>>34544182> So she has decided to persist?I’m afraid so Auntie.
> Ow! carful Anon, my feet are sensitive from my regalia.Oh sorry.
>So what are we going to do now?Well we can’t leave her alone. Otherwise by the time she calms down it won’t be a kingdom left the rule.
> And it seems as though my dear sister was quite literal when she says I could not leave the tower.Meaning?
> Every time Open my bedroom door it there is quite literally a brick wall in place of a hallway.Really?
>And it appears it only affects me as I’ve seen you and the servants phase through it.Have you tried leaving through the balcony?
>Alas, whenever I expand my wings my body seems to feel 100 times heavier.So she’s thought of everything. I’m guessing teleporting is right out as well?
> Yes.Well at least you could languish in comfort.
> The one silver lining in all of this.I guess it couldn’t hurt to take another crack at mother.
> It has been five years already, has it not?Five years, Three months, four days, 13 hours, and six minutes exactly.
> So what exactly is she doing now?Well I made it offhand comment on how much I love chicken so she’s currently attempting to forcibly Annex Griffin-stone
> Honestly, she couldn’t simply by a few slaves?You know how she is when she gets a thought in her head.
> Well can’t say those hooked nose birds didn’t have it comingAunt Luna!
> I wouldn’t be saying it if it wasn’t true.Attempted Economical sabotage aside. I suppose I should return to mother. Otherwise she’ll start to wonder where I am.
>Very well nephew, return soon.