>>31625836>>Lack of a long-term character arc>Fluttershy used to have her assertiveness training and now has her friendship with DiscordThat's not a character arc anon, well not towards Flutters anyway. Being more assertive is character development. But as for her arc, she doesn't have one. She already watches over animals and is content to keep doing that. Hell the only animal episode we had in years is her least liked episode because she acts like a bitch, and it does nothing to change the fact that she already had the very same thing the episode was about in the form of her house.
>Pinkie, well, she can get away with anything most of the time.No she doesn't. Much like AJ and Flutters, she has no arcs. She already bakes sweets as a job, and throws parties any chance she gets. And just like Flutters, it took years before they touched her party/bake goods theme once.
They only reason Flutters and Pinkie fair "better" than AJ is because their episode don't focus on them, but instead on other people. These add ons, instead of being the support for ponies they're apart of, become the main focus, and draw screentime and attention away from Flutters/Pinkie. AJ doesn't have (well she does, but that won't happen again) an add on, so the writers are forced to focus on her, but they don't want to.
Lastly, how many Twilight episode are about muh magic and friends? How many of Dash episode are about muh awesome and wonderbolts? How many Rara episode are about muh dresses and stores? I already touched on Pinkie and Flutters having a lack of their theme episodes. But when it comes to AJ, If it isn't a muh family, it's muh apples, or tradition. It makes no sense that she's the most landlocked out of the 6 because the writers are too lazy to come up with something for AJ. Pair her up with someone else, even if it's Rarity, again, don't fucking copy the s1 episode that made the paring popular in the first place. They're doing the same thing with Dash. 1/2