>"HI Nonny! I have a message for you from Rarity!" >Pinkie sticks out her chest, puts on a spiteful face and adopts a familiar yet certainly made-up accent >"I've had it up to here with Sweetie Belle spending her evenings at the arcade, playing... "video games". When I said she needed a male role model, well, Anon isn't what I had in mind. He's so carefree. And lazy. And boyish, and reckless. Not to mention he thinks he's SO good with kids. I can make Sweetie laugh." >Pinkie crosses her arms and huffs >"I could make her laugh until she cried. I'm just busy. There's no time in my schedule for telling childish jokes to my sister." >She huffs even louder >"And what is WITH his hair? Frankly, it's embarrassing. Spending time with someone of his... standards... is undoubtedly bad for Sweetie." >... >"Anyway, he's waiting to pick her up at her piano lessons. Be a dear and relay this to him?" >Pinkie spins around and walks five feet before tensing up >"Oh, but take out all those mean things I said. We wouldn't want to hurt his feelings." >Pinkie nods her head and beams in satisfaction with her accurate retelling >Then her eyes bulge ==
This is a series of threads started not long ago. Anon gets close to Sweetie Belle, and Rarity doesn't approve.
Ponybones -M.I.A/K.I.A/Alive, we don't know anymore
mediocrewritefag -M.I.A (currently believed to be held in a Kekistani training camp)
twiligh/tg/ame_night -Alive
Shade of Dusk -Dead (fortunately)
STORIES: -In order of Writer -Love Games -The Man Who Fell For Sweetie Belle -Soarin's Silver Lining -Of Sweetie Bots and Young Love
Previous thread:
>>30304456 Mmmmm
It's got that fresh spoon smell
>>30304492 She needs Soarin to watch her polish it.
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>>30304911 I'm sure she'd prefer Soarin was the one doing the polishing.
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>>30306344 >pet_____ the spoon heavily
Let's not keep her waiting, faggots.
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>>30307111 trips have spoken
>>30307111 I would run till my feet bleed so she doesn't wait.
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30303186 >"Fine," she groans, turning in place to get a good look. "How about - fuck, it's closed." >Ah. >That's right, it's called Dildopolis - and it doesn't open for another hour. >Diamond sighs and starts walking aimlessly down the row of storefronts. >"Closed, closed, ew no, closed, boring -" >Right past the first clothing store, though something in the window catches Silver's eye for a moment. >You make a mental note to come back to it after she's done placating Diamond. >"- boring, stupid -" >Good, you wouldn't have taken them into a cigar shop anyway. >"- closed, empty - ah-hah!" >Diamond spins on her heel and jerks her thumb at the next place. >"Hey, Silver," she smirks, "want to get your nipples pierced?" >"Um..." >"You know, for Soarin?" >"May-" "No."
>You don't even let yourself think about it. >She's too young. >"Boring," Diamond sighs, turning back and continuing meandering down the mall. Anonymous
>>30309104 >He doesn't know Dildopolis's normal operating hours are between 12 and 6 Anonymous
>>30309104 >>30309173 Well if they'd gone to the Canterlot mall, they could've visited the 24hr Dildopolis they just opened
>>30309317 Nah, Rarity would be there with Rainbow. And you know how big their mouths are.
>>30309356 Well Rarity was able to take Soarin into her's, so yeah
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>>30309356 >>30309361 >running into another of soarin's former pursuits T-THIS IS HOW TG/N's GOING TO HURT US ISN'T IT, EVERYTHING HAS BEEN TOO NICE SO FAR
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30309104 >Occasionally she stops to take a closer look at something in a window, but the running commentary never does. >"-stupid, boring, closed, that *almost* looks good, except it's a knockoff, closed -" >You simply shuffle along and try very hard not to think of Silver getting *anything* pierced or about some of your teammates or other people you've known and - >Nope, not thinking about that. >Even if they were - >NOPE. >Maybe later. Like in four years. Or ten. >Somewhere around there. >"You know..." Diamond hums, malicious intent *dripping* off her tongue "... we could go back there and get Soarin a Prince Albert." >"NO." >You're less shocked by her answer than by the simple fact she knows what that is. "Um -"
>"No," Silver repeats, blinking up at you pleadingly. "Please? No?" "Yeah, no."
>She smiles and that alone makes not getting your dick stabbed doubly worth it. "Never. Nope."
>"Fuuuuuuck, you two are *boring*," Diamond huffs. "Fine. Fuck it. Let's go in there." >She jerks her arm out, gesturing to a... a... >You have no idea what to call it, just that there are far too many katanas and trading cards in the window. >"Big Trouble in Little Canterlot?" Silver asks softly, proving she's smarter than you because she'll just call the store by the big, neon sign over the door instead of trying to figure out what kind of store it is, even if it is a *stupid* name. Anonymous
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>>30309709 Awwwww, nerd Silver and Diamond?
Nerd Silver and Diamond.
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>>30309709 >yfw tg/n uses one of your suggestions Anonymous
>>30309709 >or about some of your teammates or other people you've known and - Who was it /tg/n? Inquiring minds want to know
>>30308530 But how would you be able to carry her around properly if your feet are injured?
You can't do so safely if you're hobbling around.
You gotta think first, man.
Just call her up and let her know you're running late.
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>>30310652 Yeah, I see your point, change of plans, a few minuets late, but no bloody feet.
>9 Keep an eye on your loli's, fags All the kids are going crazy with their ebic slide threads now
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>>30309872 Rainbow Dash?
She seems like the kind to show off her new piercings to everyone.
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30309872 Can't be Cloudy - it would have come up by now.
Can't be Spitfire - Ponka would have mentioned it in chapter 11.5.
Dash seems like a possibility, but more likely someone like Vinyl, Sunset, the sirens, or some other character with exhibitionist tendencies who isn't relevant to the story at all.
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>>30315248 Vinyl seems ok.
It's not like a mute can let slip what she's seen and done, anyway twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30309709 >"Yeah." "Nope, how about you try again?"
>But Silver stops and peers through the window. >"Sure," she says. "Why not?" "Because..."
>She doesn't plead, she doesn't beg. >You let her lead you inside anyway. >Diamond follows a half-step behind, like she was caught by surprise that you actually went in. >The shop is so packed with cheap imported shit on tables and display stands that you can only shuffle through the stacks single file. >Along one side of the shop is a register - complete with a oblivious fat nerd playing on his laptop. The rest of that space is taken up by a long glass counter filled with knives and trading cards. >The wall behind is hung with swords - mostly katanas, but a few straight blades too. >The air reeks of incense - thankfully, or it'd probably reek of nerd body odor. >Silver doesn't pause to rethink her choice, but leads you deeper into the store. >There aren't even aisles, just narrow trails that wander past locked glass cases full of plushies of characters from Chinese cartoons. >Who would even want to steal this shit? >Not everything is under lock and key, though. Sadly. >Cloth posters of the same characters fill planters and barrels stuffed here and there. >Carved wooden dragons and penguins stand on a tiered table - alongside overpriced, poorly made plush pandas. >Occasionally Silver stops to examine something or check a price tag, but nothing seems to really interest her. >Good. >You're happy your little Silver has better taste. >Diamond, on the other hand, collects a small hoard of plushies - and she *is* on the other hand. *Your* other hand. >She grabbed hold of it before making it two steps into the store, probably when she saw the neckbeard behind the counter. >She doesn't even release you when her horde of plushies grows too big for her to hold - she pauses, looks at the ones in her hand, and sets one down before grabbing a new friend. >You let her hold on to you because... well, fuck it. You're a nice guy. Anonymous
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>>30315699 >Diamond likes little plushies and hand holding in public Anonymous
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>>30315699 >bitchfilly gets some plushes >spoon gets some lewd chinese comics Anonymous
>>30315248 Could also be Ponka
>>30316762 I could see her having a belly button piercing, but not much past that. Though it really depends on how much of a slut she is.
>>30316781 True, although it was never actually stated where the anonymous friend got pierced
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>>30316794 I suppose, we just need to wait and find out.
>>30315699 The description of this store quite accurately describes a little otaku store in the mall I like to visit. It is so accurately described that I wonder if it is the same store and maybe I've seen /tg/n there and not even know it.
Question: Would the neckbeard commend Soarin for his choice of loli girlfriends, or repremand him for choosing 3D over 2D?
>>30318647 Lucky bastard.
>>30319271 huh....that's a good question. I-I don't know. Both? If he is able to hold a business afloat in a mall then I can only assume he isn't know. So maybe he might compliment his tastes, then recommend trading them in for a game that he recently got in stock.
>>30319271 "Hmm, yeeeessss. I see your a man of fine tastes. I personally stick to 2d for moral reasons, but it's good to see a fellow wear degeneracy so well.
Now off with you chad, and if I hear even a whisper of any foul play towards these fine young ladies, I'll cut you 3 thousand times with my katana before you can blink twice."
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>>30319620 >neckbeard store owner calls soarin a chad and tries to protect m'ladies Anonymous
>>30319271 >>30319282 >>30319620 If only Shade of Dusk were still here, we could ask him what he would do
>>30320360 Kek, you know better than to summon discount Satan.
>>30321087 I wonder if he's still alive, or has he joined his ancestors (his disappointed ancestors)
>>30321167 Maybe he did both
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>>30319620 poor fat man, you will be broken before that blade leaves its sheath....or Diamond kicking you in the dick.
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What the fuck, why is the board moving so fast?
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>>30324453 Back away from 8
>>30327504 They both look evil as fuck. Someone should administer headpats until that's fixed.
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>>30328620 No. Such. Thing.
>>30328048 One step further, I will cuddle them both AND do the head pats.
>>30319620 >"Hey you fat asshole, I'm not his girlfriend!" "Aah, you must be a tsundere, classic loli archetype."
>"The what-" "Here, have some chocolate pocky."
>"...*angry chewing*" "Lolis love chocolate."
>>30329112 This man is a sage.
>>30329112 >>30329834 Yep. That's making it in.
this is what the store owner looks like
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page 8 aint great.
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I miss Sweatie
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30315699 >Not nice enough to stop her from leaving random shit wherever, but that seems to be this place's style anyway. >No harm, no foul. >You just wish Silver was finding things too. >Well, not really because everything here is stupid nerd junk, but she's starting to look disappointed. >You can't have that. "Are you ready to go? We can check out -"
>"No... no..." she mumbles, continuing to pull you onward through the maze of shit. "Just a bit longer." >A bit longer seems like forever. >You're about to lose hope when you suddenly break through to something *almost* like an aisle. >There's about three to four feet of clear space between the random crap behind you and the glass counter. >That shouldn't be there. >You look around and realize that no, it's exactly where it should be. You'd just gotten so twisted around in the labyrinth that you'd lost any sense of where you were. >Silver too, you guess, because she stares at the trading cards in the case with undisguised disinterest, not even with the little flickers of curiosity she showed earlier. >"I thought..." "What?"
>"Nothing," she sighs with a shake of her head. "Nevermind." "Ready to go?"
>She shakes her head again and begins walking along the length of the display, towards the back. >You follow, and Diamond behind you. >Silver barely takes her eyes off of the glass, only occasionally looking up. >Every time, she shakes her head again and continues walking. >This place isn't a very large store - most on this level aren't - but she doesn't even reach the end before giving out a resigned sigh and turning around. >"I must have been wrong," she mumbles impossibly softly as she squeezes past you. "We can go now." Anonymous
>>30335575 maybe she was hoping to find jap fetish clothes?
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>>30335949 I could see that, but maybe she just wants some new cards, but keeps seeing Soarin grimace whenever she walks towards something. Flip side she really is looking for something specific, but keeps getting mistaken. Besides if she really wanted some fetish clothes, all she has too do is get some special order costumes from her go to Coco Pommel, sexy and none sexy variants for roleplay and the like....or just to tempt Soarin into breeding her silly. If all else fails Diamond may just be grabbing cute things to stuff Silver's face in while giving her a hug, or just give her half her pile of new friends.
>>30335575 well there's nothing else up there aside from the porno shops and adult theatre
>>30336294 and expensive clothing
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>>30336591 If there's a Hoity's up there, I'd go.
>>30336294 don't forget the smoke shops and liquor store
Spoony has had enough of this bullshit and it's time for a drink
>>30337023 >TreeHuggers Natural Goodness Emporium and Berry O'Punch's Anonymous
>>30337043 Don't think Soarin and Tree Hugger together would be a good idea
>>30337349 Who else is going to own a smoke shop, famalama ding dong
>>30337364 Hopefully someone who Soarin didn't kick in the lady junk for trying to rape Blossomforth with a pear tree
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>>30337376 Treehugger's mom?
>>30337364 Might be a high end tobacco place, so someone with some class and not a dirty cultist hippy whore.
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>>30336294 And that incense shop Zecora runs that she uses for a front for the illegal poached goods she smuggles in from her homeland.
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sir, please keep your loli's off page 8
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30335575 "Wrong about what?"
>"Nothing. Don't worry about it." >She tries to slide past Diamond, but the other girl blocks her path. >Neither of them let go of your hands, leaving you all tied in an awkward knot. >"Wait," Diamond practically shouts, waving a fistful of plushies in your girlfriend's face. "Wait, Soarin has to buy these for me." >You... should have expected that, but this is the wrong time. "Why?"
>"Why," Silver asks, flatter and more resigned. >"He still owes me!" >She's right, but... >Silver gives the gathered plushies a quick appraisal and awkwardly reaches into her purse with her one free hand. >"He's saving his money to buy something for me," she sighs. "Here." >"But -" "Sorry, Diamond. I'll have to pay you back later."
>The girl looks at the few bills Silver holds out to her with confusion. >So do you. >If Silver was right, and you have no reason to doubt her, Diamond already stole enough from her to cover everything she's holding. >You don't understand why she would give her more. "Sil-"
>Diamond continues to stare silently. >Oh. >Right. >To shut her up. >"My hands are full," she eventually mumbles, glancing away. >"Then let go of Soarin." >She doesn't. >Her fingers tighten the very instant yours relax. Anonymous
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>>30342829 Oh god, LOLI FIGHT!
>>30342829 >"Um, pardon me, some of us are trying to microwave personal pan pizza's and catch up on babylon 5." >"My store is not a socialization hub, excuse you." Anonymous
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>>30342865 Good taste this man.
>come here wanting Anon lewding sweetie to spit Rarity >get a story about Diamond and Silver at the mall
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>>30343911 If you'd been here 9 months ago
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30342829 >"Well? Do you want them or not?" >"Shit, fine," Diamond sneers, snatching the money between the knuckles of two fingers as she turns away. "You don't have to be a bitch about it, you know. He *owes* me money." >"I know," Silver responds to her friend's back. "And he'll pay you back later." "As soon as I can. I promise."
>You don't think you'll ever understand Silver's cavalier attitude towards money, but... it works. >Diamond doesn't say another word and takes up the lead, guiding your little chain down the aisle towards the register. >There's enough space between the counter and the clutter for Silver to walk beside you, but she quietly tails behind, further and further the closer you get to the front of the store. >Yeah... the guy at the counter doesn't look like he should be allowed around children. >Dude's a creep, sitting there staring at his computer, swearing unabashedly, totally oblivious. >You can't really blame Diamond for wanting you to pay, or Silver for falling behind. >And then she's gone. >Her hand slides from yours before you realize she's even stopped. >"Wait." "What?"
>"Wait," Silver repeats, bent over and staring into the glass counter. "This. Soarin, I want this. Buy it for me. Please?" Anonymous
>>30344248 Oh god, what did best girl want, I HAVE TOO KNOW!
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>>30344332 it's either a collar or a hello kitty AK-47.
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30344248 "What is it?"
>You ask, even though you're already backpedaling to see. >It just pops out. >Stupid jock boyfriend sometimes needs things spelled out for him, after all. >Silver glances up and steps to one side, giving you enough room to join her. >Her answer, because she knows you know you're a dumb jock boyfriend. >She keeps her hands clasped behind her back, too polite and proper to casually lean against the case or press her hands against it and drool like a little kid. >Whatever she wants - >Knives. >They're knives. >Under the glass counter is a display of overly (shittily) ornate, poorly made, shitty mall knives - including one just like the knife Treehugger had in the woods. >Or close enough, anyway. >You aren't surprised. >You *knew* she had to have gotten it from some shitty mall shop. >You're also incredibly surprised. "What."
>"This one, right here," Silver says, pulling a hand from behind her back to point at a knife. >*Not* that stoner cunt's knife, thankfully, but still... "Wat."
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>>30345125 Reminds me of a knife I got my dad for fathers day. It was shaped like a rifle, and had a small "scope" on it as a flashlight.
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>>30345125 Soarin, make sure your Loli gets a good knife
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30345125 >"Please?" >Okay. >No. >Clearly you're missing something here. >*Obviously*. >There's no way Silver wants you to buy her a knife, particularly a total piece of shit like... like *anything* in this store. >So she's *obviously* meaning something else and you're just too stupid to understand what. >Perils of being super awesome sports star, right? "What... uh... what are you pointing at?"
>"A knife." "Why?"
>"Because I want it." "Why... why *that* one?"
>"Because you can afford it." >Okay. >Okay. >So she wants a knife. >A shitty knife, with a shitty blade and a shitty curly handle that is probably really uncomfortable and shitty little fake shit gemstones - that are probably shitty glass or even shittier plastic - in the center of a shittily sculpted shit flower on the bottom. >From a shitty shop. >While her shitty friend stares on in confusion. >Wait. >Okay. >You get it now. "Silver..."
>"Hmm?" "You... uh... I thought you said you weren't going to... uh..."
>You try - *subtly* - to gesture towards Diamond with just your eyes. "You aren't, right? Because you said you weren't and -"
>"No," Silver giggles. "No... it's..." >She sighs and straightens, until her eyes are staring up at the ceiling. >Then she sighs again. >"My parents will buy me a hat. They'll let *me* buy hats. They don't *care* if I buy hats, but something like this?" "I'm guessing not...?"
>Maybe they aren't such bad parents after all. >"Of course not," Diamond cuts in. "It's a piece of *shit*. What do you want any of those knives for, Silver? They don't even look cool." >"I know." >Another sigh. >Another smile. >A sad, pleading smile. >"But buy it for me anyway, Soarin? Please?" "I... um..."
>"Just buy it yourself," Diamond snorts. >"I can't. You know they sometimes audit my purchases. They'd find out." >"Well *obviously* you'd use cash. Seriously, how do you not get that? I know you have enough." >"Because... because that would feel dishonest." Anonymous
>>30345338 You know what, fuck it, get her a shitty mall knife, that just makes it easier to surprise our stabby girlfriend with an even better knife for her birthday.
>>30345338 >>30345386 Get that loli a Fairbairn-Sykes, lolis love Fairbairn-Sykes'
>>30345386 >>30345465 what happened to getting your underage gf an old fashioned all american, chinese made butterfly knife?
loli's like butterflies and stuff
>>30345507 Far too flashy for Silver, she needs something discrete that lets her sidle up to her target, smile, then slowly insert the blade into one of their kidneys, giving a little twist as she does so just to ensure that >IT HURTS
>>30346059 >silver is a dexter morgan in training OK OK BAD END, STOP STOP, GO BACK
>>30345386 >>30345465 >>30345507 >>30346059 Not giving her a Scottish dirk in Soarin's length, just so she can keep it around her all the time.
>>30346059 Wrong, she needs big, heavy, killy stick to remind her of him.
>>30345338 >>30346112 Bladed fidget spinner?
>>30346981 Goddamn kids. Back in my day we called those ninja stars and we made them spin using nothing but raw skill and talent!
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>>30347145 Old man, we can spin them with more skill and talent than you ever had, don't even need to throw them either.
>admittedly crazy loli gf wants a knife >already crushed her phone and cut her hand in front of blossomforth UM.. UHH
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>>30348175 Itssssss fiiiiiiiiiiine
>>30349779 >You will never go out with the freshman that you hanged out with before you left for collage only to find out they turned into semen demons thirsty for you. Anonymous
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>>30350350 Except I did - and it wasn't a good idea
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30345338 >"Ugh, *fine*, I'll buy it for you," Diamond groans and drops a plushie on the counter - and then a second, but Silver shakes her head. >"That's still my money." >"But you gave it to me!" >"Fine, then it *was*," Silver sighs. "It still counts, but if Soarin buys it..." >She doesn't flutter her eyelashes at you. >She doesn't beg or threaten or make promises. >She doesn't have to and she knows it. "You're sure you really want this?"
>She nods. "It'll make you happy?"
>She nods again. "If you wait... well... I can get you something better. You know, something not..."
>You find it hard to outright call something that would please Silver as 'shitty', even if it is. >Silver smiles and leans up against you. >"I don't need something better," she murmurs. "It's not as if I'll ever use it." So, fun fact: This shop has been in my plans ever since Treehugger's scene. I don't know what's going to happen with this knife now, but the original plan was for Silver to try to kill herself with it over some minor misunderstanding. She'd survive - she always does - but Soarin would be massively fucked up inside because not only did he drive her to do it (accidentally), he also gave her the means with which to try. Only the three of them would know where the knife came from, so Diamond would end up using it as extra leverage over Soarin and he'd eventually fall under her total control. After all, he clearly wouldn't be able to trust his own judgement anymore - or Silver's. That's not happening now. No clue what will. I do have a feeling that if someone's blood ends up being spilled, it won't be Silver's. Anonymous
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>>30351266 >TFW it's going to end up being Blossom that gets stabbed >TFW it's made to look like Silver did it in a jealous rage >TFW it was actually Tree Hugger tying up loose ends >TFW Blossom will end up utterly broken / dead by the end of this >TFW she'll never get the comfy dicking she deserves twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30351266 "I... uh..."
>She's not crazy. Not really. You *know* she isn't, no matter what she says, and yet you still don't entirely feel comfortable handing her a knife and letting her run free - even one this worthless. >You have no illusions about your ability to deny Silver something that would make her happy. >She knows you're going to buy it for her. >You *know* you're going to buy it for her. >Frankly, that would be the least of your crimes. >Still, you hesitate. "Would you... uh..."
>"Hmm?" she purrs. >You are Diamond Tiara and you roll your eyes so hard your head hurts. >Fucking worthless fucking fuckity fuckers. >Fuck them and their lovey dovey attitude. >Soarin doesn't even notice - or care - when you drop his hand. >Probably doesn't care. >He only cares about Silver. >Fuck it. >You're done. >You're out of here. Anononon
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Prescription for Bitchfillyitus:>3 cuddle sessions daily >Headpats as needed >Whispers of affection applied directly to each ear every half hour >In extreme cases, a deep, hard dicking administered once before breakfast and again after dinner
>>30351266 >Diamond Tiara was Button Mash's last hope for getting Sweetie Belle. >Looks like she's abandoned him for Soarin and Silver Spoon. >'Why does he get two and I get shit?' "I'm gonna fuck up that son of a bitch."
>Button runs full tilt at the trio. >He lunges at them, fists flailing in the air. >Silver turns towards the noise with Soarin's gift still in her hands. >It's a kitschy little knife with an ornate silver handle. >Soarin tries to pull the girls out of the way but it's too late. >He wasn't fast enough and the four of them end up in a heap on the floor. >Diamond's to the left of him. She's dazed but seems ok. >Soarin turns his gaze to the right to find Silver pushing Button off of her. >Button rolls onto his back, clutching his side. A glint of silver shines between his crimson stained fingers. "IT HURTS" he gasps.
>>30351319 Don't go Diamond. Stay. It'll be worth it if you just have some patience.
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>>30352156 >ib4 no Button Mash Yeah, I know. Just taking some creative liberty. Now, on to our regularly scheduled program.
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30351319 >You take your money and your plushies and head to the register on your own. >You are Soarin and you're still not sure about this. >Sure that you're going to, yes, but still not sure. >That doesn't make any sense. >Neither does buying your underage, emotionally unstable (but not crazy) girlfriend a knife, but you're doing that aren't you? >Yes, yes you are. >But not without conditions. "... would you let me keep it at my place... or..."
>Okay, maybe without conditions. >That sounds stupid. >Buy her a thing and then take it away? >Yeah. Stupid. "... or... uh... something."
>"Of course." >Of course - >Wait. "What?"
>"I was hoping I could leave it with you," Silver giggles. "If I took it home, someone would find it. I'm not going to carry a knife around everywhere, so..." "Oh."
>Oh. >This is good. "Then you can have your knife."
>Silver giggles again as you kiss her forehead. Anonymous
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>>30352282 Now remember Silver, the slow blade penetrates the shield
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>>30351319 Diamond, Soarin cares too, and so does Silver, just let them have their moment and you can be cuddled while they leave too.
>>30352282 Hnnnnng
>>30352282 >keeping the murder weapon at her boyfriends Anonymous
>>30353377 That just means she doesn't get a chance of killing someone with it, without Soarin knowing about it. Plus she can make lewd puns like going to go grab Soarin's sword or something.
>>30353408 >he gets framed for Blossomforth's murder instead of Silver perfect
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>>30354518 stopit
tg/n might actually do it Anonymous
>>30354518 >Implying Silver would put her baby daddy away Wow, stop posting at any time.
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>>30354572 >implying Silver is the one doing the framing >implying Diamond doesn't goad Treehugger into killing Blossom so she can have Silver all to herself again >implying Silver's parents would step in to protect Soarin or allow her to >implying she would even want to >implying she didn't give Diamond the idea in the first place >implying this isn't actually Silver's backup plan for if Soarin cheats on her with Blossom Anononon
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>>30356278 If you could only cuddle one, which would you pick?
It's hot as fuck hereare they going to go swimming or to the beach anytime soon
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30352282 *****
>You are Diamond Tiara and you're starting to have second thoughts about this. >He's gross. >All he's doing is sitting at - and swearing at - a computer, but he's still covered in sweat. >Fucking gross. >You're not sure these dolls are worth talking to him. >He's not even paying attention, though, so... you could probably just take them. >It's only like fifteen feet to the door and he wouldn't even - >"Do you need something?" >You nearly jump at the guy's voice. >He's looking right at you. >Gross. >Just him looking at you makes you want to take a shower. >You take a step back and sneer. "Well, *yeah*. Aren't you even paying attention?"
>"Yes." >Doesn't get off his fat ass, though. He just keeps staring at you. "Well!? Don't you see we want to buy something? Isn't it like your *job* to help customers?"
>He shrugs. >He. SHRUGS. >It makes you want to scream. "We want to buy one of those knives! What's your problem!?"
>"Oh," he grunts, like a stupid *pig*. "Show me which one." >You are Soarin and you're starting to wonder where Diamond went when she scampers up to you and grabs your shirt. >"I don't know," she snarls at the lumbering mountain following her. "Ask them." Anonymous
>>30360135 >Store owner notices Soarin >"..What are you even doing in here, Chad, shouldn't you be out 'smashing'." >Then sees Spoon >"Why hello there, miss~ I see you're interested in some of my wares! Mayhaps m'lady would care to see some of the stock I keep in the back?" twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30359898 Probably not. I expect the story to end shortly after the big storm, though I never planned half of what has happened, so it's possible. More likely anything like that will be epilogue material with their south-of-the-border compound and the surviving harem. >>30360163 [fedora tipping noises] Anonymous
>>30360187 How many will die in the storm /tg/n?
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>Page 8 ≠ great
>>30361203 You know that's going to be the end, every character that only appeared in /tg/n's green will end up dying tragically in the storm. We're going to get a series of >IT HURTS posts featuring the final moments of Blossom, Spitfire, Moondancer, Cloudy, possibly even Di and Silver as buildings collapse on them, or they get crushed by an uprooted tree, or drown in a raging torrent, scared and alone.
This is the future we've made
>>30362248 ...Except we changed that.
>>30362350 You cannot prevent the >IT HURTS anon, only postpone it
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30362248 Collapsing buildings and flooding? Bah. We can get more tragic than that.
>Di acts sad.>Silver thinks Di is trying to steal Soarin from her. >Trying to trigger his white knight side. >Says she'll spend the night with her. >Leaves the knife with Soarin. >He thinks everything is okay because of that. >Disappointed because no banging girlfriend tonight, but he's feeling sorry for Di too. >Completely forgets kitchen knives are a thing. >Spoiled is away, probably at a hotel or something fucking two or three dudes. >Filthy is away, with his mistress or working. >Just Silver and Di, all alone in that house. >Silver and Di, and a kitchen full of knives. >She sneaks away while Di is in bathroom, gets one, but loses her courage. >Di's still acting down, even without Soarin around. >She knows she's crazy. >She knows she was overreacting. >Di comes out of bathroom, catches her by surprise. >Hides knife in nightstand drawer. >Will put it back tomorrow. >Falls asleep in Di's arms. >Wakes up to the wind howling. >It's late. >Should have been up hours ago. >Missing school. >Di says something. >Wouldn't it be better to just stay here? >To stay in bed? >Silver realizes Di's not trying to steal Soarin away. >She's trying to steal Silver away from him. >Di confesses her love while molesting Silver. >Says she never should have set things up between her and Soarin. >Never should have given in to her urge to watch her best friend like that. >Should have always kept her to herself. >Silver tries to get away. >Can't. >Di's hold is too tight. >She's pulling on her hair, has her arm around her hips, has her fingers in her - >Silver flails wildly. >Knocks lamp off nightstand. >Alarm clock follows. >Gets her fingers on the drawer's handle. >Pulls out the knife. >She panics. twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30362802 >The storm is too bad.>Paramedics, ambulance, etc, no one can make it through in time. >Silver gets to watch her best friend - her only friend - bleed out. >Her last words are to say she's sorry. >She should have told her sooner. >It had been eating her up all day. >"I love you, Sil..." Anonymous
>>30363712 Silver is going to train Diamond to love Soarin's cock.
>>30366416 >Silver thinks Diamond is trying to steal Soarin >fuck no, but she'll share >[self depreciating ramble about not being able to serve all of Soarin's needs] >has to make sure Diamond is ready, though >cares about her friend >[*only* friend ramble - thinks about other friends she's made recently and realizes she wouldn't share him with them] >doesn't want >IT HURTS to happen to her >[ramble about being greedy and wanting to keep some of the relationship just for herself] >[ramble about Soarin being a nice guy and not ever wanting to hurt people] >[ramble about being the only one who gets to experience >IT HURTS like that and wanting to keep it that way] >twistedcrazygirllogic.bmp >[belated remembering of Cloudy's painal adventure] >twistedcrazygirllogic2.jpg >[it doesn't count ramble] >sends Soarin off on an errand >girls bribe their way into Dildopolis >Silver doesn't find anything she likes >go to sporting goods store on first floor >Silver says baseball bat is much better for Diamond >far more accurate >to start with, at least >they'll gradually work their way up from there >[panicking loli noises] Anonymous
>>30366734 w-what is even happening here anymore
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>>30366748 Confused by lack of suffering?
can't breed the spoon on 8
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9 steps should be taken away from here.
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It's ok, he'll update tomorrow Yeah, tomorrow
>>30371199 I want to go to sweatertown
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>>30373092 I've heard that the locals are very friendly and the puppies never bite.
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30360135 >"Ask - oh," it - he - grunts, waddling up on the other side of the counter. "What are you even doing in here, Chad, shouldn't you be out 'smashing'?" "What...?"
>You can't tell if that frown is for you, perpetual, or simply the creases of his fleshy jowls, but it sure as fuck is there, sure as fuck don't like it, and you sure as fuck like the look he gives Silver even less. >"Why hello there, miss! I see you're interested in some of my wares! Mayhaps m'lady would care to see some of the stock I keep in the back?" >"No, thank you." "No."
>"Fuck no, you walking fuzzturd." >He smirks and leans on the counter. >You're surprised it doesn't collapse under his weight. >"I shouldn't be surprised," he chuckles. "I should have known the girl with you is a deredere -" "A what?"
>" - though I wouldn't put it past her to be a closet yandere." "What."
>Those... don't *sound* like insults. >They don't even sound like real words. >"As for your other girlfriend -" "She's not my -
>"Hey, you fat asshole, I'm not his girlfriend!" >Good thing Silver doesn't have that knife yet. >Good thing she's not trying to stab him anyway. >That would make buying a knife for her far harder to rationalize. >You'd do it anyway, though. You know that. >But it would be harder. >"Ah, you must be a tsundere. Classic loli archetype." >Diamond squints. She sneers. She goes "Whaaaaa...?" >"Here, have some chocolate pocky." >For a fat fuck, dude's got some reach and speed. >He manages to reach across the counter and shove something in Diamond's open mouth before you or she can react. "What the f-"
>Loud, furious chewing cuts you off. twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30373857 >No, really. It's loud enough that it stops you mid-word. >As does the smirk from the dude behind the counter. >"Lolis love chocolate." "I... uh... I heard it was bitches."
>She doesn't seem to mind... so... >You are Diamond Tiara and you hate Soarin. >He just *let* that walking fuzzturd shove random shit in your mouth! >Some hero he is. >Fuck it. Fuck him. >You're going to enjoy it just to piss him off. >You are Soarin and you think this guy is insane. >If he was normal, he'd have a real job at a real company. >Not here, staring at you angrily, muttering something about "how dare you call these fine ladies bitches." "Dude. What."
>"I was *saying*, Chad -" "My name isn't Chad."
>You have no idea why he keeps calling you that. >"Of course not, but you *are* -" >Silver puts her hand on your arm and tugs gently, stopping you in your tracks. >Until then, you hadn't realized you had gotten to the counter. >Almost leaning over it. >Practically in his face. >About to raise your fist. >"Is there someone else here who could help us?" she asks softly. "A manager, or..." >"He's on lunch," fatass grumbles. >"Then could you help us with the knife?" >His jowls twitch, eventually settling in something like a smile. >"Very well, m'lady. I shall *attempt* to restrain my closet white knight tendencies." >He's clearly insane. >You can't really hold him accountable for what he says, can you? >Just like with Blue Streak and his tourettes, you shrug it off. >If he was the dangerous type, he wouldn't be allowed around swords and shit, right? Anonymous
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>>30373896 Good thing he didn't blow a hit from his mouth fedora at Soarin
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>9 what the fuck
>>30373896 do not underestimate the fedora
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>>30374828 >"One adult, please" Anonymous
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>>30373896 >tfw my idea was used Rein in that temper, Cha-Soarin.
>>30376292 >You will never have a cute loli girlfriend whose special talent is making cute lollies >She will never make a sucker with a creamy center that just happens to be a to-scale replica of your penis Anononon
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>>30379353 >you will never have to deal with her annoying lisp Anonymous
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>>30380086 Cute bitchfilly gets headpats....and Silver starts teaching her to deepthroat her boyfriend.
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Goodnight thread, off to work. Don't, die.
>>30384594 >>30383687 >Nice home girl with huge tits becomes Waifus second best influence in her life. Bitchfilly learns not to be a bitch and even invites her into the compound. best end
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>>30385652 Isn't she Trixie's toy in the other story?
>>30384594 Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who likes Silver Spoon and Twist.
It's good to be reminded I'm not.
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>To protect Sweetie Belle, Rarity tries to get Anon attracted to another filly instead
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30373896 "So, can we get the knife?"
>"Which of my fine blades do you desire?" >"This one, please," Silver answers, pointing to the one with the flower, carefully not touching the case itself. >So polite, so considerate. >If you weren't always so in awe of her, you might start to feel bad about your own lack of manners. >"Uh... huh..." the guy grunts as he bends down to see it clearly. "Very well. Let me get it from the... uh..." >No, you were wrong. >He wasn't grunting before. >You didn't know what grunting really was until he kneels down to pull something from below the counter. >Not from the display, but below it. >Probably a cabinet underneath where the extras are stored. >A minute - or maybe two, possibly three - later, he straightens up with a breathless moan and slaps a black box on the counter. >"Kay... we... uh... we have... one..." >Would it be poor manners to tell a dude to start doing some fucking cardio? >Probably, because Silver isn't saying it. >"Shit fatass, do some fucking cardio." >Luckily you have Diamond to say it for you, not that he can hear it over his own wheezing. "So... uh..."
>You gesture towards the register and the dude nods. "Cool."
>This is too embarrassing to stick around and watch. Anonymous
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30387639 >He'll catch up. >Hopefully. >You herd Diamond to the front of the store; Silver comes along obediently, without a word or any of the gentle nudges it takes to get Diamond moving and stay moving. >She can't seem to help but stop and look at every vaguely cute doll on the way. >As you near the register, she sprints ahead and - with a quick look at you - throws the plushies in her hands onto the counter. >Then the money. >Then a red box of candy or something from a stack next to the till. >"Take care of those for me," she barks before disappearing back into the maze of tables and display cases. >Well. >Okay then. "At least she left the money...?"
>"Mhm." >You lean up against the counter and examine her dolls. >Idle curiosity, nothing more. >A panda, something from a Chinese cartoon, a couple... a couple of things you have no clue what the fuck they are. >One looks like a sheep with a really long neck, the other might be a cat...? >"Do you think she ran off to get more?" "I hope not, but... probably? You'd know better than me. Why else?"
>"She can be surprisingly shy at times," Silver explains with a burst of giggling. "That might be it." "Shy?"
>"Mhm." "Seriously?"
>"Mhmmmm." "Are you sure she's not just a bitch?"
>Silver giggles again and reaches out to touch one of Diamond's dolls. The sheep. >"I think that's her way of coping," your girlfriend sighs, stroking her hand along the plushie's neck. "This isn't a bad alpaca, you know." >You did not know. >Not the name or the quality of it or if it's a real animal or not. >Or if Silver likes them, because apparently she does or she wouldn't know what it is. "Did you... um... want me to go get one for you?"
>"No. Thanks, but no," she answers with a faint smile. "The knife is enough." "Even though it won't really be yours, because..."
>"Even so." Anonymous
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>>30387991 ok, one possible murder weapon, assorted lead poisoned plushes, will that complete your purchase today, sir?
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>>30387991 Diamond is being made more an more cute...she is going to get that dick.
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Bump from 9 before going to work. Don't let the thread die.
>>30390739 >You will never get a lewd Silver Ai in your phone Anonymous
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>>30386690 You have good taste.
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>>30391830 I never knew I wanted that until now.
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>>30394001 Their eyeing Soarin's dick
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>You will never sit poolside with Diamond, hand-feeding her strawberry Pocky while listening to her bitch about how much all of the jealous girls at school hate her
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30387991 *****
>You are Diamond Tiara and you wonder if you should. >If Sil can have a knife, you can too. >Or a sword. >No, a knife. Easier to hide from your mom. >But none of *these*, you decide after looking over the display Silver had been crouched over earlier. >Even from this distance, hidden between two piles of junk, you can tell they're shit. >You already knew they were shit, but for some reason you decided to take another look anyway. >Apparently that's good enough for Silver, but you have higher standards. >It doesn't even have to be pretty. >You are Soarin and you tap your wallet on the counter as fatdude finally finishes ringing you up for all of Diamond's crap. >After spending a few more minutes with the guy, you can't really blame her for running off and leaving you to deal with her stuff. >You've tuned out his pointless rambling, but Silver's still nodding along politely. >And then she's reaching into her purse and pulling out - "Oh, sorry, must have zoned out there for a bit. The total is...?"
>"We're not there yet," he answers brusquely. "I'm carding her for the knife." "You're joking."
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>>30395586 Easy, Soarin, you don't want Lenny to call Paul Blart
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30395586 >"Uh... no." >"It's fine, Soarin," Silver murmurs, putting a hand on your arm. "There's no legal restriction on purchasing knives." "Then why -
>"It's fine." "But I'm the one paying for it. What does he need to card *you*?"
>"Because you're obviously buying it for her," he answers. >Between the fleshy creases of his jowls, you think he's trying to smile - and be smug about it. >"It's *fine*," Silver repeats, squeezing your arm before pulling a card from her bag. >It's not fine, not at fucking all, but you'll pretend for now. For her. >Fatass takes a long look at Silver's ID before handing it back. >"Kay," he smirks, "everything seems in order, so..." >He hits a few buttons on the register and taps the screen facing you. >You pay the man. >You'd rather bury him in a shallow grave somewhere, but you'll have to put that on your To Do list. >Fucker doesn't even bag the stuff for you, just drops a plastic bag on the pile and gets back on his computer. >"I'll take care of this," Silver sighs, grabbing the bag and shoveling plushies inside. "Could you find Di?" "Yeah, sure. Hey, Diamond!"
>You wave the sheep doll in the air to catch her attention - wherever she is. "Time to go!"
>She's snatching the bag of plushes from Silver's hands - and the sheep from yours - before you're out the door. >"Where next?" Anonymous
>>30396231 >inb4 fedora dude uses the address from Silver's ID to break into her house at night and rape her Anonymous
>>30396286 Remember how Silver keeps saying her house has lots of stairs?
Unless her bedroom is on the first floor, she's safe.
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>>30397178 Remember in an earlier chapter that her delicious thighs Soarin loves are because she has to walk up and down a lot of stairs to get to her room? Fatass is going to die of a heart attack unless her brings a trailer to carry, even Silver could run him to death.
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>>30398166 I will snuggle the smug out of that pone.
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love the spoonbreed her petite frame
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30396231 "I don't know."
>"In *that* case -" "Hold on."
>Maybe you said that a little too dismissively. Maybe you were too abrupt. >Maybe that doesn't matter right now. >You push those lesser worries out of your mind, even as Diamond begins to make little girl pouting noises, or moments later when she resorts to the same impossibly loud crunching as when fatfuck mcrapist shoved something in her mouth. >So you may have hurt the bitch's feelings. >You'll worry about that later. "Silver..."
>She skips ahead a few steps - out of the shop and into the main walkway - and spins, sending her skirt swirling high. >The long, narrow black box holding her knife is clasped tight to her chest with one hand, just like you've seen her holding books. >A little wider and it would look almost identical, instead of nestling itself between her breasts. >"Hmm? Oh! How about that store!?" Silver calls out, pointing further down the mall. "That place looks fun!" >She grins as she says it, doesn't run off or even look where she's pointing. >Winks. >Oh. >Stupid jock. >She's being polite. Again. And smart. >Putting some distance between you and the shop, because she knows what you're going to say. >She waits patiently for you to catch up, and smiles gently. >Waits for you to say what you're going to say. "You didn't have to show him your ID."
>"I didn't want to cause a fuss," she counters. "He didn't have any good reason to ask for it."
>"I know." "He probably just wanted to find out where you lived. I've seen that before, you know, with some of the girls from the team and... and... even if that's not it, he now knows who you are, so he could tell someone about..."
>She's still smiling, still waiting patiently, without a concern in the world. >You sigh and ruffle her hair... because... because you're at a loss. "Look, we both know you're smarter than me, Silver. Just get to the point so I can stop worrying."
>She giggles. Anonymous
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>>30402695 what store, w-what store looks fun? are we in front of another fredericks?
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30402695 >"It's fake." >Maybe this once - just this once - you're the smart one in this relationship. "Um..."
>And yet there's no smart way to tell your girlfriend that no matter what her ID says, she still looks like she's twelve. >"Not my age," Silver smirks, reading the expression on your face - or just being smart enough to know what you're being stupid about now. "My name and address. They're fake." >She holds it out to you - she's been holding it the whole time, cupped in the palm of her hand, *knowing* you'd be confused by the whole thing. >She's a smart girl. >"See?" she asks as you look it over. "Fake." >Sure enough, that's not a name you know, nor an address you're familiar with. "But... why...?"
>"A trick I learned from Di." >As if on cue, the girl crunches her whatever *louder*. >"No one would believe I was older," Silver continues over the noise, "but If I get in trouble, it won't be *me* getting in trouble." "Oh."
>That... that makes sense. >"Besides, what were you really worried about? That he'd track me down to my house and rape me in my sleep?" "Well... yeah..."
>"Don't worry. My house has *stairs* and you saw how just bending over winded him." "Oh."
>"I'm pretty sure I'm safe." Anonymous
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>>30403663 about that fun shop that looks fun...
>>30403663 I want to know her fake name
>>30403723 It's McLovin, like on Superbad
Remember that?
Jesus, has it seriously been 10 fucking years since that movie came out? Anonymous
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>>30404080 >Remember that? I'd forgotten just how hot the redhead McLovin hooks up with was
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dream sequence where Soarin fucks a pony silver spoon
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Anon is a bad influence on little filly girls. Silver Spoon is lucky to have a nice guy like Soarin around instead.
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30403663 "Oh. Right. Yeah, I didn't think of that."
>Silver giggles again and stretches up on her tiptoes. >"But thank you for worrying." >She can't reach, but you know what she's going for. >You kiss her. Brief and quick and meaningful all the same. "It's my pleasure, Silver."
>"I know." >She steps closer, pressing the side of her head against your collar and sighs happily. >Silver seems content to stay like this forever. >You would be too, if only - >No, you'd probably be content to stay like this no matter what. >You shouldn't, though. >Most of these stores will be open soon. >Silver purrs when you give her a tight hug, whimpers playfully as you then push her away. >She sinks down and her heels hit the tiled floor with a sharp click. >"Anything else you're curious about?" she asks as she puts her ID back into her bag. "Anything I can stop you from worrying about, so you can spend that time on something more... *fun*?" "No, not really."
>Though... "Except, how did you come up with Babs Seed? Just picked something at random or...?"
>"No," Silver chuckles, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. "That was Di's idea." >And that explains the eye roll. >"But what if someone actually checks it? Better to use a real person, and having it be from someone in another city makes it harder to verify." "Makes sense."
>You guess it does. Silver's a smart girl and probably knows what she's talking about. "Who is she?"
>"Just someone," Silver shrugs, looking down the length of the mall. "So, where to now?" >Meh, not really important who Babs is. >You follow Silver's gaze and imitate her shrug. "Didn't actually see something interesting, did you?"
>"I was just getting you out of the shop." "I... thought as much."
>She nods and smiles and tilts her head towards the stores you haven't yet looked over. >"But there's still so much to see..." "Right."
>You take a step. >Pause. >Remember. >Realize you haven't heard crunching in a while. >Whoops. Anonymous
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>>30410238 Oh no, someone snatched up bitchfilly?
Stop, give her back, etc
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>>30410238 Damnit Caramel, stop raping bitchfilly
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>>30410238 We will need to carry bitchfill around at this rate. Maybe even give her headpats when she asks for them.
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30410238 "Hey, Diamond!?"
>Silver's eyes snap open. >"We left her -!" >And then instantly relax. >Diamond is a little behind you, a little to the side. >You barely have to turn your head to see her. >"Oh, there you are," Silver sighs. "I thought maybe you'd gotten bored and -" >"Well *yeah*," Diamond snaps back. "So if you're *finally* done, can we *do* something?" "I'm shocked you waited for us."
>"Yeah. Me too. I don't know what I was thinking." Anonymous
>>30411300 Hug her too, she earned it.
>>30411327 I second that idea. Pull her into a group hug.
>>30411327 >>30411371 This, she'll never see it coming
>>30411428 Silver will hug her too, with Soarin bringing her even closer to the two of them. Maybe even
nuzzle her. Anononon
>>30411327 >>30411371 >>30411428 >Group hug >Kiss the tips of their noses >Head-pats aplenty >They get kicked out of the /mall/ for excessive lewdness Anonymous
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>>30412712 That could be fun.
>>30411300 Hold her hand and keep her close.
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>>30417380 Yeah, it makes me wonder
if nayaa would draw anything from tg/n's story Anonymous
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what the fuck, 10
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30411300 >She looks so... you would say sad, if you had to put a word to it. >Down, maybe. >She must have really wanted you to buy her those dolls, though you can't figure out why that would matter. >You'll have to ask Silver later, when you're alone. >But she looks so sad. >Something's wrong, even though you don't know what it is - and you're sure as shit it's not *your* fault, whatever Diamond might think. "Well..."
>Silver would know - or maybe not. She's playing with her braid, fidgeting nervously and looking around. >Not reassuring or comforting her friend. >That just leaves you. "Where would you like to go now?"
>"Doesn't fucking matter, right?" Diamond snarls, hugging her sheep tight to her chest. "You'll just go wherever you want." "Uh... you wanted to go into this last place, and we went there."
>"Only because you *wanted* to, dumbass." "Why are you always -"
> - such a bitch, you were going to ask, but you already know. >Or at least, have a theory. >Because she's shy, Silver had said. Because she doesn't know any other way. >So. >Fuck it. >You hug her. >You don't know any other way either. >It always comes down to physical action. >Someone's being a cunt, you hit them. >Someone is sad, you give them a hug. >And when someone is both... and you can't hit her... that only leaves you one option, doesn't it? >It doesn't mean anything. >You don't hug her like you hug Silver, or like how you would hug a good friend you haven't seen in a long time. >You hug her like you would a pet, like the bitch she is. Anonymous
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>>30419697 >hugging bitchfilly im watching you tg/n
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30419697 >At least that's how you hope it looks to Silver. >No one is getting stabbed, so that's a good sign. >... >You really shouldn't joke about that, even in your head. >She would never do something like that. >She's a good girl. >You are Diamond Tiara and you should have bought a knife. >If that fat fuck hadn't carded Sil, you might have tried. >You should have anyway. >Even a shit one like those. >She didn't have any trouble getting it. >You should have. >You hate this. >You are Soarin and you think that's been long enough. "So..."
>You let her go and step back quickly. >She still looks sad. >What does it take!? >You give up. "... think you can stop being a cunt now?"
>You didn't step back quick enough, nor far enough, but her punch is nothing. >Even if she did aim for your gut and not something nice. >Fuck. >Ow. >So you'll be a little sore for a bit. At least she's not looking sad anymore. >Just angry. >And Silver laughed. >She's still laughing. >Well. >That worked. >Sort of. >At least you don't feel sorry for Diamond anymore. >That was the real goal, wasn't it? Anonymous
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>>30420412 >they both want murder weapons WHAT THE EFF
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>8 Sir, please keep your carry-on loli's with you at all times
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>>30420412 I guess just wait next to Silver, and hold your hand out to her.
I want to console diamond tiara, provide her the love and attention she needs and give her piggyback rides
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>>30422404 Still smug even on the moon.
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Good, drama-less update. Enjoyed the content very much. Loved the show. You still need to work on character voicing and don't be so rigid in their dialog lest they all start to sound the same. Foreshadowing was good at one part but lacking on the next to last. Perhaps intentional but it wasn't clear. Looking forward to the next.
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>>30420412 Thanks for the updates /tg/n! Hopefully that hug will melt the ice in DT's veins and helps her realize she's got two friends looking out for her now.
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>>30427160 And once again.
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Hey Silver, who's the best flyer you know?
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that was close
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>>30431365 Kinda looks like a silhouette of Silver's bust at the bottom of her hip there.
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Eventually, the head-pats will pay off...
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>>30439441 >rise They'd prefer it if you stayed seated, and let something else do the rising
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30420412 *****
>You are Silver Spoon and you can't believe how pathetic Di is. >It's so bad, you don't even mind Soarin being nice to her. >You *shouldn't* anyway. >Normally you would, though, because you're crazy. >You know this. >He knows this. >He shouldn't have hugged her. >Di was just being so worthless that he couldn't help himself. >So miserable you can't bring yourself to feel slighted. >And for what? >She's like this because he bought *you* something? >That's just sad. >Too sad for words, but not too sad to laugh at. >She's your best friend. >You can spare a hug for her. Anonymous
>>30440239 stop whiteknighting the bitchfilly
love the crazy one
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>>30440268 Nah, it's part of loving the crazy one. He knows Di is important to her and he wants her to be happy.
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>>30440239 >>You are Silver Spoon and you can't believe how pathetic Di is. >>Di was just being so worthless that he couldn't help himself. >>So miserable you can't bring yourself to feel slighted. >>That's just sad. >>Too sad for words, but not too sad to laugh at. I can't wait til silver spoon turns the tables and starts dominating diamond sexually and psychologically
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30440239 >She's your best friend. >Maybe that's why you don't mind, even though you should. >Even though if it where anyone else, anytime else, you know you'd be putting Soarin's gift to use. >But not her, apparently. >She's your best friend. >That must be why you don't mind. >You are Soarin and you're ready to move on. >Many of the shops are raising their shutters and unlocking their doors. >Won't be too much longer before this floor is as crowded as the ones below - or if not that, then at least too crowded for comfort. "So... uh... where to now?"
>"There," Diamond snaps resolutely, pointing back the way you'd come. >Awww, shit. "Nope."
>"But it's open now!" "Nope."
>"But -" "Dildopolis is surprisingly boring."
>"I - wait. What?" "Yeah. Boring."
>Silver raises one eyebrow above the rim of her glasses. >She wants an explanation. >You think. >Maybe. >It's hard to read. >She's still laughing, though quietly. >"You can't just say something like that and drop it, fucker!" Diamond snarls, aiming a... well, a poorly aimed kick at your shin. >Misses by a mile. >She would *never* make the team with a weakass game like that. >"I bet you've never even been inside," she continuesn unfazed. "You just don't want to go there because I do and you're an asshole." Anonymous
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>>30440984 Dildopolis reminds me of a headshop that used to be around here.
You'd walk in and think it was just some send up of a Hot Topic that sold bongs, papers and pipes, and then BAM, a wall of dicks and double enders, etc..
>>30440984 I still want to know what Soarin bought from Dildopolis, and who it was bought for
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no fuck you page 10
>>30441268 I bet it was for Pinkie. You know she's a total buttslut
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sir, please keep your loli's off 9
>>30443548 >she's a total buttslut Nahh, that's Moondancer
yes I am aware that he hasn't fucked her yet or Cloudy
>>30444760 >yes I am aware that he hasn't fucked her yet Plenty of time to do that when we get to the clothing optional comfy compound south of the border.
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>>30445272 Now you're talking my man
>>30444760 Couldn't have been Moondancer. He didn't know her until the bookstore.
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>>30446326 But she still likes big hard objects up her tailpipe, regardless of who shoves them up there
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>>30446895 once more
with feeling
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30440984 >Yep, you definitely don't feel sorry for her anymore. >Not exactly how you intended for it to work out, but at least you don't want to save her from... *whatever* now. "I'm being honest here, Diamond. It's boring."
>But not wanting to save her doesn't mean you don't care. >Silver would be sad if her friend did something *too* stupid. >Like go into Dildopolis. >You just *know* that would not end well. >Like run-for-the-border level not well. >And for what? >It's not even someplace exciting. "Honestly. It's just wall-to-wall dildos. Nothing else."
>You don't know how the place stays in business. >"So?" "It's *just* dildos."
>"Sounds fun," Diamond snaps back. "You know, that thing you *apparently* hate?" "Really?"
>She nods. >You look to Silver - she shrugs. >She has her knife, her best friend, and her boyfriend. >She's happy enough to just let things run their course. >Damn. >You were hoping she would talk Diamond down. >But nope. >You sigh. "Really? Fun?"
>"*Yes* you dumb piece of shit!" "Huh."
>Maybe she really would think it's exciting. >She's young enough, you guess. >And that's why it's a bad idea. >Besides... "All they sell is dildos."
>"*Yes*. *Exactly*." "I've never really seen the point, y'know?"
>>30447556 Damn
JUST dildo's though?
>>30447556 Soarin going to find a dildo bat?
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>>30447556 >>30447718 >TFW the owner has mounted some of them (like hunting trophies) >TFW Silver notices that one bares a remarkable similarity to a certain penis >TFW Soarin just says "goddamn it Cloudy" >TFW Di buys one Anonymous
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>>30448589 >Tee's off on Caramel with a Louisville Mandingo >"Did you see 'The Untouchables'?! I was De Niro, motherfucker!" twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30447556 >"See!?" Diamond screeches. "I knew you've never been inside! Silver, I *knew* he'd never been inside! Make him buy you something from there too!" >Your girlfriend shrugs and smiles coyly. >"I'm not sure I see the point either." >"*Well*, if he doesn't 'see the point' -" >Diamond makes little air quotes with her plush-filled hands. >"- then why would he even go at all? He's *lying* and -" "I've been there, Diamond. Just to buy a gag gift, though, so..."
>Again Silver raises one eyebrow. >It was a gag gift. >The whole point is to make the receiver feel weird. >The receiver. Not you. >YOU REFUSE TO FEEL SHAME. "Giant, floppy horse cock."
>Her eyebrow raises a fraction higher. "For Spitfire. Eighteenth birthday. Whole team chipped in."
>"Oh." >Diamond does something. Probably says something. >You're too busy FEELING NO SHAME to really pay her any attention, though. >That and Silver is looking confused. "It was just a gag gift."
>"I get that," she mumbles. "But... um..." "EVERYONE PITCHED IN."
>"... was it a strap on?" "NO."
>You militantly and adamantly FEEL NO SHAME as you begin marching DIRECTLY AWAY from the shop that IN NO WAY is remotely embarrassing because of silly childhood things and is VERY BORING. >You also do not think about Spitfire wearing such weird things, nor about Moondancer having them put in her, or the other way around. >Nope, not at all. Anonymous
>>30448807 >You also do not think about Spitfire wearing such weird things, nor about Moondancer having them put in her, or the other way around. But I do - now where's a drawfag when you need one?
>>30448911 Lesbians are trash
>>30449333 Even ones that smell a little funky?
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>>30447556 Of course the chad wouldn't see the point
Disregard all else and breed the spoon
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>>30450964 NOT ON 9, THOUGH
Breed the fillies in pyramid formation for optimal filling.
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>>30452331 Is that like stacking them like wine glasses with vags spread open, fucking the top one, and letting the overflow spill down into the others?
>>30449902 She doesn't smell funky, she smells of old books, nerd sweat, and
spagoots Anonymous
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>>30454244 >nerd sweat underboob nerd sweat
there is no sweeter smell
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One of the great things about /tg/n's green is that so far he hasn't managed to write a female character you wouldn't want to fuck
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30448807 >Drinking and dildo shopping. Never again. >"But -" "GEE THAT LOOKS INTERESTING."
>Silver follows - you can tell by the giggling and the sound of her heels hitting the floor. >Presumably Diamond follows as well. >Probably. >It can be assumed. >Far more likely than her magically teleporting ahead of you, which is only a possibility because you really aren't paying attention yet she still manages to be at your side when you run out of mall. >Still angry, too, but quietly. >So... that's good. >Running out of mall is less good, because that means turning around or going in to this last store, whatever it - oh, it's clothing. >Clothing is good. >Hats are better. >You can see hats from here. "See? Hats! Interesting, right?"
>"Yes," Silver giggles. "Interesting." "Let's go buy hats!"
>You don't buy hats. >Silver does, because you're out of money. >Also because the prices here are stupid high, so she would have had to anyway. >But hats are still purchased, so that's what really matters. >A cute, wide brimmed yellow hat, just like you where thinking of before. >For Silver, of course. >She lets Diamond pick out something too. >And you... you kind of zone out. >It's what you do in this kind of situation, what any smart to not so smart guy does when he's in a clothing store with girls. >Just zone out and let nature take its course. >Nod when Silver pops up in front of you with a new item, even if you could swear it was the exact same thing she had just been holding last time. >Be noncommittal when she asks for your opinion. >She knows better than you do what looks good. >It's all just purses and scarves and hats. >Nothing exciting. >But that's for the best. Anonymous
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>>30460460 >hats what kinda snapback does boo want, bruh
>>30461794 >Maximum Cushion For The Pushin Anonymous
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Reminder: mediocre >>> twilightgamer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^99^99^99^99>>>>>>>>>> Ponybones > other writers > shade of dusk.
>>30462338 >petite carry around gf starts growing to curvy carry around gf Anonymous
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30460460 >This isn't like most of the places you've been to today. >There isn't only one employee - and they aren't dicking around. >A well dressed woman approached Silver as soon as you all walked in and has been helping her ever since. >Another showed up soon after to deal with Diamond. >None of them have so much as talked to you. >Not rude exactly - they smiled your way and aren't ignoring you - but they're professionals and know who they're selling to - and that it sure as fuck isn't you. >They haven't given the girls a moment alone. >Whatever fantasies you might have still be entertaining about sneaking off to a fitting room are abandoned after the first few minutes. >This might be the first time you've found yourself disappointed by good customer service - and thankful at the same time. >Silver seems to be having fun. >Diamond too. >And those fantasies should stay fantasies. >You stay out of their way. twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30464990 >It's better this way. >You don't know what the women think you are to the girls, but you don't want them getting the wrong idea. >A faint voice in the back of your head corrects you - the *right* idea. >That voice is wrong, though. >It shouldn't be, but it is. >Silver is enjoying herself. >That's all you really want: for a depressed, lonely girl to be happy. >There shouldn't be anything wrong with that. >And if there is... >Diamond eventually finds a hat she likes. >Also a purse, and a scarf that looks horrible on her, but what do you really know? It's probably the height of fashion. >Silver pays - and to your horror twists her new hat like she's trying to tear it in half. >Oh, it folds up. That's handy. >Practical for something so large. >Diamond's doesn't, but it's smaller. Not so small that it can be stuffed in her new purse, but enough that it fits into a large plastic bag one of the women brings out from somewhere. Anonymous
>>30465719 >big ass foldable hat you sure rarity isn't in this story?
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>>30465871 ...she is, in fact that is a hat design she made. She just isn't relevant in this half of the story.
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>>30466673 Lewd little filly.
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>>30470185 That is a cute pic. I haven't seen that one before. Are there ones for the rest of the CMC?
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>>30470185 She looks like a busty Halfling....I don't know how I feel about that.
Looks like the triple date is continuing to go well. I think the girls had a little too much fun teasing their dates though I'm sure they didn't mind. I'm glad the dinner went well but I'm apprehensive as to what could be coming next. The first song choice was excellent and I'm glad to see those two will be fully embracing their relationship. Nice and slow of course. I'm kind of glad the little dirt bag is going to go "head on" this time. He deserves a good, public smack down. Someone really should call in a tip that he's violating his probation. Good job on content and story progression. I see you tried working on the "voices" and it shows. Let the dialog flow little looser more natural sounding 'off the tongue' if you will. Keep at it; you're almost there. It seems you might've been a little rushed as I noticed missing words in a few spots. Fortunately the work you've put in the content let the context fill in the blanks. My only advise there is to proof-read again after a day or two before publishing. This way your mind is less likely to skip over the spots where you "thought" the word but didn't actually "type" the word.
>>30472009 What the fuck is this?
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Bumping once again
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bump for mediocrewritefag
>>30472009 >>30472728 >>30474572 Holy shit, I think he's "critiquing" Shade's "green"
>>30475023 So....Shade posting Anonymously to himself in horrendously out of contexts descriptive rants to make it look like people give a shit about his story, again? Because he still writes in that same retarded broken English replying to himself too. Why do I have the strangest urge to go grab a shotgun and shoot raccoons now?
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>>30475132 >Why do I have the strangest urge to go grab a shotgun and shoot raccoons now? Because they haven't clawed his eyes out yet
Put page 10 down and back away slowly.
>>30475132 Damn, shade is worst writefag confirmed?
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>>30478509 It was confirmed way back...
such a long, long, time back...
Way back in the days when the thread still had green
and the posts were still gets
and the grammar still clean
and the posts of the anons rang out in space morning, Shade came to this glorious place.
And he first saw the greens!
The >IT HURTS Greens!
The bright coloured posts of the >IT HURTS Greens!
Post after post in the fresh morning breeze.
>>30475023 That's sad and weird.
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>>30481428 Trust me when I say that Shade would make it even sadder.
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>30472009 (You)'re not even worth a (You). Kill yourself.
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30465719 >You're used to the way girls shop, so you're not surprised that they don't leave even after paying. >No, this or that seems to distract one or the other of them every time they start to make their way towards the exit. >It probably takes approximately forever for you to get out of there - and even then you half expect Silver to turn around and head back once Silver starts talking about the other hats she saw on the way out. >You don't know why they don't have all of the hats in one place, and say as much. >Silver, as always, has an answer. >"Because it's... well, not *exactly* a consignment shop..." she responds, "they carry a number of items from local designers and local people who haven't yet made it big, so the store is organized by designer. "Ah, gotcha."
>You don't really. >You understand the words and - on a theoretical level - the reason. >But on a practical level, wouldn't it be easier on customers to put like items together? >Meh, maybe not. You're not their target customer. >The girls are, and they don't seem to mind at all. >In fact, Diamond is so happy, she doesn't throw another tantrum when the next shop she tries to enter turns her away at the door. >Before the door, actually. >She starts to head that way, still chatting with Silver, but veers back when she sees the 'We Card' sticker on the window. Anonymous
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>>30484024 what stores are left up there for them to go to?
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30484024 >That's a pleasant surprise. >Black curtains hang behind the windows, so you can't tell what's sold there, and the name - 'Chryssy's' doesn't give you a clue, but you feel safe assuming it's not appropriate for Silver. >Anyplace that cards and has their windows blacked out like that can't be. >Diamond, on the other hand... >Nah, her too. >Your relief is short lived; just a few stores down, Diamond grabs Silver's hand and steers her towards another shop - with another pair of blacked out windows. >No sticker in the window this time, but the man leaning outside the door shakes his head as she approaches. >"Nope," he chuckles. "Try waiting until you look like you're 18. Or 21. Or at least 16. Keep walking." >She does. >Huh. >You don't think you've ever seen Diamond avoid an opportunity to start bitching and threatening someone. >"Stuck babysitting?" the guy asks casually as you walk past him. "Uh... yeah."
>"Well at least they're having fun." "Yeah."
>They are, and that's what really matters, right? Anonymous
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>>30484156 Hmmm
Where are they going
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>>30484024 Tiny Diamond swerve.
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>You will never be stuffed into a photo booth with all this deliciousness
>>30484156 Thanks for the updates /tg/n!
>Black out windows/curtains Hmm. Besides *ahem* 'adult' stores what else could these places be?
>>30490932 Photography studio?
>>30491069 Ah! Excellent idea! Maybe they'll stumble upon one of those places that do themed photo shoots. You know; where you dress up in olde time clothes 'n such and your photos look like something from a bygone era.
>>30491602 Wife Silver and Diamond kneeling next to the Barbarian King Soarin? Yes please.
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30484156 >Dude nods. >You nod. >Pleasantries done, you keep walking, just a step or two further behind the girls. >You catch up quickly, though. >It's not just your longer stride, but they've taking their time to look over the stores. >Diamond makes snide quips at some, Silver at others. And both towards the other shoppers. >There are more of them now. >The girls keep walking and talking between themselves, almost like they've forgotten you're there, except for Silver's occasional backwards glance. >You smile for her, to show her it's okay. >You leave a bit of space between you and them on purpose, to let them talk and be themselves. >They're having fun. >Besides, it's... informative. >You hadn't known she could be so cruel. >A particularly heartless comment about one woman's dress - and how poorly it fit her - makes you doubt you're even hearing Silver at all. >It sounds more like something Diamond would say. >If their voices weren't so different, you'd be sure it was her instead. >Silver looks back at you again and smiles weakly. >She's just follow Diamond's lead. >Your Silver could never be anything but sweet. >That girl's a bad influence on her. >But... she's having fun. >You can understand that. >Getting drunk with a bunch of your bros isn't exactly a smart thing to do, and yet that doesn't stop you, so... yeah. You can understand. Anonymous
>>30491713 >She's just follow Diamond's lead. She* or following*
>>30491713 >>30491755 following is the only correct substitute, unless you want to sound like a caveman
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>>30491713 there has to be one last neat store up there, man
>>30492053 True, but we did just have a conversation about themed photo shoots.
>>30495326 Good grammar is something this thread should strive for, lest we summon Shade of Dusk by our grammatical follies
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>>30491646 >Diamond >kneeling to anybody Warrior Princess Diamond saves the fair Maiden Silver from the evil Soaring Dragon
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30491713 >Doesn't mean it's good, or bad, just that you're in no position to judge. >The next little detour is Silver's. >A small, vintage bookstore. >She starts that way, but looks at Diamond, then at you. >"You're probably ready to go, aren't you?" >"Don't care," Diamond answers. >No surprise she's not interested. >You shrug. >Could stay. Could go. >You're all shopped out, but she's having fun and that's good enough. >You don't say any of that, though. >Silver's a smart girl; a shrug gets it all across and she nods. >"Another day, then. There's someplace else I want to go, so..." >"Where?" >Silver hesitates. >She's not *quite* sure that other place is better than an old bookstore; you can see her silently debating it in her mind. >"Yeah," she murmurs after a quick moment - not even long enough for Diamond to get pissy. "I - we? - can come back another time...?" "Sure."
>You don't have anything planned most weekends. Just some upcoming games. Maybe some practice. >The parties can wait. >Or include her. >She's a smart girl, she knows all this. >Diamond, on the other hand... >"Where?" Diamond repeats harshly. "What'd you want to see that's more important to you than *books*?" >"Oh, just... um..." "That place you saw earlier? The... um..."
>You can't remember what it was now, just that she stopped to look at it. Another clothing store, maybe? "... the one Diamond didn't like?"
>Silver nods. Anonymous
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>>30497951 A clothing store bitchfilly DIDN'T like?
What do they sell there, traditional inca shaman headdresses?
Is this "picking up underage girls in a mall" general? I remember the original threads, but I have no idea what it's become now.
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30497951 >"Wha...?" Diamond grunts. "Oh, *those* stores." "Yeah, you know, the ones you passed up in favor of that Chinese sword place."
>She sneers and rolls her eyes. >"Fuck you, they had dolls too." >"That's true," Silver agrees with a faint giggle. >"Besides, all the other stores were *stupid* or *boring*. Seriously Sil, why would you want to go to any of *them*?" >"Because -" >Your girlfriend cuts herself short as the bookstore's door swings open. >She quickly steps aside for the woman trying to leave the store - and tries to pull Diamond with her, but the girl has her feet firmly planted. >"Why!?" >"Because - because... could you...?" >Silver's eyes dart towards the woman waiting patiently, her arms wrapped tightly around the bag she has clutched to her chest. >Her rather *large* chest. >Yep, those are some big tits. >If she were less patient - and younger - and had red hair - she'd remind you of Moondancer. >Guess she still does. >"Um..." the woman mumbles softly, "... would you mind...?" "Diamond, stop being a bitch and move out of her way."
>>30498636 >Um,.....would you mind Did they run into banana quiet coming out of dildopolis?
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30499246 Nope.
She came out of the bookstore, her hair is dyed an ethereal green that fades to her natural drab brown towards the ends, and her name is Dusty Bindings because her parents were librarians and really liked books, particularly that old book smell, but in middle school folks started calling her Busty Binding for obvious reasons and she prefers that because it doesn't sound like a boys name.
And yes, she's into bondage. Also books. Girl seriously loves books. Not on Silver's filthy casual level of feeling uncomfortable without a book because they keep her brain occupied, and not on Twi's tryhard level of "OOOOH, BOOKS, I CAN LEARN SHIT!"
No, she just loves books. Really. Doesn't matter what the contents are. The rarer, the better, but she can masturbate to anything if necessary.
She's 18, her blood type is B, her favorite foods are pizza crust and soggy rice crackers, and she plays no further part in this story besides allowing me to use a joke some anons posted about 9 or 10 months ago and show that Di is still, and always will be, a stubborn cunt who doesn't like people telling her what to do.
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>>30500237 Huh....I want to take her home and fuck her into the couch, while we read books together.
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>>30500237 she legit, or just some autism given form for a joke?
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>>30500237 I'm glad I know so much about a character who's only purpose is to highlight diamond's bitch level
>>30500237 >allowing me to use a joke some anons posted about 9 or 10 months ago Can we be spoonfed the joke please?
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>>30502718 I don't think anyone remembers it.
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30498636 *****
>You are Silver Spoon and you can... you *think* you can forgive Soarin for staring. >After all, *you* are staring. >She doesn't seem to mind. >You don't get it. >It would be awkward if someone stared at your breasts, but she seems so... so *confident*. >Maybe it's because she doesn't have anything to feel bad about. >You think you hate her. >You are Soarin and you are staring. >Whoops. "Sorry, um..."
>Diamond snarls as you put your hands on her and push her aside for the lady to get by. "... there... uh... sorry."
>She smiles faintly and bounces - uh, walks - past. >Your eyes follow on their own. >There's a bit of chub on those hips, more than you'd usually like, but... uh... >"Eww," Diamond snarls, breaking the hypnotic spell of that swaying ass. "Her sweater smells like moth balls, old books and nerd sweat." >You hadn't noticed. >"I... I know!" Silver giggles nervously. "Isn't it awesome? I hope I can find one in my size!" >Her friend snorts loudly and rolls her eyes. >"I don't think that comes in an extra-flat." The sweater smelling of books and nerd and Silver thinking it was awesome was the joke. Moondancer is busy burying a body in the woods, so Random Tittymonster #5 had to stand in for her. Anonymous
>>30504333 >spoiler w-what is even happening anymore
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>>30504352 Remember the scene with Pinkie Pie spying on Moondancer and Spitfire?
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boards moving faster than usual because of worse than usual shitposting, please keep your loli gf's off 9
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>>30504333 That loli sees everything.
>>30509232 Rape the spoon.
>>30509265 Have consensual missionary-style sex with the Spoon for the sole purpose of procreation.
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>>30509265 Practically impossible. She would let you do anything to her as long as she could convince herself it meant you loved her.
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Be gentle with the spoon
>>30510913 Then would it be rape if you cucked the spoon first?
>>30512667 No, because she would kill you before you could rape her. Girl is crazy as fuck.
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>>30513650 Yeah, but she's a cuddler.
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30504333 >It's not your place to step between them. >You've been trying not to, to let them do what they want, to let them have fun their way. >She crossed a line, though. >Silver said things like that don't bother her, but you're her boyfriend. >There are responsibilities that come with that. >You still have your hands on Diamond's shoulders from pushing her. You remind her of that. Gently. >Somewhat gently. >Gently, by your standards. >This isn't the soccer field. She didn't foul one of your team. >It shouldn't bruise, she doesn't scream or even yelp. >Or bite your hand. >You kinda thought she might try that. >She falls silent. >That scares you almost as much as Silver's vicious smile. >"Just one more place," your girlfriend says, her voice dripping saccharine-sweet. "Then we can leave." >"I don't want to." >"Too bad. We went where you wanted to. Now it's my turn." Anonymous
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>>30515363 >just one more place twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30515363 >Diamond doesn't like it, but she doesn't have to. >She just needs to stay silent and be patient. >"Fine," she growls, so soft you feel it in your hands, more than actually hear it, "but you better get me more chocolate before we leave." >"Of course." "So where is this place? Back by the escalator, right?"
>"Mhm." >You go to steer Diamond around, but she shakes herself free of your hands with a sneer and a murmur too quiet to actually hear. >It's easy enough to read in her lips, though. >"Don't fucking touch me." "Wouldn't if I don't keep having to, but since you won't move on your own..."
>You shrug. >Silver shrugs. >Diamond looks away and grabs onto your girlfriend's hand. >"Fine, let's go. Make it quick." >"I will," Silver promises with a smile and a hug. "This won't take long." >She leads you back down the mall, past the Chinese store, past the stores Diamond had rejected. Past the piercing and tattoo place. >Ah, there it is - the clothing store Silver had paused to look at. >She stops one door short. >She reaches for the wrong handle. >"Wait," Diamond snaps. "Wait, no." >Yeaaaaah. Wrong place. "Hey, wait, wrong door."
>"It is? No, no it's not...?" "Wait, wasn't that..."
>You point towards the clothing store, just one over. "... you didn't want to go over there? Weren't you looking at something in that window?"
>"No," Silver answers, her hand hovering over the handle as she turns to look at you with a confused expression. "Why would you think that?" "Because... uh... because this is a pipe shop?"
>"Oh." >She steps back, looks at them both, and giggles. >"Well, it's right next door. I can see why you'd think that, but no, I want to go here." >She tilts her head towards the door. >"Soothing Smokes. I made sure to memorize the name in case I had to come back later." >"No, don't," Diamond hisses. "This place is *stupid*." Anonymous
>>30516000 What is going on?
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>>30516124 Silver is taking everyone into the smoke shop.
So is this literally just "twiligh/tg/ame_night" the general?
>>30516142 Pretty much, we haven't had a new writers(that didn't suck on purpose) come by for awhile now. Once tg is finished we will probably pack it up.
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>>30450964 It's hard to believe how one man had fallen so far
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Delicious loli butt bump
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>>30516000 loli gf is going to buy a stogie?
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>>30521451 Does Spoon ride a little mopid called the Spoon?
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>>30516142 oh shit someone found out!
>>30516142 No, occasionally it's "remember how terrible Shade of Dusk was" general, or "come back mediocrewritefag" general, or "let's be honest with ourselves, at the end of the day, we're at least one of the reasons ponybones drank himself to death" general
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>>30516142 I thought we were /bump/ general?
>>30523685 >remember how terrible Shade of Dusk was I swear I remember him having dick riders when he first started writing.
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>>30525174 Then a couple of based anons pointed out just how Chris-Chanesque he was, and we were all saved by their vision
>>As he spreads the documents out before them on the table, a patent application catches Sweetie’s eye. The sketches in the patent packet show a small unicorn with large eyes as the core design for the assistance robot for autistic children with notes for a seal variant as another concept. Strangely the hair to it looks similar to hers but she passes it off as just a convenience. The notes about a magnetic levitation tractor beam modded into the pseudo-horn with the ears as mini antennae are where she begins to lose herself in the tech and lawyer speak. was he based or just autistic?
>>30525818 ...Shade, no one fucking reads your story, stop posting random excerpts of it.
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30516000 >Silver sighs and slips her hand from Diamond's. >"Wait outside if you want, but I'm going to look at some of their humidors." "But... you don't smoke. Right?"
>She doesn't. You're pretty sure she doesn't. "You don't smoke, do you?"
>Probably would have noticed, but you don't really have a fucking clue. >You should know that. >You should have already known a lot of things you've only just learned today. >Silver smiles back at you, all sweetness and patience. >"No, but they're essentially pretty boxes..." >She puts a hand to the outside of her purse. >"... and you've gotten me something I want to put in a pretty box." "Oh, okay. That makes sense."
>It actually does. Kinda. Makes sense enough for you to not object, at least. >"You... you don't mind, do you? It'll be at your place, so..." "No. Nah. That's fine."
>Silver smiles and pushes open the door. >"We won't be long, Di. Wait... wait wherever." >>30516160 Sooner if we merge with something else, folks get bored of bumping, or I give up all hope of MWF returning. Anonymous
>>30531471 Where would we merge? Fingerbang is more of a corpse than we what does that leave us? Do we try remaking the thread as the actual loli thread or something?
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>>30531471 don't leave bitchfilly unattended!
you know she can't resist chocolate, what if fuckin lenny from the katana store is lurking around?
>>30531484 >Fingerbang is more of a corpse than we are While I'm against merging like you are, that right there just isn't true. They have like 5 active writers and a drawfag right now lmao.
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>>30529092 >being this stupid twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30531471 *****
>You are Silver Spoon and you wonder why you're being so dismissive of Di. >Being crazy has lead you to be rather introspective of your own actions; you *know* that you're being mean to her. >You hadn't intended to stop here. >Some of the humidors had caught your eye, but they were pretty. That's all. >You hadn't wanted to buy any, not at the time. >So why, when she's so reluctant? >Asserting your dominance? >Probably. >That would make sense. >A subconscious desire to remind her that Soarin is *yours*, not hers? >Or reminding him? >He *has* been nice to her, at times, but you're okay with that. >You *should* be okay with that. >The other girl? He *was* staring. >Maybe. >Do you need a reason? >You're crazy. >That makes more sense. >You are Soarin and you wonder why Diamond isn't leaping at this. >Honestly you hadn't thought anything was beneath her, yet the door slowly slides shut behind you, and she's still outside. >Not what you had expected. "Huh."
>"Hmm?" "This might be the only vice I haven't seen her show any interest in. Smoking, I mean."
>"Oh. Well, she's always been like that, since... uh... since almost as long as I can remember. Mid-elementary, I guess." >Silver spins in place, taking in the entire store and it's polished elegance. >It doesn't take her long; the store is small, smaller than you expected. Most of the merchandise is behind the counter, and most of *that* is presumably behind a brown velvet curtain. >"She always hated smoking," your girlfriend says softly, coming to a stop facing the wall on your left. >Shelf after shelf of wooden boxes - some barely larger than your hand, to some as big as your head, from pale - nearly white - wood, to a rich purple. >>30531484 Age Difference would have been the best, but last I checked it's dead. Haven't browsed the catalogue in forever, so I don't know what's out there right now. I just write where folks say to write. Anonymous
>>30531628 That's cute, we still finish more threads in a weak then they have in a month, so forgive me for saying bullshit. They have all the writers in the world, doesn't mean shit when they do nothing but fuck around in the Discord and get sucked off by the people in the thread whenever they deign to show their presence. But that's neither here nor there.
>>30531816 Yeah, that was my thought too, but last I heard they merged with the age aint nothing but a number thread in order to buoy up both threads. If we ask they might let us over there. Maybe if we packaged our threads pastebins up(excluding Shade of course) they might have us over there.
>>30531816 How big are humidors?
Can they hold the severed head of someone who got a little close to your man?
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>>30531831 ...shrunken heads might fit, but otherwise no.
>>30531827 ...literally no one who is in the Discord posts on the thread except for the drawfag maybe
Also this thread right now has been around for two weeks longer than theirs so far, so pretty much everything you're saying makes no sense
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>>30531996 >two weeks longer than theirs so far Actually no, it's three weeks. And that general is flooded with content recently it seems.
>>30464004 twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30531816 >Silver was right: they *are* pretty. >Or you think so, at least. >They lack tits or cute little noses or all the curves *you* judge 'pretty' by, but for things that aren't women... you think they're probably pretty. >Silver says so, after all, and she would know better than you. "So -"
>Silver jumps as the curtain twitches aside and a man comes through. >"Sorry, I was in the back," he says cheerfully. "Something I can - oh." >His smokey blue eyes dart back and forth between you and Silver before settling on her. >"I should probably card you..." >Not that he needs to. >"... not that I'd need to," he chuckles, "but..." >He smiles. >"... so long as you don't try to purchase anything you're too young for, we shouldn't have a problem." >He leans on the counter and his shoulder-length hair falls forward, framing his face. >"I'm Soothing Smokes. Let me know if there's anything I can help you with." "I thought that was the name of the shop?"
>"That too," the man chuckles, glancing your way for a brief moment. "It's a good name, isn't it?" Anonymous
>>30532335 Soothing Smokes seems like a nice guy
He's going to try and rape one of them isn't he? Anonymous
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>>30532335 I got a really neat tin for cigarettes that had a built in lighter from a place like soothing smokes before
Too bad it only held shorts
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>>30531816 >She always hated smoking We finally have something in common.
>>30532335 Neat, this could go mildly wrong, or horrifically wrong...I am now worried about bitchfilly.
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>>30532724 Probably Soarin.
>Fate of the thread The Age Difference Thread might have made sense but it died. I think staying put but making this a Loli General would be a good idea. Open it up to more than just SB. /TG/N's story is doing pretty well. Maybe dropping the "IT HURTS" as well. It's time has come and past.
>>30535965 That's true, but I kind of want to keep the >IT HURTS a little bit longer....just until tg finishes his story at least.
>>30534038 She's using the time to visit dildopolis
>>30535965 >Maybe dropping the "IT HURTS" as well. It's time has come and past. Like your mother dropped you as a baby?
>>30535994 That makes sense.
>>30536186 A real bouncing baby, Anon.
>>30536232 >A real bouncing baby Silver couldn't wait when she moved out can she.
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>>30536967 Earlier in the story; maybe.
Now; not so much. She's growing a little despite her thinking she's crazy.
twiligh/tg/ame_night !u9y.Yl1Law
>>30532335 "I guess so."
>You can't think of a better name for a cigar shop. >Then again, you don't smoke, so... >"And you are...?" Soothing Smokes asks, stretching out an arm across the counter. >The front of the shop is small; you don't have to take more than two steps to shake his hand. "Soarin."
>"Ah, I've heard of you. Canterlot's soccer star." >That's not embarrassing at all. >NOPE. >You got used to it a few years back. "Y-yeah."
>Then again, it's been a few years since anyone made a big deal of it. >The man slumps into a relaxed stance, both elbows resting on the counter. >"So, how's this year looking?" "A little rough, but it's not too late to turn things around."
>"Good, good. I think we could use another big win." >He glances away a few times, keeping an eye on his real customer, you guess, but keeps up the small talk. >About the team, past years, stuff like that. >You don't mind. It's been a while since you've gotten to really talk soccer. >Silver wouldn't get any of it. >She's not stupid, but neither are you - not *that* stupid, anyway. >It just wouldn't interest her. >A few minutes pass like that before the conversation falls into a natural lull and Mr. Smokes looks away again. >"So," he says softly, "is that your sister... or ...?" Anonymous
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>>30538544 >So >is that your sister, or... Pardon me, sir, but that is my loli wife, tyvm 2bqh
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>>30539344 >asking for 9 Guess you got your wish.