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!!3gam3heWjui No.33089097 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
825: School Raze, Part 1
Written by Nicole Dubuc!rCYmXAaY!2SJJ3R-7OBtCtkf1XAKJOS9ywavl5J_74dwmYm6EY_k!rCQkVajI!f5lfYImGRfCt2RwO8UOcXAef8zfoFFeDsnOgMbyZ2YQ

826: School Raze, Part 2 -
Written by Josh Haber!LDACiCiL!T_gT3wb2tAnSbTbRBpE0AdqLii-7O_ZDQaUfbTs-KGM!meZwzAoQ!7_GIwOVyK0etWPorYhGiLO__HX9NtQMe05W0T26SUKM

Nightmare Knights #1 is still storytimed here!

A lot's changed since Twilight Sparkle first came to Ponyville, but there's plenty that's still familiar. Pinkie's taken the lessons she's learned to heart to be even Pinkie-er than before, for instance! Perhaps that's where the idiom comes from. Despite where they are now, and how they arrived, how different do most ponies feel from where they were?

Previous thread.