponies... I hope you don't mind, Master." > Not one bit. > As an answer you reach up and begin to stroke along her spine - feeling the ridges of muscle that supported her outsized wings. > Flurry Heart nuzzles your shoulder and expels a soft nicker-sigh. "Going to be able to sleep now?"
> "Y-Yes, Master. Thank you." "Good."
> Laying your head down, your eyes are half-closed when Flurry Heart mumbles out a soft question: > "Master?" "...yes, Flurry?"
ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>28726856 > "Why aren't all masters good like you?" > What is it with children asking questions like that at the worst moments? > And for that matter, what the hell do you tell someone who asks that? > Especially a pony who'd been neglected as she had, not out of any maliciousness or cruelty but seemingly by simple apathy and stupidity. What do we say? (Just telling her that you will tell her later is an option, but this might help settle her somewhat.)
>>28726856 >> The familiar question of children everywhere, and one you thought you'd long since heard the last of. >inb4 Shinyanon is this Anon's long lost estranged son >they haven't spoken since his father died >Anon's family relationships had always been tumultuous at best >and he was humiliated when Shinyanon refused to take part in his business because of how heavily it relies on slave labor >Anon always resented the ponies for the rift they caused between him and his son >even worse, fighting with his son had strained his relationship with his own father >so much so in fact, that when the old man finally bit the dirt, he left everything he had to Shinyanon >including a sizeable plot of land in the next state over >stupid, idealistic kid... Anonymous
>>28726861 Tell her because they don't care about anything but money, and that's all they see ponies as, an item with value.
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>>28727076 And then grab your Pulitzer prize for most ironic dialogue written this year
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>>28726944 I need this to be true so much
>>28726861 >"Flurry, I'm not so good Master as you think, I have made many mistakes in the past, both with people as with ponies, even now still committed, so I'm trying to be better and fix things that I did." >"In your short life you have known bad Masters that not only did not learn from their mistakes, but they did not care, because for them you were just something they could use at will, which made them feel powerful and important to mistreat and startle, because that was easier to know you and know what you want, because. . . they were afraid" Anonymous
>>28726697 but shiny grew up with twilight, egghead or not. theres no way hes not between flurry and twilight used to little girl shenanigans
>>28727325 that's what makes it so great
he knows EXACTLY what's about to happen to him
>>28727331 You think hes having a PTSD attack now, with flashbacks about makeovers Little Twi and Flurry made him go through?
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>>28727352 >PINK >PINK EVERYWHERE Anonymous
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>>28727352 >Not the glitter! Please, don't use the glitter, I'm begging you! Anonymous
>>28725573 Grace is gonna become Shining Armor's new little best friend, I can feel it. She's already in love with him. I'm betting she was drawn to him over Corona because he's a unicorn. She can be like a surrogate daughter. And she's totally innocent. So he doesn't have to feel guilty about being affectionate to her. Maybe if Anon gives him a pass to be out on his own, he can go visit her and play with her while he continues recovering. The love and adoration of a little girl would do wonders for soothing his soul and softening his stance on humanity in general.
>>28727702 >one day while playing, she tells Shiny she doesn't feel good and passes out without warning >turns out little Gracie has a rare, incredibly aggressive form of lymphoma >Shiny has to watch his new little pal wither away and die in mere months >there's nothing anyone can do for her >Shiny refuses to leave her bedside in the hospital >when the time comes and she passes away, he lays by the headstone of her grave, not budging an inch for three whole days >Anon and three of his friends have to literally drag him to the car and into the house >doesn't say a single word >can't even cry anymore >he's just dead inside Anonymous
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>>28727768 Jesus Christ Anon I teared up a little... what the fuck is up with the thread wanting to have its heart ripped out today?
>>28727768 >Shiny has gotten his magic back by now >turns out pony magic emits low levels of a certain form of radiation >it's harmless to the overwhelming majority of humans >however, very rarely a human is sensitive to pony magic radiation and develops a horrifyingly aggressive and rapid onset form of cancer >Grace just happened to be one of those humans >she was never sick until Shiny's magic was restored >never had any reason to believe he was doing anything wrong when he used it around her >he literally killed his best friend without ever meaning to >he never ever would have hurt her intentionally >he now has to live the rest of his life knowing he killed a child Anonymous
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>>28727768 >>28727860 Stop
my heart can't take this
>>28727873 It's magical radiation coming from a talking horse, faggot.
>>28727887 I know a thing or two about magical horses and radiation.
>>28727899 Please refrain from irradiating the ponies.
It makes them cranky.
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>>28727873 But anon, how is he supposed to rack up reblogs without extreme feels?
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>>28727908 Twilight was quite interested in the results, though.
>>28727899 Better scenario
>graces parents happen to be anti-vaxers >she develops polio much to the family's dismay >shiny is absolutely furious knowing that her own family caused this >can't do nothin cause he's a pone >anger for all humanity increases to insane almost violent levels >has to watch her cry and suffer every day because her parents are retarded Anonymous
>>28727873 Radiation causes DNA damage, which some people have more of a genetic predisposition for sensitivity to. Some people's DNA repair mechanisms have flaws, it's one of the many reasons cancer happens in the first place. Little Gracie was going to end up with cancer at some point in her life one way or another. Shiny just made it happen sooner than it otherwise might have.
>>28727954 Nah, dawg. The radiation that really fucks you up is short bursts of fuck you. The human body can take impressive amounts of low level radiation for a very long time with no statistical increase in cancer risks.
but, plot shit always can ignore the real world. Anonymous
>>28727985 The hormetic effect doesn't work the same for 100% of people. You will always have outliers that have a hypersensitivity to exposure.
Grace was one, for reasons. Mostly because Shiny needs something to feel crippling, life-altering guilt over.
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>>28728020 Perhaps, in a world without common CRTs, she managed to not catch the death.
So we've gone from a depressed mother killing herself because she can't bear the thought of bringing her offspring into a life of slavery, to Shiny accidentally murdering a human child because he wanted to be friends with her. Regular fucking ray of sunshine you lot are today. Shit.
RM-Writing !!HRFGHTfjaR2
>>28728056 Just be glad I don't get
more drunk and write the backpacking story I had in mind.
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>>28726856 >> "C-Could I stay with-" >> Oh, God. >> The familiar question of children everywhere, and one you thought you'd long since heard the last of. too cute, how old is anon? i just kinda assumed 30s but now that i think about it he must be at least middle age.
>>28726861 this.
At least the first half.
>>28727241 Anonymous
>>28727241 >"I know that many of my ponies hate me, Damn! (Sorry, I said a bad word you never say ok?) Perhaps all do, even your mother should do well and do not blame her, so I try to be better one little at a time, but it's so difficult... is so difficult when you have a responsibility to many on your shoulders and you need everyone to move forward with your plans, but to feed, shelter, treat and protect the ponies costs money. .. a lot of money, so I need everyone to do their part and help me so I can help!, why sometimes must be severe when some ponies defy my authority, if that if I fail and I cannot continue my plans ... then everyone will lose" Anonymous
>>28729706 When your business starts to own you.
>every business owner knows that feel ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
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>>28729759 I can only assume that at the beginning Anon treated his ponies in the same way that most humans were treated; like cattle 'semi' inteligent, and hoped that they behave like cattle or sheep obedient and submissive to his will, but possibly suffered much frustration when they proved to be too smart for your own conscience, to avoid feeling guilty about the possible feeling of empathy that was begun to develop for them decided to follow the example of others and become extremely severe and perhaps cruel
Is only one idea
anyone got some pictures similar to this one?
>>28729893 If by similar you mean pics of a dash slave in front of a blank backdrop then sure
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>>28730471 any pony slave will do really
So I just caught up with Shining and CoronaI want anon to fug the Corona But I'm wondering if I should check out Salventure, I haven't read any of the stories but the replies to it indicate it gets very depressing at points, would you guys recommend it?
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>>28726861 "Because not everyone has made as many mistakes as I have and most that do don't learn from them. I'm lucky. I learned."
That way, anything bad that comes up about Anon, she can simply dismiss as a mistake he learned from or a mistake that he will. Plus it's the truth.
>>28728056 I would like to declare my innocence and that I had absolutely nothing to do with the suggestions about little girls dying.
>>28731700 i dunno this sounds like something you would do.
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>>28730471 Also both dashies are blushing with a leg raised while they sit on their haunches while wearing some type of lead
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>>28731612 Personally, I like it.
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>>28731612 Only completed story that gets depressing at the end so far is Regards, anon(about vinyl). and even that has an alternate happy ending.
pone is for petting, not hurting
>>28732526 Pone is for hurting if she doesn't purr.
I want Corona to be freed and then choose to stay with Anon.
>>28732556 Corona doesn't want to be free anymore. She's perfectly happy to be her master's loyal little slave mare.
>>28732573 Corona will never truly love her master. Stockholm syndrome doesn't count.
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>>28732543 No, that'll just make pone not purr ever.
>>28732526 Pone is for cuddling.
>>28732603 >Anon cuddling his and Corona's foal.jpg Anonymous
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>>28732788 chromosomes nigga
>>28732788 Couldn't you get into deep shit for impregnating your slaves?
>>28733224 Why?
If they are your property, are in good shape and are ok with it, whats the problem?
I hope Corona gets pregnant with her master's love baby. And then she has a cute little satyr foal.
>>28733720 >Satyr Fucking disgusting
>>28733728 Fine she has shiny do a magic spell on master so that he can impregnate her with a foal.
>>28733795 I would love to see Anon take care of a preggo Corona.
>>28733809 >mascara Good choice.
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>>28733973 she's such an adorable darling
RM-Writing !!HRFGHTfjaR2
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>>28734828 Green is always better than no green. Though i would prefer more of what you have already given us rather than dark stuff.
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>leave SPG for a month >come back >more Shining
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>>28725858 >no artist Are you mocking me?
Looks awesome Anonymous
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>>28733803 I don't know if he could. Does his house have any stairs?
>Reading Slaventure >Torture Scene >"sexual molestation" Jesus fucking christ it is killing me to read thisbut I only want more what's wrong with me?
I can finally bump again! Anon is for bumping after all!
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>>28736138 Poor little Corona
>>28736138 You aren't alone.
It's amazing how fast opinions of Corona changed. Everyone wanted to see her tortured at first, but now everyone loves her.
>>28737079 Her first impression wasn't really stellar. She acted like a fucking traitorous asshole - maybe she turned much better afterward, but the initial reaction against her was kinda justified.
>>28737148 That's what extreme desperation will do to a pony.
>>28737348 She wasn't desperate enough or she would have started sucking the piss right out of Anon's dick.
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>>28737383 Silly anon, that's Skittles' job
>>28737383 Anon just didn't understand the circumstances of why she acted the way she did. There wasn't any way he could have known just how terrible she had it before meeting him. Anon was here absolute last hope. She had nothing to lose by trying what she did.
>>28737572 Still think that sucking him until she prolapsed his testicles would have been a better option than what she did.
>>28737809 But Corona is not a slut.
>>28738312 The dream she had says otherwise.
>>28738344 She's not responsible for what happens in her dreams, nigger.
>>28738344 It was a dream about her master being a stallion and desiring her romantically, not a dream about riding a thousand dicks.
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>>28738312 it's only slutty if she offers to blow him and all his friends
>>28738349 >>28738361 the lingering stares of an infatuated mare begins
>>28738503 the way she had trouble breaking eye contact with Anon a little while ago was adorable, and shows just how conflicted the little mare must be feeling
notice how readily she sat down in front of Anon when he got the hairbrush to do her hair? She's actually beginning to genuinely enjoy his touch. She didn't even complain when he gave her a pat on the bottom to move so he could brush her tail.
Mare is in looove.
>>28738820 Well, maybe not looove, but at least a plaaatooonic relaaatiooonship.
>>28738820 >>28738873 she's gonna end up doing something humiliating I bet
like try to kiss him
Anon loves his little ponies but they are not for sexual in his mind
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>>28738960 Maybe it starts out as a platonic kiss he thinks is cute, but then he freaks the fuck out when she tries to slip him tongue.
>>28737148 Corona is an evil mare hell bent on doing damage to the world
>>28739101 she doesn't want master to shower
she loves the smell of his natural pheromones and musk
she doesn't understand why most human stallions are so anal about washing it off every day
especially if they're trying to attract a mate, what's the point?
What would Anon do if Corona got hurt out in the field while hitched to her cart? How would he get her home/to the vet?
>>28739320 he'd call horse 911, duh
>>28739360 What if she fakes certain death like that kid in sandlot so she can get master to give her cpr and kiss her
>>28739369 she gets a bat on the snoot with the nearest newspaper for scaring anon like that
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>>28739376 then he breaks down and snags her in a death grip, sobbing into her mane like a baby, telling her she better not ever die on him
>>28731612 It can get dark, but there's a consistent degree of hope that things will get - and are getting - better. For every painful note, we also get one of warmth and caring.
...and frankly, the comments can be darker than the story itself. Remember when there was serious argument for us raping Cadance with a whip handle?
>>28738820 It's both of them, honestly. I was reading back to the beginning, and came across the part where Shining admits he hasn't gone a night without nightmares for ages. Now? Corona interrupts his good, peaceful rest.
>>28739514 They both feel safe and loved. Shiny just doesn't like to express affection toward his master. At least when other ponies can see.
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>>28739526 >Shiny has his first nightmare in weeks >sneaks out of bed, very careful to avoid waking Corona >next morning >wakes up >Corona standing in master's bedroom doorway >she's looking at him all snuggled up to master contentedly >smugmare.jpg >Shiny never lives it down Anonymous
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We need more poners in incredibly detailed harnesses.
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
No green in damn near two days? FUCK THAT.
>>28709253 >But still, this is a special filth. >Hobofilly filth, which combines three of the nastiest shit you’ve ever known – hobos, ponies, and children. >Of the three, children are the worst. >And without a fresh breeze or the pleasantly strong stench of shitty Chinese food, it’s getting Pretty Fucking Noticeable. >Time for Hobofilly to fucking go. >Of course, the two mares are going to object. >Getting her to leave has to be brought up with tact. >With nuance. >With subtlety. “Samantha.”
>She raises her head, looking at you askance. “You stink.”
>Fucking nailed it. twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>28739942 >But yeah. >This show. >Sure, it’s a little old, a little dated, goes a little fucking nowhere (kinda like your life), but still - >”Well…” >Yep, little filly got the hint. She’s wrapping up the two cookies she hadn’t gotten around to in her napkin. >”… YOU try living… living –“ >Aww shit. Is she crying? >She better not be crying. >Fucking shit. She’s crying. >Godsdammit. >All your diplomacy, wasted on a child. >”Non din’t mean it like that!” >You roll your eyes and let Berry run damage control. >She’s supposedly good with kids, right? >”He just – uh –“ >Supposedly. >Right? >RIGHT? >You can’t hear your sweet, sweet dubs over fillylily’s sniffling. >”Y’can use the shower before you go!” >Oh godsdammit, Berry. >”N-no –“ >”He’s a nice guy! Really! He just dunno how to… uh… Fluttershh-“ >Heh, she’s too drunk to pronounce that last letter. >Wait. >What. >”Flut... back me up. He’s nice, isn’e?” Anonymous
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>>28740117 BATHE THE FILLY
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twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>28740117 >”Mhm. Very nice. Quiet.” >”See?” >”Of course you’re going to say that,” the filly sneers, shoving a dirty napkin into her dirty saddlebags. “He owns you. I’m a free –“ >”He doesn’t own me,” Flutternutter mumbles as the closing song starts to play. “I wish he did.” >She leans over towards you, stretching that little neck of hers as far as she can. >”Pats?” >You pat the pony. >It requires some stretching on your part, but you can’t say no to those big, pleading – “Hey!”
>You don’t have to do this! >”Hehe,” the little pony giggles. Yes, she actually says “hehe.” “I got pats.” “Sam, don’t trust her. I think her brain is broken.”
>”Aww.” “I’m really very mean and evil and if you stay any longer I’ll -”
>Okay. Nope. Threat aborted. >Threatening to rape a filly is a bit much. >She doesn’t even have any tits. >How the fuck are you supposed to get it up? >Totally not a believable threat. “I’ll… uh…”
>Drinking all the rum won’t do it either. >Stupid sober babies. “…uh…”
>Withhold pats? >Why are you patting Sluttershy again? >Shit. “… go take a fucking shower.”
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>>28740453 sluttershy is the best thing
>>28740453 >berry tries to help bath filly. >almost drowns. Need to be nicer to the little ones. If anon only knew a little of her hardship. Maybe his armor would crack a little.
>>28739149 >She never even noticed it until one day he is out working hard with her to clean up. He gets real sweaty. Corona noticed his smell a loooong time ago and is desperately trying to maintain composure. Anon apologizes for stinking. CoronaTheSpaghettimancer.jpg Anonymous
>>28741065 >If anon only knew a little of her hardship. Maybe his armor would crack a little. Anon works retail.
He knows all about hardship.
>>28741144 >doesn't mind being around or even friends with strange creatures. >gentle, caring. >All it would take is a little kindness for a top tier slave/friend. Anonymous
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>>28741065 Given what /tgn/ said about the background in this setting, I honestly think it's more that if Anon took his blinders off and actually thought about what was being done to the ponies he'd be crushed by the horror of it all.
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>>28741228 hes gonna pat you so gently you slut.
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>>28741214 >old autism image is old Anonymous
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>>28741200 What? Too REAL for you?
witnessed Anonymous
>>28741214 Fluttershy is obviously the least garbage of the mane 6.
They all suck in their own special way, but atleast she is the least obnoxious Anonymous
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>>28741228 Oh, yeah, I'll ride you gently alright.
Across the meadows and back again Anonymous
WHERE IS SHINYANON! I need to see Shining Armour suffering at the hands of a little girl.
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>>28741433 shinyanon is kill
>>28741302 i agree that she is the least garbage of the mane 6 at being a slave.
But there is more to life and relationships than just being nice and friendly.
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>>28741526 For sure.
But, even in a regular relationship, flutershy's quircks are far less obnoxious.
Writeslut !gMhsKvcgOE
Soon. Probably tomorrow barring getting this finished and editing, but still.
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>>28741704 needs more words
RM-Writing !!HRFGHTfjaR2
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>>28741704 >editing green I wish I had the time for that.
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>>28741704 >Liquid is returning ALL OF MY YES
Restarting/continuing sad filly story. Will try not to die again. No promises.
>Life of Honey >Now with pastebin so you can catch up after two months(?) of not updating after barely starting! >There’s a loud sound and Momma flinches. >It’s the Masters throwing the heavy wooden door open. >Without warning they’re stomping into the cramped little cabin with their heavy boots and their heavy bodies. >There are three. One tall with a large stack of papers, and two really wide ones you recognize from the fields. >You forget their names. They don’t let you use them anyways. >Momma grabs you tightly and holds you to her. You can’t see her face with your own buried in her chest, but you can feel her shaking. >It scares you. >You squirm in her hooves until you can see past her and you notice the Tall Master fiddling with his papers. “Now…Caramello…”
>That’s Momma’s name. She tenses up at it. “It’s…Uhh…It’s time you know so…Wrap it up? Will you?”
>His voice is agitated. Impatient. >Her grip on you tightens. >Something is wrong. >Momma isn’t letting you go. “Caramello. Be a good girl now…”
>The two Wide Masters shuffle in place, restless, and look at the Tall Master for guidance but he is only watching you and Momma. “M-master…”
>Momma’s voice is timid and careful. "Y-you said…Y-you promised after my last one that I-I could have one stay?…And y-you see I just wanted to talk to you about it maybe o-one more ti-“
>Tall Master cuts her off with a loud and irritated sigh. >It’s enough to silence her as he motions to the two Wide Masters. Anonymous
>>28742045 >Suddenly they are right there, stepping between you and Momma as she cries out in surprise. >One of them grabs you by the flank and yanks you back and away out of Momma’s embrace. >You yelp and squirm but you are too small and he is too strong. >You can see the other Wide Master is behind Momma and has his arm around her neck, lifting her off the ground just slightly so her hooves are barely touching the dirty wood floor, but she doesn’t struggle for more than an instant and goes quiet and limp in his hold. >She knows it’s useless. >She has done this before, you think. >You know she has had other fillies. Other colts. It’s her job. >But this is your first time. And this is your only Momma. >You are making desperate noises, little whimpers and knickers, your hooves swimming in the air as you are hoisted off the ground and picked up with ease by the Wide Master. >”N-no wait! MOMMA! MOMMAAAA!” >You are letting your emotions get the best of you and you can’t help it. >Your tiny hooves keep kicking out but the Master doesn’t even grunt in response, your attempts mean so little to him. >”MOMMAAAAA!” >Your ears flatten back against your skull and your voice is a panicked squeal. >She’s looking straight at you but she remains limp as you thrash uselessly. “Honey.”
>Her voice is direct. Her eyes are piercing as she looks dead into yours with chilling resolve. >You might almost think she was angry at you, but you know better. "Be good. I’ll see you again."
>Her eyes remain open and determined not to lose sight of you, but a single tear appears and frozen you stop your struggles to watch it slide down her face. “In Equestria."
>In a flash you are carried out of the cabin into the blinding sunlight. >Heading towards who knows where in the arms of the Wide Master who smells like gasoline and musty wheat. Anonymous
>>28742045 >>28742054 oh god why stop it hurts my heart.
>>28742054 Oh my fucking god
>>28742057 There are no brakes on the slave train anon. Things
maybe get better.
>>28742094 My bad...?
>>28742098 No, not Your bad
you just made a grown ass man cry a little and that was the only thing I could really type keep writing man this shit is really good RM-Writing !!HRFGHTfjaR2
>>28742045 >>28742054 >>28742057 Someone needs a tripcode.
If ye write green it removes the faggotry from having such a thing Anonymous
>>28742054 >You still want to kick. >To cry. >To yell. >Anything. >But Momma’s words ring loud in your head and you focus on them. >You have been still since then as you are carried across the fields in relative silence. >Tall Master walks in front. >He’s twitchy and he keeps ruffling the papers and mumbling. “Honey Bun!”
>He barks your name but he doesn’t look at you. >Still, it breaks your trance a bit as you promptly respond like a good pony. >“Yes, Master?” >Your voice is hoarse from earlier though you try to speak clearly. “I don’t want anymore theatrics, alright? You behave you way you ought to starting right now or things aren’t going to go well for you, you understand me?”
>He still refuses to look at you, knowing his words are enough. >… >”Yes Master. I’m sorry Master. I’ll be a good girl like I’m supposed to.” >Your voice is flat. Submissive. Just like Momma taught you. >Don’t argue she would say. >Never argue. >You shouldn’t have made such a fuss when they came to take you…That was bad. >The property is long and quiet as you travel across it. It's hard to stop thinking about how bad you were until to starts to worry you more and more. >”Master?” >He says nothing as he keeps trudging along the dusty path. You can see the main house up ahead in the distance. >”Master I’m s-sorry. I’m sorry that I got s-scared and I yelled and I kicked and I was really bad a-and did th'atrics...I’m sorry.” >The Wide Master chuckles with you in his arms and it shakes you a little. He mutters something weird. It sounds like Geezus?…But he’s laughing so you guess it’s okay? >Tall Master actually takes a second to turn his head at you though it could be he’s just looking at Wide Master. “Yes. Well. You know better know so don’t do it again.”
>>28742113 O-oh. Thank you. I intend to, but forgive me because I go slowly. Anonymous
>>28742158 A short update, I know, but I'm going to end it here for now. I don't have enough of the next part to make it worthwhile but there should be more before too long since I'm motivated again.
>>28742147 This is the only real thing I've written, not sure what I would use as a trip or whether I really need one but maybe soonish?
RM-Writing !!HRFGHTfjaR2
>>28742172 If ye write, ye must take upon a name for what ye do.
It makes it easier for fans of the work ye output to follow it.
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>>28742192 \Oh God okay the pressure
>>28742158 >You know better know Fuck. This is what I get for writing at 4 in the morning. Goodnight errybody.
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>>28742256 Good night
and pls, for the sake of my feels, finish Anonymous
>>28741526 >that pic Applejack confirmed best slave mare!
>>28743486 >implying fireking survived retail Fun fact: my phone tries to autocorrect fireking to diddling. Not quite sure what it's trying to tell me.
>>28744077 It's telling you to write a green about diddling
Nonconsensual diddling
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>>28744565 Anon! That's dirty...
>>28742910 >"Ah did it, master, we got first place in th' steeplechase!" >"A-Am ah a good pony yet?" Anonymous
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>>28742158 Well, go ahead and just rip my heart out why don't you?
>>28742158 Please, Honey Bun. Be strong. :(
Please don't tell me she's being sent to someone cruel. Poor thing doesn't deserve that.
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>>28745412 But she's a pony.
By definition she does deserve that.
Fireking !!rNzbJOiJu2m
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>>28744701 AJ is always first place in my heart
>>28744701 That's a second place ribbon you STUPID ANIMAL!
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>>28745792 Nah, that's the ribbon from last time. It's because of that ribbon that her bedding's been downgraded to bare garage floor.
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Where are my greens?!
>>28746660 It'll fit fine, just suck in your gut.
>>28746679 I can't wait until Shiny finds out he's going to be master's personal mount.
>>28746704 Then his deception falls apart when master gives him ear scritches.
>Hfw master puts the saddle on him instead of that whorse corona
>>28746679 >>28746693 >>28746704 >>28746712 Shiny is for pony rides.
Even other ponies know it.
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>>28746804 Corona's not big enough to ride.
Shiny is.
>>28746938 >"Anon this saddle makes my flank look too big, can't you pick a different one?" Anonymous
>>28746974 >"Your flank's big because you've been putting on weight for three months without exercise. Now giddy up and build some muscle mass with all of that my groceries you've ate." Anonymous
>>28747043 I think he'd have put him back to work before he has a chance to get TOO fat.
>>28747063 Still, Shiny'd probably be quite the doughy pony when he starts working again. After all, all that grilled cheese and alfalfa has to go somewhere and his previously starved body's probably trying to hoard energy like all hell in case starvation returns.
>>28747192 That's alright, it just means there's more of him for master to snuggle.
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>master puts a saddle on Shiny >he's miffed at first >but then once he feels master's weight settle on his back, something happens >he feels completely relaxed and at peace >this feels right somehow >Anon takes him for a ride around the property >Shiny comes to accept, even enjoy his saddle the same way Corona did with her cart
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>>28747305 >Anon tells Shiny that he plans to make him his personal steed, for reasons of Shiny needs to do fucking something already and also he's starting to get fat. >Shiny bitches to the extreme. >Anon accepts his complaints and offers an alternative. >Shiny'll share Anon's bed at night, every night, so that his master may sleep easier with the aid of pudgy pony snuggles. >Presented with these two options, Shiny drops his bitching to a minimal level and accepts his role literally beneath Anon. >Anon continues to have trouble sleeping due to severe pony snuggle withdrawl Anonymous
That last scene shows how much shiny really loves his master. He may try to buck his authority in front of Corona but when they're alone all he wants is a little affection, and to snuggle up to anon and be petted and get his ears scritched.
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>>28747430 >Shiny can't stop himself from rebelling when another pony is around. >He doesn't want to be like that, but can't help it. >Wants to be Anon's personal snuggle pony. >Wants to give in and be the perfect slave. >Can't as long as Corona is around. >One night, he smothers her to death in her sleep. >Now he can be everything Anon wants. Anonymous
>>28747430 Yeah, at this point it seems less like genuine resistance and more an appearance he feels forced to keep up. Which makes sense, he's spent so much time in a state of rebellion that to finally drop it entirely would mean having to admit to himself that the altar upon which he has sacrificed so much ultimately amounted to nothing.
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>>28747542 He's probably feeling similar conflict to what Corona is feeling right now. He probably has been starved of affection for so long that one side of him attempts to look past the fact that Anon is human and craves a sense of belonging to someone who cares. Probably hasn't felt that since Cadence.
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Gotta bump b4 bed
Writeslut !gMhsKvcgOE
Cont'd from , at long last
"Good afternoon, Anonymouth! It'th been a while thinth I latht thaw you!" chirped the red-maned filly who worked at the bakery.
>After about three months in writefag time, beyond all standards of time conversion it's STILL Day Fuck Snakepone in Equestria. >Believe it or not, still Anonymous. >And the first thing on your agenda for this afternoon was bring Liquid and stop by Mrs. Peppermint's Bakery to pick up those Cinnamon Fudge Muffins she was mumbling about. "Afternoon," you greeted. "Long time no see."
>"Anon, where is this?" asked Liquid, looking around the bakery like a child discovering a fancy restaurant about 10 yards wide. >You weren't sure where you were going with that metaphor but by God you're still a little tipsy from that cider and you're sticking with it. >"Oh! Thith ith Mithuth Peppermint'th Bakery!" Twist lisped. >Liquid tilted her head. "Come again, miss?" "Mrs. Peppermint's Bakery," you clarified, resisting the temptation to roll your eyes.
>This was one of two reasons you hardly ever came here - that lisp made it incredibly frustrating to even understand anything, as energetic as she was. >Only making things worse is that she was usually cashier. >Which sucks, because their bakeries were one of the best in Ponyville. >Liquid blinked. "I-I think I've heard of this place before, Anon." >Okay, good, you're on the right track. >"Mithuth? What'th you're name?" asked Twist, now curious at the mare. >"Oh!" Liquid jumped as Twist addressed her. "Very sorry, miss. My name is Liquid Crystal. And this is Anon." >Yeah, like the only human in Equestria needed any introduction whatsoever. >"Very beautiful name, Mitthuth Liquid! My name's Peppermint Twitht, but jutht call me Twitht," smiled Twist. "Nith to meet you, Liquid!" >You couldn't help but smirk. >Poor filly's going to be in for a shock when Liquid ends up accidentally calling her 'Twitht'. Writeslut !gMhsKvcgOE
>>28748484 >"I'm thurprithed neither of you are at the thider theathon party like Ma." "Oh we were," you corrected, rubbing the backside of your head, "but the less said about that, the better."
>Liquid only blushed and shrunk back as you said that. >Shit, didn't mean to embarrass her. >"Tho! What will the two of you be having today?" >You looked at the menu. >This proved to be harder than you thought, because nothing here looked incredibly outstanding to you today. >Mind you, it was like comparing one food of the gods to another. >But still, it made it notoriously difficult to decide. >Hmmmm... >Well, you think you'll have what you're getting for Liquid. "Question - do you still serve something called a Cinnamon Fudge Muffin?"
>Liquid's eyes darted towards you in shock. >"Ma- Bu- Anon?!" the silver pony sputtered, completely in disbelief at your choice of dessert. >"Well...I think tho, but it'th been about a year thinth I made one mythelf." "Oh, really?" you inquired. "And why is that?"
>"Well, the latht time we made them, we kept getting repeat vithits from Printheth Thelethtia, who kept buying them over and over again. Not that Ma would turn down the money, mind, but the Printheth kept buying tho many of them that thee made it impothible for anypony elthe to buy them! Tho I thtopped putting them on the menu jutht to make her thtop." >You couldn't tell whether this was a great advertising point for the muffins or scandalous on Celestia's part. >You're inclined to believe both. Writeslut !gMhsKvcgOE
>>28748493 >"Anon, how in all my being do you-" >You could only give a knowing smirk at your silver friend. "But you do still sell them, yes?"
>"Well, no, not offithially, not after Thelethtia came over. But I can try and make one if you want." "Oh, I need three of them. One for me, because now I'm curious, one for Rainbow Dash, and one for my good friend Liquid."
>Liquid gasped. >"But Anon-" >"Oh, I'th been a year thince I made one, and I don't want to plot-th it up." >That was reason number two you hardly ever came here - Twist and her family had the signs of Judaism. >Oy vey. >The inner /pol/ in you was screaming at you to get as far away from them as possible right now, and considering your past experience on Earth, it gave reason unto paranoia. >But this wasn't Earth, this was a whole world filled with magical technicolor horses - so you tried to keep your paranoia in check. >So far, however, their prices seemed to be fair and inexpensive. >Though when competing with Ponk, aka the pony everyone knows, you probably had to be if you wanted to survive out here. >Twist herself was actually very sweet. >>implying that's not a ruse to get you to trust her and her family so you'll buy their food and then their food products and- >Ahem. >Anyway. >As it stood, however, this was the only place you knew that sold Cinnamon Fudge Muffins. >And for better or worse, this was where you needed to go. "I'm sure you'll do fine."
>Twist hesitantly nodded, and went off into the kitchen, leaving you and Liquid to sit down. Writeslut !gMhsKvcgOE
>>28748502 >As it turned out, you actually had a plan for once. >However, as it stood, the plan was haphazardly put together with the information you gathered from her sleep-talking and with what Spike had told you. >In honesty, it's not so much a plan so much as it is an idea. >But by God's name you're going to prove that smarmy, heather-coated motherfucker wrong, even if it killed you. >To sum it up, you would go places with her that would potentially jog her memory, and allow her to open up more, all the while chatting with her and hanging out with her, see how she's doing, all that jazz. >Step one was to take her to Mrs. Peppermint's Bakery and get her a cinnamon fudge muffin, which you were doing now. >Step two was to take her to some sort of sporting event. >You really couldn't understand which one she was talking about, but one was coming up. >Maybe she might recognize it? >Steps three, four, and five were somewhat similar - go somewhere she might recognize, do something she might recognize, hope to God she opens up to you like one of your romantic dating sims. >Eventually, you'd take her up to the Great Crystal Lake, mainly just for the sake of sight-seeing the Great Crystal Lake. >You hear it's real pretty this time of the year. >Maybe then, you could finally... >Well, let's not get ahead of yourself. >First, you need to eat. >Can't scheme on an empty stomach. >"Anon?" >Oh, right, you also had to talk to your silver pony. >That also has priority. "Yeah?"
>"How did you know I liked Cinnamon Fudge Muffins?" Writeslut !gMhsKvcgOE
>>28748508 "Well..."
>Think of a bluff, quickly! "I just had a hunch you'd like one of those."
>She stared at you, unconvinced at your statement. "Like, who wouldn't want one of those warm, delicious-"
>"That's not it, is it, Anon?" >Damn. "How'd you guess?"
>"I had a hunch," she stated, flinging your words in your face. >Oooh, some quality-ass snark from silver pony over here. "Okay, in all honesty, I just heard you talk in your sleep, and-"
>Liquid blushed with the intensity of a thousand suns. "E-E-Excuse me?" >Riiiiight, you gotta work on tact. >You're in front of a lady here. >run damagecontrol.exe "I-I mean, it was only for a short while, and-"
>Liquid trembled as she covered her red-glowing face in complete embarrassment. >Tears streamed down her eyes as she stuttered, "O-Oh, A-Anon, I'm so, so sorry, I-I didn't- I sh-shouldn't drink-" "Hey, now," you comforted her, "it's okay. It beats snoring, at least."
>Her trembling calmed ever so slightly. "I'm so embarrassed! To think I would mumble in my sleep in front of my Master..." >You cleared your throat, so that hopefully Twist wouldn't overhear what she had to say. "Anyway, I couldn't help but notice you mention these choco-muffins. I've actually never had one of those things. What are they like?"
>"W-Well..." >She paused as she tried to recall. >"They're cool, chocolaty, and spicy. The sprinkles of cinnamon are layered in the innards of the muffin to add a flavor of spice that define a commanding, dominant tone, yet the cold, frozen taste of fudge counteracts it, giving an aura of cold sweetness." >Man, she should be a food critic for all you know. >You looked down at her flank. >Nope, still no cutie mark. "God, that's making me so hungry right now. When was the last time you had one of them?"
>She gulped. >This was going to be a heavy subject, wasn't it? >"M-My first Master..." >Called it. Writeslut !gMhsKvcgOE
>>28748512 >Your fists clenched. >You recalled her story from a few nights before. >Her father had died, presumably trying to keep her away from becoming a slave. >Her first Master took her under his wing, and most likely broke her into wanting to be what she is now. >And presumably that guy's the same fucker who might have killed her Father. >You're just speculating at this point. >But with what little you know, it's definitely in the ballpark. "Yeah, what about him?"
>"H-He used to go take me to Mrs. Peppermint's place every now and then to feed me these muffins, and only because I was a good slave. He was so kind to me on his better days." >Ah. >Basic psychological conditioning, with benefits being the catalyst for obedience. >Obeying him would result in being rewarded, while disobeying him would bring whatever the fuck that sunnuvabitch did to her. >"A-And because he fed me them, they became my favorite food." "Is it because of him making you that way, or is it because they're that damn good?" you asked.
>"I-It's because my first Master feeding me them, yes." >She's probably delusional. >Poor girl doesn't know what to believe. "Well, I think it's both. But, well, there's only one way to find out."
Writeslut !gMhsKvcgOE
>>28748517 >You stared out the window, to look at the town. >It was real pretty out this afternoon. >And rather empty, at that. >More likely than not Cider Season was still going on by this point, which is why it felt empty. >"Anon, sir?" "Mmm?"
>Liquid gulped. "Is that why you're feeding them to me?" >Wait what? "Not sure what you mean?"
>"Are you feeding me Cinnamon Fudge Muffins because I've been a good slave?" >You cleared your throat in an unusually loud tone. "Kinda."
>"But Anon, all I've done is follow you around and clean your house, I don't deserve-" "But you did save my life last night," you recalled. "If you hadn't gotten Twilight when you did, neither me nor Rainbow Dash would've lived to tell the tale, if you'll mind the pun."
>Liquid sighed. "Yeah, I suppose you're right." "See?" you smirked. "You scratch my back, I give you something so sweet that it'll probably ruin whatever diet you had before.
>You looked down at her body. >Now that you had a chance to take a good look at Liquid, you realized that she could stand to gain a few pounds. >Probably whoever had her last neglected to feed her. >Yeah, add 'fattening her up' to the list of things to do. >...Not that you're going to tell her that to her face. ”Not that I'm worried about your diet, but it'd be pretty sweet to throw a wrench in Rainbow's."
>Sounded like the perfect setup for a fat-fetish green. >Liquid scowled. "I'm frankly more concerned for your sake than HER'S, Anon." >You couldn't help but roll your eyes. "And why is that?"
>"If I may be so blunt," Liquid explained, venom dripping from her tone, "Rainbow Dash has done nothing to deserve your kindness. Did you not see her at the farm, how she tried to beat you within an inch of your life? Or how she immediately gave credit for saving her life to Twilight, who only showed up at the last second? Or how, from your own words, that she's been-" "Liquid!" you shouted very suddenly.
Writeslut !gMhsKvcgOE
>>28748523 >This got Liquid to quiet down for just a moment so she could pay attention while you thought out your argument. >Clearly she held a grudge against Rainbow Dash. >And she sounded like the pony who would seek revenge, even if you didn't want it. >Add the fact that you don't know how strong crystal ponies are and that she genuinely believes she's a slave in your service, and that is a recipe for disaster. "Look, let's not mince words - I don't like her. Rainbow Dash is probably the pony I dread the most in this saccharine world of multicolored horses. But sometimes, ya gotta stick your neck out for someone, even if you don't like 'em."
>She tilted her head, confused as to why you would say that. "Like, there's a difference between doing what you're expected to do, doing what you want to do, and doing what's right. Saving Rainbow Dash was right, and even though I still hate her, I'd rather do it so that karma doesn't bite me in the, er, butt, I'll say."
>"But Mas- er, Anon," Liquid countered, "if I'm told to do something, I must do it. Wasn't saving Rainbow just that - following orders like I would do?" "Weeeeeeell..." you slurred, "yeah, kinda. But if some guy ordered me to do something I liked at the cost of someone's life, I'd probably say 'fuck that guy, I'm saving this other dude' because that's just wrong, y'know?"
>You really weren't sure about how to word that argument. >The silver pony sighed. "I guess, Anon. But for her?" "I think you'd do the same."
>She looked away, not bothering to give you an answer. >You hoped she would do the same, if the time comes. Writeslut !gMhsKvcgOE
>>28748532 >For the most part, it sounded like she still held a grudge against Rainbow Dash. >Not that you blame her or anything - you still do. >And not even saving her life would change that. >Again, you still had to mock her endlessly for needing to be saved, which would generate enough salt to go on your sides for weeks. >But regardless, hopefully it wouldn't get volatile once Dashie got better. "To answer your question, though - it's not just that you saved my life."
>It's that you're trying to jog her memory and see if you can reconstruct her mind and see if that will help her want to eventually be free. "It's also because I kinda want to try one of those muffins. They sound so delicious."
>"Well I'm glad they do, Anonymouth," lisped the red-maned filly in charge of Mrs. Peppermint's Bakery, nearly causing you to jump out of your seat in surprise, "becauthe they're ready!" >Oh, wow, that didn't seem like it took long at all! >Twist put the plate containing the three muffins on the table. >By God, they looked so delicious. >You almost salivated just by looking at them. >By the looks of it, Liquid felt the same way. "Ooooh, nice!" you commented, getting hungrier and hungrier every second you looked upon the cinnamon fudge muffins.
>Of course, if you knew this place well enough... "Alright, Twist, lay it on me. How much do I owe ya?"
>"Nothing." "Alright, I think I have enough to cover-"
>Your mind skipped a beat as it processed Twist's proclamation. "Wait, whaaaaat?"
>"I heard from one of my clathmateth earlier today about how you and Mithuth Liquid thaved Rainbow Dath, tho thethe are on the houth, jutht for today!" >Damn, that was actually really sweet. >You're almost willing to believe that some Goddess of Luck (Belldandy or whatever the hell she's called) smiled upon you today. >Then again, it's probably a ploy to get you to continue to come here and continue buying their sweets! >Oy vey intensifies.gif Writeslut !gMhsKvcgOE
>>28748545 "Wow, thank you, Twist! Really appreciate it."
>Twist simply smiled. "Bon appetite, guyth!"
>So there it was. >Three muffins. >One for Top Cunt, the other for just the two of you. >Without any further ado, you both begun to eat. >... >If you could physically orgasm from eating confectioneries, you would have blown your load at least seven times over by now. >You'll never quite understand how these ponies do it, but their food is unanimously about 100 times better than anything you'd ever find on Earth. >This muffin was no exception - it had all the hallmarks of an amazing dessert, with the amount of care and love you'd expect from something your mother would make. >However, as you began to notice, the cinnamon was a little too strong. >You coughed. >"A-Anon? What's wrong?" "Oh, ack, nothing," you hacked, "just trying to get this cinnamon down."
>You always had an issue with too much cinnamon being too spicy for your lungs. Writeslut !gMhsKvcgOE
>>28748554 "A-Anyway, how's your muffin?"
>She gulped down the part of the muffin she was chewing on. "It's- mmph! It's delicious, Anon! I love it!" "Heh, bringing back memories?" you asked, ready to make a mental note of it for when you told Twilight all about your brilliant plan™.
>"Oh, does it ever!" she squealed. "Good. Is the muffin as good as you remember?"
>"It's as delicious as it was all those years ago," she explained. "Perhaps even better, if I'm being honest." >You snorted. "So it used to have this much cinnamon in it, is that what you're saying?" you joked.
>At this point, you'd believe it. >"No." >Oh, really? >Liquid leaned forward and started to whisper to you. >"It's because my beloved Master is eating them with me." >... >You honestly lost track of the cute but creepy counter from yesterday, what with the whole snake-pony derailing things a bit. >But right now, it's probably at 2 or something. >You blushed as your eyes darted around the room to see if Twist was listening. "U-Uh...Liquid..."
>She giggled. "Oh, Anon..." >Thankfully, all of this was out of Twist's earshot. >Not that she needed to hear any of this. >You decided then and there to drop the subject and eat. Writeslut !gMhsKvcgOE
>>28748563 >Eventually, you managed to keep the cinnamon down and finish your muffin. >Liquid had long since finished hers, but you were a different story. >The consensus between the two of you was that this shit was delicious. >Finally, the last muffin was set to go to Rainbow Dash. >So obviously the next step was to go directly to Friendship Castle. >Knocking on the door, you mentally prepared yourself to meet Spike again. >Now watch, it's going to be Twilight at the door or some- >"Hey, Anon, welcome back!" >Okay thank God, you weren't made an ass of today. "Hey agaom, Spike."
>You glanced over at Liquid, who had shrunk back and started trembling in nervous hesitation. "Liquid, it's okay. It's just Spike."
>After a few moments, she stopped trembling and bowed. "E-Excuse me, Lord Spike." >Spike, rolling his eyes, held the door open so the two of you could enter. Writeslut !gMhsKvcgOE
>>28748569 >You looked around to see if either of the two purple horses were home. >Mostly the one with wings. >You could do without the other one. >"If you're looking for the Twilight, she came back about half an hour ago pick up something, but left just before you got here. I think she said something about lending Rainbow Dash her collection of the Daring Do Expanded Universe or something." >Well damn, there goes the convenience factor. "Alright. Next time you get a chance, can you do me a solid and send this to Twilight to give to Rainbow Dash?"
>You handed him the muffin you saved for the accursed technicolor horse. >"Sure thing. But uh...why are you asking me?" "Just don't tell her it's from me. Tell her it's from you or something."
>He shrugged. "Alright. So I'm going to take a stab in the wind and say this is a Cinnamon Fudge Muffin, right?" "Yep."
>Spike licked his lips as he stared it down. "And before you ask, no I didn't get one for you," you noted, remembering that Spike was indeed a fire-breathing dragon.
>That much cinnamon would probably kill the poor bastard from inside, provided the fire he spewed out didn't burn the castle down instead. >Not that you would mind - this place was a bloody eyesore anyway. >But pyromania aside, you glanced at your watch. >5:00. >Oh, right, you have to feed the animals at Fluttershy's cottage around this hour. >... >OH FUCK, YOU FORGOT TO FEED THE ANIMALS THIS MORNING! >OH DOUBLE FUCK YOU REMEMBERED YOU FORGOT TO UNLOCK THEIR CAGES! Anonymous
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>>28748484 it's been so long. glad you came back
Writeslut !gMhsKvcgOE
>>28748575 “Shhhhhhhhit,” you muttered.
>Fluttershy was going to kill you if you didn't get that under control, ASAP. >”Anonymous, what's wrong?” asked Liquid, who immediately noticed you freaking the fuck out and showed concern to match. >”Yeah, what happened?” Spike inquired. "Sorry Spike, but we gotta head out, now," you hurriedly told the dragon.
>Spike tilted his head. "Let me guess - Cider Season still going on?" "No," you explained. "The animals at Fluttershy's cottage! I forgot to let them out and feed them after last night!"
>Liquid did not need you to explain twice, and so the two of you rushed out of the castle and scurried towards the forest once again. Writeslut !gMhsKvcgOE
>>28748598 >Soon enough, you made it to Fluttershy's cottage. >And it was very quiet around here. >You'd think these animals would be a lot louder when they're hungry. >Searching around the area, your stomach begun to churn as you realized the animals were nowhere to be found. >"Master?" "I know, I know, I'm looking for them," you muttered, trying to make heads or tails of where they might've gone.
>You were not cut out for this job. >Fluttershy had better pay you handsomely for this. >"But Master-" "Yeah, if you see anything that looks like an animal, let me know, Liquid."
>"Master, behind you!" Liquid shouted, pointing directly behind you. >But before you could respond, you were hit in the head by...a tomato? >As you stumbled down, you found the perpetrator. >Oh God, no. "Angel."
>"Angel?" >What should stand before you but Angel in a military leader's outfit, holding an assortment of home-cooked weaponry and tomato grenades. >And what should stand behind him but a bunch of hungry, savage animals also similarly garbed. "Oh, God dammit," you whispered, in complete shock at this whole bullshit, "they've staged a rebellion."
>You noted that, thankfully, Harry (that bear Fluttershy always liked) was not among the militia. "Uhhhhh...hey, little critters..."
>Angel simply scowled. "Err...who wants some dinner?" you asked, the impeding doom looming on your horizons.
>Seems your luck just ran out. Will update pastebin in a bit. Anonymous
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>>28748602 pastbin is a life saver. i completely forgot where we left off.
Quoted By:
>>28748484 I feel bad for laughing at "twitht".
Drew this and posted it in SiM before it died, pertains somewhat to the thread's theme. Hope you like it.
When was the first SPG thread? Did I miss our one year anniversary?That was a fucking YEAR ago?
Quoted By:
I want to raride rarara
>>28749866 No it's in like 4-5 days.
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>>28750137 can't wait to celebrate it with you guys this is a pretty good general, all the bad feels makes me appreciate the good feels and only come back for more
like an abusive relationship Anonymous
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>>28748602 Angel is an OG nigga
>>28749547 The draw is really good, name from artist please?
Jingles !4R8Wmm8FBA
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>>28750538 Monanniverse. They provide a lot of top-quality lewd.
This is my life now Waiting for greens about cute slave pones with PTSD
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>>28751732 to think it all started from a love of said pones which then descended into this madness
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>>28727241 >>28728464 "Flurry, I'm not as good a Master as you think. I've made many mistakes in the past, both with people and with ponies. Even now, I still make mistakes - but I'm trying to be better and fix things that I did."
> She seems to think that over for quite a while before replying: > "You've been good to me." > It is, you think, the closest she could possibly get to saying that you were lying without actually saying so directly - something Flurry would never dare do. > The most she could say without implying you - her Master - were being untruthful. "Maybe. Maybe instead I've just been thoughtful... because, honestly, the masters you've had? I don't think they were hateful. They just... didn't care, because it's easy to not care, to not bother knowing you and what you want."
> Your fingers seek out the lines of muscle that support her neck, drawing a soft coo from the alicorn filly. "I care for my property, Flurry. You'll be mine, and I won't ever stop caring for you."
> "Yes, master." > You can feel Flurry Heart's soft breaths puffing against your skin. > Her voice is growing sleepier under your soft ministrations, body draped limply despite the ongoing thunder. "Now, go to sleep. In the morning... well, there'll be plenty to do. We'll have to get you fitted for a proper collar. But we can think about that then."
> "Will it be a pretty collar, master?" "I imagine so."
> You chuckle softly, knowing the proclivities of the one who'd be making the final decision on it. > "I'd like that, master." > The words are mumbled so softly as to be almost indecipherable. > Soon all there is to be felt from her is the occasional feather-brush of an exhale against your skin. > ...ironically now it is you who cannot sleep. > Awake, you lay resting - listening to the soft rush of rain beating on the windows, the occasional lightning-flicker and rumbling crash of the world outside. ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>28727241 >>28728464 "Flurry, I'm not as good a Master as you think. I've made many mistakes in the past, both with people and with ponies. Even now, I still make mistakes - but I'm trying to be better and fix things that I did."
> She seems to think that over for quite a while before replying: > "You've been good to me." > It is, you think, the closest she could possibly get to saying that you were lying without actually saying so directly - something Flurry would never dare do. > The most she could say without implying you - her Master - were being untruthful. "Maybe. Maybe instead I've just been thoughtful... because, honestly, the masters you've had? I don't think they were hateful. They just... didn't care, because it's easy to not care, to not bother knowing you and what you want."
> Your fingers seek out the lines of muscle that support her neck, drawing a soft coo from the alicorn filly. "I care for my property, Flurry. You'll be mine, and I won't ever stop caring for you."
> "Yes, master." > You can feel Flurry Heart's soft breaths puffing against your skin. > Her voice is growing sleepier under your soft ministrations, body draped limply despite the ongoing thunder. "Now, go to sleep. In the morning... well, there'll be plenty to do. We'll have to get you fitted for a proper collar. But we can think about that then."
> "Will it be a pretty collar, master?" "I imagine so."
> You chuckle softly, knowing the proclivities of the one who'd be making the final decision on it. > "I'd like that, master." > The words are mumbled so softly as to be almost indecipherable. > Soon all there is to be felt from her is the occasional feather-brush of an exhale against your skin. > ...ironically now it is you who cannot sleep. > Awake, you lay resting - listening to the soft rush of rain beating on the windows, the occasional lightning-flicker and rumbling crash of the world outside. ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>28752284 > Though one window you could, if you raised your head, see the edge of the ponies' town - a blurry mess of wavering lights, distorted by the running water. > A single point of light drifted through the streets - the distant searching lamplight of a watchpony circling the perimeter. > You did care for them; you were certain of this. > Not just in what you'd done to reform the guard, but even more basic things - in how many places could a slave stay with their sire or dam, enjoy hot meals regularly cooked by their own kind, express their talents in day to day life? > Some ponies lead easier lives, surely - those who belonged to owners who held only a few, who sometimes forgot that they were property and not family. > But you were not in a position to do that for all of them, nor frankly were any other large work farms. > Many, in fact, got far less - especially in this state. > And yet, despite the undeniable benefits of your ownership relative to what otherwise might be expected, they still seemed so hesitant to confide in you. > Certainly the frankly disgusting abuses that had crept into the guard contributed some, but they had never tried to alert you to what was occurring either... > Sighing, you let your fingers brush across one downy wing of the pony curled sleeping beside you. > Why couldn't more masters be like you, she'd asked. > Why, you wonder, couldn't your property be more like Flurry was? > Perhaps in another couple of generations. > ... > That your window is tilted away from the rising sun does little to protect it from the morning's rays. > Flurry Heart is still utterly unconscious, but you stir as light begins to fill the room. > Barely have you rung the buzzer beside your bed when the door cracks open and Mocha Cream nervously tip-toes in, her eyes downcast and expression obviously traumatized. "Good morning, Mocha."
> "G-Good morning, Master. I... ah..." "Look up at me when you are talking, Mocha."
ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>28752292 > Levering yourself upright, you prop up on one elbow and raise one eyebrow. > "M-Master, forgive me - Flurry was not in her room this mornin-" > Beside you, dragged from sleep at last by your movement, Flurry stirs - raising her head and shoulders in a wide stretching, yawning widely and shuffling her wings before burying her head back against your side and beneath the beneath the mercifully sun-less covers. > Drawn perhaps by the sounds of small movement or the low yawn, Mocha's eyes do rise. > Just fast enough to catch brief sight of your newest prize as she burrows back down against you. > "-aaaah..." > Raising a finger to your lips, you drop your voice to a far lower volume. "She slipped in last night, during the storm. No fault of yours - I'm not sure how she did it myself."
> "Thank you, Master." > Dropping into a slight bow, Mocha Cream tilts her head. > "Will she be staying with you today, or...?" "No, she needs to meet her mistress. She should be arriving later in the morning, so there's plenty of time if you think there's more to teach Flurry."
> "No, Master. Not today, at least. There is, um.. there is going to be a lot more for her to learn if you want her to be a full servant for-" "That's fine; there'll be time for that. As soon as she is up and you've done everything for me you'll take her back downstairs and get her ready."
> "Of course, Master." > Turning aside, you brush a single finger over the tip of Flurry's muzzle. > She scrunches up mightily at the touch, then cracks her eyes open - going slightly crosseyed as she tries to track the offending digit. "Good morning there, little Heart."
> "Good morning, Ma-" > Abruptly Flurry tenses as the reality of where she still is crashes down on her. > "Oh no. Ohnononono, I was going to go in the morn-" "Easy there! It's okay - I'm not upset; I told you to stay here."
> Sighing in relief, she drops her head down against your side again. ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>28752313 "But, you did give Mocha Cream quite the scare. I think you need to apologize to her."
> Promptly clambering up again, Flurry circles around to you other side - walking down to your legs, rather than step over your chest - and seats herself on the edge of the bed, ears drooping. > "I'm sorry, Miss Mocha. I didn' mean to scare you - I, um..." > She glances back to you, seemingly reticent to explain why she'd found herself in your room. "The storm - it spooked her; she couldn't sleep."
> Sitting up yourself, you slip an arm around Flurry; she puts on a noticeably embarrassed expression at your explanation, but leans into your side and nuzzles your ribs anyhow. > Grin growing even wider, you scratch lightly at the spot directly between her wings. > Mocha actually looks... mildly jealous at the affection? "Yes, she's a good pony. But even good ponies have to get started on the day. Mocha, lay my clothes out and bring breakfast up, if you haven't already. Flurry, you will be eating downstairs with Mocha."
> ... > "Master?" > Mocha's head creeps in through the study door, circling around to try and find you as she calls with a soft voice. > Holding up a single finger, you hush her long enough to finish your phone call: "...yes, I fully understand that I just purchased a tremendous amount of stock. I want you to start scoping out another acquisition; the facilities for them are in place and just gathering dust - no, the funds won't be a problem. Not in a couple weeks, anyway, and I just want to make sure a reputable auctioner can provide that kind of stock. Yes - goodbye."
> Slapping down the phone, you spin to face her. "Yes, Mocha. Is she arrived?"
> "No, Master. But, ah, Cadance wants to see you." > What now? > Rubbing your forehead softly, you nod. "Send her in, I suppose."
> "Yes, Master." > Soon enough the alicorn appears in your doorway; though her ears are held low and tail nervously flicks a few times, she doesn't seem angry that you can tell. ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>28752338 "Cadance. How are the new arrivals holding up?"
> "Well enough. There've been no major injuries, no fights or problems from them. They are in... reasonably good health as far as I know." "Excellent!"
> Clapping your hands together, you rub them thankfully. "You've been doing well. If we can pull off that dinner properly - well, then things will finally be righted around here. But - you did come looking to speak to me, so...?"
> "There is... one particular problem. One of the new arrivals, a mare by the name of Vapor Trail, is pregnant." "Oh? How did it happen?"
> "A coltfriend she spent a night with; she didn't know she was in season yet." "...I was afraid it was another case of - well, you know. How is it a problem, then?"
> "She wants to end it." > All other trains come screeching to a halt as those words plow straight into your mental station. "Is she at medical risk?"
> "No." "Ill? Infected with something when the foal was conceived?"
> "" > Now you are beginning to frown, uncertain of what Cadance is getting at. "Why, then?"
> "She... does not want to have a foal who will become a slave." > That - that's it? > Not a life-threatening disease or injury, not a birth defect, but she just didn't want to have a foal here? "No. You're asking me to put a pony through a reasonably risk medical operation - she's got to be fairly far along by now - just because she suddenly realized she doesn't like where she is? Hell, this is the best place for a mare like that! I'm not going to throw her in the reject pile because of her foal!"
> "I know, and I've tried to explain to her - but she is fervent, Anonymous, and I am actually afraid she may harm herself if forced to keep the foal." "Nobody it ultimately asking her to keep the foal."
> Arms folding across your chest, you raise one hand to rest your cheek in. > And the day had started so nicely ... ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>28752355 "Cadance - I understand you're upset. Hell, I understand she's upset. But no - I can't authorize this. She does not have to keep the foal after it is born - there are plenty of others who can raise - but demanding a medical operation is too much."
> "Something has to be done, Anonymous, or she'll do an 'operation' on herself!" "Cadance!"
> Your sharp tone cuts across her rising voice; the alicorn recoils, cringing as she realizes she yelled at you. > "Don't ever try to blackmail me like that. Don't you ever forget what you are, and what I can do if problems are raised." > Her teeth are gritted, lips drawing back to reveal her teeth. > "Yes, Master." > The reply is spit back, every word fired like a bullet. > "But don't you dare punish her when-" > A soft thud-thud of running boots, resounding even on the carpet, is your only warning before the doors to the study burst open and a whirlwind of golden-blond hair sprints into the room. > "Daddy!" > Though she must have surely heard footsteps that heralding the child's arrival, the sudden and dramatic appearance spooks Cadance - pulling a startled neigh from her lips. "Ooof!"
> Grunting heavily as the girl leaps onto you, wrapping both your arms tight around her as she clings to your chest, you spin in place laughing heavily. "Hey there, sweetheart! Didn't hear that you'd already gotten here!"
> "Just did it!" > Chirping a happy response as she is set down, the girl quickly shrugs off the oversized, tassel-laden jacket she'd been wearing - but carefully puts it on a chair, rather than just tossing it aside. > Good, just like you'd taught her. "You're getting big, honey! I can't believe it; you almost knocked me over!"
> Behind her, you can see Cadance watching your daughter with rounded, shocked eyes. > The golden-blond hair almost floating in a halo around her head did give her a striking appearance, you know - even for ponies. ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>28752369 > At last your daughter notices Cadance as well, grin again growing wide as she takes in the alicorn's appearance. > "Woah! Is that your pony, daddy? He's huge!" > Her cheeks color at the child's mistake,growing even more crimson-tinged when you laugh as well. "That's a she, sweetheart. Her name is Cadance. She is mine, yes."
> "Can I pet her?" "Of course!"
> In those words you, you hope, an order is delivered as clearly as an answer to her question. > Evidently Cadance gets it, as she puts on a wide but clearly faked smile and ducks her head to allow your daughter's approach. > It is to her considerable seeming surprise that your daughter doesn't simply roughly stroke her back but instead runs her hands gently around Cadance's cheek and behind one ear - a surprisingly pleasant experience, evidently. > Before you can speak again, more hoofsteps at the door - this time, Mocha Cream practically tumbling in. > "I am terribly sorry, sir! I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen to a thing I said and-" > It is who comes in behind, Mocha, though, that catches your attention. > Evidently confused by the hubbub and simply tagging along behind her assigned guide, Flurry Heart and stumbled through the doorway as well - eyes darting and wings spread to steady herself. > You could see the exact second when Cadance drew her head up, following Mocha's voice. > Her body went promptly rigid, wings snapping out and nostrils flaring as she draws a deep breath of surprise. > Mother and foal lock eyes for the first time in however many years, and you are left with a conundrum. What do?
> Order Flurry out, preserving Cadance's self-punishment, and handle your plans for her later. > Allow them a single, unplanned meeting just this once. It's already basically happened, after all. > Order Cadance out, leaving the matter with her unresolved for the moment. Anonymous
>>28752383 >Allow them a single, unplanned meeting just this once. It's already basically happened, after all. This. Give them a few minutes while catching up with your own kid, since it already happened. I wouldn't get between a mare and her daughter now with your own kid in danger range with some emotional shit that's about to come.
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>>28752383 Awkward.
[Saved by the Bell guitar riff plays in the distance]
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>>28752383 > Allow them a single, unplanned meeting just this once. It's already basically happened, after all. This guy doesn't want to be that big of a dick despite the fact he's a slave owner right? this will be a good step in the right direction
Might also help with Cadance convincing Vapor to keep the kid
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Let them have their meeting. It would be too cruel to force them apart now.
>>28752369 >> "Daddy!" i thought this was flurry saying this for a second, thank god its not.
>>28753175 Now that you mention it, that would make for an interesting story.
>Anon somehow gains ownership of a mare >This mare ended up being pregnant >Because her last Master was a sadistic fuck, she's just barely strong enough to give birth to her only child >She dies, leaving Anon to raise this child as his own Athila !liIcW1cvFg
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>>28752338 >Mocha actually looks... mildly jealous at the affection? Cute
>>28752383 Thank you for considering my previous suggestions in your last update.
>What do? Now if you left me speechless, really I could make someone in the present situation.
As Master, Anonymous could assert its authority and prevent the meeting ordering Candance or Flurry staying on your site or return to your room.
But, as a father he would dare to steal from both the chance to look after a life and tartarus of bad experiences?
Fortunately for that we have to Goldie daughter of Anonymous to save the day.
It occurs to me that before someone says or does something she could hardly see Flurry immediately fall in love with the small ponie and go straight to hug her and treat it as if it were the most beautiful thing in the world, and perhaps the two little girls forge a great friendship
By the way, that name you give to the daughter of Anon?
Megan? Great Job CYOS
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>>28752446 I agree, Anonymous might put in danger his child and it would turn out to be forced to do really drastically to protect her, something tragic and that would mark his daughter and Flurry forever
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>>28753396 This was my idea also, but instead of that Vapor Trail dies simply it decides to remain with the baby and raise it like proper, a madness undoubtedly, but also the only way of saving it
>>28752292 >> Some ponies lead easier lives, surely - those who belonged to owners who held only a few, who sometimes forgot that they were property and not family. why do I feel like this was a shot at shinyanon
>>28753705 I wouldn't say it's a shot, just a reference
>>28753705 Shinyanon has a ton of land he's not using for anything. Shining Armor and Corona have no purpose anymore once he gets it all cleared of debris, overgrowth, and other trash, and gets all the fences and shit repaired. It would be interesting if he decides to put it to use and gets more ponies. If he started a business of some kind and maybe rescued some more abused ponies, show them the same care and kindness and rehabilitate them the same way he did with Shiny and Corona, he could end up with a bunch of slaves that are actually happy and completely willing to work for him, loyal to a fault.
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>>28753705 >>28753713 >>28753751 SHOTS FIRED! GET THE FUCK DOWN!
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>>28753751 >ShinyAnon becomes a direct competitor to Corona's former master I'd read it.
>>28753705 It wasn't aimed at Shinyanon in particular, but more a reference to the "buy slave pony, pamper them like family and barely have them work" trope in general. Hell, if anything Shinyanon's out of that circle since he got his pones with the explicit expectation they would be working.
Just to be clear, it wasn't meant to be bashing that kind of story either. Just acknowledging that it exists. I'm guilty of writing it myself, after all. Anonymous
>>28753890 >Hell, if anything Shinyanon's out of that circle since he got his pones with the explicit expectation they would be working. This. I don't think any of the other "white knight" type stories have an Anon who actually purposely inflicts pain on their ponies at any point for any reason. Shinyanon has taken a belt to Shining Armor's behind (and almost whipped Corona with it after she bit him, even though that was an act and whether or not he would have actually struck her with it to maintain that act we may never know). He didn't hold back when he whipped Shiny's ass, either - he was just sensible enough that he didn't whip him bloody or take it into "cruel" territory. Anon also makes it a point to force Shiny to call him "Master" when he cops an attitude he doesn't like with him (Corona has never used Master's "real name" even once - just another demonstration of just how hopelessly broken she is at this point).
Let's not forget he was prepared to leave Corona behind to whatever fate was in store for her after the stunt she pulled at the vet's office, she only barely convinced him to take her by the skin of her teeth. If the vet hadn't turned out to be an absolute scumbag, chances are he would never have brought Corona home.
He's compassionate and treats his slaves extremely well, and hell, he probably does actually love them to some extent, but it's abundantly clear they're still slaves. He will never see them as his equals. This is one reason I'm kind of eager to see how he reacts when he discovers Corona's romantic infatuation. I get the feeling it's not going to be a good time for her.
>>28753951 Wait.
Do you think Employment is Mandatory's Anon isn't a white knight or do you think that forcing Berry Punch to get a job in retail isn't purposely inflicting pain?
>>28754075 I don't think it's quite the same as whipping/electrocuting someone.
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>>28754111 yeah working retail is literally 1000 time worse than that, literally
>>28754075 >>28754111 Whip the filly. Got it. Don't really want to, but whatever makes you folks happy.
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Is there anything similar to skittles with a severely broken pone that anon tries to untrain the awful things the last owner forced onto them?
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>>28752383 To be seen is not necessarily to see.
Anon can neatly dodge this conflict by ordering Cadance to close her eyes and be silent. There is no reason for Flurry Heart not to get a good long look and have the situation explained. The punishment was never directed at her and will if anything be even more painful for Cadance.
I think the question is, which Anon is the most white knight?
>>28754324 what the fuck is going on with those sliders?
>>28754324 Don't know, but it's been too long since we had a literal white knight story. Some writefag needs to fix this.
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>>28754373 >Some writefag but he's already working on the Shiny story.
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>>28754486 I like bridles.
>>28753951 Corona's gonna get rejected romantically and then turn into a "bad girl" that Anon has to whip with his belt a god 3-4 times a week.
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>>28754627 >Corona >bad girl >ever lol no
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>>28754627 Maybe once, but she isn't a spiteful pony like that.
I think that if Anon did punish her, she would get a better idea of who he really is. Even if he rejected her romantic advances (which he honestly might not do...) she would see that despite not loving her back in that way, he is still a very fair, not abusive, not cruel master that still does genuinely care for her and Shiny, even when he punishes them. Even at his ugliest, she will be able to see that he is in control and will never go too far. It would give her a wake up call and bring things into perspective for her.
Maybe then she will truly be able to just appreciate him as her master, and only that.
Anonymous A New Landscape: Continued...
>you don’t know why, but there’s just something different about it this time >the way Applejack’s voice broke, the way she’s shaking her head and suddenly having muscle spasms >you know alcohol hurts, but this… “Master, please no, nonoonono! NO MORE PLEASE! I’M SORRY I’M SOORRYYY!! AAA! NOO!”
>Her leg is pulling away from your holding hand, and she’s grasping at the blanket >the cotton ball falls from your hand >holy shit, she’s hysterical >mouth gaping open with horrifying cries of anguish >you’re frozen, brain trying to process what you’re seeing and hearing “I can’t take it! I CAN’T TAKE NO MORE, I-I CAN’T, PLEASE! MASTER NOO, NOHOHOOO! I’M SORRY I’M SORRY AAAGHA PLEASE STOOOP!”
>Applejack bucks her legs, and writhes on the bed, flaying all her limbs in a frenzied panic >You get hit by her other leg on the shoulder >and holy hell, does it hurt >That’s what jolts you out of whatever trance you were in >with a grunt, you suddenly spring to your feet, and you scramble to try and bring Applejack under control >she’s rolling back and forth, pulling herself forward over the bed >all the while howling and raving at the top of her lungs >totally losing it Anonymous
>>28754748 >you place your hands on her back, and try to get a hold of her >she’s flailing around and disheveling the blanket beneath her >tears are pouring out of her, almost incoherent from sobbing >begging and begging for the pain to stop >you call out over her cries, trying to direct them to her ears “Applejack! Stop, stop! Hon, what’s going on? Calm down, calm down! APPLEJACK!”
>she isn’t stopping, though >instead, she starts saying something else >and it’s making the hairs on your arms stand up “I-I’ll--be a good girl, I’LL BE A GOOD GIRL! Please no more I’ll be a good girl I’m sorry Master, pleasepleaseplease I’m sorry…”
>her voice is cracking >it’s more breathy than before >slurred, exhausted >trying to be loud, but she’s just not strong enough >her head rolls back and forth on the bed, mouth agape >gasping out the words ‘please’ and ‘good girl’ over and over >it’s like she’s not even aware that you’re there >like she doesn’t know where she is >distant, like she’s in a different world >you wave your hand in front of her face, but she looks right through it >her cries go from loud to soft, then back to loud again, cycling back and forth Anonymous
>>28754756 >this wasn’t the alcohol >this was a full on panic attack unlike anything you’ve ever witnessed >her gasping, sobbing and writhing in your hold chills you to the bone >your brain races a mile a minute >water. >cold water. You needed it right now. >Springing into action, you let go off Applejack’s relentlessly struggling body and sprint to the kitchen >you grab a big glass and fill it with the tap before rushing back, not caring about the spillage in the hall >Applejack is covering her head and splaying her hind legs open, kicking them into the air >still pleading, sobbing wretchedly >you brandish the glass of cold water, step aside of her legs >and then, having a clear shot to her face, you chuck the content of the glass onto her >the splash makes a wet slap as it hits her face >and a short, sharp scream rips out of her throat >but then, in the following seconds, her broken howls and cries for mercy suddenly cease >her legs, which had been kicking like a rodeo bull, collapse with a thump onto the bed >and her head, at last, stops lolling from side to side as she affixes the ceiling above her with her wide, emerald eyes >her breathing is still shallow and panicked, but even that begins to slow as the seconds crawl by Anonymous
>>28754796 >your hand trembles as it grips the now empty glass >you stare down at her with eyes just as wide as hers >besides her heavy breathing, the room is silent >eventually, you dare to approach her >hearing you take a step, Applejack’s head whips around, and her eyes lock onto you >her entire face is streaked red >when she sees you standing there, she freezes >chest heaving, the individual ribs poking out through the skin of her belly >you set the glass down on the blanket, all the while looking at her back >unlike before, now, you can see that she is truly seeing you >she’s no longer distant, far away >Applejack had been in a totally different world >The pieces are coming together in your mind >she hadn’t been talking to you. >she didn’t even know you were there >in an instant, her entire world had been consumed with agony >and you knew just whose fault it was. >you try to smile, but it dies away into a concerned frown >then, you break the silence hanging like a noose in the air >Applejack looks at you with fear and apprehension in her eyes “Applejack… It’s gonna be ok, hon.”
>>28754811 And that's all I have after all of that time. Sorry for not updating in so long, but I've been so busy and it's been killing me. I think short updates are just going to be a reality for me at this point, so I'm sorry about that.
Looots of new green on here lately. I'm loving it. This is such an active thread, it's great. Keep at it, gents.
>>28754811 I want Corona to meet this applejack
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>>28754847 Yea, they can have a PTSD Pony Party
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>>28754833 Thank you, Landscape anon
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>>28754811 holy shit
what a fucked up little pone
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>>28754811 Thanks, Landscape! You grind AJ slowly, but very fine.
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Bump b4 bedtime
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>>28754075 >>28754200 fuck look what you did, all tg needs is an tiny excuse to break our hearts and hes all over it.
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>>28754833 Gonna take a lot of work for you and anon to get her back up and running.
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Is it weird that each time I read some green here I want to stop but as soon as I finish the green I only want more?
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>>28752383 >>28752446 This. And after they've had their few minutes, is it possible to add that Anon goes to explain why he can't authorize it to Vapor himself with Cadance and comfort her himself? He complains that ponies don't appreciate him but he's always huddled up in his office and they can never hear his reasoning from the horses mouth, so to speak. Perhaps a good change of pace from his little realization would be to actually interact more with his new stock rather than wait a few generations.
Oh, also, another question: What's the name of Slaveventure anon's hellspawn?
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>>28754360 They're just painted on.
>>28756820 Megan, according to this guy,
>>28753608 though I'd wait until Slaventure confirms it himself.
>>28725573 >the little filly lets Shining Armor go and takes a step back >"Why are you so skinny, pony?" >"I... uh..." he stammers, glancing over at you "Shining Armor was sick, but he's getting better now," you say
>she hugs him again >"Awwww poor pony! I'm glad you're getting better. I still think you're pretty, mister unicorn!" >you stifle a snicker, holding a hoof up to your muzzle >"Thanks..." >without a word she disappears into the kitchen >for a few brief moments you hear a little bit of clattering, followed by the scraping of chair legs across linoleum >when she returns, she's holding a little yellow and white box >"Mommy says ponies like sugar cubes. Do you?" >Shining gives a half-hearted nod >you do as well, taking a step toward her >she shakes the box against her hand, and a dozen or so sugar cubes go scattering across the hardwood floor >"whoops..." she says, picking them up one by one and sticking them into her pocket >she takes the last one and holds it flat in the palm of her hand, inches from Shining Armor's muzzle >he leans forward, as if about to lap it up, before she closes her fingers around it and pulls it away >"Ah ah ah," she says, "first you have to do a trick!" >he snorts >"I don't do tricks..." he mutters under his breath, but not loud enough for her to hear >"Lay down, pony!" she says with a huge grin on her face >Shining rolls his eyes with a soft grunt and complies, plopping onto the floor with a light thud, shaking his head and neck with a sigh as he does so >the little girl then turns to you >"You too, pony, lay down and you can have a sugar cube, too!" >you give her a gentle nicker and lay down next to Shining !!iopbVld3l5k
>>28757312 >she titters with delight as she offers each of you a sugar cube, patting you on the head after you take it >"Good ponies!" she chirps "Good good ponies!" >her arms are soon around your neck and she runs her fingers through your mane >"You have pretty hair, pony" she says adoringly "My Master brushes my mane and tail for me every day," you say with a smile. "And you can call me Corona, little one, it's my name."
>"Okay, pony- I mean Corona! You can call me Gracie! I mean my name is just Grace but all my friends call me Gracie. And since you ponies are my friends now, you can call me Gracie too!" >she gives you each another sugar cube before disappearing once again >Shining Armor looks over at you briefly >"Let's make a break for it" he whispers out of the corner of his mouth >you shake your head and laugh silently >she returns once again with a pillow under one arm, and a pink plastic box filled with an assortment of brushes, ribbons, and miscellaneous other items in the other >Shining's ears spin toward the little girl as she throws the pillow over his back >"What are you-" >she takes a hairbrush in one hand, and a fistful of his mane in the other, throwing a leg up over the pillow, wriggling and squirming, pulling herself up onto his back >once she's astride him and has herself balanced, she lets out a satisfied sigh and pats his neck >even with Shining laying down, her feet don't quite touch the ground >"You know just because you're a boy pony doesn't mean nobody should ever brush your hair! Look at it, it's a mess! All tangly and stuff. Don't worry though, I'll take care of that," she says, beginning to run the brush through his short mane >she's surprisingly careful not to pull too hard whenever she hits a snag >the stallion remains perfectly still, his face unreadable as the little girl starts to whistle and hum >Shining's expression eventually softens, and he just stares at the floor in front of himself quietly !!iopbVld3l5k
>>28757318 >his mane starts to take a bit of a fluffed up, wispy appearance as she teases the hairs apart, giving it the illusion of volume >Master pokes his head through the door for a moment, smiling in your direction before returning to the gathering >this isn't so bad... >satisfied with her handiwork, she leans over and reaches toward the pink box, the handle just out of her reach >"Corona will you help me please?" >you tilt your head at her and she points at the box >"I can't reach it" >Shining just has his eyes closed at this point >you're not sure if he's enjoying this or merely tolerating it >standing up, you step around the stallion's hindquarters and pick up the box in your teeth, sitting on your haunches and stretching your neck slightly forward so she can reach >"Thank you!" she says, petting your muzzle before shoving the brush into the box, coming back out with a fistful of pink ribbons >Shining sees this out of the corner of his eye, and his eyes shoot open, though he resists the urge to jump up, not wanting Grace to accidentally fall >"I... uh... pink isn't really my color..." he insists, somewhat firmly >the hurt in the little girl's voice is quite obvious as she hesitates to reply >"I was just trying to make you pretty..." she says. "I... I'm sorry if I made you mad..." >he closes his eyes again, gritting his teeth and taking a long, slow, deep breath before releasing it in surrender >"I'm not mad at you, I just... ugh... fine, fine... go ahead. Do whatever you wanna do," he says, suppressing a groan >her cheerfulness returns almost immediately and she leans forward, wrapping her arms around Shining's neck and kissing his mane several times "I love you, pony!" she practically squeals, tying the ribbons into his mane one by one in astonishingly elaborate little knots and bows
>Shining swishes his tail several times, silently signalling his protest to you in a way that Grace won't notice >you can't even remember the last time you've felt this amused !!iopbVld3l5k
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>>28757330 That's all for now. I have to work. I'll catch you guys again probably in the next thread.
>>28757318 >his mane starts to take a bit of a fluffed up, wispy appearance as she teases the hairs apart, giving it the illusion of volume >Master pokes his head through the door for a moment, smiling in your direction before returning to the gathering >this isn't so bad... >satisfied with her handiwork, she leans over and reaches toward the pink box, the handle just out of her reach >"Corona will you help me please?" >you tilt your head at her and she points at the box >"I can't reach it" >Shining just has his eyes closed at this point >you're not sure if he's enjoying this or merely tolerating it >standing up, you step around the stallion's hindquarters and pick up the box in your teeth, sitting on your haunches and stretching your neck slightly forward so she can reach >"Thank you!" she says, petting your muzzle before shoving the brush into the box, coming back out with a fistful of pink ribbons >Shining sees this out of the corner of his eye, and his eyes shoot open, though he resists the urge to jump up, not wanting Grace to accidentally fall >"I... uh... pink isn't really my color..." he insists, somewhat firmly >the hurt in the little girl's voice is quite obvious as she hesitates to reply >"I was just trying to make you pretty..." she says. "I... I'm sorry if I made you mad..." >he closes his eyes again, gritting his teeth and taking a long, slow, deep breath before releasing it in surrender >"I'm not mad at you, I just... ugh... fine, fine... go ahead. Do whatever you wanna do," he says, suppressing a groan >her cheerfulness returns almost immediately and she leans forward, wrapping her arms around Shining's neck and kissing his mane several times >"I love you, pony!" she practically squeals, tying the ribbons into his mane one by one in astonishingly elaborate little knots and bows >Shining swishes his tail several times, silently signalling his protest to you in a way that Grace won't notice >you can't even remember the last time you've felt this amused Anonymous
>>28757358 not even Shining can say no to the adorableness of a child
though if the child were a brat I'd have no qualms with Shining laying down some discipline ZZZZZZZZZZZZ !!Rp6iPalM0Ln
>>28757460 This kid doesn't seem like the bratty type to me. She's being super nice to the ponies. She even said please and thank you to Corona.
>>28757677 that's what I meant, this one is well mannered, but I'm saying if she were a brat
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>>28757460 >Shining Armor knocking around a stuck-up loli I can approve of this for a number of reasons.
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>>28757358 Fucking adorable.
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>>28757358 can't wait for more
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>>28757759 Yeah, he can't tell her to fuck off when she breaks out the ribbons because the poor dear just wants to love and dote on him, he'd probably be more than capable of telling off a brat.
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>>28757358 Sounds like Shiny has a new snuggle buddy. Too cute.
And she's sitting on his back, does that count as riding?
it totally does. Stallion is for riding, afterall Anonymous
>>28757358 Grace seems far more interested in Shining Armor than Corona. I wonder if she's jealous of the attention.
>>28759648 She likes the 'pretty stallion' more.
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>>28759648 Corona needs this badly. Another "not all humans are shit" demonstration from someone besides her master. It's working, too. She's not stressing anymore, even if it's only because of the temporary distraction Gracie is providing. I think this is therapeutic to both ponies in different ways. Shiny is finally forced to accept human affection in front of another pony and is powerless to resist. Even if she's a human, she's an innocent child and he doesn't want to hurt her - not even hurt her feelings, so he's just gotta roll with it.
>>28759659 I think it's more that he's a unicorn than that he's pretty, because he pretty clearly isn't pretty right now. Heck, his disheveledness seems like it's what's causing Grace to take an interest, she wants to make him better.
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>>28757358 The wild, unbreakable, unruly stallion tamed by a harmless little girl. Kek.
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>>28759699 Well, she DOES think he's pretty and soft.
I'm sure the unicorn part plays the biggest role, though.
>>28757358 >>"I love you, pony!" I wonder how long it's been since anyone said that to Shiny. This is good for his soul, no matter how much he pretends not to like it.
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>>28760298 I think Shiny might have a breakdown from this. Crying, calling out Flurry's name, calling for Cadence, hugging Gracie, the whole thing.
Then, Gracie grows up to be a pony rights advocate after seeing Shining's pain.
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At a metal show with pockets full of plushies, reading stories of enslaved ponies. Does life get any better than this?
>>28757677 Gracie is a cute
Maybe Anon will let her come visit him sometimes? I think he might like that a lot.
>>28760729 That little girl is stuck to him now whether he likes it or not. Anon seems to be good friends with her parents so I'm sure they'll be seeing a lot of each other.
>>28760862 Anon needs to buy a little pink saddle so he can give her pony rides.
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>>28760935 Nah, it should be a blue saddle, it'll look much nicer with his color scheme
The pink one is for when it's Anon's turn, anyways. Anonymous
Corona is being a little sweetie to Gracie, too. Always a good girl, isn't she!
>>28761739 Corona needs a tiny human friend of her own now.
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>>28761869 She already does, he's called
Anon's dick Anonymous
>>28714786 >ponies being slaves Can it be any other species?
Jingles !4R8Wmm8FBA
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>>28762026 >ponies being slaves There's no real restrictions on that.
Jingles !4R8Wmm8FBA
>>28762026 >ponies being slaves >Can it be any other species? I guess there's no real restrictions on that.
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>>28762314 Good, good.
>inb4 a billion zebra jokes Anonymous
>>28763329 >>28763641 Appelhoarse is for cruel whipping.
>>28763733 Apple is for love and cuddles and petting and telling her she's a good girl
>>28762026 We had one story with Gilda, so as long as it's an Equestrian species, go for it.
>>28763754 Appul is for tender lovings until the ultimate moment of betrayal.
After weeks and months of gentle care and nurturing, once you have finally earned her trust, she will snuggle up to you of her own free will.
And then - only once she truly loves you - will you
boop her.
Then, when she is staring at you in surprise and hurt, you will
whip her into a
bloody mess.
>>28763813 I want to ride a griffin.
>>28763875 Here I am thinking that it will all be about boops and nonconsensual snuggling and shit.
Then you go all edgy "whip bloody" and shit.
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>>28763959 Mare is for whipping.
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>>28763875 She would just end her life after that. There would be nothing left for her to hope for after destroying her like that.
I hope Apple can finally experience the kindness that she deserves. "Mare is for whipping" is just a meme.
>>28762026 If it's from the same show universe why not? I would love some Diamond Dog stories.
>>28764037 Diamond dog is for skinning alive and slow roasting over hot coals.
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>>28764037 But Diamond Dogs are masters, not slaves.
>>28763329 Applejack is the best pony
>>28764719 sound like youre from some shitty asian country
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>>28765233 Nah, they roast 'em with the skin still on over there.
Dog meat is pretty nasty though, not sure why it's so popular over there.
>>28765061 you have good taste in pony sir
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>>28765606 Same for you Sir
>>28765061 >Applejack is the best pony 4
whipping Anonymous
>>28765640 It takes all the fun out of the whipping if she gets off on it.
>>28765640 what kind of whip has such a short lash, anyway?
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>>28765713 Driving whips usually have a pretty short lash.
>>28765716 I want my mare to be crying from her front end, not her back end, when I give her lashes.
>>28765728 Wow careful with that edge
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>>28765793 Well, if I whip her, she must have done something pretty damn bad to deserve it. I'm not quick to anger. Therefore, I don't want her to enjoy it, she's being punished. It's not supposed to feel good or turn her on, it's supposed to hurt and teach her a lesson.
>>28763890 >>28765116 >tfw no catbird slave mount Anonymous
>>28765853 We need more catbird content in this thread. I don't think we've had a single catbird whipping scene, which is a travesty.
>>28765853 >>28765877 Griffons are extremely dangerous predators. Not easily enslaved. You'll just piss it off by whipping it, and it'll just be that much more ferocious when it snaps and rips your innards out.
>>28765886 this is why griffin slaves are de-beaked, de-clawed, and have their talons removed
>>28765877 >>28765886 catbird is friend and partner
not slave for whipping
help to chase down enemies for slaughter
is good
>>28765877 Yeah, green of Gaby! Green of Gaby!!
>>28765927 if she's good at everything, does that include being good at being a slave?
>>28765927 I want to make a comment here about using a red hot branding iron to give her a "real" cutie mark.
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>>28765927 >>28765940 >>28765953 >"what does a cutie mark in slavery even look like?" >[branding intensifies] Anonymous
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>>28765953 >red hot branding iron Nah, she's got a pretty dark catbutt, a freeze brand would probably show up better.
>tfw you will never force your carbird slave to jack you off with her maddeningly soft hindpaws
>>28766078 Carbird slave story when?
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>>28766111 trips confirm stallions are superior slaves
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>>28766104 After the marecycle slave story
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>>28765912 this is the slave thread, not the slav thread
Jingles !4R8Wmm8FBA
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>>28765901 >declawed but then they'd just be walking around on stumps if at all