>>31960435Ruined character never to be relevant to the show again in any meaningful way. Just like Applejack. Actually even below that. There has not been a single decent Twilight Episode for a LOOONG time now, and the tirek fight was just fan service even if it was cool. Twilight is constantly in situations where it makes no sense. Just like discord her power is nerfed constantly when it does not make sense.
She fucking lost to a UNICORN. Think about that for a second.
Celestia lost to a Queen, who had been feeding love for power for quite some time. It was at least slightly believable.
It's no wonder hashbro wants to reboot the shit. Even if I hate it the writers have cornered themselves into a complete wall with the lazy ass writing.
I mean 9 years is impressive for a show that promotes toys. But that does not excuse lazy writing. It's just like these assholes on Fimfiction, or rather "FimFi---HIATUSCANCELLED", where the writers slop off or just give up.
This fandom is dead and done. I'll give it until 2022 and then it will stay dead permanently. G5 is not going to do anything as it will not be developed by faust, but instead by amateurs who can't write their way out of a shoebox.
The literally only interesting thing about G5, and I doubt it hard as fuck that they would be able to pull it off to be sastifying, is a "What if" scenario which I do admit I like reading time from time (Well until HIATUS like 99% of the fics on that shitty website that has zero moderation). What if the changelings did not become gay colorful fucks. What if they stayed as they were? Twilight became a villain?
I foresee it becoming horse shit just like the comics have been recently tough.
2021-22 and the ride is officially over. Fandoms can linger for a bit after thing has stopped being produced.
At this point the only thing they could do worse is pull a SatAM and have a villian reveal itself in the background just to piss people off at the end of Season 9.