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>What is this thread about? This thread revolves around stories about ponies being enslaved.
>Can you elaborate more? Sure! SPG (Slave Pony General) is mostly about characters dealing with the actual implications of the horrifying thing that is chattel slavery. It's more looking at how people with modern sensibilities deal with the ownership of another sentient being, and how most people aren't total cunts.
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Shiny and Corona (Shining Armor & OC) by Somewritefag ---
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A Glimmer of Hope (Starlight Glimmer) by Handsome Jew
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>That new thread smell. First for more landscape please.
>>29838403 >making a dead fic the featured story and op image Anonymous
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>>29838566 Nigga you retarded
2 updates last thread
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Is stripes ded? I need to know if luna gets the sex
>>29838566 >literally retarded Anonymous
>>29838566 As stupid as your comment is I do wonder why a fic that went on an extended hiatus is still featured. If anything cyosventure anon deserves that slot
>>29838473 Appul needs loving care.
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>>29838596 the featured story changes every thread, cyos has been featured before
shiny and corona is probably featured this thread to draw attention to the fact that it's no longer on hiatus and is once again actively updating
>>29838539 How many filly stories do we have?
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>>29838678 we need a story with filly breeding
>>29838678 a whopping zero
RM-Writing !!HRFGHTfjaR2
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>>29821225 > Articles, clipped from newspapers or in some cases seemingly printed from the humans' internet, each highlighting the darkest, most stomach-churning offenses of slavery. > Some curt and clipped, very detached in tone and phrasing. > Others more... hyperbolic. > More of the same, only this time focusing on those rare instances where ponies had managed to - somehow - rebel and fight their way to freedom. >, highlighting the punishment for a pony who had done so. > You can't bear to look at that article for too long. So ya, there's no way this stuff is seeing the light of day! But what are the boundaries of what human society will do to a slave-pone? We have an idea of where Anon draws the line and he goes on and on about how soft he is compared to the next camp down the road, is that really true? Might we learn the fate of our own successful escapees? Where were they running to, anyway? Lets just give these a quick skim before they go down the memory hole...
>Slaveventure might not want to go too deep into SiM territory describing what's in these pages, but an summary would not be inappropriate Anonymous
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>You will never cuddle a damaged mare It hurts to live.
ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>29821696 >>29821945 >>29821974 >>29836428 "We'll use the portraits. Everypony here was a critical part of Equestria. The rest of it..."
> You glance among the articles, each one a pointed reminder of the very real cost slavery continued to exact from every pony caught in its jaws. > And you remember the deal you'd been forced to cut with Anonymous to even get this much in. "...Anonymous will never tolerate anything that would promote actual rebellion. We'll have to leave that out."
> "Yes, Your Highness." > Quickly Mayor Mare begins filing it away again - papers and cutouts slipping back into the folder, newspapers and the image of Corona and the one of Shining - "No, leave that."
> "Are you sure, Your Highness?" > Paused with her hoof on the edge of your husband's image, Mayor Mare cocks her head. > "There's no need..." "I will... manage."
> You could do that, couldn't you? > Summon up enough strength to face his likeness? > Locking eyes with the rendition of Shining Armor, you're again struck by just how well they had captured his expression - speaking to the boundless spirit you knew he bore, and yet still challenging the viewer to meet it. > What would he think of you now, you wonder? > Now that you were without his support you'd relied on so often after taking up your crown. > Without the love that had buoyed you each night, when he lay with his hooves wrapped around your barrel. "It goes up."
> Maybe even more. > Would Anonymous provide a copy of it, if you asked him to? > To sit on your desk, and remind you of what you should be doing? > "Yes, Your Highness. What about the rest of these?" "File them away. Safely, securely - if you can't find space in a lockbox, hide them. Don't let them be destroyed, though - that'd only provoke more anger."
> The smallest of smiles touches the edges of her lips. > "Of course, Your highness." > As to the rest of the portraits - those go into a different folder, slipped into your desk. ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>29840058 > You'll have to show them to Anonymous in due time - perhaps tomorrow - but right now you aren't sure you can manage to face him with an even tone. > Not after what you'd just done. > Squeezing your eyes shut, you try and drive out the memory insistently lingering in the back of your mind - the /feel/ of your magic grasping the whip's handle, the insistent tug on it as it caught struck flesh with an ear-dropping crack. > The rattling grunts, moans, and eventually screams they had belted out as you had savaged their hides with the lash. > Again, you thank Celestia that Anonymous did not demand the use of a full-length, full-weight whip that would truly have injured them. > What you had done was already more than enough. > Especially to young Crescent Moon - only taking half the lashes for her cooperation, but she had also resisted giving anything more than that one fruitless name. > Tears are beginning to build at the corners of your eyes, and you force them away before they can do more than form the barest pool. > This isn't the time. > You, of all ponies, can not be weak - not be seen to be weak - now. > There are other things to be taken care of first, things that have to be done to ensure you won't be needing to take up that whip again any time soon. > So if you must harden your heart until there is tome once again, then let your heart be hardened and let this be done with. > Slipping from the building, you take to wing as soon as sun strikes your back. > Rapidly rising up above roof height, your systematic search for the particular pony you needed to see soon yields fruit. > Not that she would have been hard to spot, with her crimson cascades of mane and tail. > Alighting next to Haute Glamour, you immediately greet her with a nod. "Haute Glamour."
> "Cadance." > Her own replying nod is considerably warmer. ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>29840067 > The unicorn had been amid a small cluster of other ponies and even a few humans - surveying tools and field precariously balanced on assorted limbs and magic fields. > Yet when you start walking, she immediately detaches herself from them to retain her place at your side. "Good to see that you are busy. Laying out plans for the new additions, I suppose."
> "Indeed. Only just the first steps, but they are capable with a bit of direction..." > Her head cocks, on eye still resting on you from the corner of its socket. > "Come to check on our progress?" "Yes. I'm glad to see the proper work getting underway now - it's been a long enough wait."
> "I can encourage them to go after, if you would prefer..." "Hmm. I saw you at the... display this morning."
> If Haute is curious about the change of topic, she doesn't mention it. > "Well, I am charged with reporting back on your management of these ponies, but-" > A laugh, clear and tinkling and so far removed from the dismissive tone behind it. > "-I quite understand the need for a bit of discipline here and there, and you handled it quite efficiently." > Good - the chance to dig you'd been looking for. "I imagine you're no stranger to that, with your own little 'herd'."
> "Occasionally." > She sniffs dismissively. > "I dislike having to use actual violence on them - so messy - but a little reminder every once in a while can be quite good." "As far as I am concerned, if it gets to the point where there is violence involved I have already failed. It's already slipped from my control."
> "I admit, it's not my first choice... but there does come a point when, well - forgive me, but a point must be made. As hard and as quickly as is needed." "And it did. Striking out a guard was - beyond unacceptable. The sort of thing that does imperil my control of this place. The kind of thing that could change Anonymous' mind."
> "Agreed." > Remember, you tell yourself. > Hard heart, cold heart - think like she would. ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>29840074 > Speak like she would. > And pray you could eventually forgive yourself, because anypony who heard you would not. "Well, there certainly were a lot of them there - so I think the reminder of the point was made."
> "Quite. Even Randall turned up - that was good. It let me give Posey a little reminder of what I might do to her if she ever gets too big for her shoes." "I think that point was certainly made. She seemed terrified."
> "She should be. Sometimes gets a little too close to Randall - more reliant on him than on me - and needs a reminder of who is truly in charge. I've made it clear I will take a lash to her again if I find her considering betraying me, and she needs to know just how bad that would be." > A cold feeling begins to creep up from your stomach. > Despite knowing that the answer will likely be one you will not like, you ask the question on your lips anyhow: "You've had to use it on her before?"
> "Here and there, once or twice. Never a full whip - that was reserved for the others. One particular stallion who thought to stand in the way when I was managing the others." > Your stomach turns at the thought of the meek little thing being flogged, but by now practice lets you halt those thoughts far from your face. > "But yes, I've had to inflict a little punishment when it was needed. Nothing so... powerful, of course." > In the end all it is, is more confirmation that you needed to separate Posey and talk to her - the sooner the better. "Randall didn't notice?"
> Haute Glamour gives you a strange look, and belatedly you realize the mistake. "Right, blind. I'd forgotten."
> "Like I said, in more ways than one. He knew, of course, but trusted me to manage them. The same your master seems to do with you." > There's something a little odd in her tone, though, and after a moment you identify it. "You have a question."
ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>29840084 > "I - don't want to sound like I am questioning your decisions. This is your territory." "Ask, Haute. I'll not be offended."
> "Why did you pardon the ones who were speaking out against you? Surely that needs to be nipped in the bud first?" Well, how are we going to answer her questions?
> Suggestions open. You could insist it was part of a plan to keep them complacent, or start trying to ease her into the idea of just leading ponies, not ruling them. tfw I almost lost this entire update due to the file not actually saving when I hit save. Anonymous
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>>29835890 Aww yiss.
Good to see a little bit of testiness from Shining, honestly. He may have just been given one of the greatest gifts Anon can give him, but that doesn't change his feelings about being a slave as a whole and it frankly shouldn't. He doesn't pick a fight with Anonymous, but he doesn't also beat around his feelings on slavery.
As for Corona... poor Corona. The sole person whose really shown her kindness so far, and she just straight up asks him what she can do for him to make her acceptable - and he can't answer. And yet, Anonymous can't help but take her to bed (if just for cuddles) despite knowing that it'll only encourage that kind of attachment.
Interview an /mlp/er today at work. Dude didn't know how to hide his power level. Sorry kiddo not getting the job. This is a respectable engineering firm. No room for openly autistic people.All engineers are mildly autistic
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>>29840497 >All engineers are mildly autistic Am engineer, can confirm. Still wouldn't talk about poners at work; hide that shit even if someone else brings it up.
ReebAnon !/v1T0VAyzI
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>>29837394 >>29837408 Not dead
yet :^) . I'll probably be back with another update before the end of the week, just some bad shit going on irl for a little while. Suffice to say, half the update is written. There's only one issue, my computer's in another state for a while now. I should be going back to retrieve it once my car gets out of the shop.
>>29840088 >> "She should be. Sometimes gets a little too close to Randall - more reliant on him than on me - and needs a reminder of who is truly in charge. I've made it clear I will take a lash to her again if I find her considering betraying me, and she needs to know just how bad that would be." This bitch needs to go down hard for that alone. She is the worst sort of pony: terrifying and manipulating others in their hardest of times for no other purpose than to feel like she's in power.
>Well, how are we going to answer her questions? I am not a fan of trying to steer Haute in the right direction. She is very far gone and any attempt at playing nice / showing our true side leaves us open for her to strike on a weakness. We have to keep up the act, and frankly, she does not deserve the effort. She has to learn the hard way why what she does is wrong and needs it to bite her in the flank hard before she should receive a chance to do it right: realize what happens when you treat others with nothing with cruelty and see what you get in the end. Then, after all her misdeeds come full circle, then maybe she'll be ready to see the right way to do it.
Tell her the reason we pardoned them was strictly a 'honey over vinegar' approach: if we strike down rebellion too hard, it will only increase hatred for her and in a massive camp like this, we'd never root it out until it was far too late. Showing lenience encourages ponies AWAY from rebellion because it gives them the impression we're reasonable, and will urge them to voice their concerns while staying in line rather than going outside of the system we've set up. It was strategic to instill just enough fear of the lash while still appearing reasonable, having one's cake and eating it too.
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>>29838678 We'll have at least three once
Filly Brothel gets written. Anonymous
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>>29838473 >>29838609 Appul needs a beating
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Jellousy is an ugly thing.
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>>29840088 Tell that nosey cunt to mind her own goddamned business.
>>29840088 >Well, how are we going to answer her questions? Gently ease her into a better management system than the shit she's accustomed to. The fact that she is asking at all means she's unsure. She isn't beyond redemption yet.
We let them go to prove them wrong. Punishing thoughts and words only leads to worse things. With a group of ponies this size, staying in control is mostly about managing their mental state. The most effective way to rule is by capturing their hearts and minds. You have to be strict with the rules, but not overly so. It's impossible to have everything under your complete control because so much of it relies on factors you can't actually control. You have to influence them in a way that shapes their thinking. Strict, but fair. Besides, this is slavery in a work camp: you could be an actual Saint and you would still have rebellious elements. Do what you can to win their hearts, and let your guard (and spies) stop the worst from escalating. That's the difference between a Ruler and a Leader. If you're doing things right, a gentle touch is all that is needed. Maybe include something Celestia told us about her thousands of years of experience.
Hopefully something gets through to her. Not at first, but maybe plant doubt in her mind: that tyranny and manipulation isn't the most effective way. But for now, we still need Haute to think we're the same kind of pony. Phrase it like we're a kindred spirits, but soften up just a little. This is going to be the harder way, but we're not a monster. We have an opportunity to help Haute *and* Randall's other ponies, along with everyone Haute interacts with after this is finished. Celestia would never forgive us if we didn't try. She's still our enemy, and might even be actively plotting against us. But if we can show her an alternative, maybe we can avoid disaster. Not just for ourselves and our subjects, but for others as well.
So this gens all about slavery huh? I can work with that, i have ideas, slavery ideas. Good ones too, so do i just start writing or what?
>>29841370 I'd read through some green first, but sure.
>>29841370 Always nice to have a new writefag.
There's two threads, actually, and they are very different.
This one is for more of a narrative focus on things. The struggle of broken ponies, or an owner trying to fix damage already done. Stories about life as a slave and just trying to get by when you're being reduced to property. Sometimes going on an adventure, sometimes an interpersonal struggle to cope with being a pet, sometimes just comfy cuddles with a master and slave who actually like each other.
And the other slavery thread
>>29671249 is for BDSM, psychological domination, torture, and cropped porn. There can still be a story there, but usually it's more of a 'Well, this subhuman needs to be my cocksock' kind of story. Still good though, if that's your kind of thing.
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29841370 >>29841379 I would recommend that, yes, to get a feel for what to expect and also to see what ideas has already been used. New, creative ideas are always welcomed!
>>29841483 makes a really good distinction between SPG (here) and SiM, as even though they are both dealing with slavery, their themes are different. SPG is generally more 'white- or grey-knighty', while SiM is generally about the fulfillment of personal dark, selfish desires (at least, as far as those that I have read).
There are some SPG greens that border between the two, so it is up to you to put forth your take in this balance in you want to go that way.
I'm glad to welcome another writer here, and I look forward to reading your work. Have fun and enjoy your writing!
>>29841483 We do allow lood here though
Slave pone=Chattel slavery featuring rape
SiM=Rape featuring BDSM, Dom, ect. kinkshit
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>>29840688 >She should be. Sometimes gets a little too close to Randall - Something tells me that Hautte fears the closeness that exists between Randall and Posey, despite having their small group dominated and potential threats suppressed, the continued deference and mistreatment of the guide pony before the cruel unicorn proves that the first to Despite the punishment and apparent dominance that Glamor demonstrates about her, they have not been able to defeat her spirit, Posey could possess what Hautte completely lacks and that terrifies her inside, whether Randall is a complete idiot or a (forgive the word) 'Observer' cunning waiting because your guide demonstrates its value
>>29841586 I have yet to encounter a SPG green where Anon actually rapes his slave. As in legitimate rape, where he forces her into sex while she struggles, screams and cries.
Do you have a green like that that you can recommend/link?
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>>29841586 Clear Skies raping Coffeepone when?
Needs to assert her dominance.
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Celestia's Maiden Voyage and Landscape when?
>>29841613 That stuff usually goes in SiM
>>29841613 There has been a few oneshots. One by RPBN and another where Anon buys a mare from the mines and rapes her constantly, and she just kind of takes it because it's better than the mines.
In tgn's AB get's raped in front of Anon and he paid for it.
There's probably more, but those are at the top of my head.
>>29841613 >>29841667 Technically by law a slave can't consent. So pretty much in all these stories where a pony gets the hot monkey dick, it's rape.
>>29841675 But that's human law. If that applied they'd never be slaves in the first place.
>>29840088 >Well, how are we going to answer her questions? Candance should think the following:
'If I tell her that I forgive her for pity she thinks I'm weak and that I do not have the guts to run the place any longer, I took the time to use my' weakness 'against myself and try to supplant myself'
'On the other hand, if I mention anything that indicates that the cruelty of the punishment will be greater by its insolence she will take advantage of it to attract my ponies by her side, offering them sweet pity as she spreads her poison through the property preparing my fall through empty promises"
Or, Candance proves that the teachings of her Aunt Celestia as well as all the tests that she has undergone against Chrysalis, Shadow King and Grogar have given her the wisdom and strength not to lose before an intriguing mare who pretends to be her equal
>> "Why did you pardon the ones who were speaking out against you? Surely that needs to be nipped in the bud first?" "If I had to punish every pony who thinks badly of me, everypony in the property already known would have the sharpness of the whip Hautte"
"Any leader waiting be loved by all, even that was once the Princess of love, this class of adoration only it is waited by the tyrants who only love each other to if same, true leadership is to know when punish... and when forgive"
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>>29841550 By the way good work in your last two updates from previous thead, the one of Cherilee was a balm before the harshness of the situation and a respite of kindness before the cruelty of the history and the last one was shocking, to find the corpse of a pony and that this one has been a victim of murder makes me fear about the true whereabouts of the disappeared, Starligth error could ruin the whole operation and the possibility of saving a future victim but above all the bittersweet outcome where it is clear the terrible codependency that Glimmer and Anon Have established in order to maintain the strength of their emotional well-being
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>>29841613 While being very dark, I would be interested in reading a green like that. An Anon that manages somehow to balance his sexual demands of his slave whilst treating her kindly, warmly and nicely after that. Eventually, she accepts it as a trade-off for the care and security that Anon gives her. In other words, a green that explores heavily on this dynamic of Stockholm syndrome.
>>29841628 I suppose, but would more white-knightness allow it to be SPG material?
>>29841675 >>29841694 Consent by law and consent given are two distinct things. The first determines whether charges can be brought to the rapist, while the other is simply whether the parties are willing to engage in sexual relations.
Statutory rape is thus a case where both holds true, i.e. the minor says she is okay with it, but it is still rape, as defined by the law due to her young age.
On the other hand, rape within marriage is not a chargeable offence in some countries (fucked up, i know), as some have laws that state that it is not illegal for a husband to force himself on his wife (again, fucked up). In this case, there is no rape charge that be slapped on the husband, even though his wife did not agree to having sex with him. It still counts as rape, at least in my book, as even though it isn't illegal, she did not give her consent. By extension, pony slaves can be raped, even if there are no legal provisions to stipulate that.
>>29841667 >another where Anon buys a mare from the mines and rapes her constantly, and she just kind of takes it because it's better than the mines. Would you be so kind as to drop a link to the pastebin, please?
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>>29841911 I'm not sure if there was a paste for this. It was a oneshot in the thread. Elaborating more on it, the pony was a hobo in equestrian and when she let Anon rape her he got her more things that made her happy and made her look pretty and she eventually started liking it,
They then actually fell in love with each other, before -they- came to take her back. Had a pretty sad end. Anonymous
>tfw you will never have a pillowslave
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
"Because I Choose To" - > You are back the scene with Angela and Starlight, watching representatives from the Animal Rights Agency packing the body into a bag, lifting it onto a stretcher. They proceed to carry it away. Turning to the Investigation Officer assigned to this case, one Inspector Noel, you listen as he briefs 2 other officers from the Equestrian Citizen Affairs Department. The Inspector is a thin, bespectacled Asian man who has a camera dangling from his neck. > “… Nothing beyond a charge of improper disposal of a carcass. Just a fine of $1,000. Tops… And that is if, and only if, mind you, that the Subordinate Court finds him guilty.” > “That’s outrageous! Sprinkle Medley has clearly suffered physical and sexual abuse! I mean, she had her tongue ripped out and a fucking knife wound in her vagina, Noel! Who the fuck does that? This asshole is a danger to-” > “Please, stop… I know, alright? You don’t have to say it again, dammit! Until… Until Parliament passes that Bill, we are stuck here... Don’t forget that she is registered as his, so he can do whatever he hell he wanted to her.” > “… God fucking dammit… Oh alright, then, I’ll do the write-up for ECAD… We’ll look into his purchase history and post a lookout for him. Be sure to include that in your report, Noel... Hopefully, AC Thor can blacklist him, that slimy fuck. Stop him from getting more of them.” > “I hope so. It’s lucky that that bastard is not at home, ‘cause I don’t know what I’ll do if I see his fucking face… Anyway, E-mail me your write-up yeah? I’ll send mine to you when I’m done.”
> “Alright. See you back at HQ for the debrief in an hour.” > Inspector Noel sighs and waves to the 2 ECAD officers as they take their leave. He turns to Angela and you, sighing again as he pinches the bridge of his nose and clenches his eyes. “No bueno, eh, Noel?”
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29843623 > “Nope… It’s just so… Incredibly fucking unjust…” > You turn to Angela, who just shakes her head sadly. You let out a sigh yourself, feeling a mixture of indignity and frustration. These fucking sadists are getting away with their treatment of ponies, and you, as a Police officer sworn to protect the vulnerable in society, could do nothing about it. You clench your fists hard, crushing Starlight’s red leash in them. > A maximum $1,000 fine? Why not just slap his wrist instead and tell him to play nicely? > God dammit. GOD FUCKING DAMMIT. > The silence drags on, as each of you are immersed in your own thoughts. Then, Noel squats, stretching out a palm towards Starlight. > “Little pony? Come here, girl.” > Starlight turns up to you for permission, which you give with a nod of your head. Walking forward, she keeping her head bowed. She sits on her haunches in front of Noel, who gently pets her on the head. > “My name is Noel. What’s yours?” > “S-starlight Glimmer, Officer Sir.” > Noel smiles softly as he continues to pet her. > “You know, you are a very lucky pony, Miss Starlight, to have Inspector Anon as your master. I have encountered so many cases like these, and it kills me bit by bit every time I come across a new one… Yet, knowing there are also people like Anon here gives me hope that humanity is not entirely condemned… So, you should treasure Anon, okay? Do what he says, and listen to him. He’ll take good care of you, I know it.” > Starlight nods. > “I will, Officer Noel Sir.” > Turning her head to look at you, you see tears gathering at her eyes again. > “I will…” > You squat to place a hand on her back, before standing up and mouthing a silent “thank you” to Noel. He merely nods, standing up as he turns to leave. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29843626 > You sigh as you stand, moving your head up to look up at the block of flats. In one of these units, the turquoise and green-maned mare had her tongue ripped out, a knife stabbed into her birth canal, and she was strangled to death with string. Probably raped too.
> Yet, this block looks so peaceful from the outside, Boss. And the neighbourhood is so quiet. > Yeah, Brain, they sure are. > You feel a gentle hand on your shoulder. Turning, you see Angela also looking up before she turns to you. > “If there is nothing else, let’s go… Wanna try to complete the Industrial Complex Patrol before lunchtime? I’ll drive this time…” > She nods to Starlight. > “Seat behind later, Anon, and spend some time to comfort her. She looks like she really needs it.” “Okay.”
> Angela pats your shoulder before she starts walking to the police car, pulling out her radio on the way. “Starlight?”
> Your pony is still sitting at the same spot, her gaze fixed at where the toppled bin used to be. At the sound of her name, her ears perk up, and she gets up on her hooves. “You okay?”
> That was a stupid question, but your intention was to show that you are concerned for her. She gives you a soft nod. “Let’s go, alright?”
> “Yes, Master.” > Tugging on Starlight’s leash gently, you get her to follow you. You plan to pet, hug, and rub the crap out of her in that backseat. > Not literally, Brain. > … > Starlight fell asleep. Curled up in your lap, you gently stroke her mane and rub her ears. Poor girl has been through a roller coaster of emotions already, and given the few hours of sleep she got last night (this morning), you do not blame her. > Plus, she is new to the whole policepony job. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29843627 > Angela pulls the vehicle into a carpark, slowing down as she drives over a hump. The rocking motion shakes the vehicle, causing Starlight to shift back and forth. She just continues snoozing. Angela shifts the gear to ‘reverse’ and backs the car into a lot. Then, she depresses the clutch and removes her seatbelt, tapping on the Data Terminal again as she tears off another slip of paper and writes in the file. When she is done, she looks back at you and nods, and you slowly slide Starlight off you onto the backseat. Again, she just sleeps through it. “Shall we leave her in the car? She is exhausted.”
> Angela pauses to consider your suggestion, then she nods. > “I’ll keep the engine running and the air-con on. This place is relatively safe anyway, so no worries about the car. Oh, write her a note yeah? Don’t want her to panic later if she wakes.” > Seeing you nod, she exits the vehicle and pulls out her radio again, speaking quickly into it. You take out your notepad to scribble a short message for Starlight, giving a time estimate as you explain that Angela and you will be back after the Patrol is done. You stick it on the back of the headrest of the driver’s seat. > Turning back to glance at Starlight one last time, you open the passenger door and step out, closing said door gently. You look around, seeing that you are in the carpark of a factory of sorts. As far as you know, Linen Road Industrial Complex is a manufacturing hub, albeit a smaller one as compared to the others in the country. Although you have 4 checkpoints for this patrol route, they are relatively easily to access as compared to the ones in the Central Business District, given that they are situated around the perimeter of the complex. > “Dispatch to Foxtrot 5. Roger that. 1211 Copy. Over.” Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29843630 > Angela puts her radio back, then she nods at you. You follow her, setting off at a brisk pace towards your first checkpoint. It is located beside the outer perimeter fence, so Angela and you are walking along rows of parked container trucks by the face. Your respective equipment bounces and clinks with your footsteps. > “… You really love her, Anon, don’t you?” > Turning to Angela, you meet her eyes and nod. “I do… I really do, Angela…”
> “Have you… Nevermind… Knowing you, you probably already did.” > You frown. “What?”
> Angela smiles at you. > “You already made love to her, haven’t you?” > You stop dead in your tracks as your heart skipped a beat, staring at Angela as she stops too. You feel your stomach constrict, as if an ice cube appeared in it. She gives you a little shake of her head, smirking lightly. > Fuck. > She knows. Angela knows. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck…. “H-how did… You…”
> “Boys will be boys, Anon… And the 2 of you are way too obvious.” > Angela takes a breath, looking up at the sky for a moment before turning back to you and crossing her arms. > “I can tell by the way the both of you look at each other; there is something there that is beyond that of a master and a slave. Or even between close friends. I can tell that she does not obey you because she fears you, but she obeys you because she wants to… I dare say that she loves you, Anon… As a girl myself, I am certain of the signs.” > Angela smiles at you before she elaborates. “From the way you were comforting her earlier in the car? The things you said to her, the way you held her, and the way she looks at you, I can tell. You were kissing her, for fuck’s sake! It’s almost like you both are in your own little world.”
> Shaking her head, Angela giggles softly. “Your behaviour is exactly the same as how my boyfriend behaves with me… Much to the annoyance and embarrassment of my mother and sisters, but I digress.”
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29843631 > Eyes drifting to her left, Angela sighs deeply before she resumes speaking. “I suppose even though I still don’t like the idea of her being your slave, you have shown that you have not and will not take advantage of her position… From the things you do, Anon, I can see that you value her happiness and well-being… And… I guess you are right; even though Starlight may not be truly free, she can still choose to be happy. With you. As her master.”
> You just stare at Angela, stunned at her monologue. “S-so, you are not… Angry?”
> Fucking witty, Boss. Of all the things to say, you ask the obvious. > Angela grins as she punches you on the shoulder. > “Why should I be? Starlight is clearly happy being with you; you treat her well, look after her needs, you keep her safe. And knowing you, you’ll make good on that promise to AC Thor that you’ll die for her if need be… As a girl, I say that’s a pretty good deal, especially in this day and age. It’s hard to find a guy like you, especially one that is so committed… And, as a bonus, you are handsome and charming enough for a guy.” > You cough as your face becomes warm. Angela laughs, clearly enjoying your discomfort. “T-thanks…”
> Recovering, Angela sighs again and grins at you. > “Don’t mention it. Besides, I am not in a position to judge the nature of the relationship between the both of you.” > Huh? Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29843635 “I don’t understand. What do you mean by “not being able to judge” us?”
> Angela smirks. Glancing left and right, Angela leans in conspiratorially. > “I’m going to tell you a little secret, Anon.” > Intrigued, you bend your back, lowering your head. Angela covers her mouth with her hand and whispers in your ear. > “… Let’s just say that my boyfriend isn’t my first, and that I know a lot about canine anatomy...” > What. The. Fuck. > Smiling sheepishly at you, Angela turns and starts walking again. You are sure that your eyes are like sauces now as you regard her in shock. Your mind is a blank. > What the fuck. What the fuck! > Never did you expect- > “A girl has needs too, Anon! And that was years before I met my boyfriend!” > You blink rapidly and shake your head before you start following her. > Angela is an active member of an animal rights activist group. Brain buzzes with excitement at the possible teases and dirty jokes that he can make in the future. > Shaking your head again, you get him to shut up. You will never see your best friend in the same light again. > … Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
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>>29843638 Updates!
Angela is... Even I am surprised by the shit that comes from my mind. No, not surprised. Disturbed.
> The skeletons in our closets; wouldn't it be interesting, albeit disturbing, if you can know what everyone's deepest secrets are? "Because I Choose To" - Thank you so much for your support. Do leave your comments, ideas, suggestions and criticisms below, yeah? I love to receive and read them.
>>29843638 Damn nigga, you throwing some weird shit in this
Angela is a dogfucker now
And poor dead pony, if the guy who killed Starlight's two friends got prison, then why couldn't this cunt have gotten anything?
>>29843713 I think the drugs and guns might ha had more to do with it. Weird that Anon doesn't know the law better. He thought that guy might do serious time.
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>>29843713 "... and he is now held in police custody for charges of drug trafficking, illegal possession of slaves, and illegal possession of a firearm."
>>29843740 > Weird that Anon doesn't know the law better. He thought that guy might do serious time. Oops, that wasn't my intention. Making edits to the pastebin now.
The follow edits have been made:
> ... > “Nope… It’s just so… Incredibly fucking unjust…” > You turn to Angela, who just shakes her head sadly. You let out a sigh yourself, feeling a mixture of indignity and frustration. These fucking sadists are getting away with their treatment of ponies, and you, as a Police officer sworn to protect the vulnerable in society, could do nothing about it. You clench your fists hard, crushing Starlight’s red leash in them. You know the law, and you know that if this was your case, you will come to the same conclusion as Noel. The injustice of it still hurts you inside though, and leaves you feeling bitter and resentful. > A maximum $1,000 fine? Why not just slap his wrist instead and tell him to play nicely? > God dammit. GOD FUCKING DAMMIT. > The silence drags on, as each of you are immersed in your own thoughts. All that runs through your mind is for Parliament to fucking pass that Bill. And the things you would do to that scroungy fuck if you met him. Then, Noel squats, stretching out a palm towards Starlight. > “Little pony? Come here, girl.” >... Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
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>>29843713 > Damn nigga, you throwing some weird shit in this ... Angela is a dogfucker now Was*
>>29843713 In the same way that Anon is a
ponyfucker ?
>>29843867 Sentient cartoon ponies are different than dogs.
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29843638 > Laughing at Angela’s joke, you punch her shoulder. “That’s really horrible. Funny though, but horrible.”
> Angela just continue giggling, wiping her eyes with the back of the hand that holds her file. > Walking over to the Police cruiser, you peer inside the window, seeing that Starlight is still sleeping. > Damn, she is really plum tuckered out, eh Boss? > “Back to Station for lunch, Anon?” > You turn and smile at Angela as she opens the door to the driver’s seat. “Sure thing, Ma’am.”
> You get the passenger’s seat, closing the door quietly. Despite your efforts, Starlight stirs and opens her eyes slowly, her little muzzle opening in a yawn. You reach a hand over and rest it on her head, which causes her to focus her eyes on you. She gives you a smile as she blinks drowsily. > “Hi Master.” “Hey Starlight.”
> You pet her mane slowly, reaching the other hand to cup her cheek. You run your thumb over it, and she smiles wider in return. “We are heading back to the Station for lunch. Just completed the Industrial Complex Patrol.”
> Her eyes open widely and she lifts her head. > “Oh no… Master, I should hav-” “It’s okay, Starlight, it’s okay… You had a rough morning, and you slept late yesterday. Don’t worry about it.”
> Starlight kisses your thumb and rubs her face into your palm. > “Thank you, Master.” > You just continue petting her and caressing her cheek. > It was then that you realised that Angela has not started driving, and is looking over the driver’s seat at you. When you meet her eyes, she mouths “See? I was right”. You smile sheepishly as she returns it, then she fastens her seatbeat and shifts the gear to “drive”, releasing the clutch thereafter. > The drive back to the Station is filled with cuddles, nuzzles and hugs with your pink pony. > … Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
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>>29844015 Smallish update.
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>>29843623 >“That’s outrageous! Sprinkle Medley has clearly suffered physical and sexual abuse! Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29844015 > You wipe watermelon juice off Starlight’s muzzle before passing an apple to her, watching as she bites on it. Sitting down on the chair, she holds it in her hooves and looks up at you with a grateful smile. > “Thank you, Master.” > You just smile as she takes a bite out of it. > She is eating much slower now, Boss. Definitely on the road to recovery. > Aye, she is. > You turn back to your meal: a portion of white rice with dishes. Simple and filling. Cheap too. > Angela’s lunch is similar to yours, and she has already finished half of it when you were getting a portion of fruits for Starlight. > You start on your meal, taking a slice of stir-fried pork with a mouthful of rice. > The Station canteen is relatively empty now, given that it is almost 2pm. There is a group of junior officers seated at another table on your left, and they seemed to be listening to a briefing as given by the Station Warrant Officer. On your right, you see a female Inspector passing a hot drink to a teenage girl in school uniform, before seating down at the table and talking to her. She appears shaken; you guessed that from the way she frowns at her drink while giving small nods to the policewoman in front of her. > Shoplifter, maybe? Or victim of some pervert? Criminal, or victim? > You shake your head. It is fruitless to speculate further without some context. > Then, you watch as DSP Koh picks up a tray with a bowl on it. He turns, scanning the canteen. > You raise your hand, which catches his attention. Smiling lightly, he carries the tray to your table. As he approaches, Angela and you greet him, standing up to give him a salute, which he returns after putting down his food. The 3 of you sit down together. > “Ah, this must be Starlight then.” > Starlight bows, apple still in her teeth. She holds it in her hooves again before speaking. > “Good afternoon, Mister Officer Sir.” > “Please, call me Koh. Or “DSP Koh”, as how Angela and Anon calls me.” Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29844298 > “Yes, DSP Koh Sir.” > DSP Koh turns to you with a small smile. > “Well-mannered and polite. Good job, Inspector.” > You clear your throat. “She is naturally so, Sir. I didn’t need to teach her that.”
> “That may be the case, Anon, but it reflects well on you as a master. You should be proud of her.” > Smiling lightly, you glace at Starlight and give her a quick pet before looking back at your supervisor. “I am.”
> DSP Koh is about to pick up his chopsticks when Angela speaks. > “Erm, Sir, you wanted Starlight’s Witness Statement form? I have it in my office now.” > “Oh, that’s good, but it isn’t needed anymore. Still, keep it in the case file in my office for future reference, after lunch.” > What? > You share a look with Angela, who is just as confused as you are. Even Starlight looks up from her apple, watching and listening to the scene in front of her. > You turn to DSP Koh. “Sir? Why isn’t it needed anymore? Didn’t the Public Prosecutor ask for it?”
> The middle-aged man gives you a smirk. > “I just got word from Prisons. That drug dealer you arrested, Anon, was strangled to death by his cell-mate 3 days ago. Apparently, the cell-mate is being held for aggravated assault for savagely attacking a person who kicked his pony. He was due to be released on the account of ‘Defence of Personal Property’... Anyway, that drug dealer was apparently boasting to him about how he raped a pony and killed another in his flat. Early one morning, the prison guards heard a commotion in the cell, and they entered it to find the cell-mate had his arm locked around the dealer. They tried to resuscitate him, but his windpipe was totally crushed. The dealer has been unconscious for a long while before the guards wrestled the cell-mate off him. He was dead before he could be sent to the Prison Medical Centre.” > Wow. That absolute madman. He actually did it. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29844301 > “As such, that cell-mate is now being held for Murder, but as far as I know, the charge would most likely be Culpable Homicide Not Amounting to Murder… If he can prove that the provocation was sufficient for him to lose his rationality, that is. His family has been contacted, and his pony has volunteered to stay with him in Police custody; she went in this morning. Quite a shame, really… I heard he was a pretty nice chap. Serves that dealer right though, that sick fuck.” > Angela, Starlight and you just sit there, stunned by what you have learnt. DSP Koh has no qualms about it though, and starts on his noodles. > Being charged for Murder at worst; Culpable Homicide Not Amounting to Murder at best. Either a death sentence, or life imprisonment. If he is well behaved, that life imprisonment sentence may be reduced to 15 years. > At least, he has his pony for company, Boss. > “How is the evidence stacked up for him, Sir? Does he have a strong defence?” > That question came from Angela. > DSP Koh ‘hmms’ as he eats and thinks. He swallows. > “As far as I know, the other cell-mates did confirm that the dealer was laughing and joking about his actions, and they heard him insulting the cell-mate’s pony, so who knows? Maybe the judge for this case will take these into account when deciding the verdict? I don’t want to speculate without speaking to the Investigation Officer for his case, but I’m confident that our judges are fair.” > Okay then. > DSP Koh wipes his chin with a handkerchief and speaks again. > “Tragic as it may be for the cell-mate, I am glad that he sent that sadist to hell. People like him is what causes a lot of the sufferings in this world for ponies like Starlight. Better to weed them out.” > DSP Koh motions to your food with a hand. > “Eat up, Anon. Your food’s cold, and you are still on RTR status for your shift.” > You clear your throat. “Yes, Sir.”
> … Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29844304 Small update.
Got the momentum to write, so why not?
Justice is served. Somewhat.
"Because I Choose To" - Thank you if you have been following. As always, comments, ideas, suggestions and criticisms are welcomed. Hope you like this segment.
fanganon !!GVsqLDOink5
>>29844319 >Parasol raped to death >Sprinkle Melody tortured and killed If I knew you were going to kill every background pony I mention, I would've picked ones I didn't like. Anonymous
>>29844015 >shifts the gear to “drive”, releasing the clutch thereafter. What? This ain't a heavy duty truck you dont have "drive" and a clutch at the same time
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29844615 Oh silly me. I meant "handbrake". Editing on the pastebin.
>>29844662 This whole world is a bit 'off'. Some sort of weird semi-auto tranny with 'drive' and a clutch would fit right in.
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>>29844787 CVT with a clutch rather than a disconnecter/slip gear... would probably work well in a small motorbike
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>>29843893 Dogs are sentient too.
>>29843638 That was an interesting tern of events.
Wtf I like Angelia more now.
>>29844319 Not that i'm against it but it is kinda strange that he can keep a pony with him in prison.
prison paying to feed the peony and keeping her safe from the people that are there for a reason. A female anything would be in danger around that many guys who haven't seen a woman in a while.
Though inmates may sympathies with them. there may be whole gangs protecting them. Maybe the pony is almost like a therapy animal to brightens up many of their lives.
it just still feels risky.
>>29843638 Kinda makes me wonder what society's views on sex with your pony slave are when Angela's response is "Don't worry, I understand. I used to fuck my dog."
Or is this story going to include Diamond Dogs? Anonymous
I haven't lurked here in a few months, is skittles back, or at least something skittles flavored?
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>>29845317 As others have mentioned, the whole place has a 'Roman Empire' vibe to it, except with technology and pastel ponies. They were into that sort of thing, right?
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>>29843638 Ha!
I guess the only difference between fucking up a dog and fucking a pony is that the last one can make breakfast the next day.
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>>29845622 We've had a few writefags arise from their graves (with an insatiable hunger for the flesh of the living), but he rests in peace.
>>29843713 >And poor dead pony, if the guy who killed Starlight's two friends got prison, then why couldn't this cunt have gotten anything? Good point.
I guess it depends on who gets caught on the moment
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>>29845727 He got prison, but for other stuff.
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>>29844301 >“I just got word from Prisons. That drug dealer you arrested, Anon, was strangled to death by his cell-mate 3 days ago. Apparently, the cell-mate is being held for aggravated assault for savagely attacking a person who kicked his pony. Oh pity . . . A scum less in the streets.
If circumstances were otherwise I would give the Nobel to our noble hero
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>>29844319 Thank Mercury
Now we need to find the Medley killer and send him to prison for an 'accident' before his lawyer pleads innocence for mental illness or any other shit
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>>29844573 You don't get to have nice things
somewritefag !!tvlWrbLUTqN --------------------------------
>Corona has spent these last few nights in Anon's bed >it's been kinda nice to have the bedroom all to yourself, and the privacy that goes with it >flashing to life, your horn glows, pulling the blankets over your head as the sun peeks through the window >you grumble silently to yourself, even though it should be a relief to see some sunshine after the harsh winter storms that have been so relentless for the last week >flicking and rotating, your ears fixate on the sound of faint, feminine giggling outside >lifting your head and pushing the blinds away, squinting as the light bounces off the fields of white and assaults your eyes, you see her >a blue blur bouncing around through snowbanks up to her chest, fuzzy red scarf rippling around her neck with each hop >didn't she say she hated the snow? >with a snort, you fall back onto your pillow >before you even have a chance to close your eyes, there's a knock-knock-knock on the bedroom door >"Hey Shiny, it's almost noon. You gonna come hang out with us or what? It's Christmas Day!" >you groan, flicking your tail as you pull the pillow out from under your head and cover your face with it, hearing the door handle turn as Anon steps inside >"Come on, Scrooge, get your horsey hiney out of bed and come spend some time with us," he says >a cold, wet sensation suddenly smacks into your exposed belly just as the blankets are ripped away >you gasp, letting out a sharp whinny as laughter rings in your ears "Oh come on, Anon, that was a cheap shot," you nearly yell, hopping down from the bed and shaking vigorously to remove the icy cold slushy remains of the offending snowball
>you're able to cast a weak shield just in time to deflect a second one that was heading straight for your muzzle "I'm up, I'm UP, stop with the snowballs already," you grunt as you lazily wander toward the door, following Anon down the hallway
somewritefag !!tvlWrbLUTqN
>>29846601 >"SHINYYYY!!!" a squealing voice takes you by surprise, the sudden weight slamming into your shoulder and tiny arms around your neck nearly throwing off your balance. "Merry Christmas, Shiny!" "Gracie? Hey... Merry Christmas to you too," you say, sitting on your haunches and turning toward her, pressing your chin into her back as she hugs you again. "What are you doing here, though, shouldn't you be spending the holiday with your fa-"
>you're interrupted by the stomping of boots against the floor and a cold gust of wind as - right on cue - Steve steps in through the open front door >"Hey there, hoss" he says with a friendly smile, hanging his coat on the rack nearby as he stomps away the last bits of snow clinging to his boots >you nod toward him, giving a slight roll of your eyes as you do every time you hear that nickname >"The little one here's been dying to see you and-" >the tension around your neck increases as you're squeezed even tighter, and you can't help but to give a soft chuckle at her enthusiasm, even as her grip begins to slightly strain your breathing >"-Daddy promised we could come visit you today so I woke up super early and opened my presents and- MMMMWAH!" she gushes as she pulls away and kisses your cheek before resuming the death-grip around your neck, "I'm so so happy to see you, Shiny, I love you!" >you let out a gentle nicker as she finally releases you >"What's that weird thing on your horn, Shiny?" "That was Ano- my Master's Christmas present to me," you say to her. "It lets me use some of my magic aga-"
>"OH! OH!" she gasps, clapping her hands excitedly, "MAGIC!? Can I see, CAN I SEE?" >the little girl stares transfixed at your glowing horn as you levitate a cup of hot chocolate that Anon offers you up to your lips and take a sip >"woooooow" she says, awestruck, "that's soooo COOL!" >licking the chocolate from your lips with a smile, you offer her the empty cup, which she takes eagerly, rotating it around in her hands somewritefag !!tvlWrbLUTqN
>>29846603 >"there's no strings or anything, it's really real magic," she says giddily as you levitate another full cup toward her, Anon and Gracie's father taking a seat on the recliner and sofa nearby, both occasionally glancing over at the two of you as they talk >you simply nod >"can you do any other tricks with your magic, Shiny?" >she jumps, startled as the two of you are suddenly surrounded by a dim magical barrier >Steve stares over at you curiously as Gracie marvels at the feat, slowly pressing her hand into the shield in amazement, holding it there for a few seconds before you drop it >"so does that mean you can keep yourself safe if anyone tries to hurt you?" >you nod once more "Yeah, but that's not something I have to worry about too often, I don't have much to be afraid of around here, after all."
>she slowly reaches toward your horn, touching it for a few seconds right where the attenuator ring is fixed solidly in place >"I don't get why you need this thingy to use your magic though, Shiny... why couldn't you before?" >you look over her shoulder at Anon hesitantly before replying "Erm, it's complicated, Gracie. Let's just same some humans are afraid of ponies with magic when they don't know if they can trust them, so they take it away. Some other - bad people - did that to me before Anon took me in, but that doesn't matter now. My Master trusts me enough that he wanted to give me my magic back, and this little ring I'm wearing helps with that. He knows I won't hurt anybody with it."
>"Do some unicorn ponies hurt people with their magic? I still don't understand..." >there's an awkward silence before you try to rapidly change the subject "SO, did you like your Christmas gifts? Get everything you wanted?"
>"Huh? Oh yeah, they were okay I guess..." her voice trails off >"Oh, that reminds me," Anon interrupts, "Gracie, Santa Claus brought something by here with your name on it," he says with a mile-wide grin somewritefag !!tvlWrbLUTqN
>>29846608 >he pulls out a decent sized gift-wrapped box from behind the sofa, and sets it on the floor in front of her >"I tried to tell him you didn't live here, but he insisted on leaving it here for you - said he wanted it to be a surprise. I wonder why?" he says, glancing over at you for a moment >you tilt your head in curiosity as she begins tearing away at the wrapping paper >her eyes go wide when she sees the contents of the box, and her head whips around to face you >"SHINY!! Come look what Santa brought us!" >'us?' >you step toward her and take a look for yourself just as she pulls the box over onto its side and starts pulling out its contents >oh >that's what she meant by "us" >there's a brown leather saddle >bright pink saddle pad to go with it >a bitless bridle with reins >various brushes and grooming tools, all also different shades of pink "Oh... how nice..." you say with feigned enthusiasm
>"Oooooh, thaaat's why he wanted to leave it here," Anon says with a laugh. "Ya know, I told Santa I promised you more pony rides once Shiny was healthy enough, and mentioned you didn't have a saddle or anything for him," he says, winking at you, "so he must have figured you'd like one!" >"I love it! I can't wait to try it out," she squeals with excitement. "Shiny, do you wanna try this stuff on?" she says, looking at you eagerly, trying to gather everything up all at once in her arms, but inevitably failing "Uhh...." you mumble hesitantly, shooting Anon a subtle annoyed glare
>"It's still okay if I ride you, right Shiny?" she says, "if you changed your mind it's okay... maybe mister Anon can take this stuff back to Santa for me and see if he wants to bring me something else... I'd understand..." "Oh no, Gracie, it's fine," you reassure her, "I'm a pony of my word. I'd just almost forgotten, I guess"
somewritefag !!tvlWrbLUTqN
>>29846615 >she places her hand on your muzzle, softly stroking it >"Only if you want to, okay Shiny? I still love you!" >you can't help but smile and nicker once again "Okay, Gracie. Let's see how my new saddle fits."
>she begins by taking one of the brushes and running it over your back in long strokes, and you're unable to resist closing your eyes, your head drooping ever so slightly in relaxation, bottom lip quivering here and there >it feels really nice, and you find yourself leaning gently into the brush's bristles with every stroke >"I watched lots and lots of videos on how to do this, you gotta start with brushing the pony really really good to make sure his coat is nice and smooth. It's gotta be clean and laying flat so his back and belly don't get irritated by the saddle and straps rubbing him there," she states matter-of-factly, as though she's giving Anon and her father a lesson >after thoroughly going over your back, sides, and belly, she reaches for a different brush, and starts working your mane with it >"He should look nice too, so you brush his mane and tail to make sure there's no tangles in it and it's nice and smooth and fluffy. It also helps keep them from getting snagged on bushes and stuff if you go riding in the woods" >you ignore Anon's amused expression, continuing to revel in being pampered like a show pony by your little pal, gently swishing your tail with a soft sigh >she reaches for your front left hoof, and you instinctively pick it up without even noticing, allowing her to inspect it >"And you gotta check the pony's hooves to make sure there's no rocks or anything stuck to the bottom that'll hurt him" >you allow her to repeat the process with the other three hooves, even though you already know they're clean >she's enjoying grooming you more than you imagined >soon enough though, she's reaching for the saddle pad and placing it carefully on your back somewritefag !!tvlWrbLUTqN
>>29846625 >"The saddle pad has to go so that the front corner is about half way up his shoulder," she says, sliding and adjusting it, "right about here. That way when he moves his front legs it's not uncomfortable and his shoulder isn't rubbing on anything too much." >she struggles some with the saddle, but manages to get a good grip on it, lifting it up onto your back >"You want some help getting that on hi-" Anon offers, but silences himself when he sees Gracie setting to work tacking you up as though she's done it hundreds of times before >surprisingly it's lighter than you'd expected as it comes to rest on top of the saddle pad >it's also a lot more comfortable than you thought it would be at first >you stand perfectly still as she continues unassisted >"You sure she's never done this before?" you hear Anon ask her father >even the tightening of the cinch around your barrel isn't unpleasant >when she holds the bridle up to your face, you lower your head and she slips it around your muzzle, pulling your ears through the opening at the top one at a time and straightening out the strands of your forelock that get caught underneath as she goes, before finally tossing the reins up over your neck and resting them around the horn of the saddle >"You look great, Shiny! How does it feel?" >you shift your weight on your hooves, arch and wiggle your back against the soft pad, before walking around the room a bit, eventually returning to her "Not bad, actually. Snug. Kinda comfy. Almost reminds me of..." your voice trails off
>"Reminds you of what?" >you shake your head "Nothing, never mind Gracie..." you say. Stepping to the side and bending your front legs toward the floor, you look back at her over your shoulder. "Wanna climb aboard?"
>"Be careful Grace, take your time," her father says, "don't get so excited you make yourself fall" >she already has a foot in one of the stirrups before he can finish his sentence somewritefag !!tvlWrbLUTqN
>>29846641 >she struggles to pull herself up onto the seat, but you give her a little boost with your magic, and she's soon resting comfortably astride you, though you can feel the tension and anxiety in her muscles even through the saddle >she's not heavy at all, in fact you'd hardly know she was there if you weren't keenly aware of her nervousness >her grip on the reins is far too tight - fearful even - pulling your neck into a slightly uncomfortable bend, and you encourage her to ease her grip and relax "Take it easy there, Gracie. I'm not gonna let you fall, okay?" you reassure her. "Shiny's gotcha."
>"'re much t...taller than Corona..." she stutters, starting to tremble, fear evident in her voice "Shhhh... it's okay," you say, continuing your attempts to ease her tension. "I won't let anything happen to you, I promise. You're safe with me."
>Anon and Steve are completely silent, seemingly content to let you handle this on your own, though standing at the ready in the event the little girl on your back starts to panic "I'm just gonna stand right here perfectly still for you, okay? I'm not gonna take a single step until you're ready. And if you want down just say so, alright?"
>"mhmm..." she murmurs with a slight nod >it takes a few more minutes, but eventually her trembling stops and her tension subsides >you feel her reach down and pat your neck as the pressure on the reins slowly releases, and you're finally able to rest your head in a more natural position "How you doing now, Gracie?" you ask, looking back up at her over your shoulder
>"better... it's not so bad... I... I just gotta get used to it. I didn't expect it to feel so different from Corona is all. You're a big pony." >you give a gentle snort, lowering your head submissively for her, trying to build her confidence and let her feel even more in control somewritefag !!tvlWrbLUTqN
>>29846652 >it would be easy for a pony your size to hurt her badly if you decided to, and she has to be feeling intimidated on some level >but you're intent on doing everything in your power to show her she can find comfort in your strength, and that it will never ever be used against her >she continues stroking your neck >"Good boy, Shiny... good boy..." >you offer her a gentle nicker, closing your eyes >"Heh... ol' hoss is practically purring like a kitten for her," you hear her father say to Anonymous >you hadn't even noticed Corona come back inside, curious how she'd managed to slip by you unnoticed when you finally see her laying next to Anon's recliner, smiling at you >"Whatcha think, Gracie? Wanna take him for a spin outside?" >you look at Anon, about to mention you don't think that's a good idea yet until Gracie speaks up >"not...not yet, mister Anon, just inside for now is okay... I gotta take my time, like daddy says. I... I just wanna sit here for now, if that's okay with you, Shiny..." "Of course, Gracie. Whatever you want," you say with a lazy swish of your tail.
>after a few more minutes of sitting still, stroking your neck, she speaks up again >"I... I think I'm ready to get down now, Shiny" >strangely, you're almost disappointed to hear her say that >but you comply with her wishes, lowering yourself to the floor slowly and laying down to make it easier for her to dismount >her arms are around your neck once again the moment her feet are back on the ground >"maybe next time we can walk a little bit... thank you Shiny..." >you nod, nuzzling her cheek as she pulls out of the hug and quietly begins the process of removing your tack somewritefag !!tvlWrbLUTqN
>>29846661 That's all for this update, enjoy!
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>>29846661 >the trembling was arousal, not fear >she sat on the saddled shiny just long enough to cream her little panties Anonymous
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>>29846601 >>a blue blur bouncing around through snowbanks up to her chest, fuzzy red scarf rippling around her neck with each hop hhnggg
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>>29846603 >One Wild Grace appear! Need 1000 units of insulin ASAP!!!!
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>>29846652 >You're a big pony. 4u
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>>29846661 Shiny's submissiveness to Gracie and instincts to protect her make my heart melt.
>>29846661 >hoss You think that is considered a racial slur to ponies? Like "nigger" is to blacks?
>>29846810 the pony equivalent of "nigger" is probably "nag"
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>>29846823 >"lazy nag" >"lazy nigger" it fits
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>>29841345 >Gently ease her into a better management system than the shit she's accustomed to. The fact that she is asking at all means she's unsure. She isn't beyond redemption yet. >Hopefully something gets through to her. I'm sorry to disagree but I would say to avoid trying to redeem Haute this early. I'm all for giving ponies the benefit of the doubt and trying to turn them from a bad path but 'hope' is a commodity we cannot afford easily. She is asking us questions not because she's in doubt, but because she's probing for signs of weakness to prey upon. Haute is NOT in a position to be compromised down from, she has nothing to gain and, from her perspective, everything to lose. She has everything she could possibly want (given the circumstances) and trying to dissuade her from her current path only opens us up for her to attack socially.
Haute can be taught long term how the right way to lead, not rule, is but no redemption came without humility first. She has to pay the consequences of what she's done so far before she'll even be willing to consider our way is better because so far, her way hasn't failed her in the slightest yet. We can't offer her trust we know she hasn't earned yet.
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>>29846661 Need this, thanks Somewritefag!
>>29846664 >nickers >tail swishing >snorting I've noticed this a lot in your writing
you do realize that mlp ponies are NOT horses, right?
somewritefag !!tvlWrbLUTqN
>>29847021 I have always chosen to give ponies horse-like mannerisms in all of my writing.
>>29847040 that's because you're a zoophilic faggot
I hope you go to jail for raping your mare
>>29847069 there's nothing wrong with raping your mare
horses are property and a man does as he pleases with his property
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>>29847069 >>29847082 go eat your veggies fagfag
>>29846661 >why you need this thingy >"Erm, it's complicated, Gracie. Slaveventure faced the same issue with Megan, and they sort of copped out too. Kids notice when you put them off like that! Gracie will want a fuller explanation sometime, perhaps while they have a quiet ride together.
And how DID Shiney come to be implanted, but not permanently disabled, by these -bad people- anyway? Flashback tiem! >a bitless bridle with reins Coronas bridle came with an optional bit, it's never used either. Bitless bridles are not necessarily the less sever option; if they don't fit perfectly or the rider is inexperienced they can damage the facial nerves and cause other problems, right? Horses seem to vocalize and even eat through the bit without much difficulty, they are comfortable and practical. Always thought it was such a touching act of submission when they open their jaw and take the bit, surprised we missed it here. Are these being used just so our pones can still speak properly, or some other reason?
>"Oh no, Gracie, it's fine," you reassure her And the pervasive poison of slavery taints this innocent relationship. Is Shiny able to give a gift of service to Grace, or is he being coerced? Anon said earlier it was going to happen, then went and bought it at some expense, how could Shiny say 'no'? But Shiny would have loved to do it anyway. This sort of ambiguity is the very heart of SPG.
>"You sure she's never done this before?" Somebody's been browsing YouTube. A lot.
>Almost reminds me of... never mind. What, a hug? This being 4chan I'm guessing something lewd, but honestly drawing a blank here.
>>29847040 This. They're not horses, but they're not humans either. That's the charm.
We've all been waiting a while for this, and it's everything I hoped it would be. Thanks, Somewritefag!
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>>29847185 I would imagine the lack of a bit is so the pony can talk to their rider. probably less important when the pony is being driven.I also don't think this is the same type of bitless bridle used on actual horses, pressure isn't really necessary to guide a sapient animal, it's probably literally only there to give the kid something to hold on to
shiny bowing his head in submissiveness even without a bit is supposed to show how much he cares for her - and would probably even accept her as his mistress far more easily then he accepted anon as his master
Where the heck is Fagfag? A Shiny update is just not the same without his insightful contributions!
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>>29847185 I thought he was going to say the saddle reminded him of wearing his armor, it probably had padding under the metal that felt similar on his back.
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>>29847239 check the archive
fagfag got scruffed
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
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>>29846664 Do remember to update your pastebin, yeah?
>>29847185 I don't think wearing the saddle or giving Gracie pony rides is going to bother shiny at all considering how she insists it's up to him. She shows a great deal of consideration for his feelings, putting them above her own desires. He wants to reward her for that. She's a good friend for him.
also he loves that little girl to death by now and would probably do just about anything to make her happy
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>>29847288 Ya, totally. But no matter how much she insists it's up to him, it's not up to him. It's up to Anon, because he's a slave. It poisons everything it touches: a slave cannot give, because they do not have.
>>29845727 >good point no not really
it was plainly stated that there were no charges because he was LEGALY her owner.
Currently no laws against what you do with your property. Other than illegally dumping a carcass i guess.
>>29847324 And is not even considered abuse against animals because technically the ponies are aliens?
If they passed the protection law for ponies could they arrest those who killed the ponies in the past, whether they were the legal owners or not?
I've read a few of the pastebins, but are there any especially cozy stories?
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>>29847363 'Ex post facto' criminal laws are prohibited by the constitution of most legal systems, for good reason. Mercuries world is quite authoritarian and legalistic, it would seem odd if it's laws could work like that. This does not mean that casual murder of ponies will be free of consequence though...
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>>29847386 As far as completed stories. I consider
"Helping Hands, Helping Hooves" to be really high up there.
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>>29847040 Personally, I enjoy it a lot and look forward to it in your writing
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29844304 > “… Anon…” > You stir, reluctant to move from your position. > “… Anon, wake up. It is 3pm now…” > You open your eyes, and the first thing you see is Starlight’s smiling face. She leans in to nuzzle your chin, earning a chuckle from you. “… Okay, okay… I’m up…”
> You yawn widely, moving both hands up to rub your eyes. When you open them, you see Angela’s face behind Starlight’s. She is shaking her head softly as she smiles at you. > “Like a little child sometimes, right Starlight?” > The pony on top of you giggles softly. > “I wouldn’t have him any other way, Angela.” > You smile, leaning forward to kiss Starlight on her little muzzle. “… And I you, little pony.”
> Starlight blushes and giggles again. That is such a cute sound. > “Alright you 2, we have to go for the Hup Seng Residentials Patrol now. 5 checkpoints, so it will take a while to clear them.” > Groaning, you sit up slowly as Starlight hops off you. Angela kneels and starts putting the K9 vest back on the pink pony, working expertly as she adjusts the straps and buckles. You removed her vest when you laid down on the couch in your office after lunch, letting Starlight lie on top of you while you waited for Angela to come back from DSP Koh’s office. > Her coat was so warm and soft in your arms, and her body was so firm. The way she snuggled into your embrace? You feel fuzzy just thinking about the feeling of her on top of your chest, sharing that intimate moment with you while you slept. You don’t even remember when you knocked out. > You smile fondly as you watch Starlight adjusting herself again, K9 vest now in place. Thank you, God, for giving me that sweet, beautiful little pony, and for letting me win her love and affections. > Checking your phone, you see that it is indeed 3pm now. Angela must have let you rest after she was done, as filing that Witness Statement form would not have taken that long. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29848738 > You take a deep breath and stretch yourself, yawning again. When you open your eyes, you see Starlight holding the handle of her red leash in her mouth, which she moves to deposit it in your hand. You smile and ruffle her mane, telling her that she is a good girl. She closes her eyes and smiles as you pet her. God, she is so cute. > Angela taps you on the shoulder gently, giving you a nod and a smile before she exits your office. > Right. Back to work. > Standing, you turn to Starlight. “C’mon, Starlight. Let’s go.”
> … > Hup Seng Residentials is a collection of condominiums and landed property. One of the bigger housing communities in the district, it is home to approximately 8,000 people. This patrol route is chosen, as far as you know, for the Police Force to show their presence amongst the people, and to give them a sense that your officers are engaged in their community. The patrols here are thus more for a display than for necessity, given that crime rates here are low, but you agree with the rationale that was given to you: law enforcement, community engagement and Police presence should be treated as inseparable. > Walking around the quiet neighbourhood, Angela, Starlight and you found the first 3 checkpoints easily. Now, your group is walking across a lift lobby. > “Master, it is so peaceful and quiet here.” > You smile. “That’s because the workday is not over yet; most people living here are still at their workplaces or schools… Well, except for that group there.”
> Using your thumb, you point it at a group of young children chasing each other in a playground, laughing and calling to each other under the supervision of 2 ladies. There are about a dozen of the energetic little rascals, some male and some female, and they are all younger than 10. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29848741 > Your patrol route covers the playground, so you continue towards it. One of the young boys comes running towards the 3 of you, pointing at Starlight excitedly as he jumps and claps his little hands. He is no older than 7 by your estimate. > You kneel and smile at him. “Hey little man, you wanna meet my pony? She’s a really sweet and friendly girl.”
> “Okay, Mister Policeman!” > He moves forward and pets a surprised Starlight gently. She initially recoiled a little when the boy approached her, holding a hoof up as she leaned back, but she relaxes at his touch, smiling softly and closing her eyes. > Angela kneels too and speaks to the boy. > “Her name is Starlight.” > The little boy smiles as he continues petting Starlight’s head, ruffling it like how one will pet a dog. > “Good pony. Starlight is good pony.” > Before you know it, the whole gang of kids had come over, asking your permission repeatedly to pet Starlight. “Okay, okay, just be careful, okay guys? No pulling on her hair and ears, and no poking of her face. Starlight here will be sad if you do that. You don’t want to make the pony sad, do you?”
> “No, Mister Policeman!” > The way that they answered simultaneously is… creepy. > Must be the way they answer questions in class, Boss. Probably, Brain, but still creepy. > Surprisingly, the rowdy, energetic bunch of kids kept their word, taking turns to shower Starlight with affection. The 2 ladies then come over, muttering their apologies and thanks before shooing the kids back to the playground, where they resumed their chasing game. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29848746 > “That was… nice, Master.” > Smiling, you place a hand on Starlight’s back. She turns backwards to look at you over her shoulders, meeting your eyes as she smiles too. “Ready to go?”
> Starlight nods, and gets up. > “Yes, Master.” > You stand and resume walking. > “See what I mean? You will be a great father, Anon.” > Rolling your eyes, you chuckle and shake your head as Angela walks beside you, file in hand. “Oh c’mon, I was just being nice to them… Anyone in my position will-”
> “Say goodbye to the Police Officers and the pretty pony, children!” > A chorus of young voices follow. > “Bye Mister Policeman! Bye Miss Policewoman! Bye, pretty pony!” > You wave at them. “Bye, kids!”
> … Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
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>>29848749 And break time.
Working on the next update.
"Because I Choose To" - Anonymous
>>29848684 Cute.
Someone should write a green about maid Applejack.
Appul maid is for sexual .
More Nightmare Luna whenshe needs her tired, aching hooves rubbed.
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Shiny a good boy. A GOOD BOY!
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>>29848768 Hey, I'm just waiting for the day when Landscape AJ does something bad and Anon actually has to punish her for it.
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>>29847185 >Is Shiny able to give a gift of service to Grace, or is he being coerced? I don't feel like he's being coerced into doing something he doesn't want to do here. I also don't feel like it's something Anon would force him to do, since Grace is respectful of what Shiny wants. Anon wouldn't countermand that and demand she ride him against his will, resulting in it being an unpleasant experience for both of them. She's always insisted that while she really likes getting pony rides and really enjoyed when Corona let her ride her, it's not something that's vital to their friendship, and so he has the freedom to refuse without damaging her feelings toward him.
I don't think she was expecting to feel so intimidated sitting on Shining's back. I can relate to that experience - riding a horse looks really fun until you're sitting on this huge powerful thousand-pounds-of-pure-muscle beast that could kill you with minimal effort (granted Shiny's not nearly as big as an actual horse, but still, you get the idea). Shiny going out of his way to be submissive for her really illustrates how much he cares about her. I doubt he would go out of his way to make Anon feel comfortable in a similar situation.
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29848749 > “… Anon…” > You stir, reluctant to move from your position. > “… Anon, wake up. It is 3pm now…” > You open your eyes, and the first thing you see is Starlight’s smiling face. “… Hi, beautiful…”
> You yawn widely, ignoring Starlight’s blush as you move both hands up to rub your eyes. When you open them, you see Angela’s face behind Starlight’s. She is shaking her head softly as she smiles at you. > “Sappy as all hell, right Starlight?” > The pony on top of you giggles softly. > “I wouldn’t have him any other way, Angela.” > You smile, leaning forward to kiss Starlight on her little muzzle. “… And I you, little pony.”
> Starlight blushes and giggles again. That is such a cute sound. > “Sheesh… Alright, we have to go for the Hup Seng Residentials Patrol now. 5 checkpoints, so it will take a while to clear them.” > Groaning, you sit up slowly as Starlight hops off you. Angela kneels and starts putting the K9 vest back on the pink pony, working expertly as she adjusts the straps and buckles. You removed her vest when you laid down on the couch in your office after lunch, letting Starlight lie on top of you while you waited for Angela to come back from DSP Koh’s office. > Her coat was so warm and soft in your arms, and her body was so firm. The way she snuggled into your embrace? You feel fuzzy just thinking about the feeling of her on top of your chest, sharing that intimate moment with you. You don’t even remember when you knocked out. > You smile fondly as you watch Starlight adjusting herself again, K9 vest now in place. Thank you, God, for giving me that sweet, beautiful little pony, and for letting me win her love and affections. > Checking your phone, you see that it is indeed 3pm now. Angela must have let you rest after she was done, as filing that Witness Statement form would not have taken long. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29849535 > You take a deep breath and stretch yourself, yawning again. When you open your eyes, you see Starlight holding the handle of her red leash in her mouth, which she moves to deposit in your hand. You smile and ruffle her mane, telling her that she is a good girl. She closes her eyes and smiles as you pet her. God, she is so cute. > Angela taps you on the shoulder gently, giving you a nod and a smile before she exits your office. > Right. Back to work. > Standing, you turn to Starlight. “C’mon, Starlight. Let’s go.”
> … > Hup Seng Residentials is a collection of condominiums and landed property. One of the bigger housing communities in the district, it is home to approximately 8,000 people. This patrol route is chosen, as far as you know, for the Police Force to show their presence amongst the people, and to give them a sense that your officers are engaged in their community. The patrols here are thus more for a display than for necessity, given that crime rates here are low, but you agree with the rationale that was given to you: law enforcement, community engagement and Police presence should be treated as inseparable. > Walking around the quiet neighbourhood, Angela, Starlight and you found the first 3 checkpoints easily. Now, your group is walking across a lift lobby. > “Master, it is so peaceful and quiet here.” > You smile. “That’s because the workday is not over yet; most people living here are still at their workplaces or schools… Well, except for that group there.”
> Using your thumb, you point it at a group of young children chasing each other in a playground, laughing and calling to each other under the supervision of 2 ladies. There are about a dozen of the energetic little rascals, some male and some female, and they are all younger than 10. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29849550 > Your patrol route covers the playground, so you continue towards it. One of the young boys comes running towards the 3 of you, pointing at Starlight excitedly as he jumps and claps his little hands. He is no older than 7 by your estimate. > You kneel and smile at him. “Hey little man, you wanna meet my pony? She’s a really sweet and friendly girl.”
> “Okay, Mister Policeman!” > He moves forward and pets a surprised Starlight gently. She initially recoiled a little when the boy approached her, holding a hoof up as she leaned back, but she relaxes at his touch, smiling softly and closing her eyes. > Angela kneels too and speaks to the boy. > “Her name is Starlight.” > The little boy smiles as he continues petting Starlight’s head, ruffling it like how one will pet a dog. > “Good pony. Starlight is good pony.” > Before you know it, the whole gang of kids had come over, asking your permission repeatedly to pet Starlight. “Okay, okay, just be careful, okay guys? No pulling on her hair and ears, and no poking of her face. Starlight here will be sad if you do that. You don’t want to make the pony sad, do you?”
> “No, Mister Policeman!” > The way that they answered simultaneously is… creepy. > Must be the way they answer questions in class, Boss. Probably, Brain, but still… creepy. > Surprisingly, the rowdy, energetic bunch of kids kept their word, taking turns to shower Starlight with affection. The 2 ladies then come over, muttering their apologies and thanks before shooing the kids back to the playground, where they resumed their chasing game. > “That was… nice, Master. A little degrading, but nice.” > Chuckling, you place a hand on Starlight’s back. She turns backwards to look at you over her shoulders, meeting your eyes as she smiles too. “Ready to go?”
> Starlight nods, and gets up. > “Yes, Master.” > You stand and resume walking. > “See what I mean? You will be a great father, Anon.” Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29849568 > Rolling your eyes, you chuckle and shake your head as Angela walks beside you, file in hand. “Oh c’mon, I was just being nice to them. Anyone in my position will-”
> “Say goodbye to the Police Officers and the pretty pony, children!” > A chorus of young voices follow. > “Bye Mister Policeman! Bye Miss Policewoman! Bye, pretty pony!” > You wave at them. “Bye, kids!”
> … > Keeping to the sidewalk, the 3 of you are walking along a road flanked by rows of bungalows. You passed Checkpoint 4 approximately 5 minutes ago, and the 3 of you are getting tired. After all, you have been walking for approximately an hour now, so there is little conversation between the 3 of you. > Passing a unit which has a dog barking furiously at Starlight, you look up ahead to see a man running towards you. You poke Angela to get her attention, nodding your head at the rapidly approaching man, pulling Starlight behind you. She fixes him with a stare, and the both of you instinctively reach for the handle of your revolvers. > Always better to be prepared. > “Officers! I need your help!” > Oh. > You relax your stance and let him approach, still watching him cautiously. This is a young Hispanic man, maybe in his late 30s. He stops in front of you, wheezing and pointing a finger behind him. > “Officers! My girl… She… Freezer… She…” > Definitely not a threat then. > Angela puts her hand on his shoulder as he doubles over, fighting to catch his breath. > “Easy, citizen. Take a deep breath and relax. I cannot help you if you do not tell me what’s wrong… Easy now…” > He gulps several mouthfuls of air, before he opens his mouth again. When he does, he manages to speak somewhat coherently. > “… My little girl… We… Hide-and-seek… She… Hide in garage freezer… Very cold…” > Shit. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29849585 > You exchange a quick look with Angela, who nods. You place your hands on both sides of his face and turn his face to yours, momentarily surprising him as you fix him with a hard look. “Which is your house? And what is your address?”
> “… The… Green one… Grey roof… Blue SUV…” > You release him, straining your neck to look ahead. You see the house, and a frantic woman standing in front of it. She is waving in your direction. That’s the place. You turn to Starlight and give her leash a pull. “Follow me, Starlight. Quickly now.”
> She gives you a swift nod, no doubt noticing the urgency of the situation. You start running towards it, again hearing the clinks of your equipment on your utility belt. This time, it is accompanied by the rhythmic clip-clips of Starlight’s hooves beside you. > “I’ll get his address and call for CDF*!” > *Author’s Note* CDF, short for ‘Civil Defence Forces’, which includes Emergency Medical Services and the Fire Service. > That was Angela’s voice. You just lift your arm to give a thumbs-up without looking back. > The worried woman is 20 metres away now. Now that you are closer, you see that is of a similar age to that man. Hispanic also. Young parents then. She calls to you, waving her arm vigorously. > “O-officer! My girl! Please, help her! She is so cold!” “Where is she?!”
> The lady points to her front door with a trembling hand. She is 10 metres away. > “I-In the living room, Officer!” > You turn the corner sharply and run into the house, dodging the blue vehicle. > Scanning it quickly, you see a young girl, approximately 7 or 8 years old, lying on the floor. Her lips are pale, and she is not moving. > Fuck. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29849606 > You scramble to her side, dropping to your knees, shaking off Starlight’s leash in the process. You press your right index and middle fingers to the sides of her neck, cursing when you feel how cold her skin is. A pulse. Weak though. Then, you move that hand upwards, placing your palm on her forehead while you put your left index and middle fingers under her under her nose, leaning your head over her hers as you watch her chest. She is breathing. Good. > You turn to the young mother. “Get me blankets. Every single one that you have. And bring me a thermometer. Hurry!”
> She nods urgently and complies. > Turning to the girl, you shake her shoulder with a hand. “Hello! Girl, can you hear me? Girl? I am Officer Anon! Hello! Can you hear me?”
> No response. > Angela appears beside you, looking down at the young girl. She also places her palm on the girl’s forehead while she holds her radio to her mouth. > “Foxtrot 5 to X-ray 8. Victim is a young girl, approximately 7 years old. Not responsive, showing signs of severe hypothermia. Her father reports she is trapped in a freezer for approximately 20 minutes. Over.” > “X-ray 8 to Foxtrot 5, solid copy. Is she breathing and does she have a pulse? Over.” > You quickly nod at Angela, who returns it. > “Foxtrot 5 to X-ray 8, yes and yes. Victim is breathing and has a pulse. Pulse is-” > Angela turns to you again, and you mouth “weak”. > “- weak. Pulse is weak, X-ray 8. Over.” > “X-ray 8 to Foxtrot 5, copy that. Don’t start CPR. What’s her temperature? Over.” > “Foxtrot 5 to X-ray 8, no reading as of this time, but she is cold to the touch. Skin is of similar temperature to the marble tiles here. Over.” > “Roger that, Foxtrot 5. Keep victim warm, and give her warm fluids if she becomes responsive. We are 6 minutes out. Over.” > “Foxtrot 5 to X-ray 8. Copy that, and do hurry. Over.” Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29849623 > The young mother carries a bunch of blankets over just as the man you saw earlier comes rushing into the house, wheezing and panting. The mother deposits the blankets beside the girl. > “N-no thermometer, Officer…” > You just shake your head. “Nevermind then. The ambulance is arriving in 6 minutes. Help me spread out the blankets. We cannot let her lie on the cold floor like that.”
> While they spread the blankets, you put a hand under the girl’s shoulders and one under her butt. You stand, lifting her into your arms as you wait for the make-shift bedding to be completed. When it is done, you gently lay her down on it. Turning to the mother, you tell her to go outside and keep a lookout for the ambulance. She leaves. > The father, now recovering from his panic, starts petting his daughter’s forehead as he cries and blames himself, repeatedly saying that it was his fault, how he was an irresponsible father and calling down curses on himself. Angela just nods sadly and gives him a pet on the back. You can tell that she feels helpless as well. > Looking down at the poor girl, you wonder how you can help. Besides just waiting for the paramedics, that is. > I have an idea, Boss. You feel your eyes widen. > Turning to Starlight, you remove her leash and start unbuckling her vest. You address her. “Starlight, use your coat and body heat to warm her up. Keep as close to her as you can, and I’ll wrap a blanket over the both of you… This girl may die without warmth, and you are the best person to save her life right now. Do it. Quick.”
> Starlight nods as you lift the vest off her. She crawls on top of the girl, pressing her body against her as you wrap a blanket over the both of them. Starlight rests her rest beside the little girl’s, holding her neck against her’s. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29849639 > The next few moments are passed with you just listening to the sobs and cries of the father while you wait in silence. All that you can think of is how this girl is no different from the kids at the playground. Similar ages, but they are having fun while she is fighting for her life. It makes you… sad. > Then, a commotion from the front door draws your attention, and you stand up hurriedly. A pair of paramedics enters the house, carrying a stretcher. The girl’s mother enters as well, moving over to hug her husband as she cries. > One of the paramedics, an African American lass, turns to you, while her partner, a young Caucasian man kneels down beside the girl and starts unpacking his tools. > “This is the girl, yeah?” > You nod and step back, letting them do their job. They unwrap the blanket, moving Starlight aside as they do their assessment. You call to your pony, and she retreats to your side. > “Will she be okay, Master?” > Glancing down, you see Starlight’s brows are furrowed in worry. You just pet her. “I don’t know, but we can hope.”
> The paramedics takes her temperature with an ear thermometer, and proceeds to lift her on the stretcher, blanket and all. Then, the black lass turns to you. > “Can your pony keep her warm as we transfer her to A&E*? She is not stable yet.” > *Author’s Note* A&E, short for ‘Accidents and Emergencies’; the Emergency Department of a hospital. > Heh, ‘not stable’, unless she has a pony with- > NOT THE TIME FOR HORSE PUNS, BRAIN! > You turn to Starlight, who meets your gaze with a determined nod. “Okay.”
> With that, Starlight trots swiftly and climbs into the stretcher with her. Similar to what you did earlier, the other paramedic wraps her in with the girl, strapping them in position with a buckle. “Which hospital are you sending her to?”
> “Keneagles General. 14 minutes away.” Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29849663 > She turns to the girl’s parents and tells them to follow them. You move to pick up one end of the stretcher while the Caucasian dude moves to the other end. > “1, 2, 3. Lift!” > You stand up and start walking towards the ambulance. Seeing Starlight turning around to look at you, you address her. “Don’t be afraid, alright? Angela and I will meet you at the hospital. Just stay with the girl and keep her alive, okay? She needs you.”
> Starlight smiles. > “I will, Master… And I’m not afraid.” > That earned her a smile from you. > At the ambulance, you heave your end of the stretcher upwards onto a carrier, and let the black paramedic take over. She motions for the girl’s parents to get in, while she holds the door open. When they are seated, she gives you one final nod before pulling the door close. > The last thing that you saw were those purple orbs of Starlight’s eyes. The ambulance takes off, sounding its sirens and flashing its lights. > Angela taps you on the shoulder. Giving her a brief nod, the both of you start walking back to your vehicle. Angela is carrying Starlight’s vest, so you pull out your radio. “Foxtrot 5 to Dispatch. Message. Over.”
> … Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29849681 And break time.
"Because I Choose To" - Thank you if you have been reading and following. It means a lot to me. As usual, let me know what you think by leaving your comments, ideas, suggestions and criticisms below. ^^
>>29845281 > it is kinda strange that he can keep a pony with him in prison. Thanks for pointing that out. Will make edits on my pastebin for DSP Koh's explanation for why Starlight's statement isn't needed anymore. DO check it out, yeah?
>>29849708 Kay, not to be a shit but you will die of suffocation long before hypothermia in a domestic freezer.
And Starlight is probably the worse choice to share body heat as her fur limits the transfer of her heat to the environment... same as a human wearing a coat on a cold day.
Also paramedics have thermal blankets for just such reasons
Not normally one to whine but shits pretty egregious
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I just want to compfy cuddle with a broken pone and make her feel safe and try to help her move past her trama.
>>29849761 >>29849681 if you want to move the scene to the hospital use Angela, if it doesnt matter use the mother
I think Shiny likes his saddle.
>>29850371 I don't think he likes it, I think he just doesn't mind it because he loves Gracie.
>>29850396 Why does he like the kid so much? I don't understand
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>>29850527 Cuz she's a total sweetheart and truly loves him.
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29849761 Wow... just... okay...
I will have to re-think this segment. Might trash the entire segment.
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29849761 >>29849962 Thank you for pointing that out.I'm embarrassed, frankly, from fucking up this badly.
Removed the hypothermia segment from the pastebin, but saved the playground segment. I'll think of something else later, after I get some sleep.
>>29851511 Don't let him get to you, Mercury.
We still love the story.
We could always just say
cause magic I mean, it works for the show
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
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>>29851580 Thank you for your kind words, but
>>29849761 is right. If I had known all these, I would not have written the hypothermia segment.
I have other ideas to work with, so it's okay. Will start on it when I wake later (I slept for 3 hours only before I woke).
Thanks for your support and for reading my green. Hope you'll like the next update. ^^
>>29850163 Just like Luna I see no point of using any of the sisters, maybe Luna could be captured and used as a trading card but if Celly was capitured I dont think Equestria would survive the moral blow
Not reading the Luna green for that reason, seems too far fetched, unless it was in a top secret isolated and restricted military containment zone holding her captive then sure, it d be believable to have one of Equestria's leader there, but from what I remember its simply a common home, not even a millionaire housing to be able to afford a specimen as rare as the alicorns if Equestria had completely lost the war so, ye
Honestly i dont think I ll ever understand lunafags and their autism...
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>>29847040 still trying to figure out why people ride your dick so hard, lots of samefagging perhaps?
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>>29848746 >>29848749 This was sweet.
I imagine this is one of the good things that comes with working for the system, the feeling that you are doing your part to make your community a better place for the good people
>>29849761 >>29851511 But in this case Mercury can use a creative license: Magic Equestrian, the magic inherent in ponies and its natural ability to make connections with other creatures through friendship and empathy can function as a magical semipermeable membrane that transfers heat and energy to a creature Who desperately needs it, Starligth's inherent desire to save the child can help him improve his condition and increase his chances of survival.
And thermal blankets can always be used to increase the thermomagicial effect
>>29851900 >can suspend disbelief about magical talking ponies. and magic talking peonies being pulled from another dimension and enslaved in today's culture. >can't suspend disbelief about one more little thing. Wow. just, wow.
>>29852177 >>29852233 I like that. Maybe she can start feeling trickles of magic slipping back as she's starting to feel friendship and harmony in earth. Maybe not even a fraction of the extent as it is in Equestria, but something.
Could make for a good plot point later too.
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
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>>29852177 That is an interesting angle, but like
>>29849761 said, the girl would have suffocated to death long before she freezes to death.
>>29851569 It's done. I'm removing that segment.
Ive been thinking up a good story, ive decided on absurdity. A somewhat lighthearted and comedic take on ponies being slaves, but too innocent and dumb to fully grasp how fucked up the concept is
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
"Because I Choose To" - > “Bye Mister Policeman! Bye Miss Policewoman! Bye, pretty pony!” > You wave at them. “Bye, kids!”
> … > Keeping to the sidewalk, the 3 of you are walking along a road flanked by rows of bungalows. You passed Checkpoint 4 approximately 5 minutes ago, and the 3 of you are getting tired. After all, you have been walking for approximately an hour now, so there is little conversation between the 3 of you. > You pull out your phone and unlock it. The temptation to just plug your earphones in and fuck off to music heaven is so tempting, but the Police Force has strict rules regarding the conduct of officers, especially when they are on patrol. Instead, your eyes drift to the ‘Notes’ icon. > Oh yeah. > You open it, deleting “P.P. Statement, Starlight”. No need for that anymore. > The other 2 notes: “Night light, Starlight” and “Permissions, Starlight”, remain. “Starlight?”
> Said pony looks up at the mention of her name. Her ears also swivelled forwards. > “Master?” “Later, when we get back home, I will give you the camping lamp in the storeroom. It has a large carrying handle, and you can turn it on and off by pressing the button at the side. Just let me know if the battery runs out, so I can replace them.”
> You reach a hand down and rub the back of her ear. She smiles as you do that. “I don’t want you to spend your nights in darkness, if I get home late, that is.”
> “Thank you, Master.” > You release your hand, and move a thumb to delete the notes. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29853423 “Also, Starlight, you don’t need my permission for every little thing, you know. When I give you space to decide for yourself, like the ordering of food for instance, go ahead and do it. Unless it is a decision that may pose a risk to yourself or others around you, like whether to follow someone or going somewhere that places you out of my sight, then please, do ask me. You are a smart girl, and I expect you to figure out when and where you should do that.”
> Starlight nods. > “Yes, Master.” “And feel free to ask me the rationale for the things that I ask you to do, and feel free to disagree with me. I don’t want you to just follow my orders blindly and unwillingly, as I want you to feel respected as an individual and use your intellect and experience to serve me… But, I would still expect a degree of respect and obedience from you as your Master… Just… Trust me, okay? At the end of the day, I love you and I want the best for you.”
> Starlight smiles. > “You know I do, Master.” > You return her smile with one of your own, but you adopt a stern look after. “The exception to these is when we are out here, in the field. I don’t mean to put you down, Starlight, but I have way more experience than you here, so I need and want you to follow my every order to the letter. Carry them out first, then ask why later; don’t hesitate, just do it… The consequences of action or inaction is of utmost importance out here: a split second’s hesitation can mean life or death, a judgement call can decide if you let a criminal go free or fuck him over with well-deserved justice. These I cannot stress enough.”
> Starlight nods slowly as she mulls over your words. “And… I’m sorry for not telling you all these earlier. Thinking back, it is my fault too, when you ran over and pulled that body out… It isn’t fair to you that I punished you for my mistake.”
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29853426 > You sigh. “Can you forgive me, Starlight?”
> Starlight gives you a small smile. > “I do, Master.” > You stop and kneel to put your arms around your pony, taking a moment to breath in her scent from her mane. God, you love her so fucking much. “I’m sorry.”
> “Apology accepted, Master.” > Leaning back, you regard her. Her purple and teal mane rests easy on the sides of her neck, and her fringe has that cute twirl that falls on one side of her face. She gives you a small smile, which sits so well on her little muzzle, meeting your eyes with her violet ones. Her little horn sticks up on her forehead, and her ears are big and fluffy. > You reach your right forearm under the back of her hind legs and butt, while you move your left upper arm under her front legs and her chest. Cupping your hands on her side, you lift her up as you stand. > “M-master!” > Taking a moment to adjust your grip, you continue walking forward towards a watching Angela. Again, you can smell the faint scent of dogs. “You look tired. Just relax and let your Master take care of you, okay? We still have a ways to go to the last checkpoint.”
> Starlight nods and smiles. > “… Okay… My Master…” > … Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29853433 Short and sweet update to get the momentum up again.
As mentioned, I am removing the hypothermia segment, so treat the earlier blocks posted above as non-existent.
"Because I Choose To" - Gonna be working on the next update after lunch.
>>29853444 Did some research and agrees with the information given by Anon that a child trapped in a refrigerator can die of suffocation before suffering hypothermia, so even though it would have been a useful part in history was the right to remove it, You want to add the item that includes a child in danger by playing hide and seek can use some other element, such as that it was hidden under a basement and the door was closed, or that the child got into the trunk of a car Simply lost and her parents do not find it, here the magic of Starligth could be very useful, she could use a tracking spell using a toy or infant clothes and connect with the aura or life force of it to find their whereabouts, Everything depends on the amount of magic she can still use and the confidence she has to try
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29853679 Well, Glim has no magic in my universe, so no spells. Was thinking of using her as a sniffing dog of sorts, but ponies in the show don't seem to be especially good with their scenting.
I will think of something else. ^^
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>>29853746 Except for Pinkie Pie but I guess you already have your idea planned
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page 8 how could this happened?
>>29846661 Snow-happy Corona a cute poner. Shiny even cuter.
It's genuinely pretty heartwarming how, even though he hates being a slave, he can't argue with the pure innocence and happiness Gracie radiates. Yet, he's not exactly happy about being tacked up and ridden around like an animal - but he's happy he was able to bring her joy. Hell, this is probably one of the first times Shining has been able to actually make a child (human or pony) happy since he was enslaved, and he's just glad to make use of it. Like what
>>29847185 said, Shining is trying his hardest to let this just be a good moment for a kid - no matter how much slavery threatens to intrude on it.
It probably helps that Gracie is showing she really means to care for him - not just use him as a beast of burden. I'd say that's where a lot of Shiny's willingness to be not just tolerant, but actually submissive around her comes from.
Kind of funny, though. The last time he wore a bridle, it was quite possibly for kinky stuff with Cadance. Got to be a little awkward for him to be tacked up by a child.
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>>29854269 >kinky stuff with Cadance Go on...
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>>29853746 Therapy dog with her vagina
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>>29854269 Shiny a good boy. A GOOD BOY!
>>29854269 I think he legitimately loves little Gracie and views her like a sort of surrogate daughter, so he's willing to put up with a little intrusion on his dignity in order to make her happy. He knows that nobody there thinks any less of him just because he's wearing a saddle and bridle and allowing himself to be commanded by a child. I bet Cadance would even think it was adorable her husband has such a big heart that he's willing to make an innocent little girl's dreams come true even though she's a human. He doesn't let his hatred of humans and what they've done to his people taint his relationship with someone who had nothing to do with their subjugation.
I am still getting a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that tragedy is going to strike as a direct result of Gracies enthusiasm for pony rides. She's going to get hurt badly while riding Shiny and it won't even be his fault, but she will still be terrified of him after the incident and it's going to crush him to see her so fearful of him.
>>29855423 Bracing myself for tragedy.
>>29855423 His special talent is protecting others, and he has (some of) his magic back. That tragedy will have to work pretty hard to strike her on his back. I'm looking forward to him getting to play the hero, again.
>is this the world with 'special dispensation' ponies that live free due to exceptional service? Anonymous
>>29855774 >>29855942 >Gracie finally builds up the confidence to go for a trail ride with Shiny >attacked by a bear >Shiny's magic holds just long enough to fend off the bear, but he's badly injured in the process >bear dies from it's injuries >Gracie is badly shaken up but uninjured >Shiny dies from his injuries days later Anonymous
>>29855942 >is this the world with 'special dispensation' ponies that live free due to exceptional service? That was in CYOS, but they're arguably the same world?
>>29856146 they are the same world
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>>29856674 He already fought another pony who had magic, while he didn't, saved his owners life, then ran that other pony down. (and then might have tried to free him, but what'ev). I would say he's only one or two more life-saving rescues away.
>and what is the first thing he does when free? >slaveventure crossover! Anonymous
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>>29856116 >Shiny dies NO
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>>29853746 >no magic As she says, being a unicorn with no bucking magic is pretty bucking lame. Having her horn rot right off of her head would take us into grimderp territory. Cadance seems to get by, when accompanied by two Elements of Harmony anyway. She or somepony is obviously using magic to steal these citizens livestock and teleport it back to Equestria. Can there be no hope for our Glimmer?
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Has Landscape AJ joined Skittles on her walk
>>29857836 yeah since this is so dead today here a little of this
>>29798156 >You text anon that he's an asshole. >He'll probably be confused but you're mad at him right now so that suits you just fine. >Even if he did have good intentions sending angie to check on you it's still somehow his fault. >Logging into his desktop you decide to take your revenge in the form of his MMR. >Your awful laptop can't play DOTA nearly as well as his jacked up desktop but you enjoy the game when you can. >Starting the ranked game on anon's account you make sure to first pick jungle legion commander as soon as possible. >Today everyone will feel your wrath no matter how much they'll hate it. >After all on the internet no one knows your a pony and you can harvest sweet human anguish in peace. >Anon texts you back sometime in the middle of the but you make a point to ignore him. >You'll do the stupid laundry but besides that you're slacking off today. >Usually you'd try to be at least a little productive, there's always an errand or two that needs done sooner or later, but with your flank still burning red anon can shove it if he wants anything else done. >It briefly occurs to you how rebellious your line of thought is today, just a few years ago all you could do is cower and hide most the time to avoid more beatings. >Your last owner had been a real piece of work. >A drunk and a loser who only got a pony to have something to take his anger out on. >When he finally put you in the hospital after one too many kicks to the stomach you had been taken away from him. >Slave or not pony abuse laws did exist so he'd been hit with hefty fine and barred from owning one again for a long time. >Somehow you win your game, mostly because you're pretty sure the enemy carry had downs. >Maybe you should have techies to piss people off but thinking back on your last owner has taken the fire out of you. >Sure anon isn't afraid to take a brush to your backside but that's the worse he's ever done. Vega
>>29858283 >Maybe it's the Stockholm syndrome talking but you guess you could have done a lot worse than him. >Hissing at the soreness you hop out of his seat, grab your ice pack and magically reapply it to your tush as you go to check the laundry. >It only takes a few minutes to fold it and put it away like he likes, he really doesn't have that much clothing. >Heck he's bought you almost as much as he has and you barley wear clothes at all beyond the occasional hoodie. >Finally looking down at your hoof mounted phone you pull up his text. >"???" >Good Jokes mate real funny see u at FUCK YOUJ >After a few minutes trying to find a way to express your displeasure at being molested by angie you give up. >It's not like he asked her to assault your poor flanks. >At least you assume... >Doesn't seem like something he'd do... Angie is probably just really really dumb. >Trying to be diplomatic with your owner and disciplinarian seemed like a good idea so you delete the scathing text you were writing. "Forget it what do you want for dinner?"
>"Why don't you go pick us up a pizza?" >Your horn glows as your blood pressure starts to rise. >Is he messing with you on purpose or is he just dumb too? >He has to know your butt is bright red from the over the knee hiding he personally gave you last night. >Stay calm Twilight, be a good respectful little slave and don't bite his dumb stupid human head off like he deserves. "Master..."
>See your such a good girl. "I would strongly prefer not to be seen in public like... this..."
>"Like what?" >Good girl time is over you're gonna go sharpen your horn for when he gets home. "I swear to celestia anon if you make me go out in public with a red flank i will stab you!"
>"Haha down girl just order in I don't care. Or you know wear some clothes? >Why didn't you think of that? Vega
>>29858294 >Clothes are dumb anyway. >Not willing to let him know how foolish you felt you simply sent him a picture of your horn stabbing a tiny little anon voodoo doll you made out of illusion magic. >"Is this like a dick pic for unicorns?" >Your not gonna answer that. >If the phone wasn't attached to your fetlock you'd have thrown it across the room but it doesn't come off without the right tools. >In the end you order pizza, with all the stuff you like of course, pineapple and canadian bacon mmmmmmmm. >You'd had it at a party anon had taken you to once and loved it even if it was meat. >In a move of unprecedented civility and grace you don't eat all the pizza before he gets home and only start to slowly nibble on one piece when he opens the door. >"Hey hey what did i say about eating on the couch?" "You know I'm the one that cleans the couch right?"
>You still hop down and take your slice to the kitchen table. >The couch was softer than the hard wooden kitchen seats is why you'd chosen it, there's no way you're gonna sit on these unforgiving things. >Finally having put his stuff up anon joins you in the kitchen and plops down in a chair before giving you a strange look. >After a moment a look of realization crosses his features when his eyes go towards your flanks. >He motions you closer before putting a hand on your croup and turning your backside towards him when you comply. >He's not as dumb as Angie so you just keep eating your pizza. >Giving you a pat on and then rubbing your back he speaks. >"Sorry girl I didn't think i was so hard on you last night." >You look over your shoulder and give him a strange look. "You seemed pretty fired up about spanking me into next week at the time..."
>Digging his fingers into your coat to give your back a satisfying scratch that 100% does not make you purr he continues. >"Yeah I was pretty mad, may have overdone it, that's why I sent Angie to check on you." Vega
>>29858302 >You must have had a traumatized face at the mention of the great creepy one. >"Was she that bad?" >You try to decide how much detail you want to tell him about her 'exam' but decide against it. "Just... please never let her examine me without you again..."
>Your voice is a little smaller and more vulnerable than you intended and it seems to hit anon hard. >Scooping you up into a hug in his lap you almost drop your precious pizza. >The hug is... nice... >Angie probably permanently emotionally scarred you so maybe you needed a good hug. >You allow a small nicker and lean your head back to nuzzle him. "I'm sorry I know I messed up yesterday..."
>Releasing one arm he brings it up to mess up your mane. >"Yeah but i think you learned so let's forget about it." >Dropping you back to all fours he motions to the living room. >"And i guess you're allowed to use the couch today. Just you know don't get used to it." >He gives you a wink and you find yourself smiling. >From your spot on the couch it's easy to carry on a conversation about his day and the news and this and that, the usual really. >After dinner he goes to watch the TV and you go to your room to play on your laptop. >A few hours later you hear anon walk past your room to get to his. >"Damn it Twilight did you play on my account!" >Shit you forgot! "I... uhhh well..."
>"You know better Twi come here!" >Poof in a flash of magic you're gone. >"Jungle legion?!?! Not in my house come here you little brat." >Galloping to the far end of the house you can't help but giggle a little. >You know he's not really mad but it's the small victories that count! Tuner !!W9RTnUAAzOJ
>“In—oth- news— severe weather—rainfall…- not ending— near futur- stay indor—dangerous-” >The screen buzzes and crackles as it struggles to maintain connection to the satellite. It fizzles for a few more seconds before the static completely overtakes it, engulfing the dimly lit room with its glow, the downpour outside completely drowning out the crackling of the T.V. >You leave the room, not bothering to turn off the T.V. and headed into the kitchen, careful not to knock the tank on your back against any of the doorways.>It takes you a few minutes, but you eventually found an emergency radio in the counter under the sink. >The body was a mixture of red and black and a small solar panel was embedded atop it next to the retractable antenna. The back end had a hand crank for power as well and the front sported a flashlight. >Cranking the handle, you rotate the knob, trying to find a discernible voice in the sea of static. >“Don’t let allergies get the better o— locos taco—sunny, with a slight chance of rain in the afternoo—he hurricane is literally right off the coast, extreme winds and heavy rainfall to be expected for at least twelve more hours, stay indoors and do NOT go outside-” >Twelve hours huh? Well, thats a little longer than you had anticipated, but you could definitely work with it.>You grab the radio off the counter and head back into the living room, dropping it in one of your backpacks. >Dragging it alongside you, you make your way to the foyer as a flash of lightning streaks across the sky, briefly illuminating the tiled floor and peach colored walls. >A low rumble echoed out, gradually getting louder before releasing in one final explosive burst. >The ground seemed to tremble just a bit a you walked up the wooden staircase to the second floor.
Tuner !!W9RTnUAAzOJ
>>29858369 >An open floor space awaited you at the top, a foosball table rested dead center while two love seats sat adjacent, facing a medium sized flat screen T.V. hooked up to on old PS2 on a worn out coffee table. >Three doors connected the space to the rest of the house, leading into both bedrooms and one bathroom. >A smile briefly adorns your face as you fondly remember the days you wasted playing Shadow of the Colossus for hours on end. >Heading over to the stand, you unplug the surge protector from the wall and then disconnect the game system from that before throwing it in your bag.>Opening a drawer in the table, you spot a plethora of games, from ICO to the old Resident Evil’s. >You never knew you’d feel nostalgic just looking at these boxes after so long. Grabbing a dozen or so after checking to see if the right games were in the case, you shoved them in the bag as well before lugging the whole thing over your shoulder. >Unplugging the flatscreen next, you wrap the cord around it’s base before carefully lifting it up and carrying it down the stairs. >You bypass the living room and move back to the kitchen, heading into the hallway that connected it to the garage. >The garage floor was smooth, yet the surface was cracked in a few places and stains covered the entirety. The walls were packed full of power tools and various other pieces of projects long since abandoned. >A ladder hung from the roof by a hook right by the house’s side door, and several fishing rods jutted out of a golf bag beside that. Tuner !!W9RTnUAAzOJ
>>29858378 >In the center of the garage your rusty SUV sat silent, its back hatch open and awaiting cargo. You lower the flatscreen into the vehicle and push it past various other house appliances, settling it up against the backseat. >You throw the backpack in as well, since it was getting pretty full.>Another boom of thunder shakes the ground, making you flinch. They said it was on the coast, but that storm sounds like it was right on top of you. >Glancing into the van, you briefly reconsider the entire thing. >Was moving right now really the best idea? >This town wasn’t really what you expected when you moved here and the job pickings were slim. You were ready to move on, but perhaps staying for just a bit longer wouldn’t hurt. >You shake your head a few times. >You had already begun packing, can’t back out now.>You grab another bag out of the van and head over to the tool wall, throwing in a few power tools and some spare drill bits in along with a few unopened models and placing it in the car. >Your boots clack on the hard floor as you make your way back into the house and up the staircase. >Heading into the first door you see, you find yourself in the master bedroom. >A large, queen sized bed was pushed up against the back wall, nightstands flanking both sides. Two dressers sat opposite the bed and several jewelry boxes lay atop. >Realizing you left your other bag downstairs, you rip off a pillowcase and empty the jewelry box contents into that. Opening the drawers on the first dresser, you dig through all the clothes searching for cash. >Lo and behold, hidden beneath several pairs of socks and underwear, was several wads of cash, mostly twenties. Thumbing through the bills, you roughly estimate there to be about three hundred dollars. Tuner !!W9RTnUAAzOJ
>>29858388 >Moving to the other dresser, you do the same thing, emptying the jewelry and grabbing the cash hidden in the sock drawer. >You head downstairs once more to unload, then went back up, grabbing the backpack from the living room on the way. >Bypassing the second door upstairs, which led to the bathroom, you head straight for the third door, the kid’s bedroom. >As your gloved hand began to turn the knob, a crash sounded from the bathroom before the door was bashed open. >A middle-aged man in sweat pants and a wife beater tumbled out of the room before crashing to the ground, violently rubbing his face against the carpet and letting out pained grunts. >His face was bright red, partially from the small wound on his forehead that trickled blood down his brow, the color a stark contrast to his graying hair. Tears poured from his eyes and a steady stream of mucous ran out of his nose.>Several strips of duct tape wrapped around the back of his head and mouth, muffling his cries while his hands and legs were bound by zip-ties. >You flung the backpack against the wall behind you and immediately unholstered the chemical sprayer from the tank on your back. >As his head jolted towards the sound, you squeezed the trigger and released a torrent of the spray into his face for the second time tonight. >His writhing figure reflected off the lenses of your gas mask as you continued to pour the chemical mixture over his face. >He really should have stayed in the bathroom like you told him. >A muffled cry of agony and several stifled coughs emanated from his throat as the liquid he had worked so hard to remove from his eyes was reapplied. >You release your grip from the trigger but kept the hose in hand as you approach him, your yellow hazmat suit squelching as you kneeled down next to his convulsing body. Tuner !!W9RTnUAAzOJ
>>29858400 “I told you if you were quiet and stayed in the bathroom, we wouldn't have anymore problems. Why didn’t you just listen?”>“MMPH!”
“Since we’re here, tell me, how does that feel in your eyes? Does it burn? I’m trying to work out just the right mixture to perfect this stuff.”
>“MMMMMPH!” “Scream all you want, literally nobody can hear you over the storm, if there even is anybody to hear you. You just had to stay and man the fort didn’t you? Couldn’t leave the house unprotected huh?”
>Tears continued to pour from his eyes as your homemade irritant worked its magic. “Thirty-four years on the force and this is how you go down? Reduced to a sniveling mess by little old me?”
>Thrashing his body around, he begins bashing his head against whatever part of your body he could make contact with. The blows hurt a bit, but it was definitely hurting him more than you, so you just let him continue. “I bet you don’t even recognize me huh? Eight years we worked together and even now you still refuse to acknowledge my existence. Well, who's the boss now chief?!”
>“GRUHH!” >His undulations increase tenfold as he realizes that his captor was someone he worked with. >Well, you really didn’t work with him ever, at any point in time but he didn’t need to know that. After you got out of here he'd focus all his attentions in the wrong places, giving you a great head start to escape. >The only time other than this that you had actually met him was a few weeks ago when he threatened to pepper spray you for loitering around the local jeweler. Granted, you were considering robbing it but he didn’t know that. Tuner !!W9RTnUAAzOJ
>>29858420 >Grabbing one of his slippered feet, you drag him back into the bathroom and manage to push him into tub. >The dull thunk of his body against the ceramic reverberated around the room as he struggled to break free. >Slamming the door shut once more, you hook the sprayer back against the tank and drag both of the love seats over to the door to fashion a crude barricade. He would eventually break through it, but by then you’d be gone. >Maybe if he used all of his brainpower and decades of police experience, he’d turn the tub on and wash his eyes out. You were pretty sure this place’s water still worked. >Jogging to the last room, you head inside and rip open the drawers on the lone dresser. >Rifling through the clothing, you eventually find another wad of cash, mostly fives and tens, and you took the piggy bank while you were at it. >You rip a painting off the wall, stole the surge protecter from earlier and threw the stuff into the bag as you ran down the stairs, gripping the banister with your chemically resistant gloves as you flung your body around the corner. >Dashing through the kitchen, you steal his toaster as you pass by and head back to the garage after bashing his phone against the wall a few times. >Slamming your fist against a button on the wall, the mechanism activates and the garage door slowly rises up as you haphazardly throw the bag into the back of the car and shut the hatch. >You then sprint to front seat and turn the keys waiting for you in the ignition. >The tank on your back pressed against the seat behind you as you drove away from the house, watching in your rearview as the garage door automatically closed. >The cascading rain crashes against the windshield and even with your wipers turned to full speed, your vision was still somewhat obscured.>You drive along the soaked neighborhood roadway for about five minutes before turning off on a flooded dirt road. Tuner !!W9RTnUAAzOJ
>>29858429 >You could see the highway on the other side of the swaying pine trees, the few cars that were actually driving on it visible only by their headlights. >You can’t help but let a toothy smile come to your masked face. Adrenaline pumping, heart racing, you think back on your haul. >A few hundred in cash, some jewelry and various appliances, you could probably get a thousand or so for all of it if you sold it off right. >Definitely not your best, but then again, home invasion and hostage taking weren’t really your forte. You were genuinely surprised that he had stuck around, since his wife claimed they were going to visit relatives to ride out the storm. >Still, thats why you carry a potentially hazardous mix of chemicals on your back when you commit crimes. Guns? To hard to explain carrying that to cops in some places. Chemical tank? Just a pesticide sprayer, sir.>You pop open the glove box with one hand and pulled out the two new additions to your collection. >An gun, looked like a .45 auto, and a taser. You got lucky when the taser’s barbs hit the tank on your back. A few inches to the left and you would've been the one convulsing the ground. >You’d get rid of the gun later, sell it maybe, and you planned to keep the taser, at least until you ran out of cartridges. But only after you scratched the serial numbers off both of them of course. >As your car continued to push through the mud, you could see the faint outline of an old wooden house in the woods. >Local gossip said the owner was a secretive, creepy old man and some of the kids around town seemed convinced that he killed and ate puppies, but you didn’t care. >If anyone gave you trouble you’d just spray them. Might not be very effective in the rain, but you had a taser and a gun now so there was that. Tuner !!W9RTnUAAzOJ
>>29858436 >Pulling around back, you stop the car next to your own white, windowless cargo van. Hopping out of the stolen SUV and trudging through the mud, you begin the process of ferrying the stolen goods from the car to your van. Taking a tarp out first, you cover any and all electronics with it before moving them to your van. >You shoved the T.V. up against the metal grate that separated the front seat from the back the van and threw the various other appliances and bags of valuables around it. >You began unstrapping the tank from your back, but then thought the better of it and kept it on. >Closing up your van, you hop back in the SUV and drove it back out front to where you stole it, then hopped out and marched through the storm back to your van, the rain pattering against your suit. >Halfway around the house however, something caught your eye. >You wiped the lenses of your gas mask off to make sure you were seeing things right. >There was a metal trash can tied to a pine tree about ten feet off the ground. >Maybe the dude who lived here was crazy… >Curiosity got the better of you however, and once you spotted a tall ladder on the side of the house, you just had to know. >They say curiosity killed the cat and considering how rickety the ladder felt in the high wind, you were sure that the cat was about to be you. >Either the adrenaline had yet to wear off or perhaps you were just really stupid, because you actually started climbing the ladder. >You reached the top and hugged your yellow body as close to the tree as possible for stability as you peered over the edge of the can. >You felt the breath catch in your throat as you struggled to comprehend what you were seeing. Tuner !!W9RTnUAAzOJ
>>29858449 >There was a unicorn, just a bit larger than a filly, with a matted white coat and a mangled light pink and purple mane crumpled up in the bottom of the can that was rapidly filling with water. The only thing betraying that it was actually alive was it’s shivering body. >Only it’s head remained above the orange-tinted water. What looked like a busted shock collar had been wrapped around it’s neck so tightly you thought you could see the bloody skin underneath and a large rusty iron nail was driven lengthwise through it’s horn, forming a cross of sorts. >It didn’t take a biologist to know that it’s right foreleg really shouldn't be bending that way and you could see another, even bigger nail driven straight through the frog of it’s hoof and into it’s leg. The area where it’s… talent mark thingy or whatever they called them had been mutilated for lack of a better word. >Scars that looked like whip marks adorned the flesh there and the shape of an “X” had been carved across it. >The rapidly rising water now covered it’s chin and showed no signs of stopping as you began contemplating what to do. >Should you save the poor creature? Or maybe put it out of its misery? It was obviously on deaths doorstep and you weren’t a stranger to killing wounded animals. >You’d always pull over when you saw roadkill to make sure it was actually dead and if it wasn’t, you’d finish the job yourself. > Occasionally some cops called you out on it, but you found it was pretty easy to justify killing those creatures out of mercy because if your guts were on the other side of the road and you were somehow still conscious, you’d want to die. Surprisingly, most cops reluctantly agreed with you and let you go on the promise that you didn’t do it again. You never listened to cops before though, so why start there? >This though… this was a whole new level. Tuner !!W9RTnUAAzOJ
>>29858460 >You tried to avoid using guns whenever possible because the thought of killing another human sickened you. But temporarily wounding or harming them? A-okay. Twisted and unsound logic to be sure, but you were almost certain that you had some kind of mental disorder other than your rampant kleptomania. >These ponies though, even though many saw them as somehow below human, you could’t see that. They were clearly sentient and obviously had high intelligence and some could even use magic! Sure, they weren't as technologically advanced as humans were but that wasn’t really grounds to enslave an entire species. >The water had continued to rise and was trickling into it’s mouth. You moved it’s head up with one hand, the other still gripping the tree with all your might. >It’s head now repositioned, you were slightly disappointed it continued to breath. If you had accidentally broken it’s neck, you would be on your way now and could justify it to yourself as an accident. >You move one of the back hooves up and saw yet another nail driven in. Same thing with the other two hooves. >If you saved it, what good would that do? If it even survived, it didn’t look like it was ever going to walk again and you didn’t have the time or money to care for someone who needed to be waited on 24/7. Hell, you lived in your van, you didn’t even have the space. >If it had suffered all of this abuse, it was almost certain that there were other parts of it you couldn’t see that were broken. >As much as it pained you to do it, it was probably for the best to spare it from further suffering. >Gripping it’s head, you gently lowed its snout into the water and waited for death to take it. > It’s body squirmed a bit as it seemed to partially awaken. > “mmm…ma…mom…” >Your grip on its head tightened a bit as your greedy black heart crumbled in on itself. Tuner !!W9RTnUAAzOJ
>>29858478 >Throwing caution to the wind, you released your death grip on the tree and scooped up the unicorn as gently as you possibly could, gripping it’s broken leg in your hand to stop it from thrashing about in the wind. >After descending the ladder slowly, you walk backwards toward your van, shielding it’s crumpled body from the gale. >Hooking the sprayer from your chemical tank under the door handle, you managed to unlock it and used your foot to pry the door open. >You set the unicorn down in the passenger seat and tied the sprayer from the chemical tank against it’s busted leg to keep it as straight as possible. >Unstrapping the tank from your back, you set it down on the floor and opened the door to the back of your van. >Taking care not to step on anything, you strip the hazmat suit off as quickly as possible and threw it into the locker on the side wall panel. The clothes you were wearing under the suit remained dry thankfully. >That done, you clamored back up front and turned the keys in the ignition before driving into the woods. Turning on the headlights so you don’t crash, you slowly navigate through the short stretch of mud and trees you traversed previously before reaching the highway on the other side. >You set your GPS to the nearest emergency veterinarian clinic. >Fifty miles away. Tuner !!W9RTnUAAzOJ
>>29858491 >You growl in frustration but still pull up and onto the emergency lane, gaining speed before merging onto the highway with the few others who were still out. >Glancing over at your new passenger, you could see a few drops of blood trickle out of her hooves and onto the seat. That’ll cost a pretty penny to clean. “Just, just hold on, i’m gonna get you help…”
>You speed up to 90. A terrible idea really, but you didn’t know how much longer the thing was going to last. >It lets out a small moan, it’s tail flicking involuntarily to the side, presenting you with it- her, privates. You move her tail back over and continued driving as she mumbles incoherently in her daze. You knew she probably wasn’t going to wake up, but talking helped calm you down. “So you're a girl huh? Don't suppose you’ve got a name?”
>Silence. “Well alright then, how about I call you… Swibble?
>“Uhhhnn…” “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Tuner !!W9RTnUAAzOJ
>>29858500 I'd like to start this post of by saying please don't assault anyone. EVER. Especially police officers, but i figured that if the police got ponies now, it was high time for the criminals to adapt. Do you guys want more?
Also, here's the pastebin. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>29858519 Im interested in what you are selling.
ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>29840688 >>29841716 > If you tell the truth - that you forgave them because you pity them (and, perhaps, in a dark corner of your mind, because you think some of their points were justified) then Haute only has more ammunition to use against you. > And more reason to use it, seeing as you'd be making yourself seem weak and vulnerable in her view. > But suggest that you had even crueler things planned, and she could get the wrong estimation of you. > Or, if you somehow came into conflict even still, use it to hurt you - convince more ponies to come to her side, away from your 'cruelty'. "Tell me, Haute, have you ever heard of the phrase 'catch more flies with honey than vinegar'?"
> "Yes. But they are not flies - they are wasps, and they have already stung you once." "It's not the that I'm catching. If I struck them too hard I'd only turn other ponies against me; in camp like this, I couldn't ever root out all the rebels before it was too late. But I give them a voice, I let them think they can talk to me - it keeps them in line."
> "Isn't that what the guards are for?" "I can't rely on them to catch everypony. And with this many ponies, if I'm too aggressive I could even drive them away in turn. Can you imagine the damage I would do if that happened?"
> That seems to finally get Haute thinking; she hadn't even considered that possibility. > No surprise; whichever ponies she used for her 'enforcers' she probably considered locked in to their roles since she could spend so much more time working on each. "Remember, there are a great many more ponies here than you are used to. A great many more chances for it to go wrong. If I had to punish every pony who's ever had a bad thought about me, everypony here would have tasted the whip already."
> Including yourself. > Perhaps even yourself first. ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>29858786 "The way I did it, I get to have my cake and eat it too - show that I'm not afraid to dish out needed punishment, but can be 'reasonable' too. I make the ponies fighting me seem like the reasonable ones."
> "And if they don't fall in line? If they do still raise trouble for you?" "You were there this morning. You heard my threat. It was not empty - there's no room here for ponies who fan the flames of violence. They will simply be removed."
> With a still-thoughtful expression stamped on her muzzle, Haute Glamour finally nods. > "Playing your role so delicately... I'm once again impressed by your skills as a ruler, Cadance." > No. > If you were a real leader, you could tell her exactly what you thought of her. > Exactly how wrong she was, how much damage she was doing. > But you aren't. > "If I may offer some advice of your own, Cadance?" "Of course."
> Make some of them obedient to you. Not just loyal, not just followers - obedient. Absolutely obedient. When the time comes, you will need ponies who will follow you no matter what. Find out what makes them tick, and squeeze them on it." "And what do you suggest I offer them."
> Everypony has something different. A vice. A hope. A thrill. A chance to belittle a human and feel they are in control, or perhaps a willing mare in their bed." > That last one raises an eyebrow, and Haute Glamour shrugs. > "For some, it is what they need. Yes, I did lift my tail for a few stallions - and warmed a couple of my owners' beds too." > Then, more softly: > "Do you think less of me for it?" "No."
> And for the first time in a while speaking to Haute the honest in your voiice is all genuine. > Of all the things she had done, making herself - available was the least of them. > It could not reduce your opinion of her any lower than it already was. > Surprisingly, however, Haute's voice also contains a note of pure and true honesty: > "Thank you." > Relief at being vindicated, perhaps. ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>29858799 > "Some would hate me for that. But I - I won't give up this power. I won't go back to being the weak, the slave. If I have to give this up - then so be it." > And in that answer, you wonder if you couldn't also hear a scared little filly terrified of losing herself again. > The question is, can that filly be coaxed out from under the scarred shell she'd built over her heart? > You regard the toilet bowl with the dull unhappiness of somepony who had been hanging over its edge for the past ten minutes. > Disgust. > But relief that it was there. > The last time you'd been this sick was - how many years ago? > A wild night out, with Cloudchaser under one wing and a glass of proper mead in the other hoof. > Somepony's birthday, at least at the start. > Later, it'd just been drinking for the sake of drinking. > could use a drink right now. > It might take the edge off the real reason you were languishing on the edge of this porcelain bowl this time: > The screams still echoing in your ears from pairs of ponies had tiane their turn up at the whipping posts. > Before you'd experienced it, a whipping had been bad enough. > After your own turn under the lash, it had become so much worse. > Enough to make you flee, stomach turning, and just barely be able to reach your quarters. > Thank Celestia that Cadance had not demanded you be up on the stage for it. > How she had managed to do that after her own turn under the whip was beyond you. > Maybe alicorns were made of stronger stuff than mere pegasi. > Maybe she just had more of her emotions, her empathy abraded away by the daily pressures she faced. > A guard, you think, ought to be stronger than this too. > But the way Crescent Moon had /howled/... > Knocking at your door - a distraction from the matters at hand. "Yeah? Who is it?"
> "It's me, big bro. You okay in there?" > Rumble. > You sigh a soft note of thanks. ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>29858807 > Of all the ponies - or humans - who could have come by, he was one of the few you were genuinely thankful to see. "Yeah, gimme a second."
> Standing - steadying yourself until each step was actually a step, and not just a stumbling lurch forward. > Opening the door, you find Rumble waiting directly in front of it - concern practically stamped on her face. > " okay, Big Bro?" > For a moment you consider lying and saying that no, you're fine. > But there's no hiding it: > You look like you just got out of a century in Tartarus. "...not too great, but I'll be alright in time."
> "Yeah. I, uh, kind of figured. So I, uh..." > One wing extends to gesture to your left - and there stands Vapor Trail, her head cocked in concern. "Vapor! You - you didn't have to come out - aren't you on shift?"
> "My supervisor is... understanding. Can I come in?" > Of course she can. > The moment she does, however, you can't quite help but miss the wrinkle in Vapor Trail's nose. > Cheeks flushing, you duck your head. "Sorry. I smell like a slop bucket, don't I?"
> Vapor Trail, at least, blushes in equal embarrassment. "I, uh.... I threw up. Let me get something to drink."
> "Threw up? Are you sick?" "No. Not like, virus sick anyway. Just..."
> In your moment of hesitation, Vapor Trail nods. > "I understand. Go lay down, I'll get you something." > The tapwater is cold and tastes metallic, but right now it is the perfect thing to wash away the foul taste lingering in your mouth. > While you rest on the bed - Vapor Trail hovering figuratively if not quite literally around you - Rumble sits in the opposite corner and shoots you a knowing smirk. > ...the little jerk, you'll get him for that. > Right before you give him a huge hug for looking after you. > Seeming to read your mind, Rumble gives a little laugh and shakes his head. > "Brothers look after brothers. Little ones too." "Yeah, yeah."
>>29858309 I'm not seeing anyone else replying to your green, so here's a (you) to let you know that I'm following your green.
Also where did HasJew go? I thought basic training was in May?
ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>29858820 > Despite your grumbling, you shift aside when Vapor Trail comes back and heaves herself up onto the bed as well. > After a few moments, you speak up again: "Vapor, can I ask you something?"
> "Of course, Thunderlane." "What are ponies saying out there? What's - the feel of the herd?"
> This takes a few moments for her to marshal up a proper answer. > "Ponies are - scared, Thunderlane. That raid... I understand why you had to do it. But still - it scared everypony something bad. And now those ponies who weren't even rebels, but fought back just because they were scared too and got whipped..." "Is there going to be a riot?"
> "No. Not yet. Not nearly yet. But we're all still balanced on the edge of a thundercloud; lightning's ready to strike, the only question is where." > That notion does not settle your stomach one bit, and yet you're still thankful for her having said as much. > Somehow just hearing it makes suspicion leap to ironclad reality. "I'm sorry."
> Head coming to rest across your withers, Vapor Trail nickers softly into your mane. > "Don't be. Like I said, I understand why you had to. And for everypony ready to be angry, there's another pony ready to back you up." > From across the room, Rumble nods in agreement. > "If you want them to listen you've gotta show them now, bro. Show them like you showed me." > But could that even be done? > Head twisting around, you let your gaze run along Vapor Trail's form. > Her belly, now truly beginning to swell with the her pregnancy. > Over to rumble, watching you with worried eyes. > You could - admit to them. > Tell them something, or even everything, of what you know. > Even just tell them everything about how you're feeling. > But can they be trusted to know? > Your brother and - yes, you can't deny it - marefriend? Suggestions open.
Quoted By:
>>29858420 >>Well, you really didn’t work with him ever, at any point in time but he didn’t need to know that. After you got out of here he'd focus all his attentions in the wrong places, giving you a great head start to escape. devilish
>>29858478 >They were clearly sentient Sapient.
Quoted By:
>>29858500 >>29858519 You got an interesting protagonist there. Would read more misadventures of criminal man and half dead Sweetie.
>>29858828 How much of everything -is- everything? Don't tell them about Seismic's hot human V escapades and escape from new auschwitz 2: Haycartes boogaloo and fuck sake don't tell them about selling the other rebels out.
Minor stuff like he thinks Mellowheart was trying to protect that filly and he couldn't be there to help protect her too? Yeah. As for general feelings about other things, let lose.
Quoted By:
>>29858799 >Make some of them obedient to you. Not just loyal, not just followers - obedient. Absolutely obedient. When the time comes, you will need ponies who will follow you no matter what. Find out what makes them tick, and squeeze them on it." If you press too much at the end you will have no one to squeeze and then it will be your turn
This little schemer seems to forget that she is also a slave.
Quoted By:
>>29858283 >>After all on the internet no one knows your a pony and you can harvest sweet human anguish in peace. Anonymous
>>29858309 Funny stuff
Will she get another beating?
Can anon threaten her with another inspection by angie?
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29853433 > You are huffing and panting as you run towards the cruiser, Angela and Starlight keeping pace beside you. You reach out a hand, aiming for the door to the backseats. Closing your hand on the handle, you wrench it open, holding it for Starlight as she hops onto the back seat. Flinging the handle of her leash in, you open the passenger’s door and get in, fastening the seatbelt. Angela is already starting the vehicle, and when you nod at her, she steps on the accelerator and pulls the cruiser out of the lot with a screech. You reach over and press a button on the Mobile Data Terminal, activating the sirens. > Wiping your sweaty forehead with the back of your hand, you pull out your radio. “Foxtrot 5 to 014, we have just retrieved our vehicle. We are on our way to the Station. ETA* at incident site in 15 Mikes*. Over.”
> *Author’s Note* ETA, short for ‘Estimated Time of Arrival’, Mikes, short for ‘minutes’. > “014 to Foxtrot 5. Copy that. Anon, is it? Hurry please, these fuckers look like their patience is running out. Over.” “Foxtrot 5 to 014. Roger that, Ma’am. Solid copy. Over.”
> You put down the radio and look at Angela, who is practically speeding now. “Fucking hostage takers? What the hell are they trying to pull?”
> Angela gives a brief shake of her head as her eyes dart from side to side, keeping a firm lookout for other vehicles on the road. > “I don’t know, but we better get those rifles to the scene, fast. And knowing DC Briggs, this will not end well… Can you call Chris again?” “Okay.”
> You pull out your phone, scrolling down your contact list to find the Station Orderly’s number. You press a button, then another, holding the phone in your hand. The ringing is interrupted by a cackle of static before a voice projects out from the speaker from your phone. > “Sir?” “Chris, have you unlocked the armoury yet?”
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29859381 > “Way ahead of you, Sir. We are shifting the rifles out now to the Station entrance now. 3 of the M110s and a box of 7.62s, right?” “That’s right. We are 4 minutes out.”
> “Yes, Sir.” “Good. See you in a bit.”
> You hang up as the vehicle bounces. > “Master? What’s going to happen?” > You turn around to see a scared Starlight. She has a frown on her face, and her ears are flattened against her skull. Pausing to think, you shake your head and decide to tell her the truth. At least, she will be prepared when it happens. “The 2 robbers who took that little girl hostage are going to be killed.”
> “K-killed, M-master?!” > You nod. “Our country takes a serious view of hostage taking, Starlight. Almost always, hostage takers will be given the death penalty even if they surrender… For the incident that we will be attending, our Division Commander, Senior Assistant Commissioner Sarah Briggs, is already at the site. She… Uh… Has a reputation for choosing Immediate Action.”
> ““Immediate Action”? Meaning?” “It means that she prefers to kill hostage takers on the spot.”
> Starlight’s eyes widen. You turn back to face the front, holding out a hand as you point forwards. “There, I see them. Chris and the other Corporal.”
> Angela nods as she turns in, stopping in front of the 2 young men. > You get out and walk over to them, opening the backseat door as you tell Starlight to scoot further in. The thin, dark-skinned Chris and his Hispanic friend load the rifles in the backseat and pass you a small but heavy cardboard box. > “7.62mm NATO, Sir. 50 rounds. Magazines are already attached to the M110s.” “Thanks, Chris.”
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29859390 > Giving them a quick wave, you get in the back seat, closing the door as Angela starts driving again. You rip the top of the cardboard box open, lifting a flap to see the copper-coloured ends of the projectiles. Holding the box between your legs, you reach over and detach the magazine from one of the rifles, which you proceed to load with cartridges from the box. It has a maximum capacity of 20 rounds, but you decide that 15 should be more than needed. Done with that, you attach the magazine back to the weapon and pull out the magazine from the rifle below it, which you proceed to load as well. > “M-master, are those…” > Looking up briefly, you see Starlight staring at the cartridges in your hand. “Yes, Starlight, these are rifle cartridges. 7.62x51mm NATO. Bullets are designed to hit with deadly force at long distances.”
> Starlight is silent, so you just continue your work. You are loading the last magazine when you hear her voice again. > “… I’ve seen… What they can do… To a pony…” > You look up to see Starlight still staring at the rounds in your hand. Swallowing, you shake your head and finish up. You load the magazine on the last weapon before closing the cardboard box, setting it on the back seat before reaching over to pull Starlight in your arms. > She buries her head into your chest while you rub her ears and pet her on the vest. > You do not know what to say, so you keep silent. > … > Angela and you crouch low, keeping your heads down as you carry the rifles and proceed along a wall of police vehicles towards a black SUV in the centre, where an officer is speaking into a loudhailer. The soft clip-clops behind you tell you that Starlight is following close. Her leash is in your pocket, and she is keeping close to you as you had ordered her to. You can hear the soft ‘clinks’ coming from the 5 extra rifle rounds as they bounce against each other in a small pouch on her vest. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29859390 Decided to make an edit.
> You nod. “Our country takes a serious view of hostage taking, Starlight.The maximum sentence for taking a hostage is the death penalty… For the incident that we will be attending, our Division Commander, Senior Assistant Commissioner Sarah Briggs, is already at the site. She… Uh… Has a reputation for choosing Immediate Action.”
> ““Immediate Action”? Meaning?” Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29859399 > The small carpark of the diner is surrounded by a perimeter of Police vehicles, and officers are taking cover behind them. They have their weapons out, some using their revolvers while others have shotguns, and they are pointing them in a general direction. Sneaking a peek, you see a pair of hooded figures in front of a reddish brick wall, near the entrance of the diner. One of them is standing against the wall and holding a knife against the neck of a young girl, who looks no older than 10. The other is standing in front of his partner, waving and gesturing aggressively with a pistol. You cannot hear what he is saying. > As per DC Briggs’ message, the 3 of you carry onwards past the black SUV and towards a blue sedan near the far end of the perimeter. You see your Division Commander, the long-haired blonde wearing a Police uniform with a tight skirt, crouched down beside 2 officers wearing balaclavas, bullet resistant vests and combat uniforms, complete with black boots. She is speaking to them as your party reaches. “Ma’am.”
> DC Briggs turns to look at you, sighing in relief. “M110s, Ma’am. Loaded with 15 rounds each. An extra 5 is with Starlight here.”
> “Good. Angela, pass your rifles to the Marksmen. Anon, give me yours.” > Wordlessly, the 2 masked men take the rifles from Angela. With a nod from DC Briggs, they crouch low and retreat, disappearing into the crowd of on-lookers. She takes the rifle from you, extending the weapon’s bipod before pulling her skirt up and dropping to a prone position on your right, near the hood of the sedan. She peers through its scope as she makes adjustments using the knobs on its side. She spreads her legs, laying them flat on the floor, which pulls her already tight skirt upwards even more. > You cannot help yourself as your eyes wander. Damn, your Division Commander is an attractive woman. Nice hips, fine ass. And her legs are so fair and long. No blemishes on them. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29859421 > You shake your head. Not the time for that. > Nodding to Angela, the both of you pull out your revolvers and position yourselves over the boot of the sedan, resting your arms on it as you aim at the figure holding the pistol. From this angle, you have a clear line of sight to the right sides of the 2 men, who are still facing in the direction of the black SUV. Glancing down briefly, you see that Starlight is crouched low beside a wheel, watching the scene from below the vehicle. > Well, at least she will be safe. > Turning your head, you focus on your target, the man with the pistol, lining him up in the sights of your weapon. Inside, you know that your display is for show; he is at least 75 metres away from you, and at this distance, it will take a miracle to hit him with your revolver. > No wonder DC Briggs’ asked for those rifles. > You hear a sharp snap from your right. Out of the corner of your eye, you see DC Briggs reach for her radio. > “014 to Sierra Actual. Copy that. Aim for the one with the pistol. I’ll take the fucker with the girl. Prepare to fire. Over.” > She is really going to do it. Not even an offer to negotiate. > You quickly wipe the sweat off your forehead as you aim down your weapon again. > In a few seconds, these moving, breathing men are going to die. > “Copy that. Fire at will. I will do the follow up. Over.” > You blink, and instantly the pistol wielder collapses. ‘Thunk!’ ‘Thunk!’
> The sedan in front of you practically shakes as DC Briggs fires her M110. Twice. In quick succession. > You watch as the knife-wielder’s right arm falls from his shoulder, the blade still in his hand. Then, he too goes down in a small cloud of dust. The little girl screams as she crouches, holding her head in her arms as she cries. > “Targets down… Incident time… 23 minutes.” Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29859429 > Other police officers are rushing towards the 2 hostage takers, weapons at the ready. One of them moves to carry the girl, bringing her back swiftly towards the black SUV. > Holy shit. > You turn to rest your back against the blue sedan, sliding down to a sitting position. Starlight crawls over to your left, wrapping her hooves around your side as she holds her head against your chest. She is shaking heavily. > The sharp sounds of dress shoes approach from your left. You look up as the DC Briggs passes you the rifle, her facial expression stoic and neutral. It is almost like everything earlier did not happen. > “The Marksmen are coming back here. Take their M110s and return them, then go back to your shift. Remember to inform Dispatch that you are Romero Tango Romero. I will sign out for the ammunition later.” > You nod. “Yes, Ma’am.”
> She turns to leave, but Angela calls out to her. > “Ma’am, can I have a quick word with you?” > Your Division Commander pauses, then turns around. > “Yes, Angela?” > Angela bites her lip and frowns, speaking up after she softly sighs. > “No disrespect intended, Ma’am, but shouldn’t we have given them the chance to surrender? I mean, they deserve a fair trial, don’t they?” > The blonde lady regards your Chinese partner for a moment. > “They would have gotten the death sentence regardless.” > The expression on DC Briggs’ face hardens. > “I would have ensured that.” > With that, she starts waking away again. 3 steps in, your Division Commander stops and turns her head slightly, not even looking over her shoulder as she calls your name. “Yes, Ma’am?”
> “Remember to return those rounds that are with Starlight.” > You nod, even when you know she cannot see you as she walks away. “Yes, Ma’am.”
> Watching her retreating figure, there is only one thing in your mind right now. > You are fucking terrified of DC Briggs. > … Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29859439 And break time.
The edit, "The maximum sentence for taking a hostage is the death penalty…" vs "Almost always, hostage takers will be given the death penalty even if they surrender…" is important in my view as the first suggests that there are possibilities for lesser sentences.
> It is also meant to highlight the ruthlessness of DC Briggs as she does her duties as an enforcer of the law, as a Commander, and as a woman in the Police force (a male-dominated sector). Thank you so much for all your support, and thank you duop-qoub, for drawing the picture you see here. I really cannot thank you enough for taking the time and effort for drawing it.
> Isn't Policepony Starlight just so adorable? As always, please leave your comments, ideas, suggestions and criticisms below.
Stay awesome, guys! ^^
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
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>>29859506 I also made some minor edits to the beginning segment where Starlight has her emotional breakdown. Wanted to flesh that segment out a little bit more with more realism and emotion. Lines 186 onward.
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>>29859506 >women in the police force not even once
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>>29858826 thanks i appreciate it.
>>29858519 would read more for sure.
>>29859291 oh i'm sure she'll find a way to act up in the future, some mares are just made for spankings. I don't think anon would use it as a threat but im sure she has a regular check up sometime.
>>29859506 There's a jump from 'comfie' to 'combat' between >29853433 and >29859381, did you forget a section?
>Damn, your Division Commander is an attractive woman Both a fine ass and a hardass. Umpf! Too bad She's in the same line of command.
> “Remember to return those rounds So one rifle has 13 in the mag and one in the chamber, the other has 12 in the mag and one in the chamber, Glimmer has an extra 5, and there are 15 left in the 50 round box. You went to some effort explaining all this in detail, it will become important later. Chekhov's Gun says a round in the ponies vest in act one must be loaded and fired by act three. But why did Anon put them there, what was she supposed to do with them?
>>29859506 Yup, Adorable! But the decay of her horn is not shown.
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29860826 > Did I forget a section? Nope. Left the transition out deliberately to minimise the boringness/repetitiveness of the voice procedures.
> If you prefer me to write it out, lemme know below yeah? > Angela was carrying 2 of the rifles (both went to the marksman team), while Anon was holding 1. They fired 1 round each, while Briggs fired 2. I will do edits to clarify that. 3 rifles, 15 rounds each + 5 with Glim. So all 50 rounds are accounted for. Anon kept the 5 extras with Glim for safekeeping. Again, I will do the edits.
Thanks for your help and for reading. It means a lot to me.
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>>29858519 This looks very interesting. Do go on.
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
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>>29860826 >>29860885 Edits are done. Do check out the pastebin if you wanna re-read the segment. >Damn, your Division Commander is an attractive woman. Hot blondie with long hair, a fair, slender and curvy body with long legs? Hell yeah.
>>29858828 >or even everything We have decided that there is no price we will not make other ponies pay to protect Rumble from punishment, far less real harm. Anon might own everyponies body, but we sold him our soul too. Rumble will not forgive us this; it would be the end of our relationship. Those other ponies might also have a problem with it.
We cannot really tell either of them anything of what we know or feel. If they ever see what we have become, we loose the very ability to protect Rumble that we and so many others have already paid so much for. What would be the point of it all? If we need to confess our sins, Anon is our only option.
>>29859390 >Almost always, hostage takers will be given the death penalty even if they surrender What country is this?
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
Quoted By:
>>29861040 Made an edit there (
>>29859411 ). See
>>29859506 for the reason behind edit.
> What country is this? One where the government is really powerful, almost authoritarian. Insp Anon's has a Parliament though, but still...
Handsome Jew !/HJew/rjWo
>>29830131 >Things were going well for Rainbow and Buster. They’d quickly set up a meeting with Rainbow’s old friends, set to occur within a couple weeks, and Buster’s shows had new life and new vigor with his pony companion. Sure, the restaurants, bars, and events from far and wide wanted Rainbow’s presence more than his, but it was still a nice opportunity for Buster to expand his audience and get better recognition. >Whereas before he would only play as far away as Birmingham or Mobile, Buster was now pulling in requests for locales as far away as Atlanta, Chattanooga, and even Jacksonville. He happily accepted most of these, as Rainbow was eager to get out and see more of the vast country she’d not been able to explore in the past. The only place they wouldn’t go was Mississippi. “Pegasi gotta be on a leash at all times? What kind of hooey is that?”
>But despite his inhibitions, the duo soon found an opportunity to explore to the west. Another pony competition, this one much larger and more well-organized, was being held in Little Rock, Arkansas. It would feature a much longer list of events, with a national-scale campaign to recruit potential contestants. The event would be televised, also nationally. >Evidently, someone with the right connections and the right capital thought pegasus sports were going to take off. And of course, the stars from the only other major competition thus far would all be featuring: Rainbow had received a personal invitation to compete, and she presumed that other major competitors had as well. Handsome Jew !/HJew/rjWo
>>29861104 >It would be held right after the turn of the new year, meaning there could very well be snowy or icy conditions during the event. But, Little Rock wasn’t far north enough to cause weather problems big enough that top-quality pegasus athletes couldn’t handle it. But, there was still the question of clothing. >Although the past event had provided flight suits, they encountered the same problems that general-issue flights suits always seemed to: the fit was either too tight or too lose, and some part or another had to be stretched or scrunched to keep a tight fit. Pegasi in Equestria had them tailored for a reason: it was difficult to create high-performance, lightweight, and sturdy full-body outfits without specific measurements. >Buster was prepared to spend a small fortune to get her some proper outfits, but before he ever had a chance to, the problem solved itself. Within a few days of their accepting the invitation to compete, Buster and Rainbow Dash received a phone call. >EquiTech Gearing, a startup pony-focused outdoorsman and athletic gear company, offered to not only provide full tailoring services, but pay them to do it. The only caveat would be the large, bright orange company logo displayed alongside Rainbow’s cutie mark on each side. But without any reason to decline, they met with a representative and signed on. >With one successful sponsorship secured, other companies quickly jostled to find their own place. Suppliers of everything from goggles to protein supplements to mane beauty products caught word of EquiTech’s success in securing a deal, and within days, Buster had opted to shut off his cell phone entirely due to the offers that seemed to never stop pouring in. Handsome Jew !/HJew/rjWo
>>29861112 >A few essentials, such as flight goggles, mane treatments to reduce air resistance, and between-race energy supplements found their way into contracts. The rest, however, found themselves calling an unresponsive line. Buster just didn’t see the point in taking contracts that would gain Rainbow nothing but cash profit. >To their mutual surprise, however, another pony did seem eager to capitalize on his success. Autumn Winds, the only other mare to claim a title from Rainbow Dash, had managed to work her way into several advertisements and sponsorship deals. The first time they saw her image published, it was in an advertisement on the Arkansas Event’s website. The next time, she had a half-page advertisement in Equine Monthly, a magazine Rainbow had opted to subscribe to. >But before that event could come to pass, Buster had numerous activities planned for them. Between his ever-further shows and future events for Rainbow, the two had ample opportunity to get out and see new places. In their down time, they stayed much closer to home. >In the wooded, rural part of Alabama in which they lived, there wasn’t much in the way of public amenities. Cottontown could scarcely be called a town; Ponyville was much larger even before Princess Twilight had made it her permanent residence, and that village was small by Equestrian standards. And, unlike the dense settlements of her homeland, Cottontown looked much like population centers around the country. That is, spread out and with ample natural space in between buildings. Handsome Jew !/HJew/rjWo
>>29861114 >Any remaining broadleaves soon shed, and the forests were reformed into a curious mixture of pines and dormant plants. Having been on tour, she’d seen landscapes like this aplenty in Equestria, but it was still a big break from her usual stomping grounds in Cloudsdale and Ponyville. The wind rushed between grey and brown trunks, and the cold air was carried over stumps and fallen logs. But, thankfully, the many creeks and rivers in the landscape would remain unfrozen. Some nights, Rainbow Dash liked to go out and rest atop a tree branch, listening to the soothing sounds of rushing water and chirping crickets as the season’s last few fireflies put on their final shows. >Any days they had off were spent watching television, a habit Buster gladly introduced to his mare, and various nature hikes and expeditions, a habit in turn sponsored by Rainbow Dash and learned by the musician. In the few years he’d owned the house, essentially since he set out from home to find a place of his own, he’d rarely ever done anything in those woods. With someone to sing songs, play games, and just talk to on those excursions, he now had ample reason to. >And, naturally, his health improved correspondingly. With her mind now once again firmly set on competition, Rainbow Dash budgeted herself a strict diet. Buster was inevitably wrapped up in a similar program, albeit with significantly higher calorie counts. But it was nevertheless much lower and much healthier than what he’d consumed in the past, and in a few weeks’ time he was surprised to see his weight go down by double-digit figures. Handsome Jew !/HJew/rjWo
>>29861122 >But where cardio helped him the most, Rainbow needed strength training above all. With a single call to the same company tailoring Rainbow’s flight suit, he obtained a full set of pegasus-oriented weightlifting and strength building equipment. Custom-sized dumbbells and complex machines arrived at their doorstep one day without any mention of price. The company only asked for a few photos of the gear in action. >Buster cleared out space from his already-cramped living room to give her a proper training station. To fit everything, both the back door and kitchen entrances became a tight squeeze for the still-rotund man. But with unpredictable and often rainy Alabama weather, he refused to put her equipment outside. So, he made do, entirely content to let his pony slowly overtake his home. It wasn’t anything to look at before, anyway. >But just a few weeks before they would meet up, Buster got a phone call from Anonymous in Idaho. Something very, very grave for their farm had come up, and they’d have to put off any get-together indefinitely. Good-natured as he was, Buster thought nothing of it, and politely responded that they would be happy to come visit whenever Anon, Applejack and company were ready. >With their agenda now focused solely on the upcoming competition, Rainbow doubled down on her training. For long stretches of car rides between gigs, she flew alongside the vehicle instead of sitting comfortably inside. Instead of sitting and signing the occasional autograph as Buster played his music, she trained with wing-ups and push-ups. Time previously spent lazily sitting in front of the television became a rigorous training routine; she was most pleased when she found a way to turn her treadmill toward the screen. Handsome Jew !/HJew/rjWo
>>29861126 >And so, for weeks and at a steady pace, Buster’s waistline trimmed and Rainbow’s limbs bulged with reinvigorated muscle. She’d not trained so hard in a very, very long time. The last time she’d been so focused was prior to her elevation to full membership in the Wonderbolts. >But before the competition rolled around, a day far more important to Buster came into view. Long a religious man, Christmas held a deep meaning and purpose for him. His past few had been spent alone; he was determined to make this one memorable. >The ponies, he learned, had their own version of the holiday – a celebration of their civilization’s founding that coincided with Christmas in general date and attitude. But there was never any religious aspect to it, as the ponies had far weaker and far less prominent religious tendencies before their introduction to this new world. As such, Buster was determined to at least teach Rainbow of the specific significance the holiday held for him, and perhaps even get her to appreciate it as well. >Much like every weekend he took her to church services, Rainbow largely feigned her interest in those specifics. She’d long ago learned to space out of conversation while appearing engaged, and had nigh four years to practice it on an unwitting and detestable dummy. >The practice of gift-giving would have to be one-sided. It wasn’t as if Rainbow could head out to a store and find something for Buster. But he didn’t mind, as there wasn’t much he could want for in life (except perhaps that new trumpet…). Instead, he decided to assemble a set of goods he knew Rainbow would not only appreciate, but likely jump at the chance to get. Handsome Jew !/HJew/rjWo
>>29861130 >When Christmas morning rolled around, the skies were overcast and the temperatures cold. To their mutual dismay, no snow fell, and instead a downpour started up outside as breakfast was made and Rainbow not-so-subtly eyeballed the packages marked for her under the room’s small Christmas tree. Unlike the many presents Rainbow had received and flushed down the toilet, unopened, in the past few years, these felt special and valuable to her without any knowledge of their contents. >And so, with that sentiment in mind, she sat down as Buster was preoccupied with breakfast clean-up and opened the first of her gifts. Nervously, she began tearing away at the wrapping paper. Handsome Jew !/HJew/rjWo
>>29861134 End update. As much as I'd love to perpetuate the meme and keep mare from receiving her present for several months, I assure you all I won't be allowing that to happen. Exams aren't quite done yet, but I'm past the worst of it (so activity SHOULD pick up). If you'd like to chat with us and you're not already there, hit up the Discord server (which Jingles is STILL linking in OP with a temp link). If the last scene confuses you, read Shiny and Corona.
Pastebin: Anonymous
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>>29858519 I'm interested. let me just say that if i was in his situation and a vet was not an option i would have removed those nails while she was still unconscious and a little superglue to stop the blood after cleaning. if she woke up before. i would get a bag of ice and completely numb it with ice before removal.
>>29861150 >they met with a representative and signed >found their way into contracts >calling an unresponsive line >advertisements and sponsorship deals If only they had an expert to handle these issues for them! Not just money issues, but celebrity career management. I felt a bit sorry for Gus; being pushy is a virtue in an agent.
OTOH it's better for the story to focus on Buster and Dash and their comfie relationship.
>Something very, very grave This made the news, right? Would think they would be more forthcoming, because Buster and Dash will find out anyway. It's just too big to keep quiet.
Handsome Jew !Gh7EkuWlbA
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>>29861296 >this made the news, right? Local news, sure. But anything beyond statewide, people just don't care if some ponies got shot on private property.
>focus on Buster and Dash I was thinking of introducing a different character from Gus to give them an actual rep, but decided against it because it would be out of character for both Buster and Dash, and for the exact reason you mentioned. Also, I have other plans for that particular character. In the meantime, if it's not obvious how hard they're being conned right now (there is now FAR more interest in these competitions and in Dash than either realize), this athletics company is currently getting the deal of a lifetime... Ironically, hiring even a shady figure like Mr. Stevens would have allowed a much better deal to pull through. And you're right, they'll quickly become overwhelmed with managing everything if they don't get a manager. Rainbow Dash, of course, does know this.
Anyway, thanks for the input. I think most all characters are in place now, we'll have to see where they go from here.
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
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>>29858519 Oh hell yes! Poor Sweetie!
Looking forward to more updates!
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29859439 “Foxtrot 5 to Dispatch. We are at Charlie Papa 1 for Patrol 04. Time now is 1837. Over.”
> “Dispatch to Foxtrot 5. 1837 Copy. Charlie Papa 4, Patrol 04 Copy. Over.” > Wait. “Negative, Dispatch. I repeat, Checkpoint 1 for Patrol 04, not Checkpoint 4. Check and verify entry for Foxtrot 5. Over.”
> “Dispatch to Foxtrot 5, uhh… roger that. My apologies. Confirm Checkpoint 1 for Patrol 04, over?” > You smile. Poor dude must have had a long day. “Foxtrot 5 to Dispatch. Confirmed, Charlie Papa 1 for Patrol 04. Time now is 1837. Over.”
> “Roger that, Foxtrot 5. 1837 Copy. Please proceed with patrol. Over.” > Stretching your arms upwards, you feel your joints popping before you return your radio to its holder. Angela scribbles on her file while you glance around the darkening school. > It is approaching twilight now, so First Montfort Primary is rather quiet, given that most of the kids have already returned home. There are a few groups of students still hanging around the school for their co-curricular activities. From your position in front of the General Office, you can hear the sharp slaps of badminton smashes from the multipurpose hall above you, accompanied by the occasional shouts of triumph and the screeches of sports shoes against the floor. On your right is a short connector to the school’s courtyard, which is opposite the flagpoles for the National and School flags. There is a group of approximately 30 students wearing white Judo Gis on the right of said flagpoles, and they are mimicking the actions of an instructor, who is wearing a blue one. > Sighing, you realise that you do miss your days as a student. > Except the bullies, Boss. > You frown. Aye, except the bullies. > Angela clicks her pen and nods at you, proceeding to walk towards the basketball courts. You are about to follow her when you notice that your pony has not moved. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29861795 > Looking down at Starlight, you see that she is standing with her head bowed down. She seems to be lost in thought, as her gaze is fixed on the floor and her brow is furrowed. She has been quiet since the rescue of the little girl (or the killing of the 2 men), and has not said anything else besides “Yes” and “No, Master” when you returned the rifles to Chris. She remained quiet as well when you started this final patrol of your shift. > Further up, Angela stops when she realised that the both of you were not following. Catching your eye, you nod towards your pink pony. Angela touches her index finger to her thumb and raises her hand, giving you an “O.K.” sign before pointing that index finger in the direction of your vehicle. Her message is clear: “You have my permission to stay here; and I will meet you back at the cruiser.” With that, she turns and continues walking. > You tug gently on the leash, leading Starlight to the edge of the step that separates the connector from the General Office to the courtyard. Calling her over, you sit on the step. > From here, the flagpoles are directly opposite you, and you can observe the entirety of courtyard and the wings of the school building that flank both sides of the courtyard. They are 5 stories high, including the ground-floor. The school’s canteen is on your right, and a closed bookshop is on your left. The evening sky is directly above, and it is already a deep blue. Still light enough to see though. > You sigh, taking a moment to appreciate the view as you feel Starlight sitting down on her haunches on your right. You reach an arm over and pull her in, resting your palm on her right foreleg. You hold her to your side as you lean lightly towards the sitting pony. Your revolver holder presses lightly against her lower back. Turning your head slightly, you see that she is watching the group of kids throw punches in the air, shouting in unison as instructed. You clear your throat. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29861804 “… DC Briggs is right. Those men were demanding that our Government provide them with a getaway vehicle in return for the girl’s safety. Chapter 126C of the Hostage-Taking Act stipulates that “whoever seizes or detains any person; and threatens to cause death or hurt to such person in order to compel the Government to do or abstain from doing any act shall be guilty of an offence, and shall be punished with death or imprisonment for life, and shall, if he is not sentenced to death, also be liable to fine or to caning”… Given the verdicts of numerous cases before, Starlight, their deaths are almost inevitable… So, there is no point dwelling on it; it’s not going to change anything.”
> Starlight moves her head to look up at you. Her face is expressionless. “What DC Briggs did was just to expedite what is unavoidable… At least, they died quickly… Better than other slower forms of death, I guess, like drowning, getting mauled by an animal, or dying of a terminal illness… At the end of the day, death is not a pleasant experience, no matter how you go.”
> Not helping, Boss. > You fucking try it then, Brain. Bloody smartass. “If you are wondering, the essay question for my final examination in the Police Academy was exactly this: the Hostage-Taking Act, so I know the exact wording as written in the Criminal Procedure Code… For this very Chapter, at least.”
> Starlight just gives you a nod before her eyes drift back to the group of kids. You wait. You know she will talk eventually.
“… I’ve seen the bodies of Guards who have been shot, Master…”
> And she does. > Swallowing, you do not say anything, choosing to let her voice her thoughts. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29861814 > “… Some of them had holes in their bodies, big enough to fit an entire hoof… Their insides spilling out like a wet bedsheet, covering the ground where they lay… Some of them have had their legs shot off… I can still remember the broken foreleg of a Guardsmare hanging by that little bit of skin and fur as it dangles in the wind… She had a coat like mine, but her mane was orange… Some of them had holes in their heads… I’ve seen… I’ve seen what the insides of a pony’s head looks like, Master… I’ve seen… Ponies, with their eyes punctured by bullets…” > Shit. > Those sound fucking horrible. > “… I’ve seen the aftermath, but I guess I was fortunate enough never to have to watch a Guard getting shot in front of me… That incident earlier, Master… That’s how the Guards died, didn’t they? The crack of thunder, a burst of dust and blood, then falling to the floor as they writhe in agony… That’s how those Guards died…” > You reach your other hand over to her chest, while your right hand goes to her cutie mark. Shifting her weight, you pull her into your lap, letting her sit on your left thigh as you rest your palm on her lower back, allowing her to rest her chin on your elbow while she watches the Judo trainees again. Your other hand moves to hold her chest. You lean in, planting a soft kiss on the back of her head. “I’m sorry… For all the pain, suffering and death that my kind has caused yours, Starlight, I am truly sorry.”
> Starlight releases a soft sigh. > “Your apology will never bring them back, Master… Those Guards who are killed are gone, and like you said, there is no changing anything now… Nor can your apology, no matter how sincere, ease the suffering and pain of the ponies who are here on Earth…” > She has a point there. But, you have yours to make too. “It may not be the case for other ponies, but it can help ease the suffering and pain of one pony.”
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29861825 > Slowly, Starlight turns her head as her eyes meet yours. “The mare whom I am attracted to. The mare whom I love. The mare whom I made promises to… The mare… That belongs to me.”
> Starlight smiles softly. “The mare in my arms.”
> Starlight leans in as you do, and you meet her lips in a deep kiss as you close your eyes. She moans as you exhale, your tongue brushing against hers. The taste and texture of the inside of her mouth floods your senses. Again, that characteristic plainness, and the warmth and wetness that accompanies it. You tilt your head as you hug her tighter, kissing her from another angle. > Happiness and love feels your being, along with sadness, despair and anger. It is an interesting mixture that makes your eyes wet. > Starlight is a beautiful, sweet mare that is deserving of so much love and happiness, but has already experienced so much hardship and pain. And they are caused by people. Humans, like you. > You feel tears travel down your eyes as you tilt your head yet again. They just keep flowing, but you ignore them. From the way her body heaves in your embrace, you are sure she is crying too. Not wanting to see her tears or hear her sobs, you attack her mouth with yours. You retreat your tongue, and almost immediately, her tongue enters your mouth. You proceed to suckle on it gently, meeting its tip with your own as she moans again. > You want to forget everything and just be like this. With your Starlight. > You want to do this forever. > … > Unknown to the both of you, the group of kids and their instructor has ceased their training. They watch as you lean back, pulling Starlight on top of your chest. > The instructor hurriedly shoos his students away. > … Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
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>>29861841 Updates!
I am really happy with this segment.
> Y'know, especially when it involves lovey dovey moments with Glim Glam. "Because I Choose To" - I am immensely thankful for all the support that you guys have shown me. The posts you guys have made, the messages you sent me, the wonderful drawing that duop-qoub did; they mean so much to me, and really, I cannot express enough how grateful I am.
As always, please leave your comments, ideas, suggestions and criticisms below. I love to read them.
Have a blessed Good Friday! ^^
>>29859506 Starligth looks adorable, but I can not make the idea that she serves as a K9 agent, she would be better at helping victims or social work.
I do not like the necklace but the law is the law
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>>29862143 collar dude, its a collar
>>29861841 I don't know man,
bitch is reliving some pretty hard PTSD style memories and just watched two guys get iced in a pretty mechanical fashion.
So Anon thinks now is a good time to tongue fuck her face?
like easy there mister inappropriate maybe give her some room to breathe, sure hold her pet her, tell her you love her, but its not the time to be mashing faces while her brain is still working over the inside of a ponies skull
>>29861841 Yeah, like
>>29862421 said, this anon seems to have a really strange idea of when it's acceptable to turn the sexy on your pony.
>Actually managed to get her out and about outside for once? Better finger her in the middle of a park! >Just finally opened up to me about the horrifying abuse she had the others with her had suffered? Fuck her senseless! >Suffering through war-induced PTSD as a result of seeing someone get chunky salsa'd? Eat her face, right in front of a school too! Seriously, how did this guy get this far in the police force being this impulsive? Did Angela just hold his collar and keep him in check all the time?
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>>29861126 I hope that Farm Anon has left behind his stereotypical mentality regarding Buster
>>29861150 I really enjoy the interaction between Dash and Buster, both are so different that it would seem possible that they get along so well, but where Dash gives the impulse to keep going, Buster gives the moment to rest and contemplate your effort is in the middle of the road where both find their place to match and enjoy the life with a good friend
Great job here HJ, Really worth waiting for your stories
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29862421 >>29862596 Yep, I agree that Insp Anon's behaviour is not rational, but then again, when the emotions take over, people tend to do things that they regret later, don't they?
After all, we are evaluating his behaviour as third party observers, so it is easy to dismiss his actions as being "strange" or "inappropriate".
It is important to note that Glim is not just a willing participant; she is an active initiator for many of these events (for reasons that Insp Anon may not actually know). After all, he did not force himself on her (other than the first time he molested her in the shower after they cleaned the apartment, under the pretense of "cleaning" her).
>Actually managed to get her out and about outside for once? Better finger her in the middle of a park! >Just finally opened up to me about the horrifying abuse she had the others with her had suffered? Fuck her senseless! Note that Glim actually initiated these two events.
>Suffering through war-induced PTSD as a result of seeing someone get chunky salsa'd? Eat her face, right in front of a school too! For this, it seems like a mutually initiated one.
> Seriously, how did this guy get this far in the police force being this impulsive? Did Angela just hold his collar and keep him in check all the time? Probably, when they started as trainees and partners. They have... an interesting friendship and work relationship, to say the least. At least, as far as being law enforcement partners.
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29862421 >>29862596 >>29862728 On a side note, I am curious as to people's expectations of police officers being at some kind of a higher moral standard than others. True, they are enforcers of the law, which necessitates a certain value system and alignment with principles and priorities for them to:
1. Be interested in the job in the first place,
2. Carry out their duties, even with the threat of personal risks, and
3. Survive in the demanding environment of law enforcement work, where their morality and value judgements are often put to the test.
That being said though, they are human beings. Like any of us, they get scared, angry, tired, frustrated, and can act out stupidly or impulsively (Insp Anon is especially guilty of this).
I can understand the pedestal that they are placed on; after all, what makes them different from the average Joe or Janey is their social role as police officers. They are expected to act with integrity, be patient and understanding, be good at making judgement calls, and be selfless and courageous in the face of danger, and all these are more so than the average man or woman.
As such, it is easy to forget that underneath all these expectations, they are still human, with human wants, needs and desires. To expect them to be have a higher moral conditioning is natural and fair at face value, but don't forget that they are not perfect, and can fuck up royally in mind-boggling ways that we are quick to judge and condemn.
> E.g. the shooting of a 10 year old boy with a toy gun. We are harsher to judge police officers than the everyday man, and while expectedly justified, given the nature of their work, isn't necessarily fair on account that they are still human. In other words, we are treating and judging police officers as what they are supposed to be, rather than something that is what they are, which is human.
>Police officers are not perfect, but we expect them to be so as law enforcers. Expected, but not always fair. Anonymous
>>29862829 the anon you've crafted in your story generously disgusts me throughout the text and makes me feel like I'm an accomplice to starlights emotional destruction
I genuinely feel dirty after reading your updates, not because of the sexual, but because the greaseball you've envisioned is a throughly twisted monster who engineers his own perception of morality
The true art of it all isn't the story itself but the juxtaposition you've created that's made me want stop reading your green all together
8.5/10 good green
>>29862829 Of course individual police officers will not always be perfect, mistakes will always be made. But recently in the US there seems to be a culture of impunity, where those who make very serious mistakes that have vast consequences on others lives face no consequences. The internal disciplinary system seems opaque, ineffective, and corrupt. How criminal does a cop have to be to actually do hard time?
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29862863 Fair enough. I acknowledge that Insp Anon is meant to be a 'grey knight' character, and he does some mental acrobatics to justify his actions.
His supposed love for Starlight can be interpreted in 2 ways:
1. He genuinely loves her and wants her to love him back; and
2. He is using her position and emotions as a slave to get what he wants (sexual gratification), and he is manipulating her both in overt and subtle ways.
After all, if he was genuinely a 'white knight', he wouldn't have approached her that way. Or even kept her as a slave for that matter.
But then again, isn't moral greyness supposed to be one of the main themes of a SPG green? After all, slavery is fucked-up, and it would be myopic, even disillusional to pretend otherwise.
> "Because I Choose To" is meant to explore this moral greyness, and try to show how a balance can supposedly be achieved. If you feel uncomfortable with reading it, I can understand that. > Not everyone is comfortable with moral ambiguity, and I know this from personal experience. >>29862893 Not very familiar with the law enforcement scene in the US, so I won't comment on that. Where I am from (and where this universe is largely based on) policemen are treated way harsher than civilians if they commit crimes, due to their position as law enforcers. Internal disciplinary action, and harder sentences in the civil courts. Our culture for them seems to have accountability and integrity on higher priorities, at least at face value.
> Your question is a hypothetical one, so I am not touching that. Anonymous
>>29863007 This Anon is definitely one screwy motherfucker and I agree that a lot of the situations presented are fucked up.
That said, I'm enjoying this green a lot because it's well-written and this Anon is different from most of the others in this thread. Also it's fun to see a broken Glimglam.
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
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>>29863047 > this Anon is different from most of the others in this thread Yep, and it is very much intentional.
I have always liked stories where the character is more believable, at least in terms of darkness/lack of 'goodness'. I firmly believe that morality is not a dichotomy, i.e. you are evil or good, but is a spectrum, i.e. you can be evil, and you can be good depending on the context.
> I have gotten into arguments over this, but hey, this is a value-laden concept, so your interpretation of 'good' and 'evil' will differ from mine, based on your life experiences. We will never agree on what is 'moral' if our experiences are different. > Also it's fun to see a broken Glimglam. In a way, Insp Anon IS breaking Glim Glam in a very subtle way, i.e. through 'love' rather than obedience over lack of choice. Makes for an interesting SPG green, no?
> I'm enjoying this green a lot because it's well-written Thank you so much for your kind words and for your support. ^^
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>>29863096 Corona a dead mare!
>Agree its been quite a while, will miss broken appul-pone. Anonymous
>>29863007 No like the "grey knight" idea is fine it just feels like your anon is actually autistic
what's the whole thing with him talking to himself? this man shouldn't be allowed to hold a gun
>>29863179 You don't talk to yourself?
That is considered normal and healthy thing to do. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
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>>29863179 > what's the whole thing with him talking to himself? It is meant to show the complexity within him, i.e. the quick emotive side of his thoughts (hence the often dirty jokes) that contrast with the slower rational and logical side of him (where he often tells Brain to "fuck off").
>>29863190 Happens all the time man, especially when I find myself in situations of moral greyness and temptations
>>29863179 hey being autistic isnt that bad
i have been it my whole live and it does not stop me from living a normal live
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>>29859506 Police poners are cute
Stripes !6pLWmrkfk6
>...Damn this is hard. >It really isn’t, veggie stir fry is a cakewalk normally to make… >But Nightmare’s staring was giving you the major creeps, and you didn’t even have to see her to feel her cyan eyes burning in your neck, tracking your every move. It was really nerve wracking. >Didn’t help knowing her magical power was so goddamned strong. Restraining a grown man was something above the limits as far you knew about magic. And that stranglehold… >She could kill you at any time she wanted. But she didn’t, or wouldn’t. You were still useful. >And you weren’t intending on making it otherwise. >After many taste tests it feels like it should be up to par. You can only pray the alicorn agrees with you. She eyes the plate with a hint of suspicion, but after poking around in it with a fork she seems satisfied and chows down. >Phew. >You sit opposite of her and eat too. In silence. > might not be a good idea to break it.. >...but if you were gonna help her, you would have to start picking her brain eventually. >Just take it slow and steady. Start with some friendly banter. “So…”>She briefly look at you with a cocked brow, still eating. “Nightmare... That’s a pretty interesting name.”>Smooth. >”...really?” “Yeah! It’s really… mysterious and-”>”Oh do go on, I am very curious to where all this empty flattery leads.” >Her tone dripped of condescending sarcasm. “ wasn’t.... I’m just not good at starting a conversation.”>”Painfully so.”
Stripes !6pLWmrkfk6
>>29807055 Missed this in first post, dammit
>>29863273 “Look, I’m just trying to make nice here. I mean... we’re gonna spend some doing… whatever you need me for? If we know each other a little better-”
>”Tsk! I already read you like an open book and know all I need.” >She sighs and pokes around in the food. >”...normally I would see no reason to share my past, but this dinner was quite exceptional. So I think I will indulge you, and allow one personal question. Choose carefully.” >That’s one way to get compliments. Hell, you’ll take it. >Now to ask the big question... “...what’s the deal with the feather you kept around?”
>Nightmare winces and drops the fork. For a second you thought she was having another attack. >”Luna’s way of coping. She tells herself it belongs to our dear sister Celestia, which you and I already know is not true. Luna just cannot accept she is gone.” “Gone as in-”
>Nightmare nods. >”Ironic really… the amount of power-hungry creatures that tried conquering Equestria during our reign as monarchs could never made an impact combined as nature itself could do. Something happened with the weather. Seasons became unpredictable, unstable. Disastrous even.”
>“It was in a landslide so powerful it destroyed our capital Canterlot. Hundreds perished, our sister included. I saw her broken body in the rubble of the aftermath.” >Christ... “I’m… so sorry for your loss.”
>The kitchen suddenly feels… colder, a massive chill runs down your spine. >You are met with Nightmare’s piercing cyan eyes- >Oh god they were changing! Stripes !6pLWmrkfk6
>>29863286 >Her pupils narrowed, reminiscent of a cat or reptile. >”My loss? The loss of ungrateful, mewling little cowards worshipping only the ground my sister walked on? And the bitch herself who imprisoned me for a thousand years because I wanted my right to rule?!” >There’s a loud thunk when she drives the fork down at the table, you could see from here the tips bent against the force of the impact. >”I suffered through a thousand years because of her, because of them! There is nothing to mourn for. I am glad because they got what they deserved!” > are gobsmacked. >So her problems existed way before her enslavement. And some problems she had… >”...I will retire for the night. Sleep on the couch, I wish to be alone.” >She up and leaves, halting a moment in the doorframe. >”...see you in the morning.” >She left a while ago, but you’re still sitting in the kitchen, processing. >What a fucking mess this was. >Though some sounded nonsensical, like controlling the weather? No way. And her being imprisoned for a millenia? Maybe some kind of weird metaphor… >But the meat of it all must’ve been the loss of her sister. Luna didn’t want to believe it obviously because she cared for her. Nightmare was the opposite, and morbidly glad Celestia was gone. That’s some underlying anger wanting your own family to be dead. >, what a fucking terrifying thought. >You just wanna go in there and hug her closely, just telling her how sorry you felt for her. >...but she wouldn’t let you. Stripes !6pLWmrkfk6
>>29863292 >She had gotten cold, thinking you were just another cruel human trying to take advantage of her. >You have to warm her up, bit by bit and prove her wrong on that. Taking baby steps with gifts and gentle gestures. Make a nice dessert maybe? Chocolates? Would that be too cheesy? >Rifling through the kitchen just shows you didn’t have any to begin with. There was some plain vanilla ice cream though! A dash of jam on there and it’ll be a little more appealing. >As you suspected, Nightmare had closed the door to your room. Carefully you give it a gentle knock. “Hey Nightmare?”
>Silence. >Putting an ear against the door helps a little, you can hear hooves pacing in there against the wooden floor. “There’s ice cream, if you’d like some.”
>”Begone.” >Sounded like she stood pretty close to the door. And judging by her sullen tone she didn’t seem in the mood for socializing. “Alright. I’ll just leave it just outside the door in case you change your mind.”
>You leave it for her and head for the living room, or your new bedroom. Felt a little demeaning to be pushed out by an angsty horse from your own room, but sacrifices had to be made if you were ever going to help Nightmare-Luna to get better. >...kinda sucks your PC was in there. No vidya or lurking for tonight. >You’ll to settle with watching TV for the rest of the evening. Ought to be something interesting so see on 100+ channels. -------------------------------
>You’re Nightmare. >It had been hours now, and you still couldn’t sleep. No matter how you twisted and turned. >You were just anxious. Or angered, hard to tell the difference at the moment. >But the source of it was without a doubt Anonymous. >The bed reeks of his scent, the dirty human smell mixed with artificial freshness. >Disgusting. >You can’t sleep because of him, him and his smelly hygiene products. Stripes !6pLWmrkfk6
>>29863297 >And because of his little stunt today, craftily struck a nerve asking about your past and in your passionate, gave away more information you should have. >...and he tempted you with ice cream. >You are ashamed to not just taken it, but gorged on it like a starving pig. Luna had never been able to resist the craving of sugar, inherently given you the same weakness. >Enough with seething, you leap out of bed and make it for the livingroom, where the bright glow and sound of the television pointed his location. It was due time for Anon to learn his place and face the consequences of angering you. “Listen here, you-”
>Oh. >The human was asleep, splayed out in the couch and snoring. A heavy sleeper at that since he apparently had not heard you talking to him or the bothersome laughing crowd blaring of the featured presentation. >... >...he looked so peaceful. >You anger subsidies. It just felt pointless to berate him at this point. >...he was only trying to display usefulness after all. Even if it all was a charade. >It could not be genuine feelings he had. > could not… >...could you be wrong about him? >A deep sigh escapes you. This stupid human is so damnably difficult to figure. It did not help Luna’s childish feelings stirred deep down within, muddling your own. >You are too tired to even bother ponder on this right now. >So you turn the television off for Anon and suddenly feeling too sluggish to get back in bed, you settle on the floor next to the couch. It simply felt better than the big, smelly, empty bed. And that's it for now, spent too much time editing sections fo nothing.
As usual lemme know if something is off, I welcome critical thinking.
>>29863216 >living a normal live >namefagging Not high-functioning, evidently
>>29863007 Ah, if you're aware of it then that makes it much, much better. I wasn't sure if you were aware of how fucked up some of the stuff Anon is doing to GlimGlam is, but writing with the knowledge that he's essentially furthering her abuse is a whole different (and much better) thing.
I still think you might want to consider the impulsivity the character shows - some of these things feel like he could have been fired from the police force for all the on-a-whim shit he does. It actually makes me wonder more about Angela, since she went from "how the fuck could you do that to an animal" to "yeah, s'cool, I fucked a dog." I liked the first Angela, honestly, since it set up some nice conflict in the story.
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>>29863338 so what i myself am a high funktion autist
i hate that poeple nowdays use autism as a insult
i mean it is what canser used to be
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29863354 > I wasn't sure if you were aware of how fucked up some of the stuff Anon is doing to GlimGlam is. Oh trust me, I have given it quite a bit of thought. Even had a discussion with peeps irl about this idea.
> ... he's essentially furthering her abuse... > abuse Is it 'abuse' if she likes it? Stockholm syndrome maybe, but is it really 'abuse' if Insp Anon gets what he wants (like her previous Master and the Agency handler), without hurting her (in the same ways that these two fuckers did)?
> I suppose that it is similar to saying that bestiality is "animal abuse", when someone can argue on the other side that the animal did appreciate and enjoy the sexual contact (ignoring the issue of consent there). So what is it then? Abuse or not? You decide.
> Is it right/moral for Anon to do what he did to Starlight? Again, you decide. > Anon is going "fucked up stuff" to Glim Glam An interesting point that I would like to raise here is that Starlight may evidently also not as innocent as she seems to be. Notice that she is initiating sexual contact with Insp Anon for reasons that he may be not aware of (claiming that she "loves" him after what, 3 days of knowing him?).
The question here is: "Why will a girl be so readily available and eager for sexual contact and a relationship, given that she was raped on several occasions two weeks prior?"
> What does Glim really want? Orgasms? Maybe. Overcoming loneliness and fears? Also maybe. Anon's love? Probably. Ulterior motives like trying to attain security, a steady food supply, or even revenge on her abusers? All plausible.
> Is what she is doing moral? What about her dignity as a sapient being? Again, you decide. Like I said. Moral greyness is a main theme of Because I Choose To.
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
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>>29863444 Anon is doing* "fucked up stuff" to Glim Glam
> I am an idiot >>29863354 > I liked the first Angela, honestly, since it set up some nice conflict in the story. Since that segment was a long while back, I can safely tell you that my decision to make her a dogf*cker in her past was to allow her to be accepting of Anon and Starlight's sexual relationship. This is the most feasible option to my mind, as compared to other ideas.
> She would be a hypocrite if she condemns them. > Disagreements over sexual deviancy will very likely spoil any good existing relationship, despite its strength (imagine if your best friend reveals to you that he is in a sexual relationship with his mother, or if you learn that your sister blows and fucks strangers at glory-holes every 3 days. What will your reaction be?); as such having Angela as a previous zoophile is the most feasible option (Sorry Angela!) Note, however, that she still disagrees and dislikes the idea of Starlight being kept as Insp Anon's slave. Despite his taking care of her.
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>>29863273 wasnt luna like half dead or malnourished or something
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>>29863312 I don't see any real problems.
a nice solid update.
it nice to seeing more of Luna's thought process
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>>29861841 >The last part There are places for that anon!
I hope that no one has recorded the scene
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>>29862829 >Police officers are not perfect, but we expect them to be so as law enforcers. You're right, people finds it easy to generalize the actions of the agents of the law because they do not share the responsibility and the weight of their duty, not only they have to do their job but they have to deal with corruption, abuse of power between commanders and the weight of people whose influence dismissed the judicial process, public opinion whenever an out-of-town police used violence against a suspect, the pressure of Internal Affairs hoping to ruin their careers to the minor error, the same problems and family not to mention the risk of dying in a situation that demands his work, with so many problems and pressures as you expect a policeman in service do not need to find the way to let off steam and get rid of the stress of his work?
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>>29863179 >what's the whole thing with him talking to himself? this man shouldn't be allowed to hold a gun I imagine that force recruits need to pass a psychological test to be approved, and when officers authorised to use lethal force to suppress criminal elements in a situation of risk the more logical would be to receive a therapy after participating in an event like the one described above.
Anon does not hear voices, listen to its own consciousness and acts on the basis of their own training, experience and reasoning makes its decisions, and is almost always find a better way to solve a problem that take the easy path of not listening to anyone more than their impulses
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>>29863312 Great job! continue!
There must be a relationship between the climatic event that took Celestia's life and Luna's slave condition, perhaps humans are indirectly responsible
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>>29863312 Nothing much to say really, other than I'm looking forward to more!
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>>29847021 >didn't watch season 1 If I see you in an obituary, I will ejaculate on it and frame it.
board appears to be moving faster. gonna have to watch the threads page closer.
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>>29865842 >faster. Time since green: 7 hours
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>>29861112 >...the fit was either too tight or too lose... too loose*
>>29861841 If that anon was a pony I wonder what his cutie mark would be.
What's the CM for absolutely abysmal discretion?
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>>29865842 Want more Appul. Landscape is kill
ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>29858939 >>29861019 > feel incredibly alone right now. > A mare at your side, her head on your withers and wing stretched across your back - breath tickling at your mane. > Your brother, facing you with worried eyes and ready to do anything you could ask of them. > And yet, you couldn't feel any less than a thousand miles away. > There's no way you can tell them everything that you'd done. > Everything that was being planned. > It would've buoyed both their spirits to know of the escape plan - even if they couldn't have used it to sway opinion. > But you could hardly lay that kind of weight on their backs too. "Everything that's coming... it's like a crushing pressure."
> When neither of them speak, you go on: "I... spoke a lot, to Crescent Moon. A few of the others too - tried to get them to talk. You know, I don't think any of them were the third pony involved with the graffiti break-ins?"
> "Another pony?" > Rumble's voice is soft, a bare murmur. > Clearly he was coming to the same worrying conclusions as well: > Somepony else was still out there - somepony willing to act rashly as well. "I can't do this again. Can't keep bringing in ponies to be whipped. Not like her... it's not like a stallion who was looking to pick a fight. She was scared, expected to be tortured if we caught her... that's not something you can whip a pony for!"
> Your hoof slams down on the mattress, tail lashing angrily. "I took this damn job to protect ponies, not - not do that to them!"
> "Thunderlane..." > Lifting her head, Vapor Trail reaches out a hoof to slip beneath yours as well - turning your eyes to meet her. > Her soft expression is filled with understanding, yet that only makes your stomach turn more. > She has no idea what you are. > "You didn't do that to her. Of all the things that set her up to that point, you didn't." "That's not true. I chased her, I cornered her-"
ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>29867079 > "They provoked her to act. And Anonymous pushed Cadance into punishing her. If you hadn't - wouldn't he have sent another guard in to find her?" > To that, there is no reply. > You know it, Vapor Trail knows it, and Rumble knows it. > And isn't afraid to say as much. > "Bro, you aren't any more the fault of that than that maid unicorn - Mocha - for the orders she has to deliver, y'know? She's good. I was pissed at her at first, but she's a good pony inside - and everypony'll see you're good too." "That doesn't excuse me..."
> "It doesn't excuse what happened to her. You aren't what happened to her." > That draws a snort from you, but Vapor Trail leans in to nuzzle your cheek. > A moment later something brushes your opposite cheek as well - Rumble having moved in to meet you the opposite side. > "Nopony's hating on you, big bro." > Somepony is, though. > You. > Yourself. > Even so, you sigh and stretch out a wing - covering them both and pulling them close. "...thanks, you two. And - worried."
> "Yeah, we know-" "No, not just that. I am worried that somepony will blame me, and if they do... if they do, I'm worried they'll come after one of you."
> That, in turn, actually gives them pause. > The thought of being jumped... > "...nopony would do that. There've been some fights, but nopony's been attacked-" "You say that, Rumble, but what if someone is that angry - and doesn't feel like tangling with a guard? What happens then?"
> "I can hold my own, bro." > Even before he finishes, you feel Vapor shift uncertainly. > When both of you look over for her response, she turns her head away. > "I'll be fine. I'm a little slower than I used to be, but I was still fast enough to make the Wonderbolts, remember? I can still probably outfly half this camp." > But what, you wonder, about the half she couldn't? > ... > The soft voice calling from across the road brings your head up and mind out of the clouds it had drifted into while you were patrolling. ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>29867087 "...oh, hey Mocha."
> Her own head drooping and seeming to glance about furtively, Mocha Cream still wanders over with a small smile. > "Hi, Thunderlane. Do, um, you know where I can find Miss Cadance?" "She isn't down at the town hall?"
> "No. I already looked; they say they don't know when she'll be back." > A slight frown touches your face. "I'm afraid I don't. I'm on loose patrol right now, though, so we can go look."
> Despite the reluctance weighing down her tone, Mocha falls in beside you. > "Um, thank you. I don't want you to be a bother." "You aren't. This is my role here."
> Looking down at the little maid-mare, you tilt your head and drop your voice. "So, how are you holding up?"
> "I'm..." > The absence of any further words speaks for itself. "Nevermind. I'm sorry - I didn't mean to pry."
> "No, it's okay." > Shaking her head, Mocha sighs. > her voice is barely more than a whisper. > "I've... not been okay. Since... you know." "Yes."
> "I... had to leave. Master Anonymous said I should be there to see it, but I couldn't stay. I was too weak..." > Halting in your tracks, you lean down and bring your muzzle to her level - voice also dropping to barely above a whisper. "Would you like to know a secret, Mocha?"
> "S-Secret?" "I couldn't stay either. I had to leave too - and then I threw up. So it's okay if you couldn't stay."
> It is, if anything, proof that this little maid-mare still had a heart left to care with. > The proof anypony should have seen to know she was hardly just an agent of Anonymous. > Blushing softly, Mocha turns away - but you can see the little smile touching her lips. > "O-Oh..." > Resuming your walk, you let Mocha catch up before speaking again: "Rumble talks about you, you know?"
> "R-Really?" > Oh, yes. > There's no hiding the blush rising on her cheeks now. "Yes. A lot. He's quickly becoming a friend of yours. Always has nice things to say about you."
ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>29867098 > Mocha Cream might have said something, but it came out so soft and indecipherable you are barely aware of hearing it - let alone what she meant. > Teasingly, you reply with a smirk: "Sorry, didn't quite hear what you said."
> "...said, it must be nice to have family..." > Your heart freezes. > That - wasn't what you had expected. > At all. > And now you feel like a jerk for pushing her like that. > Risking a glance up, Mocha spots your expression - and pales. > "Oh! Oh, nonono! I'm sorry, I didn't m-mean to upset y-you!" "No, no - you didn't. I just - I didn't ... know."
> It sounds so lame - 'I didn't know.' > Mocha, though shakes her head. > "I was too soft. I'm sorry." "It's alright..."
> After a moment you try again, this time more softly. "You don't have any family?"
> "N-No. I was s-sold away from my parents years ago. And, um... well, I guess we're kind of close, the house ponies? But we're not family... Master Anonymous and Rumble are the closest I know." > Exerting considerable willpower, you keep a disgusted grimace from stamping itself on your face. > Another life, destroyed by slavery. > No, lives - her parents must have suffered too, having their young daughter ripped away. > Without a second of hesitation you slip a protective wing over her. "I'm sorry."
> "It's okay. It's not your fault. You've been good to me. R-Rumble too, once he spoke to me." > That manages to provide > Cadance, in fact, is not found in any of the locations you were going to look. > Instead she practically runs into you - turning a corner and almost colliding muzzle-to-muzzle. > Both of you halt, wings flared with surprise, and back off a step. > "Oh! Thunderlane, I am sorry - is there something you need?" > Both tone and the aggressive, fast near-prance she had been doing speak to a considerable pressure on her mind. " something wrong, Your Highness?"
> "No, I just-" > She glances to Mocha and sighs. > "Haute Glamour." > All three of you nod in mutual disgust. ChooseYourOwnSlaveventure !F9CBa509ak
>>29867107 > "But it's past. What can I do for you?" "Not actually for me. Mocha?"
> "Master Anonymous requests you send up the documents seized in the raid so he can examine them and make a decision on any that your nominate to be placed in the museum." > "Ah, yes, of course." > Cadance nods, her expression softening. > "There are -" > She looks around, suddenly conscious of the ponies watching the exchange. > "-a good few of those, yes. I'll have them sent up for his decision immediately." > When she turns to go, however, Mocha scuffs a hoof softly and adds: > "Um - p-pardon me, M-Miss Cadance?" > "Yes, Mocha?" > "He says he wants them all sent up. Even the ones you don't want in the musem, h-he says he wants to see." > Cadance's face says enough, but it is you who give voice to her thoughts: "That wasn't originally part of the plans. We were going to send just the ones for the museum, and just have the rest safely stored."
> A pause, then added: > "Safely stored - with us." > "I-I know. He says he wants to know what is being passed around, even if i-it's not going in the museum." > "...tell him that he's welcome to come down and look, but we agreed that they would be held on to." > Mocha's head falls even further. > "H-He says I'm supposed to bring them all to him. I'm sorry, Miss Cadance..." > Cadance's frown deepens, and you can understand why. > The little independence that you had gained was being sorely undercut here, and there wasn't much that could be done about it. > Even if it was over something so small, the effect at this delicate moment could be far worse... > But then again, was it worth it to raise a fuss about ultimately papers that were just going to be stored away anyhow? Who are we going to back here - Mocha Cream, or Cadance?
>>29867119 Mocha of course, She a cute.
>>29867119 The way I see it, we're siding with Cadance or Anonymous, not Mocha. I'm not sure we can trust Anon to keep things locked up, though, and not just simply destroy the things.
But if we don't protest, then he'll think we don't have anything to hide and possibly consider us more cooperative. And at the end of the day, you could still argue for Anon ro simply return the things sent to him, to be stored by Cadance.
And I really want to see Crescent Moon again. I want to know how the poor mare is doing.
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>>29867119 >>29867219 If Anon gets angry and decides he wants to burn some of this stuff, I'm scared Mocha will follow his decision like a sheep, as cute as she is.
>>29867250 This.
>>29867119 We back Cadance.
It's not like the documents are urgent. If Anon absolutely insists they be brought to him, that can always happen later. If we are seen to be handing them over now, it will cost us precious credibility. Credibility that both we and he might desperately need in the coming days!
Mocha can't have what she came for, but she can bring us back instead, with an invitation for him to view them in Cadances office. He's a reasonable owner, and did not give us authority so we could blindly obey orders that would end up hurting him.
>and perhaps we need a private talk with the only being who really knows us Anonymous
>>29867119 Why does not Candance just kill Anon? Even if she had a magic limiter, she could stab him with her horn and finish off with her hooves
>>29867604 She was on a light dose of anti-magic drugs, but those will be gone by now. She has full control of her alicorn grade magic and could mash Anon to a pulp anytime she wants. But what then? Rally the others (including Flurry) and take on lethally armed human guards, then the whole planet?
She's immortal. In a thousand years Anon, his little camp, even his plans for Megan and her children will be dust, and pony slavery just one more blot on human history, but she and Flurry will still be together. If they don't get killed in some pointless rebellion first.
>it's always there in the background when he gets pushy though Anonymous
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>>29867604 it's time to stop
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>>29867119 It is becoming monotonous as Candance and Anon discusses whenever they are seen, looks like more a partner of married that a Master and his slave
Anon does not have the strength to impose his authority because he knows that without Candance he could not direct the property or his ponies and everything comes down to threats and Candance in vain tries to claim a dignity that the ponies lost long ago while looking like Anon It snatches everything that she has loved.
If things are going to be like this then Candance must appear before him and take all the confiscated material, then ask him to let him keep the harmless material to add it to the museum, if he opposes it simply reminds him that it will only make the situation more difficult For all and will bring consequences that he regretted, no matter how the events end at the moment all property is a boiler boiling thanks to the raids and punishments and those who were reluctant in the past to see the suffering of Crescent Moon and the others Will start to leave the fear behind by the rising rage of thinking that the next victim of the whip will be someone who cares
Anon wants control but he gives almost nothing in return, he must improve his negotiation skills and not seek the easy exit from punishment and imposition or his fears will come true
>>29867711 >She's immortal Not the rest of the ponies
Remember to feed your slaves, or they will depose of you by force.
>>29867875 Those are some darn small poners
>>29867604 >The Master is dead, we're all free! >What's that, Thunderlane? The guards are all gunning down ponies left and right? >Kill them too! >What's that, Thunderlane? There's a SWAT team surrounding the property? >Death to all the slavers! >What's that, Thunderlane? It's raining JDAMs and 30mm fire? >Well, uh... And that would be the story of how Cadance got her entire camp of ponies killed, mandatory magic restriction laws implemented across the country, and herself probably locked in a solitary confinement cell for the next 1,000 years.
Now, the real question is why hasn't Cadance mindfucked Anonymous with her love magic to make him more compliant? That could be done much, much more subtly.
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>>29867880 He left his poners in the wash too long.
>>29867904 >Now, the real question is why hasn't Cadance mindfucked Anonymous with her love magic to make him more compliant? That could be done much, much more subtly. you know this is a fair point, i'm not sure why i didn't think of this.
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>>29867904 >>29867965 I don't know, someone would catch on. His daughter, the house ponies, ect. And when he is mindfucked and can't defend himself from other ponies, we have the same problem of everyone possibly being gunned down.
Though in a sense, through opening up and being his friend, she is sharing pony magic and softening him up, slowly but surely.
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>>29867904 >subtly Who says she hasn't been? Anon does seem to have changed over the course of the story. Don't think Eric gets much OT anymore. The camp is not just a business for him, it's become his family too.
>but he also knows it needs to keep the money flowing, and that needs the whip to keep cracking >slaveowner problems Anonymous
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>>29867119 I'm also voting to back Cadance: even if Anonymous doesn't destroy the documents we bring him, which there is a chance we might do, it's agreed that towing to his immediate request to have them all brought even besides the ones going into the museum will undercut our autonomy. Anon said it himself: all of it or none of it in terms of control, he can't have his cake and eat it too if we can't.
Plus it'd be good to show Mocha that there IS saying no to Anonymous: as '''''nice''''' as he's been she can't be made to forget they're more than just servants.
Also agreeing (and kind of wishing i'd said this earlier) we need to have Thunderlane check on Crescent Moon again, see how she is. We dont want her to think we'd forgotten about her just because she wasn't as helpful as she could have been.
Where is my Derpy Green? Is the writer kill?
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
Hi all, I copied the green from to my pastebin account, just in case the page is erased or the link changes.
I felt that this short SPG greentext story is worth saving as it is really good (in my opinion anyway).
If you are the original author, please contact me to claim your work, or if you would like me to keep this here, do let me know as well as I can credit you as the author.
"Comfort Mare" - A oneshot SPG green by Unknown Anon Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
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>>29868835 > If you are the original author, please contact me to claim your work, or if you would like me to keep this here, do let me know as well so* I can credit you as the author. Fuck.
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>>29851900 Besides, we all know Celly is too lewd to enslave.
>>29867904 At least they will die fighting for their freedom
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>>29867904 It kills him and at the same time the rebels control the guards by having memorized their routines, aided by guards ponies working from inside magically control the weapons, while the pegasus watch the sky and the roads
It is a pity that they do not have access to the internet, they could have contacted human sympathizers and ponies beforehand and arrange a transfer operation before the authorities intervened
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>>29868835 >"Comfort Mare" - A oneshot SPG green by I would not mind that you would eventually add this story back to the forum, it might be interesting for new readers
>>29871090 "To each of us falls a task, and all the Princess requires of us Guardsmares is that we stand the line, and we die fighting. It is what we do best - we die standing."
>>29870561 Derpy with a cruel Master who doesn't tolerate mistakes would be a very sad situation.
>>29871796 And the tragic event, where a slave owner is murdered and his ponies give their lives fighting for their freedom creates a wave of controversy that irreparably smears the policy of servitude causing a fall in the market of articles produced by ponies enslaved to consider it immoral (Finally), a general claim for the emancipation of the ponies, the restitution of their lands and a new set of social policies that oblige the slave owners to two options; Grant the ponies labor rights and a living wage or release them with compensation for their years of service and a value proportional to the profits that this produced.
The old property of Anon, now tainted with shame and shame for the new generations remains abandoned and ruined, only visited by free ponies and human sympathizers as a place of worship, and in a hillock standing out in the field is the common tomb for those who died for their freedom, a erect stone at the top has not carved the names of the rebels, but if their cutiemarks
The whereabouts of Megan, Flurry and Mocha are unknown
>>29873848 >ponies emancipated But collaring and spanking them still carries on as a fettish subculture, right?
>Rarity: "Time for our date at the slave club, Anon" >LastChance Anon: "OK, if you still want to go..." >Rarity: "I've been a very bad girl, Master!" >LastChance Anon: "Just like old times" Anonymous
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>>29874659 dick status: fully erect
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>>29874659 You can liberate a person (or pony) in body, but not so their fetishes
New to writing, but I tried my hand at a story. Not quite sure how these threads work, either. Do I share each chapter I write on these and get feedback? Anyway, here's what I got so far.
All the stories I've read so far had the horses get the short end of the stick. I thought I'd take a different approach to things and have both sides, give more perspective to how cruelty wasn't exclusive to humans only. Not quite sure where I'm heading with the story right now, I'll think of something as I go. Anyway, here it is: Anonymous
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>>29875415 *and have both sides suffer
My bad, it's been a long night.
>>29875415 Read it. Liked it. Would like more too.
Seems like a typical SPG setup, the mandatory bath scene would fit well into the next chapter; Derpy is a mess! It's unusual to see Equestria giving as good as it gets, even as individual ponies like Derpy are defeated. You should explore this further, perhaps when Derpy recovers somewhat they can end up on the other side, and she can hold the leash!
>there's RGRE, why not reversed slavery roles? Anonymous
>>29875415 >>29875759 This.
Interesting thing, having ponies fight tooth and hoof, slavery on both sides.
Please, post updates in the thread, more people will take a look at them that way.
Hell, if I were you, I would post everything there is in the pastebin just to get peoples attention to new green.
Wall of greentext catches more interest than a single pastebin link.
>>29875759 Right, a bath. Know what, I kinda got stuck after I got to where I was. At least I know where to continue now. Also, what's RGRE?
>>29875825 I don't know. Aren't the massive walls of greentext terribly obnoxious? I couldn't be arsed to look at them myself, I also preferred going to the pastebin to read stories.
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>>29873522 What is a 'sad situation' is how long she (and we!) have been waiting for her whipping. There was a green a few months ago where she caused a building to collapse. She was sentenced to like seventy (bazillion) lashes, tied up to the post, and then nothing. Ever.
>it's a torture in itself! Anonymous
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>>29875853 Dunno about obnoxious, but certainly more noticeable. and noone is going to read green they dont know about.
Also, reading greentext on pastebins that remove green from it really annoying.
Prefer lurking threads and reading updates as they come.
Its annoying to check on pb all the time.
>>29875853 >Reversed Gender Roles Equestria. Where Anon is stuck in Equestria and all the mares protect / lust after him, in a reversal of stereotypes. It's another thread on /mlp/ and perhaps other fanfic sites. >bath scene Every SPG story has one, it's customary. Derpy is frightened, she's only ever been hosed down by humans; what new torment is this? Anon is patient, and gently scrubs every filthy part of her. She's pretty dirty under the tail too, should he scrub there? If he asks, does she trust him enough to lift the tail? Everything is all warm and suddsy, and they start on a trusting and dependent master / slave relationship.
Not telling you what to write, only what (many) others have written before.
>massive walls of green It's a slow thread. Any green is good green. There's a character limit on posts (don't know exactly), you would have to break it up into chunks, but I doubt you would see complaints.
Future updates should certainly be posted here in full, or no (You)s for you.
>>29876191 >There's a character limit on posts (don't know exactly) 2000 characters. I use Notepad++ to write, and it has a little section at the bottom for how many characters you're highlighting. Lets me break it up into chunks that make sense and don't disrupt the flow.
>>29875415 You can do it by chapter, or a few posts at a time, or whatever. Whenever you're happy with that section. Just make sure you have your name on and link between posts so we can follow the story easier. Helps readability a whole lot.
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29875415 Hello new writer! Welcome!
>>29875759 >>29875853 >>29876191 > mandatory bath scene Not literally mandatory, but it is one of the most common scenes to expect in a SPG green.
Generally, many writers use this (me included) to help set the tone of the green, because:
1. It is often a necessity, as which Master wants to live with a dirty, smelly slave in the same dwelling? Some may do, but it's their choice.
2. Bathing the pony is an intimate affair, which allows for the exploration of dynamics between the master and the pony slave; it is a good way to show the motivations, thoughts and desires of Anon for his new slave, and the extent to which the slave is already 'broken' in.
> Is Anon a 'white-knight', a 'grey' one, or is he a cruel master? > Does the pony slave obey or resist? Is she or he accepting of human (their captor's) touch and orders, or are they still fighting them? 3. Bath scenes are generally nice and easy to read because it is relatable; almost everyone is familiar with cleaning themselves and the need for hygiene (well, almost!).
>>29876191 mentions, this isn't telling you what to write, as hey, it IS your SPG greentext story. Only you can decide what you wanna write, so take ownership of it and have fun! Be creative or conform. Be bold or cautious. Be tough or gentle. Be serious or light. Be cold and methodical or warm and hug-boxy. Or, be a mixture of both for everything!
Also, posting blocks of text is generally okay. "Greentext stories" got their name largely because of the formating that happens here.
> green is good So yeah, welcome! Do join our Discord channel yeah?
Looking forward to reading your work. ^^
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29875415 Good set-up. You capture emotions well in your writing, and you have a decent balance for providing details and telling the story (at least, for the intro portion).
Now, I curious for the follow up, where the actual story-telling begins. Looking forward to more, Anon!
anypony know if shiny and corona will update soon?
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>>29858519 I want a crossover between your green and Mercury's where Inspector Anon and Starlight are assigned to track down Criminal Anon and his new filly accomplice.
>>29878300 Time since (actually green) green: 20 hrs.
It can't update soon enough. Somewritefag, we need you now!
>>29878740 What we need is realhorse Corona.
She's much cuter.
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29861841 > You drop your salute, and the other 2 officers do the same. Petting one of them on the shoulder, you wish them a good shift before walking over to the Logistics Office, dodging other policemen and women as they move around the cramped basement carpark to do their routine checks on the police vehicle there and their equipment. Like this morning, your vision is assaulted by the multitude of flashing red and blue lights, and your ears are filled with the wails and blasts of sirens and vehicle horns. Walking past a white SUV with ‘Police’ emblazoned on its side, you go around the corner, earning yourself a brief break from the chaos behind you. A few metres in, on your right, is the window to the Logistics Office. > Corporal Chris is already there as you step up to the window. You greet the young, skinny Indian teen, and he acknowledges your presence by exchanging salutes with you. > That uniform is seriously too large for him, Boss. “Here is the receipt for the petrol, Chris. $100 exactly for 41.49 litres of Leva 98. From National Petroleum.”
> Chris nods and takes the folded piece of paper from you, which he opens to check. Reading it quickly, he then disappears into the office to reappear a short while later, passing you 2 $50 bills. > “Here you go, Sir.” > You thank him and exchange salutes with him, turning to walk away as you pull out your wallet to keep the bills. > “Sir?” > You pause, turning back to the Station Orderly. He has his brows furrowed in concern. “Yeah Chris? What’s up?”
> He hesitates. Tilting his head slightly, his next words are cautious. > “… Are you okay, Sir? I… Heard what happened at the hostage incident earlier...” > Oh. You give him a small smile. “I’m okay, Chris… I’ve seen my fair share of incidents like that, so you can say that I’ve been desensitized… Somewhat… Still pretty unpleasant though; I don’t look forward to another.”
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29879164 > “I understand, Sir. I… I am just concerned for you.” > You smile at him. “Thanks Chris. I appreciate that.”
> Huh, guess those $2 bribes are paying off, eh Boss? Using coffees to win hearts and minds. Well Brain, I treat others good, and they reciprocate. Pretty simple, really. > Shame that it is simple shit like this that people often forget. Aye Brain, it is a shame alright. > Slotting your wallet back into your pocket, you frown as a thought occurred to you. You pause before turning back to the Corporal. “And don’t go blaming yourself for the outcome of the incident, you hear me? You were merely following orders; Orders, Corporal, that came from me, your Superior. Orders that you are bounded by both law and the Disciplinary Code to carry out. So, let me do the sorting out of the emotional and ethical matters here, okay?”
> You take it upon yourself to be a punching-bag of sorts, as you are worried that he may somehow be guilty for indirectly causing the deaths of the 2 hostage takers. This guy is barely an adult; let him enjoy his innocence for a little while longer. > Corporal Chris nods and smiles at you. “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”
> Glancing at the clock, you see that it is 7:18 pm. “See you tomorrow for the night shift, Chris.”
> The Station Orderly gives you a salute. You copy him. > “See you, Sir.” > Dropping your hand, you proceed to the stairway. You hope ASP Kenneth Lin, the overall-in-charge of this shift, will keep his Evening Brief short and to the point. > You hear a sigh of relief behind you as you step away from the window of the Logistics Office. > You were right; he was feeling guilty. > Yourself? Let God be the judge. You were merely a vassal of his will, anyway. > ‘No’ then, Boss. > … Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29879174 > You hand the tray and the heavily-laden utility belt back to Sergeant Hicks through the iron-grilled window. Inside the tray are the Taurus Revolver, the Taser X2 electrical stunning device, the 10 .380 Special +P rounds, the small box containing the Taser Module and the speed loader. Basically, the weapons that you drew this morning. > Sergeant Hicks mumbles his thanks as he checks and counts the equipment on the belt and in the tray. Seemingly satisfied, he places them on his desk, taking a book and a ballpoint pen with him as he turns around. He hands you the pen and opens the book. Laying it on the window counter, Hicks points down at it with a finger. “Over here, Sir.”
> Nodding, you check that your identification number is correct before clicking the pen to scrawl the time and date on the row. You finish off by putting your signature at the end. > A quick glance above shows that Angela has already returned her equipment after the Evening brief. She also returned Starlight’s K9 vest and signed for it on your behalf. > Passing the pen to back to Hicks, you thank him as he retrieves the book. He puts his signature on it too before closing and depositing it on his desk. The Armoury Sergeant then proceed to unpack your equipment, moving around the room as he drops off pieces in various shelves and drawers. Noticing that you are still at the window, he pauses. > “Sir? Anything?” > You think back to this morning, where he saw Starlight and you… ‘Being friendly’, down the hallway. “Hicks… Uhh… About this morning… I… I hope that you don’t come off with the wrong-”
> “Ah Sir, you don’t have to tell me. I won’t say anything to the rest.” Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29879184 > You are relieved. Since you have been posted to the Station, the much older Sergeant Hicks has always looked out for you. He has given you good advice as you adjusted to life as an Investigation Officer, and you have spent a few occasions just hanging out with him to listen to his stories and wild theories about the Police Force and the government. He has always been a good friend of yours… Now, you cannot help but feel a little guilty for doubting him. > Walking over to the window, he smiles and pats you on the shoulder. > “You are a single male living on your own, and your pony is female. You are her master, and she is pretty, so naturally, you’ll be drawn to her. That, I can understand… Hell, if I were in your position… Nevermind, you don’t want to hear that…. Just treat her nice, okay Sir?” “I try my best to, Hicks. I… She means a lot to me.”
> Hicks nods. “That’s good. Remember that she is a person, after all… But Sir…”
> He leans in, motioning with his hand for you to do the same. > You move your head closer to him, and he murmurs softly in your ear. > “… Don’t let Inspector Angela know what you do to her, yeah? I mean, you are her partner, so you know her type… And I am fat as fuck, so I cannot help if she decides to beat the shit out of you.” > You nod, fighting hard to keep your face contemplative as you resist the urge to smirk. “I will, Hicks… And thanks.”
> “No problem, Sir.” > Hicks pats you on the shoulder as he straightens up. Giving you a smile, he salutes you. You return the gesture before turning to head for your locker. > If only he knew, Boss. > You are grinning now. > Yeah, Brain, if only he knew. > … > Even at the hallway, you can hear Angela and Starlight’s voices from within your office. You adjust your hold on the 2 sets of uniforms in your arms before turning the handle and pushing the door open. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29879194 > “… and when I opened the door, a mountain of pastries fell on me! I mean, I only asked her to bake that one-” > Angela and Starlight look up as you enter the office. Starlight smiles at you, hopping off the couch and trotting over to nuzzle your calf. You kneel to pet her mane, as she looks up at you adoringly. Smiling at her, she closes her eyes and leans into your palm. > “Master.” “Good girl.”
> Angela stands up and clears her throat. When you look up, she is rubbing the back of her neck with a hand. > “You 2 lovebirds go ahead. I… Uh, am going to meet my boyfriend later for dinner.” > You smirk. “If you don’t want to be the third wheel, Angela, just say so. Lying is bad.”
> Starlight taps your chest with a hoof as she shakes her head. She has a little frown on her face. > “Master, you are being mean now.” > You chuckle. > Starlight is right. Capitalising on Angela’s awkwardness like that? You are truly an asshole, Boss. > You apologise to Angela, who responds by curling her lip and narrowing her eyes. She points her index and middle fingers to her eyes before turning her wrist around, giving you the “I’m watching you” sign.
> “I’ll see you tomorrow for the night shift, Asshole.” > Hey, Angela and Brain can be friends. > You are still chuckling as Angela tells Starlight that she would love to hear the end of that story tomorrow before leaving the office. She only bidded Starlight farewell. > Starlight turns to you with a worried expression, but you smile and ruffle her mane. Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29879206 “Angela and I are good pals, Starlight; we go a long way back, since our days in the Academy. She knows I’m messing with her.”
> Your pony gives you a small smile and a nod. “Dinner at Bridget’s, Starlight? I can get you ice-cream again.”
> Starlight’s already big eyes widen as they light up and her muzzle opens slightly. She straightens up, and you put a finger in front of her mouth. “I’ll take that as a “yes”.”
> You stand and attach Starlight’s leash to her red collar. Then, you open the door of your office, letting Starlight leave first. Her tail swishes as she practically bounces through the doorway. > You pause. Reaching around your desk, you grab a backpack, which you proceed to stuff the 2 uniforms into. Laundry, tonight. Stepping out, you close the office door and lock it. Turning to Starlight, you begin walking down the hallway. “After this long shift, Starlight, I’m getting that grilled lobster and steak combo.”
> “And a Blueberry Crème Supreme, Master?” > You smile at her. From the way her eyes seem to sparkle, she must really be anticipating that dessert. “I’ll eat it out of your mouth if I have to.”
> Starlight blushes profusely as she smiles and looks to the side. > … Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29879238 And end of update.
I tried to skip as much of Anon's workday as I can, keeping only the important bits as I was worried that it may come off as boring to some readers. That being said, do let me know if some particular segments seem rushed or is too detailed; I will do edits in the pastebin as needed.
> For relatively major edits, I will mention them in the "Updates!" post. Minor edits are just things like re-phrasing sentences, fixing typos, and adding or removing ">", so I won't mention them. "Because I Choose To" - Thank you for reading and thank you for your support. I love to receive your comments, ideas, suggestions and criticisms, and I will respond to those which I can (as evident above).
As always, stay awesome! ^^
somewritefag !!tvlWrbLUTqN
Quoted By:
>>29878740 >>29878300 No update this weekend, will most likely be some time during the week.
>>29879749 Look at that good girl.
Quoted By:
>>29879749 >that whip action unf
>>29873848 That's stupid and unrealistic, especially in the US, how many people remember Waco and other things like that, if they try and revolt, not a single one is getting out of there alive.
>>29879980 Fighting for freedom is stupid and unrealistic? Then you are from a place where no one has ever died because of what you believe
Quoted By:
>>29880327 It's stupid and unrealistic that a single revolt amongst many that have already happened and been pt down would have the effect you are describing, chances are that Equestria is done, and they are never getting that land back.
>>29878048 >>29878273 Thanks, I really do appreciate the advice. And I'll totally join the discord, looking forward to talking to you guys more.
>>29877815 Right, got it. Think folks would mind if I copy-pasted the first few chapters that I have in the pastebin here to bring new readers up to speed before I went on with the new chapters?
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
Quoted By:
>>29880531 >>29880531 I received a lot of support and help myself when I started mine, so I'm glad to reciprocate.
Do get yourself a tripcode and an alias, yeah?
I don't think peeps will mind if you do, but that's my perspective.
Quoted By:
>>29879856 Cows are superior slaves. Even the ponies figured that out.
Miffed !wkboZiaxM6
So I'll just share what I've got for my story here. Haven't decided on a name just yet. Since I'm awful with names, I'm open to suggestions for that. >Dust particles remain suspended in the stagnant air, illuminated by faint rays of sunlight creeping through the half closed blinds into the otherwise dark room. >Click. >You remain expressionless as the barrel of the handgun in your hand rests lazily on your bottom row of teeth. >You taste a hint of metal as your tongue brushes against the cold, unforgiving steel that's about to blow your brains out. >A heavy sigh escapes your lips. >It'd be quick, it wouldn't hurt. Don't worry about it. >You angle it upwards, the roof of your mouth tingling at the sensation of the barrel pressing up against the wall of flesh and bone that separates the thing that keeps you alive from the thing that's about to do the opposite of just that. >Your index finger trembles, cradling the trigger of your handgun. >Christ, why are you hesitating now of all times? Fucking useless. >You were fine last night when you waved goodbye to the drunken patrons of your local pub and walked back home alone, an alcohol-induced buzz between your ears. >You were fine when you got back home, unlocked the door and stumbled into the bathroom in a disoriented daze. You looked at your reflection in the toilet. You remember looking like garbage. Eyes weren’t supposed to be that red, were they? >You were fine when you fished out your gun from the closet and placed it gingerly on the dresser next to your bed. >You were fine as you loaded a single round into its chamber before going to sleep. You figured one was all you needed. Miffed !wkboZiaxM6
>>29882873 >You were fine this morning when you fixed yourself one last breakfast and wrote that note to what remains of your family and friends to apologize for what you've been planning on doing for a while. >You were fine 5 minutes ago when you settled down on the floor, leaning up against the bed, a lit cigarette in one hand and your gun in the other. >You were fine, damn it. >You came to terms with this some time ago. Or at least, you thought you did. >Evidently, you hadn't come to terms with what you've been preparing to do 100% just yet. >Shit, your whole hand is trembling now. >You were fine. >"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" >You shut your eyes and wince when you hear that voice. >"Fucking – you piece of shit, you fucking piece of shit. You got this far, just to fucking give up now?" "Shut up."
>"What the fuck was the point of us risking our fucking asses to haul you back to safety back in Manehattan? Fucking James got fucked because he didn't want to leave you out th-" "SHUT UP!"
>You pull the gun from your mouth and hurl it in the direction where that fucking voice was coming from. Miffed !wkboZiaxM6
>>29882880 >CRASH. >You whip your head around to see where that voice came from, stormy eyes promising a slow death to whoever the fuck interrupted—" >Oh, right. You live alone. >Your eyes soften as you see shards of glass scattered across the carpeted flooring and the picture frame on the wall ruined by webs of cracks spreading from the point of impact with the miniature ballistic that now lay harmlessly on the ground. >God damn it. God damn it all. >You get up from the floor with a groan, dropping the faintly glowing cigarette you held in your hand on the floor. You half-heartedly step on the thing, stamping out the silky smoke it was emitting into the room. >Shuffling over to the gun on the floor, you take notice of the state of the room you called yours. >The blankets of your bed were tossed haphazardly into a corner of the room. Outdated magazines and newspapers littered the floor. Dirty laundry piled up in the middle of the room, not really making the stench of stale pizza and sweat your room was enveloped in any more pleasant. >You carelessly brush aside the empty bottle of anti-depressants next to your gun and pick the latter up, examining it. >A little dent on its side, otherwise it's still fine. >You stare at it a moment longer, before shaking your head. >You'll try again another time. Maybe next week. >… >You need to take a piss. >"And as you can see behind us, Chicago remains in a state of frenzy, the wounded are desperately trying to –" >You grab the remote and mute the audio, before grabbing the can of beer in front of you. >Crack. >Hiss. >Ah, that hits the spot. Bored eyes scan the scenes of chaos and disarray unfold behind a flustered looking newscaster trying his best to maintain a modicum of professionalism. Miffed !wkboZiaxM6
>>29882885 >You scoff at the poor sap being heckled by a passer-by. Seemed the guy was asking the newscaster for some help with something. He looked pretty awful, all things considered. Tears streaking his face, ash and soot coating his skin, flecks of saliva at the corner of his lips as he begged for help… That kind of awful. >To say that the war wasn't going too great would've been an understatement. Criminally so. >Immense casualties were lost on both sides. Those horses sure didn't take too kindly to being fucked with, definitely. But then again, you don't remember the humans being the ones to start this war. >Who were the aggressors? Fuck if you knew. All you did know was that the war was reaching some sick stalemate. Every time your kind got an advantage over the horses, next thing you know you got your backs pushed against the wall. Every time the horses seemed to have an upper hand, they met the same fate your kind previously faced. >Like some twisted game of tug-o-war. Going back and forth, with no end in sight. >You take another sip of your beer. >Your mind drifts to memories. Old memories. Bad memories. >Of times when you thought serving your species was an honor. Of times you were proud to march into those swirling portals into an alien land to protect your own kin. Of times you first realized that this wasn't what you were expecting at all. >You thought this'd be a chance for you and your buddies to become legends. To become like those action heroes you all dreamed of being in those power trip fantasies in high school. Finally get the girl. Be the protagonist of the story everyone wants to be. >That dream died when James died. That dream's dead corpse was kicked mercilessly in its grave when Eddie died. That dream's dead, beaten corpse was pissed on when Ethan died. Miffed !wkboZiaxM6
>>29882891 >But you couldn't resent those horses that killed your friends. You wanted to. You really did. >But they were just as big of monsters as your lot was. >Their villages razing in the fires of a thousand suns. Orphaned children screaming and sobbing over charred corpses of their parents. Elderly horses spitting and cursing at you and your troops as you marched through their town squares. >"Filthy apes! You mindless monsters! You killed them! YOU KILLED THEM!" >You learnt to drown those accusatory glares and hisses, along with your remaining troops. You learnt to pass on the blame to someone else. It was never your faults. >"We were just following orders." >Only made sense that those things fought back with as much vicious ferocity as your kind did. >Beams of light and neon-colored explosions shaking and toppling skyscrapers in your cities... >Indistinct figures flying in the sky, diving down and letting all hell let loose below... >You were done. You did your service, and you didn't want part of it anymore. You couldn't do it alone. Not without your friends. That's why you were here. Sitting alone in a pitch-black apartment far from the warring cities. Far from the frontlines of the war. You wanted out, and you had it. Miffed !wkboZiaxM6
>>29882895 >Ding dong. >You opt to ignore it. Fucking girl scouts trying to peddle their bullshit to fund 'the greater good' tried your patience to its breaking point every single time they paid you a visit. >Ding dong. >You close your eyes. Just wait and they'll leave. They'll figure nobody's home, then you can get back to being a depressed, sack of – >Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong – "Sweet Jesus, I'M COMING, I'M COMING!"
>Persistent little buggers are going to fucking have hell to pay for, you swear on your life (as if that had much value to you anyway). >You swing your front door open, eyes narrowed into dangerous slits. >Then you blink. >For girl scouts, these folks looked distinctly adult. One of them at least. Guy was huge. The other one wasn't even human. >"Anon? Is that really you?" >Your lips go dry. "D-david. You're alive?"
>"ANON!" >The fucker crushes you in his hug. He doesn't even realize he possibly fractured 7 of your ribs in that bear hug of his. "D-dave, c-can't breathe, buddy."
>David lets you go, his fat face plastered with a shit-eating grin. You can't help return the smile, even if you were wheezing like crazy. Dave was always a hugger. >"I didn't see you around for the longest time, I thought you were in deep shit. You should see what the slavers do to the captured men…" >His dumb, happy demeanor turns sour and dark. >Slavery was a pretty big problem on both sides. Government couldn't keep track of all the POWs, and a handful of sick shits from Earth and Equestria decided to profit from this shitshow. War really does bring the worst out of people. Guess that applied to horses, too. >"Man, you look like shit. You holding up alright? I heard that you guys got caught in an air raid in Manehattan and I never heard about you assholes again. Would it've killed to fucking call once in a while, you pricks?" Miffed !wkboZiaxM6
>>29882904 >Shit. He doesn't know yet. "…Dave, man. They're gone."
>David freezes, smile disappears. It comes back almost as quickly as it disappeared. >"Fuck you, man. Not funny. Listen, I've got the weekend off before I gotta get back to Chicago, get the others together and let's fucking relax. We haven't had a Friday game night since forever. You're gonna get your ass handed to you, you're probably rusty as shit at Street Fighter you faggo– " "No, man. They're gone."
>David freezes a second time. >"What?" >You feel your heart sink. Fucking hell, he doesn't deserve this. "They didn't make it. I'm all that's left."
>David doesn't move for what seems like an eternity. Your eyes sting with salty tears, as you watch his short-lived smile slowly fade into a horrified contortion of misery and confusion. He doesn't deserve this. >"F-fuck, what? H-how – what, fucking what happened?" >You spare him the grisly bits. Of James being reduced to ashes, the sickening smell of burnt skin and… You stop yourself. You keep things short and to the point. You gotta be strong. For James and the others. For Dave. >David stands there, stunned. Then, he falls to the ground in an uncaring heap. >"Hahah. T-they're really gone, huh? F-fuck. Fuck. FUUCK. FUCK FUCK FUCK–" >Now it's your turn to hug him. He breaks down into a mess of shaking remorse and obscene cursing. You take some time to calm him down, you might've stood there for hours, you lost track of time. He's stopped crying, which was good. Broke your heart to see the guy like this, shit. >"I-I'm good. I'm good." >He composes himself with a shaky breath. >"I'll be good. Just give me some time alone. I'll be good." Miffed !wkboZiaxM6
>>29882911 >He'd better be. He didn’t deserve this. The gentle fatass wouldn't hurt a fly. He was up there on the frontlines as a medic. He had enough on his plate, being responsible for umpteen soldiers that were sent to him scared for their lives. "I don't want to die! Mom, I don't want to, I don't want to die!" He tried saving them all, but that was impossible for anyone. Each death took his toll on him. Now he gets hit with this? He didn't deserve this. Your attention is drawn by David lifting a finger up to point at the gray-furred horse next to him. >"L-look. Chicago's in a mess. This one tower that billionaire owns? Turned out he kept a whole lot of slave ponies to fuck over in it. He's dead now, though. So're most of his slaves, actually. The tower's a pile of rubble, and this pony right here is all that's left of it." >"I need you to take care of it for me." "What."
>David shoots you a glare and you flinch. The guy can be scary if he wants to. >"You heard me, Anon. The poor thing's been through a ton and I haven't got the heart to send it off to a POW camp. It's had enough shit already." >You've got nothing against the horses. Not like most of every human else. But to keep a living, breathing, intelligent being under my care? When I'm fucked up as it is? You just can't do that right now. "Look, I'm going through some tough times right now. Can't you find somebody else?"
Miffed !wkboZiaxM6
>>29882916 >You eye the pony next to David. Looks like a female, from the looks of it. Her gray coat was stained with all kinds of disgusting shit you didn't think was possible. Scars and burn marks are present on random parts of her body, marring what might've been silky and smooth fur at one point in time. Her blonde mane and tail was equally sordid as her fur, tufts of hair sticking out, looking like they haven't been groomed in years. Her wings were folded, hiding the occasional frazzled feather here and there. What struck you most were her eyes, though. >Her eyes were the saddest things you've seen. Literally, and figuratively. Downcast pale, amber eyes were glued stubbornly to the ground, as if she couldn't bring herself to face anyone else ever again. Peculiarly enough, her pupils were staring at different parts of the ground. Must've been some kind of eye defect. How that happened, you couldn't tell. >"There's nobody else I'd trust, Anon. Please, do it for me. I can't do it, I've gotta get back to Chicago in a couple days. Please." >You can't bring yourself to say no to David. It'd be fucking cruel of you to. To both Dave and to the horse. You're in pretty deep shit with your own problems, but fuck if you'll burden anybody else with 'em. "…fine, I'll take her."
>Dave's eyes brighten. Not by much, though. He still looks like it's the end of his world. Guilt eats away at your conscience. It should've been you to die out there. They were good fucking people. They sacrificed themselves to save you, and there you were with a gun in your mouth. Pathetic. >"Thanks, man. Really." >He turns around to the horse, and beckons her forward. She flinches as he raises his hand towards her. Seeing this, Dave quickly backs off. >"Hey, hey, hey… Don't be scared, it's gonna be alright. It's gonna be alright, because this guy right here? He's the greatest guy I know. He'll take great care of you, I know it." Miffed !wkboZiaxM6
>>29882924 >You feel a sharp pain in your chest. If only he knew what you were planning to do this morning. >The horse remains where she stood, now shaking terribly in fear. Dave grimaces and his shoulders sag. >"Just go on in whenever you're ready, okay? Trust Anon here, he's – he's a great guy." >Dave turns to you now. His eyes are nothing like the happy-go-lucky eyes they used to be when he just got here. Now they're just broken ghosts of the past. That was on you, by the way. He forces a smile on his face, but we both know that his feeble attempt to appear like he was okay betrayed the internal hell he was going through. >"I'm trusting you, Anon. Heh, I-I don't even need to say that, you know I trust you. She should get a new start, and I think you'll be the right guy for that." >He pauses. >"You ought to get a new start, too. This whole thing can't have been easy on you either." >He pauses again, and fixes you with a knowing look. >" I know what you're thinking, Anon. Don't you fucking blame yourself for what happened. It's not your fault, what happened out there. You do something stupid because you think it was on you, and I'll never forgive you, you hear me?" >His voice audibly quivers near the end. Guilt is killing you on the inside, and it probably shows on your face. >"I need to go. I'll be fine, don't worry about me. You take care, though. Of yourself, and her." >Before you can respond, he smiles one last time, turns around and trudges down the corridor and into the elevator at the very end of said corridor. Before the elevator doors shut completely, you catch a glimpse of David covering his face with his hands, breaking down in a fit of hysterics once more. This time, he'll be alone, though. The stupid idiot waited till he thought I couldn't see him before he dropped his poorly maintained façade. Miffed !wkboZiaxM6
>>29882930 >Damn it, Dave. You're gonna be pretty disappointed when you find out that this was a bad idea from the start, what were you thinking trusting me with– >The gray horse in front of you hasn't stopped shivering. >Ah. Right. "Come inside, it'll be warmer there."
>You could've sounded more welcoming to the thing, but it's kinda hard to do when your voice is hoarse like this. Ha. "Hoarse." I crack myself up. "Let's start with your name, yeah?"
>The thing just stands there, still avoiding eye contact. Well, you're not quite sure if she could keep eye contact if she tried, honestly. >Maybe it just hasn't heard you. Your voice isn't at what you'd call its best right now, all things considered. You decide to try again, except a little louder this time. "What's your name?"
>Startled, her eyes shoot up from the ground and at your face, like a deer in the headlights. You're not quite sure if you've done something to scare it. Or maybe it's just jumpy by nature? >"...w-what do you mean?" >What do I mean? A frown pulls at your lips. "What do others call you? Fuck did you think I meant?"
>She shrunk when you cursed, as if you'd hit her with a rolled up magazine or something. >"I-I'm sorry, please don't get upset, I j-just–" >She begins hyperventilating, eyes nervously darting left to right. Her nose scrunches up and her lower lip trembles. You let out a frustrated sigh and relent. Miffed !wkboZiaxM6
>>29882933 "Know what, forget it. You can tell me that another time or something, just get in here already. You're letting the cold air in."
>She scurries into your living room in a hurried clatter of hooves, accidentally knocking over the bin that contained some old umbrellas, scattering the stupid things all over the floor. She stops in her tracks, looks at the umbrellas and backs at you. She blanches. >"I-I didn't mean t-to do that, w-wait I can fix it, please don't get mad, please don't hurt me, p-please..." >She hurries over in a poor attempt to pick up the few umbrellas on the ground. She appeared to find the task of picking the things up somewhat difficult, what with her incessant trembling and all. In fact, she seemed to be making a bigger mess than before. "Don't worry about it, just stop whatever it is you're doing, okay? Just... Just sit still over there."
>You vaguely point into the direction of the living room. "I'll be there in a minute, just go."
>With her ears flattened on her head, she makes a beeline for the living room while murmuring all manners of shaky apologies. >You have second thoughts about accepting her in your home. It's gonna be a huge hassle for sure. You don't know the first thing about taking care of someone, much less an alien creature. And even if you did, you're not quite sure if you trusted yourself to get that done. Putting another living, breathing person's life into your hands? Dave must've been mental. Miffed !wkboZiaxM6
>>29882940 >You silently pick up the umbrellas and toss them into the bin in their rightful place. Now that that's settled... >You make your way over to the living room, not bothering to step over the carelessly cast aside rubbish that your floors seemed to be comprised of. Now that somebody else is here, you entertain the thought that maybe it's due time to clean up. >Shaking your head, you look over to the terrified horse, sitting in the corner of the room. Made for a pretty sad sight. And you thought things couldn't get any more depressing, too. >You eyed her, your gaze sweeping over her disheveled, dirty appearance. "You're filthy."
>She flinches again. She opens her mouth, presumably to let loose even more apologies. You raise a finger in the air to stop her before she even starts. "Nope, not another word. Just get your ass to the bathroom."
>Her mouth stays open for a moment longer, probably not expecting to be interrupted like that. She's quick to snap out of it, though. She shoots straight up and scampers away down the hall, making a sharp right turn at the very end of the dark corridor. "It's the second door on your left."
>She screeches to a halt, turns around and changes course, knocking over a vase containing some wilting flowers in the process and spilling its contents on the floor. >Idiot. >Whatever, you never liked that vase anyway. >You shrug and reach for your can of beer, a pool of condensation collecting underneath the can. You take a sip, only to find yourself disappointed by the fact that it isn't as cold as it was when you had some earlier this morning. Miffed !wkboZiaxM6
>>29882946 >You focus your eyes back on the television screen, only to find that the news report was long over. An overly enthusiastic middle-aged woman advertising some sort of car insurance replaced the burning remnants of Chicago from earlier. You blow a raspberry and close your eyes shut. You rest your head backwards on the worn out recliner you were sprawled on and sigh again. You've been doing that lately, you note absentmindedly. An empty silence fills the house. >... >You don't hear any running water. What's she doing in the bathroom? Maybe she doesn't know how to work a tap? >No, forget that. She'll figure it out, just give her a bit. >... >... >... >Still nothing. "Fuuuuck. Meeee."
>You groan as you get off your recliner and walk agonizingly slowly towards your bathroom door, all the while massaging your temple with your fingers. "You alright in there?"
>You tentatively knock on the door. You hear an 'eep!' behind said door. "Want me to come in there?"
>You were greeted with more silence. Yeah, you'll take that as a yes. Not like you needed permission, anyway. You could do anything you want in here. After all, this IS your house. "I'm coming in."
Miffed !wkboZiaxM6
>>29882950 >You open the door, expecting the worst. Nobody could blame you for your cynicism with this horse. In your past 15 minutes of experience with her, you came to the conclusion that she wasn't quite careful. Like, at all. You wouldn't be surprised if she'd gotten her mane stuck in the ventilation fan or something. >Your eyes adjust to the bright lights in the bathroom, and you turn your attention to the mortified looking horse sitting in the middle of your bathtub with the bathtub faucet in her mouth. Even in your currently jaded state of mind, you had to admit that was cute. She didn't seem to think the same. >"I-I tried to turn it on, b-but it just–" >You force the laughter that was threatening to escape your lips down your throat and affix the faucet to where it belongs. You'd wager that laughing right now was probably not the best idea to calm her nerves. Wordlessly, you lift the horse up from the bathtub, choosing to ignore her obvious discomfort at human contact, and place her on the bathroom floor. >Water starts flowing into the bathtub, and you position a hand in the stream of flowing water to feel for its temperature. Seconds pass, and the horse you've decided to keep out of your mind begins fidgeting behind you, waiting for you to do something. "Wanna tell me that name of yours, yet?"
>She glances up at you for a split second before tearing her eyes back to the water. >"Slaves don't get the privilege of keeping their names, s-sir." >You raise an eyebrow at the forlorn equine behind you. Who the hell came up with that dumb idea? "Well, you can't expect me to call you 'Horse' for the rest of our lives. What did they use to call you before, uh..."
Miffed !wkboZiaxM6
>>29882955 >You catch the crestfallen expression on her face get even sadder, and your voice trails off. Remind her that she's enslaved by the same folks who are currently laying waste to her home because that's an excellent idea, right? You clear your throat. "What were you called back home?"
>"...Ditzy Doo. The other ponies preferred calling me D-Derpy, though." >Ouch. Well, her name certainly explains her uh, clumsy tendencies. But 'Derpy'? Maybe that had to do with her lopsided eyes? You clear your thoughts. Conveniently, the water's gotten to a nice, warm temperature and you can finally leave Ditzy to herself. You didn't care how cute she could be, you had better things to do. >Like going back to wasting away slowly in your recliner in front of your television screen. "Anon."
>"W-what?" "Name's Anon."
>"O-oh." >Aaand introductions were out of the way. Excellent. You gently pick up Ditzy and put her back in the tub, before walking over to where you kept your shampoo and soaps. You carelessly toss a tube of shampoo and a bar of soap at Ditzy, the latter bouncing off her head and into the water that was gradually filling up the tub with a small splash. "Get yourself cleaned up, and come back out whenever you're ready. We've probably got stuff to talk about."
>Ditzy rubbed the spot where the bar of soap hit her, and looked at the bar of soap which had sunk to the bottom of the tub. She brought her eyes back to you. You were halfway out the door when she opened her mouth again. "Y-you trust me to clean myself up in here?"
>You stop. >... "Pass me that sponge over there."
That's all for now, I'm gonna have to continue another time. Thoughts on it so far, though? Any criticism would be great.
Quoted By:
>>29882959 "Y-you trust me to clean myself up in here?"
>You stop. >... "Pass me that sponge over there."
yeah that exchange made it work for me, dude knows what that pone is like already.
nice to an Anon who is a bit more damaged himself
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
Quoted By:
>>29879304 >>29879360 With the help of an Anon, I did some edits to the intro segments (lines 1 - 60).
The reason for that is to blend the intro closer to my writing style that eventually developed over the course of writing "Because I Choose To", so now it reads more coherently. The second reason for that is to include new details that I added in later segments, which were not in the original introduction.
> Do I have to re-read the intro? Has there been major changes? Content/lore wise, there is nothing new. If you have been reading the later segments, there is no new information that will impact what you already know.
"Because I Choose To" - Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>29882959 A bit too morbid for me.
Quoted By:
>>29883743 2fast2furious4me
Quoted By:
>>29882959 Das pretty nice
>>29862863 Wow, you really nailed it right there, Anon. I agree 100%
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
>>29862863 >>29884339 As mentioned in
>>29863007 , I understand if you feel uncomfortable with moral greyness.
> Generally, peeps tend to be (or want to be) 'good', however they define what 'good' actually is and whether said 'good' is genuine or perceived. Yet, for me at least, an imperfect protagonist is one that i can relate to and intrigues me (as I wanna know WHY and HOW he has that set of beliefs), and I try to reflect what I wanna see in Insp Anon as a character. It's just more... fulfilling, in my mind.
Feel free to disagree with me, but I hope you'll like Because I Choose To, regardless.
> This 'dirtiness' you feel is a result of being put out of your comfort zone. ^^ Anonymous
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>>29884492 Exploring these murky moral issues is what SPG is all about! (That, comfie bath scenes, and a bit of bdsm.) Anyone who buys a slave, even the very whitest of knights, supports the institution. The money finds its way back to those who supply the market and make the law one way or another. Landscape Anon saved up and put a large sum right into the pocket of AJs previous cruel master, so he could afford to buy another innocent pony to torment! He is responsible for that ones suffering even as he helps poor broken AJ, there's no getting around it.
Mercuries story has great character and setting, and I like how the plot is gathering momentum. Inspector Anon is sleezy and immature, but he has a better nature as well, the inner conflict is just as interesting as the actual drama.
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>>29882959 Don't worry about people complaining about 'edge' - there's nothing wrong with a little darkness. Hell, if anything it distinguishes it from some ongoing stories.
So far what you've got is a solid start. My real question is, what do you have to continue distinguishing yourself from other "healing a damaged poner" type stories? What does the Derpy (aside from being incredibly adorable) bring to the story? That's what'll keep your story being fresh and interesting.
>>29884492 Nothing wrong with a little moral greyness. I think people are just used to the protagonists here being either straight pure white knights, or very obviously grey protagonists whose malicious actions are clearly laid out.
What distinguishes your Anon is that you write him as a straight white knight, but his actions are much, much more questionable - and so he comes off in an entirely different way. That's not bad, but it's not something people are used to seeing in this thread.
>>29867107 >"it must be nice to have family" God damn shit like this makes me furious. QT mare barely out of being a kid just wants to have a family. She's got a master, slaves she works with, but no family. No one to really be close with. Someone ripped that shit away from her, and nobody ever bothered to even try to become close to her.
Whatever happens we need to give Mocha Cream a real home.
>>29886146 Got a cousin in the foster care biz. She's a great person, and does a great job, but she is a professional. She's part of a faceless unaccountable system that rips children away from their parents who (sometimes, ineffectively) love them.
Mocha seems to be doing better than most of the kids who pass through my cousins hands. She is healthy and fairly sane, doing well at a useful job, and at least able to have friends. Her previous caregivers have done OK by modern human standards.
>and don't worry too much about those human parents the children get taken from, they just make more >and more Anonymous
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>>29886317 Oh, I believe it. To be clear, I meant we should give her a loving, caring, meaningful family and not just shove her into a group and call it a "home".
I'm not sure I share your estimation of how good Mocha is doing. She's coped, for sure, but she's still missing fundamental components of her life. She's permanently timid, nervous, eager to please... broken. Even Anonymous barely seems to have thought of her until very recently, much less cared for her; but when he showed her the first bit of kindness and she immediately latches on to him to in a cute but still slightly creepy way.
Maybe not completely destroyed, but still broken by slavery.
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>>29884492 >>29884339 I like the story alot, Mercury. I just don't like Anon's personality. Keep up the good work.
Handsome Jew !/HJew/rjWo
>>29884492 I'll rephrase is
your green makes me uncomfortable because the anon seems to be genuinely autistic and makes autistic decisions as if it's perfectly normal in his autistic mind rather than acknowledging the greyness surrounding the situation twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
Time for the monthly update! >>29704164 >The mare pulls at the sheet covering her, like she’s trying to hide under it. >”Wh-what kind of job?” >Shit. She’s still scared of you. >”Well…” Moondancer mumbles, “It’s just… I thought…” >And *she* is still spooked by the sunrise. >That’s not helping. >She can barely get a handful of words out and for all her attempts at calming Silver Spoon, the mare looks about ready to bolt. >Both of them. >One might have, already, if she could get out of her cot. “Moondancer, let me.”
>You gently nudge her aside again so you can take her place by the cot, and drop down to one knee once you’ve got the space. >Unsurprisingly, she lets you. >Just as unsurprising is how Silver Spoon flinches away slightly once her eyes focus on you. >Only slightly. She was well trained, you guess. >Dammit. “Look, you used to run your own business, right? Or, the Ponyville branch or whatever. It might have been more complicated, but basically?”
>The mare nods, the gesture shaky and hesitant. “Good. Because I never have.”
>You try to smile for her, but you don’t know if she can see it. >Not just because she’s too scared out of her mind to notice, but because of the way her eyes seem to slide over you, never quite stopping, never quite locking on. >Those pills weren’t the only thing on the table. >Took you months to figure out pony body language, but that’s a matter of interpreting what you’re seeing. That can be complicated. twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>29888112 >The glasses on the table aren’t. They’re a simple fact. “I don’t expect you to do any miracles, or… uh… even know if you’re feeling up to doing anything right now, but…”
>She’s still bedridden, for fuck’s sake. >You shouldn’t have come here. >Not to this room, not to the dorms. Not to the farm. >Should have stayed at your dead-end job and refused to take over for your uncle. Let one of your cousins take over instead. >You’re not cut out for this. >You sigh and reach for the glasses – don’t even have to extend your arm fully in this tiny place – and hold them out to the mare. “Think you’re up for some reading?”
>“R-reading…?” “I need your help.”
>You always need their help. >Apple Bloom, Maud, Moondancer… Lauren… >And now a mare crippled both body and mind. >How pathetic you are. >Slowly, she reaches out with her bandaged forelegs and takes her glasses from your hand. >”Help with wh-what…?” “Running this place.”
SILVER SPOON >Be party to the enslavement of your own kind? >You don’t know how to respond to that. >You never hated Octavia, not like some of the others. >She’s just doing what she must to survive. >You - of all ponies - are in no position to judge her for that. >Di and you… you had been selling your bodies long before Sterling’s. >You understand necessity. >No, you didn’t hate Octavia, but neither had you ever wanted to take her place. >Not then, not now. twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>29888124 >On the surface, it’s no different from managing a business. >You can manage a business. >That’s all he’s asking of you. >It could be worse. >Others have ‘asked’ *far* worse of you. >You balance your glasses on your muzzle. >They don’t sit right. >You have to fiddle with them: pushing them up, nudging one side down, then the other. “I…”
>You’ve fired ponies before. Poor workers, the unmotivated, those simply incapable of meeting the goals set for them. >When all else failed, you let them go without a speck of guilt, knowing that some might not be able to find other jobs. >… that they might lose their homes. >You should be able to do this. >”I need your help, Silver,” the man murmurs softly, sending a shiver down your spine. >He’s not the first to whisper gently to you even as he twists the blade. >It’s usually a precursor of worse to come. >”Apple Bloom’s helped me plenty with the farming side of things.” >You’ve never hated her either, but she’s a stronger pony than you, by far. >So is Octavia. >And Di. >”But she can’t help me with the business side.” “I… I want to…”
>You want to live. “… but I can’t.”
>You aren’t strong enough to lead others to their deaths. >You aren’t strong enough to save anybody. >You aren’t like them. ANON >Be… relieved. >You shouldn’t be, but you are. >As much as you need Silver Spoon, assuming she can do what Moondancer thinks she can do, you don’t want to be here. twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>29888157 >You don’t want to do this. >Things need to change, but when’s the last time any change worked out for the better? >When you got that promotion? >What was that… one year ago? Two? >Yeah. A while back. >Didn’t last, did it? “It’s okay, Silver. I understand.”
>She’s probably as terrified of change as you are. >When’s the last time anything went better for her? >Probably three… four years? >Bad as the camps were, they couldn’t have been any worse than Sterling Stables. >Every change she’s been through has probably been for the worse, going from her home to the camps to the Stables to… *here*. >She doesn’t even have a warm bed to sleep in. >It’s more than you understand her fear, you *share* it. “It’s fine, Silver. You just rest. Take all the time you need.”
>Not like it’ll matter. >She’ll never do any real work anyway. >Silver Spoon will never be able to work the fields, not unless that little filly can work miracles. >You can’t expect that of Hematite. It wouldn’t be fair. >Miracles don’t exist anymore. “I’ll… uh… I’ll be back when you’re feeling better. We can get started then.”
>You hate yourself for it, but you almost hope she never does. >Then you would never have to try to fix things. >You start to stand, but the mare’s eyes are trembling behind her glasses. >She probably thinks she’ll be punished. “Don’t worry.”
>You should reassure her. “It’s fine.”
>It’s the least you can do. twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>29888168 >No, it’s not, but it’s the most you’re willing to do. >”But…” >You *should* do more. “It’s fine. It can wait until you’re better.”
>”… can’t… can’t you find someone else…?” >That tone. >You don’t remember what she said to you at the diner, but that tone? >You *remember* that. >The voice of a mare who knows she’s about to die, barring a miracle. >The voice of a mare who doesn’t believe in miracles. “No.”
>You sigh. “Maybe. I don’t know.”
>You look to Moondancer, but she shakes her head. >You sigh again. “Apparently not. I’ve got plenty of ponies willing to work hard, but… well… they’re mostly 9A. Unskilled.”
>Not exactly true. >With every moment you’ve spent with the ponies, you’ve realized how big a lie that is. >They’re not unskilled, just without the talents and abilities needed by the essential industries. >They’re not stupid, either. >Not all of them, anyway. >They can learn. “Don’t worry about it. I guess… maybe… I could get a book or two on accounting and one of them could –“
>”Accounting?” Silver interrupts, her eyes widening suddenly. “Not… not… *management*?” >The way she says that last word makes it seem like she means something else entirely, something you don’t want to ask about, because it would just mean another thing to feel bad about. >You’ve got enough of that already. “No, not management.”
>You try to say the word as neutrally as possible. “I’ve got Maud and Moondancer –“
>”What? No! I’m not –“ twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>29888179 >You cut off the mare with a shake of your head “- AND Moondancer for that. Apple Bloom, too.”
>Little as you trust her, the ponies still do. You think. Hope. “And most of the ponies here want to work. It’s not a problem of getting them to do anything or telling them what to do, I just don’t have the money to… you know…”
>”Buy more…?” Silver asks hesitantly. >You shake your head. “Even if I wanted to, there’s no more refugees coming over. No, I want to… um…”
>It’s hard to look her in the eyes and say you’re trying to help her. >If you really cared, you would have sooner. >It’s too late for all that. It would feel patronizing to say you want to make things better around here. >You can’t look her in the eyes and say that with a straight face. >So you don’t. >You look everywhere – anywhere – but at her. “This place is a shithole.”
>”It’s… it’s not so bad…” the mare mumbles insincerely. Or maybe her standards are just that low. “It’s warm –“ “It’s freezing in here.”
>”It’s warmer than outside. The roof doesn’t leak. I’m… grateful…” >That tone again. “You deserve better.”
>The words are painful to say. >Embarrassing. >You’re sure if you could see yourself right now, your cheeks would be bright red, because if you *really* believed ponies deserved better, you’d have acted long before. twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>29888190 >Done something more than voting for the Indentured Refugee Act and turned them into slaves – and it had taken 24/7 news coverage of the conditions in the camps to get you to bother going down to the polling station to do *that*. >And her? >Silver Spoon nearly died before you cared enough to… to do more than eat lunch. >You’re not a good man. “I want to build some better housing.”
>You want to stop feeling guilty. “Just have to… you know… find the money for it.”
>You shrug. >What else can you do? >As long as it’s impossible, you don’t have to do anything. “You all don’t deserve this.”
>You don’t believe that. >All you had to do was say no, but you didn’t even do that much. >The only friend you had out here on the farm, and you didn’t even do that little for her. “It’s…”
>”I’ll… I’ll do it.” >You’ve heard that tone before, but not from her. “Nevermind, girl.”
>You should never have asked. >Apple Bloom didn’t have to be raped. >You sigh and push yourself to your feet. “It can wait. Or I’ll find someone else. Or…”
>Or you’ll do nothing. >Go back to pretending the problem is unsolvable. >Try to forget. >You’ll be trying to forget for the rest of your life anyway. >”I’ll do it, sir.” SILVER SPOON >Be strong. >As strong as you can be. >You don’t doubt there’s an ulterior motive behind what the man is saying. twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>29888205 >At the very least, a healthy workforce is a strong workforce. >But if it will help… >You’re not a strong pony, not of body or will, but you can do this. >You can help others, like Hematite helped you. >… like Apple Bloom helped so many. >You’ll never be strong like them, certainly never as strong as Octavia, but you can do this. >”I’ll do it, sir.” >It’s just accounting. >You don’t have to do more than sit up and look over numbers, and only one of those will be hard. >”Are you sure?” he asks, reaching for a briefcase he must have set down at some point. “I brought some papers, but…” “Y… yes.”
>”Are you *really* sure? I won’t –“ “Yes.”
>He frowns. >”You… you can stop at any time, got it?” he murmurs as he pulls the table over to the edge of your bed. “Really. Just say the word.” “I… I will.”
>He hesitates a moment before setting the briefcase on the table and popping it open. >“Just… you know… take a look. Give me some general ideas for now. Whatever I can cut or… whatever. Some quick cash is all I need. Most of the cost can probably be done on credit, but… but… I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about.” >He puts his hand to his forehead and massages his temple. >“I don’t have a fucking clue. I’ll… I’ll just…” ANON “… be waiting outside.”
>You jerk your thumb towards the cobbled together scrap wood that serves as her door. twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>29888217 “Give a holler if you need anything or… whatever.”
>You almost trip over Moondancer in your haste to get out. >This is all feeling too similar. >Doesn’t help that Moondancer follows you out into the hall and slumps against the wall beside you. >Just like Lauren. “Don’t you have things to do?”
>”N… not really…” >You sigh and slide down the wall until you’re sitting at the base, basically like one of those inflatable animals springing a leak. >That’s how you feel, too. “Fine.”
>At least she’s sitting close enough she’s keeping you kind of warm. >Kinda. >You pay her no attention and keep staring at the opposite wall and its peeling paint. >There’s layer upon layer of that shit just caked on. >This building is a lot older than just three years. >It shouldn’t have taken you so long to realize how shitty it is… just… you never cared about the condition the migrant workers lived in. >They didn’t complain. >And it kept the rain off when… well… it was a good enough place to get intimate with a summer fling. >You hadn’t been looking at the buildings. >It hadn’t been a problem, not until you started caring. >You sigh. >You shouldn’t have. >”Is… isn’t this what we planned on…?” Moondancer asks once you’ve broken the silence. “Is something wrong?” “I dunno. *Is* something?”
>”I…” “Because you’re sure acting like something’s fucked to hell.”
>”I’m not talking about me –“ “Well, I am.”
>You risk a glance at the mare. twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>29888228 >Yeah, that’s the expression you were expecting. >Half outrage, half fear, her mouth hanging limply open, whatever words she wants to say caught in her throat. “So –“
>”Because you don’t want to talk about yourself?” >So she managed to say it after all. >You can’t look at her. >Her expression reminds you too much of someone else. “Yes.”
>”Why?” >You shrug. >”Come on,” Moondancer whispers. “There’s nopony else here. Everypony is at breakfast or… or…” >She stands suddenly with a sigh. >”I should go get Silver’s food for her. Twinkleworks would be back by now if she was bringing it.” ”You don’t want to talk about yourself, do you?”
>”No.” >When Moondancer returns, she only has a single bowl balanced on her back. >You both look away at the same time. >A few moments later, the mare is throwing herself onto the floor beside you. “So… how’s it going in there? Silver Spoon making any progress?”
>”She’s… she’s looking happy to be busy,” Moondancer answers dully. “Gets her mind off of things, I guess.” “And you? Not hungry?”
>”No, not really.” “Because of the sun?”
>”Because… because you wouldn’t understand, okay?” “Try me. It’s the sun, right? Look, just because there were clouds…”
>You trail off as Moondancer shakes her head. >”It’s not the clouds,” she sighs. “It’s just… it’s weird. I’ve spent too long here.” “What does that mean?”
>”On this world, the sun always rises. Every day. No matter what.” “So?”
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>29888235 >She snorts, offering you a brief, sad, cynical smile. >”I’ve gotten too used to it. When the princess died-“ >She doesn’t say which princess. She doesn’t have to. >“I was there that day.” >Though she keeps her face neutral, Moondancer’s ears flicker back and forth. >”I was there,” she repeats, voice barely above a whisper. “Not *there* there, but… I’d taken some vacation time to go back to Equestria, to visit with Twilight and watch the… the speech, but… well, Twilight had given me some ideas and there is - *was* - a secondary lab in Canterlot. >”Rudimentary compared to the one back in Nevada, but I wanted to try something out. I got wrapped up in my work and lost track of time. >”Twilight’s ideas were just too good. I was making too much progress. >There’s that smile again, sharp and bitter. >”You know, she probably saved my life. >”The ceremony was already starting before I realized it. I was barely able to get to the break room and turn on the TV. >”When Celestia died… well… I told you about that.” >Her eyes flick over towards you and she grins in embarrassment. “Yeah. They found you in the lab, right?”
>She nods briefly. >”I don’t really remember anything between Celestia falling and then. I’m sure you know better than me what happened after.” >You shake your head. “The cameras cut out almost immediately after the gunshot. Everything just went black.”
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>29888254 >”Yeah…” Moondancer whimpers, “it did. Like the sun itself had been snuffed out. >”We had three solid days of night, or… or so I hear, until Nightmare Moon… well…” >She shrugs. >”Until she was gone, too. And even after that, it just felt… *wrong*. >”The sun rose too quickly and set too abruptly. It didn’t travel the sky in a smooth arc, but moved every hour, on the hour, like it was just going through the motions. >”And some days it rose late.” >Moondancer smiles again, the expression fleeing even faster than before. >”Or so I’ve heard,” she repeats. “I guess Twilight had a lot to deal with at the time. >”I wouldn’t know, because I never saw her again. I came back through the portal on the second day.” “But… weren’t they all basically closed? Not like, *closed* closed, but –“
>”Not to us,” she murmurs. “All of us, all the humans, all of the ponies working on the portals and ancillary projects… There were a lot of us in Canterlot, either at the lab or at the speech. We all thought it was the culmination of all our hard work.” >Moondancer sighs, her head drooping until her nose is scant inches from the floor. >”I guess it was, in a way. The beginning of the end. >”Anyway, all of us were rounded up as soon as someone in charge realized what was happening. >“I’m grateful to them. I wasn’t really all there. A lot of bad things happened during that time, a lot of rioting and… and worse, but the troops stationed there kept us safe. Kept us from making stupid decisions. Anonymous
>>29888254 Get your ass in the Discord already It's active as hell
>single mom works her ass off >almost never sees her very young son >buys slave mare to be nanny and take care of him >comes home from work one night >hears "Good night mommy, I love you" in the other room >either beats slave mare within an inch of her life or contemplates suicide
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>29888277 >”And when they could, they brought us home. Humans *and* ponies. They didn’t treat us any different. That came… later.” >You nod, though she doesn’t notice. >”My group… we came through the portal and it was like… no, it *was* as different as night and day. >”Celestia might be dead in our world, but when I returned here… I… >She drifts off, smiling at the memory. >”I thought she was here. In this world. I stepped through the portal just as the sun cleared the horizon and everything felt *right*. >”Equestria was shrouding in darkness, but here… it was different. There was light. Here we may not see it, but the sun always rises. >”Always. >”No matter what. And always as predictable as… well, as the sunrise. >”It felt like she was with me that day, and every day since, because, well… why else would the sun rise?” >Moondancer pauses, looking vainly towards one of the few windows, though all that’s visible is a grey sheet of clouds. >”It didn’t feel like that today.” >The mare glances over at you, eyes wet and shimmering in the dull. >”So. That’s what’s wrong with me.” >She forces a victorious, yet hollow, smile onto her face. >“How about you?” end for tonight Possibly more tomorrow, but don't expect it. Mid-May is more likely. Anonymous
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>>29888297 Or more likely she'd go to bed and cry herself to sleep, thankful at least someone was there to give her son the love she couldn't be there to give him herself.
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>29888280 >>29888286 >>29888290 >>29888316 Well, I tried, but I guess you didn't want me.
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I'm going to post Glimmer until Jingles does what I told him to do
Tuner !!W9RTnUAAzOJ
>>29888398 What's your name in the chat?
Quoted By:
>>29888398 Someone was impersonating you.
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>29888411 Does it really matter, considering half a dozen other people adopted it?
I was the one with the plushies. Because plushies.
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>>29888398 >>29888438 COME BACK! I LOVE YOU!
RM-Writing !!HRFGHTfjaR2
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>>29888438 On discord, you don't get a unique name.
You get a name with 4 numbers after it.
So people who want to be twats can show up with whatever name you choose.
Quoted By:
>>29888438 Come back, we've purged the impostors.
Tuner !!W9RTnUAAzOJ
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>>29888438 We do want you, but some people just want to ruin nice things.
Handsome Jew !/HJew/rjWo
Quoted By:
>>29888438 get the fuck back here we figured out who was who
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looks like someone hasn't learned his lesson
Tuner !!W9RTnUAAzOJ
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We burning thread or something?
Metsu !TlmUd0gpPc
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>>29888438 Hey, listen I wanna talk to clear things up privately if you will just come back and message me we can clear up what happened.
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>>29888438 I was one of the imposters; was just memeing, sorry.
>>29888304 Still my favorite story here
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>>29888304 >>29888888 Confirmed best history, dont you dare stop
>>29888888 What a fucking waste of digits.
>>29888888 Hexes were wasted on this
>>29888940 >>29888996 There is absolutely nothing wrong with hexes being used to tell a top-tier writefag that their work is wanted.
Quoted By:
>>29888996 >>29888940 Y'all just mad Kek agrees that twiligh/tg/ame night's story is the best
>>29888999 Double Trips confirms hexes not waste
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>>29889031 I confirm hexes not wasted. TLGN is one of our brightest stars.
Mercury !!xznewikzP0a
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>>29887976 I guess my only response to that is to ask you to define 'autistic', as you seem to be using that in a very liberal sense.
Then again, what manner of behaviour isn't "autistic" to some extent?
I.e. A stupid decision that you perceive may be deemed to be a smart one by the actor, and vice versa.
> You judge people way too harshly, as far as I can tell. Relax, man. Anonymous
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>>29889335 >Spot He's really shit at naming his pet.
Jingles !4R8Wmm8FBA
Tuner !!W9RTnUAAzOJ
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>>29889347 Be nice to Swibs!
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>>29888277 I'm so glad you're still around.