>>3059403I'm Anon
It's in the contract to never be satisfied.
>>3059406If I could I would have tried to start a discussion about it but okay let's try something.
Okay we all seen the clasic idea of What if the cast failed while defeating NMM. Done in fanfics, discussed by us a lot of times.
And we've all seen the Ponies: Evil edition discussion.
But what if we fliped it a bit.
Instead of ponies meeting the evil versions of themselves they woke up in a different version of their reality.
Not a complete opposite, Celestia is evil NMM was actually good and things like that. No the mane cast is eveil the rest is normal.
They go against Celestia, they help NMM win, this kind of thing.
Now what if the episode was about Twilight failing a spell ( yeah yeah I know overdone to death but it's accessible as fuck) and the next morning they woke up in that Universe.
They need to go home. The episode is about them returning. But of course some of them ( Twilight, RD, PP) want to help this reality, to undo what the evil versions of them did, to make it like their own you know. Meanwhile the rest know that that is risky and need to keep their cover no matter how much they dislike it.
Anyway the others don't give up, blow their cover but at the end they miraculously get home.
Moral: Not everything has a good ending and you must accept that.
Yeah I know it's shit and won't happen. Sue me